A Warm thanks for all the NE DISers!


DIS Veteran
Mar 15, 2001
We came home from Boston last night safe and sound. We had a wonderful three days, and Boston was the first city I've ever loved (most, I can tolerate, but I could live in Boston!). I even loved the weather:)

We mostly did a lot of walking, trying to get a feel for the city and see all the beautiful buildings. We did visit the aquarium and the main shopping districts. Blue Man Group was great as always (we've seen it in Vegas). The T was very easy to use, and quite helpful in getting out to the airport.

Food was terrific. We ate at Legal Seafood the first night and the Union Oyster House the second. Both nights we ended up at Finale, a dessert only restaurant at the Park Place Hotel. I highly, highly, highly reccomend this place. It was amazing. You can get things to go as well.

Again, thank you so much for your suggestions and introduction to the city. I cannot wait to go back!

ps. We were able to stay warm. The first 5 minutes in the cold are a killer, but once you get moving, I actually liked having a numb face ;)
I am glad you had a great trip... I am another bay area person who LOVED visiting Boston. To be in the middle of all that historical significance is amazing.

I am glad San Jose was able to welcome your cold noses with 70*weather today!

Glad you had a nice time. We always try to be real nice to visitors. :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :D
Glad you enjoyed our city! We aim to please :D even gave you snow for ambience!
Welcome back, glad you had a wonderful trip.
Oh, Finale , what a great great place. Nothing but desserts, oh it is sooooo good. So glad you found it!!!

Glad you had a nice time. C'mon back in the spring or fall. Then you can still do all the fun stuff without a numb face :)
Although I didn't contribute to the suggestions I'm so glad you had fun. Legal Seafoods and the Union Oyster House are both great. I agree with Debster....come back when the weather is nicer and you'll find even more great things to see and do.
I am glad you had a great time...I hope you return during the Fall, it is the best season here. Hope you come back again and we can meet up :)
Boston is a great city. I've lived here all my life, and absolutely love it here. Although, this daily dusting snow is getting a bit tiring. I hate shoveling.



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