A tip I stumbled across...


<font color=#FF0066>Disney Bride!<br><font color=v
Jan 21, 2000
I called the Disney Club 1-800 number to see what the discount percentages were during the summer. Well, the operator told me that the values and moderates were not discounted, and the only deluxe showing a discount was the Yacht Club, but it was a 20% discount and this is in July. So my tip is to always call the DC number if you're a member and check if there are any discounted hotels, even if there aren't supposed to be any at that time of year. :)
According to the Disney Club guide for 2001, 7/4 - 9/26 is considered Value season for the Deluxes with 20% off rack rate. ~ :) ~
Really--thanks for the heads up! I guess I'm just a little slow! :D

Offsite: 82, 88, 95, 99
All Star Music: 98
Grand Floridian/Board Walk Inn: May 00
Day Trip: Oct 27, 00
Wilderness Lodge: Dec. 16-20, 00
Grand Floridian/Animal Kingdom Lodge: Dec. 16-21, 2001



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