A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

Oh MissCammie - I'm sad that this trip report is coming to an end!!! :eek: :eek: I hope that we get another one from your trip in Aug!!!! :worship: :worship:
:goodvibes I finally got all caught up yesterday !:goodvibes
But, now what am I going to do? I sat down at my computer,
and had no stories to read, with my fave characters "Sally and Teddy":sad2:
I have so enjoyed this trip report, " I want to go to WDW, NOW!"
And, thrive in the magic that can only by found at Disney !:love:
I have sent this Trip Report link to friends because I have found it
so magical and fun !!!
I had even read out loud, to my husband, the part where you are in line
at Epcot with the burpin', pooin', cursin' family ! And, he loved it !:thumbsup2
He definately would have been telling someone off too !!! (He probably would have been usin' his Texan talk !!!)
I have no idea how you can remeber all the things the kids said during your trip, you have an amazing memory.
I can barely remember conversations I had 2 days ago !!!!:laughing:
But, keep them coming. You need to finish so you can start the next pre-trip for August !!!!!:banana:
Hey everyone!!!
Thanks for all the incredibly kind comments. I'm so glad everyone is still reading this ridiculously long report!

I'm just about done with the next installment!!

thanks everyone!! :goodvibes
By the time Jay and the kids returned from Typhoon Lagoon I was feeling MUCH better. I was able to laugh with everyone without it hurting my head as I recounted something I’d heard when I’d arrived at the resort.

On my way inside I passed a woman carrying a boy…who looked to be about six or seven. He seemed awfully big to be carried. His legs were almost touching the ground! Anyhow, he was arguing with his mom about plans they’d made for that afternoon and the mom ended the argument with “Too bad I’m in charge.” The boy responded with “You might make all the plans but DADDY makes the money, so he’s in charge!” The last thing I saw as I walked through the doors was the mom turning to look at her husband and he was saying “I did NOT tell him that!” and the boy saying “Yes you did daddy…remember…”


We had plans ourselves for that evening! We had a 6:30 reservation for Garden Grill. I’d heard good and not so good things about this place. I thought it would be fun to have a final character meal!! I was hankering to see Mickey in overalls!!!

It was around 4-ish, so we had to shake a tail feather!! We fired the kids through the bath in record time. Hair was washed, and the chlorine was smell gone! ( I recommend the Sun and Surf kids shampoo from L’Oreal!! It’s AWESOME!!) Sally had chosen to wear her pink “Rehearsal Dinner” dress from the year before with the matching sandals. It fit her this year! It was a little on the roomy side last summer! Teddy had on his blue madras shorts and a matching t-shirt. We all looked very “summer slightly dressy but still casual”…which IS a category of dress.

It is.

I swear.

We were all polished and pretty for our final evening at Disneyworld. We were going to spend that evening at Epcot. We had yet to see Illuminations and I was pretty sure they’d love it! Not as much as Wishes…of course.

We headed back out into the steamy heat and headed to Epcot. It was a nice night but there were ominous looking clouds.

Fingers crossed!!!

We arrived at Epcot just before five, which was good b/c we had plenty of time to stroll around.

YAY! We love to stroll!!!

Sally took this picture!

And we had yet to visit one very important place that happened to be located inside Epcot!

Yes, that’s right…CLUB COOL!

Jay and I had actually missed Club Cool the year before, so I was really wanting to find it and get my EVIL on!!!

I was the sole possessor of the knowledge of Club Cool…of a certain beverage that was visited upon unsuspecting husbands and step children…going by the name of Beverly!!

Don’t judge. It’s my job to evil as y’all well know at this point.

I steered the kid transporter in the direction the map was telling me to go…and THERE IT WAS!!!


The kids were excited when I told them it was a “soda tasting store”.

*evil laugh*

Mostly they assumed I wanted to go here b/c of all the Diet Coke paraphernalia !

Sally and Teddy don’t drink soda much. They’ve had it at birthday parties and such, but neither one of them was overly impressed. Sally thinks soda is “spicy”…which means she doesn’t like the carbonation feeling in her mouth. Teddy isn’t overly fond of it himself.

But both kids were intrigued with the fact that their step mother seemed to be ENCOURAGING them to drink soda. It was a curious happening and it warranted some attention!

Here it is...the instrument of EVIL!

Jay let them try little sips of this and that. Sally mostly made faces and said “Spicy”. Teddy thought they were all pretty good. We all thought that Costa Rica's coke product was pretty good...a little too sweet, but okay tasting. I'd had the Mezzo Mix when I was in Germany a few years ago and had told the kids about it once. For some reason it thrilled Sally to pieces when she saw the name b/c she recognized it!

Sally gave me the perfect introduction for Beverly when she said "Ohhh, this one is from ITALY!! It's called Beverly!"

Everyone wanted to try the soda from the Motherland!


Oh my goodness the look Sally’s face was priceless!!! She took a sip and then physically recoiled at the taste. The next second she was sticking her tongue out in a grand facial expression of YUCK!!!

Teddy looked thoughtful and said, “ I think this one got burnt MissCammie…”


Jay looked at me suspiciously and said “Did you try this?”

me? ummm...well...


He handed me his cup and said “Try it babe…you’ll love it!”

I figured I might as well try it. Just to say I had.

Everyone is right.

It’s gross.

Bitter and not even remotely pleasant.

I’m so glad to have visited this upon my family.

We bonded over the bitterness of Beverly!

Teddy wanted to know why Ireland and Scotland weren't represented. I told him it was because Coke in Ireland tastes like Coke in America. Same for Scotland...Pepsi is another story. Pepsi in Ireland is NOT like Pepsi in America. I found this out when I was so jetlagged and caffeine deprived I wanted to cry. This was way back when I was a Pepsi drinker. I was unpleasantly surprised at Ireland's version of Pepsi. It tasted AWFUL to me for some reason. I think I actually DID cry. My roommate and fellow traveler brought me a Coke instead...which was tasted blessedly familiar! I was a Coke girl from there on out...until a few years later when I realized that sugar was the devil and switched to Diet Coke. My devotion has never wavered!

anyhow...digressed...as usual.

After our whistles were thoroughly wet, the kids looked around Club Cool for a bit. Sally found a tee shirt that had the Diet Coke logo on the front of it. Sally was thrilled to show it to me!! Jay told me later that she had gone to him privately and said “You should get this Diet Coke shirt for MissCammie for CHRISTMAS! He did. It was from Sally to me!

By the time we left Club Cool, Teddy was BOUNCING around on a sugar high. So we let him run ahead of us as we strolled towards The Land and Garden Grill.

Once we made it to the Land, we had a bit of time, so we decided to see The Circle of Life film.

It was okay-ish. Sally thought it was boring-ish. She said it reminded her of a school movie for science class.

I was a little shocked at the shabbiness of the theater it was shown in. I think it may be time for a update!! We also had to go down to get out, which meant we had to back UP to get to Garden Grill….which was made difficult b/c the escalators were both stopped. But then we were allowed to walk up the unmoving escalators.

We checked in and were given a pager, which went off about two seconds after we got it.

The kids really liked the look of the Garden Grill. We had a booth on the first level right next to the wall, so we could see it all as we spun by.

The food was okay. I wasn’t anything to write home about.

The rolls and salad were good!

Jay said the flank steak was pretty good. I forgot to take a picture of it though!

The turkey was okay.

The catfish cracked me up…it looked like a chicken nugget and tasted like air.


Teddy chose chicken strips and Sally got the mac and cheese…which actually turned out to be edible this time! Sally pointed out that it wasn’t nearly as good as the Mac and Cheese at Chef Mickey’s but MUCH better than the mush and cheese at Coral Reef. Both kids were happy with their cupcakes for dessert. Jay and I thought the berry cobbler thingie was pretty good.

cluttered table in the background...Jay was twitching over it all!

The character interaction was fun. Oddly enough, the boy that kept trying to jump into our family pictures at Chef Mickey’s seemed to have a cousin who was dining right next to us at Garden Grill. His head kept popping up over the partition while we were eating. It was freaking Sally out. She pointed out several times “that boy is STARING at me”.

I told it was b/c she was pretty...and smart.


Sally responded with, “I think it’s b/c that boy is RUDE!”



Here is Sally, ignoring the rude boy by hiding behind her hair and Pal Mickey!

When the characters would stop at our table, the “staring boy” as he had been named by Sally, kept launching himself at the character with full force, jumping into their bodies. This was most bothersome b/c he would do this when we were attempting to get a picture! He nearly knocked down Dale…who finally wagged a finger at him after the fourth time.

Jay had the same response to this child as he’d had at Chef Mickey’s. He put on his serious voice, and said very simply…”Sit down at your table and wait your turn”.

It worked. The boy sat.

Jay has magic in that serious voice.

After that we were able to get some pictures!

We LOVE Pluto!!!

Farmer Mickey

It's Chip!!

Overall, this was a fun place to eat. The food wasn’t fabulous, but the character interaction was great and the spinning was pretty cool. Sally loved being able to see scenes from Living with the Land. The kids love Pluto, and were able to spend a bit of time with him. We all loved seeing Farmer Mickey and Chip and Dale.

I don’t think we’ll be going back, but I’m glad we tried it.

We headed out of the Garden Grill and steered ourselves toward the escalator once more. I had a ridiculous hope that we could ride Soarin one last time…

Yeah…not so much. No more fast passes. Huge long line.

Shut out were we.


Oh well. We tried!

I was starting to get a little bummed.

All the wistful one last looks were getting to me.

We had a quite a while before Illuminations was to start. So we asked the kids what they wanted to do.

They both wanted to look at sea creatures one more time! Actually, both kids wanted to ride the Nemo and friends ride. I supposed it was worth one more try!

This turned out to be a good idea for a couple of reasons, one being that there was no line to speak of, and the second being that it wasn’t too far from The Land. Seconds after we stepped inside the ride queue, the heavens opened up and oh my how it poured. It turned black outside where just moments before it had still been relatively light. Crazy, heavy, thunderous rain was this.


But we weren’t too worried about it as we hopped into our clam shell. Sadly the ride was as boring the second time as it had been the first time. Teddy himself said to me,

“MissCammie…this certainly is a little boring isn’t it?”

Yes indeed Teddy.


Things picked up once we excited the ride though! Aquariums are always fun. I was actually grateful for the rain b/c it stopped my hemming and hawing over what to do next and when. We had no choice but to stay put. Illuminations spot hunting…if there was going to be a show at all, would simply have to wait until the hurricane passed!

Sally and Teddy had a great time running from here to there. They visited the manatees again and all the fish tanks. They played for a long while with Bruce and the other sharks. Of course I had to get the picture of the kids inside Bruce’s mouth. There may have been other children in the picture, but I wasn’t over fussy…I know, shock!

Sally was excited to be a snack for Bruce!

I convinced Jay to pose as a snack too...this picture was especially funny b/c that little pink heiny you see in the lower corner is SALLY! Very ladylike!:rolleyes: :laughing:


Here's one with me and the kids...as I am not above being a shark snack! I'm on the right...or is it left? :confused3 ;)

At one point Sally noticed that there wasn’t the usual crowd waiting around to talk to Crush. So we asked a CM if it was still possible to speak with Crush this evening!

It was!

YAY! I had really wanted to see this particular attraction, but the lines were always so out of control long and the crowd aspect of it freaked me out a teensy bit.

I was once more grateful for the rain! No crowds to speak of and gale force winds would likely keep one from forming!

As we waited by the doors, the kids looked at the Sting rays. They were very lively and animated. One sting ray in particular seemed like he was fixin to jump right out of the tank.


here's the lively one!

Sally didn’t look for very long. She’s not a fan of rays of any kind. Sally and I were and will always be devoted Steve Irwin fans. We were devastated when he died. Sally wrote the sweetest condolence letter to Bindi Irwin. Anyhow…Sally isn’t a big fan. I think they make her feel sad.

Luckily we didn’t have long to brood. It was time to talk with Crush. A large-ish group of people suddenly surged forward. Sally grabbed Teddy’s hand and drew him towards the doors. She wanted a good seat!

I had to take a picture as PROOF that Sally had willingly grabbed her little brother’s hand! It was very sweet!

She's got Pal Mickey in one hand and Teddy in the other!

Once the crowd had gotten inside the parents found their seats and the children were directed to the front. Sally had a moment of reluctance to leave us, but then Teddy grabbed HER hand and marched to the front. Once everyone was settled Crush appeared!

This was a fun attraction. Teddy kept bouncing up and down as he sat. He wanted to talk to Crush something FIERCE.

When his turn came, it was in true Teddy style. The microphone was put down near his mouth. Crush told him to fire away with his question.

Teddy took a huge breath and said,

“How do Turtles burp underwater?”


Sally put her face in her hands. She wanted to disappear. The parents thought it was pretty funny. Jay sat up tall and said “That is MY son!”


Crush answered by saying that he supposed that Turtles burped underwater the way humans burp in the human tank…except with bubbles. :lmao:

Sally was mostly recovered by the time Crush left, but she made it known to one and all that her little brother was SO embarrassing!

Teddy wasn’t the least bit concerned about that. He had been wondering how turtles burped for AGES!


Not too long after that, the rain began to slow to a steady drizzle. We waited around in the entry way for a while until things lightened up some.

We put on our ponchos and headed out into the damp. We had to get to the World Showcase and “spot hunt”!!

As I was getting the kids into their ponchos I noticed that Sally was pert near too big for hers! My goodness these kids were shooting up fast!

The kids hopped into the kid transporter and we began our stroll.

We headed straight to the England area as that is the country in which we prefer to watch Illuminations!

We found a good spot and parked the kid transporter.

Unfortunately the rain picked up again. It wasn’t pouring as hard as it had, but it was raining pretty steadily.


Sally got the most soaked. I felt badly b/c her poncho just didn’t cover her the way that Teddy’s covered him or Jays and mine covered us. Sally pointed out that maybe Disney should make TWEEN sized ponchos!!


I agree kiddo!

Finally the big torches began to fire up. We were very close to one of them, so we all benefited from the warmth of the fire! I was a happy camper!! It was WET!

Smile Jay!!

Here's Sally, braving the elements just so she could have a little more "personal space" as she called it!

Over all the kids enjoyed Illuminations. I think they were a little young to grasp the significance of the globe and such. Teddy never knew where to look b/c there just so many things to see! (I think Illuminations is a little bit busy…I like it…but I find Wishes to be a more superior viewing experience!)

The ending song absolutely hit me in the gut though...mostly the last words...

"To a new day we go on."

it summed it all up for me in that moment. Our trip was drawing to a close and we had to head back into the fray of life. We just had to move forward as best we could through difficult times and hang on to the good stuff as hard as we can.

I know, gag…cheesy…whatever…

but that's me. :confused3

So of course I was all tears by the end of the song. I was sad vacation was over. I was sad about a lot of things.

But I reminded myself that we were STILL at Disney right NOW. I would not let sadness ruin my final night here.

The kids were full of smiles…even Sally, whose dress was SOPPED all along the hem.

If Sally could smile when her dress was wet, then I could smile too!

We made our way toward the bus and shouted goodbye to Epcot as we exited the park. Teddy waved to the Giant Golf Ball! Sally gave a wistful "See you NEXT year!!"

Sally's no dummy. The moment was not lost on her! I gave her a wink and she gave me one back!

Jay's no dummy either...he slapped me with an eyebrow and asked if I had told Sally to say that!

I gave him my best shocked and appalled face.

I had done NO SUCH THING. I didn't have to...

she did it before I could say a word!



As we waited for the bus we met a lovely family. Sally chatted them up like she’d known them for years! Sally was feeling the Disney love. I hoped that feeling of bravery would last her for a long time.

The bus ride was nice and were home and in PJ’s in no time at all. Jay decided he was STARVING…as did the kids. So we ordered some pizza…watched a little Finding Nemo and just chilled out on our last night at Disney. The one thing we all agreed on whole heartedly was that it had been a wonderful trip.

And we still had another visit to Magic Kingdom in the morning!!


Up next:

The Final Visit…the Search for Daisy Duck!!
Oh, no! Not the last night already! (But I DID notice it said part 1, which suggests the night is not over yet! woohoo!)

That dad who told his boy he is in charge is in big-big-big-big-biggest trouble! :eek:

We did lunch at the Garden Grill in December and found the food to be okay, but we loved the part where we spoke to the characters. I was so excited about seeing Mickey I choked (he politely told me he would wait until I finished my mouthful of food). I wish we could borrow Jay for the rude kids we are bound to meet at WL this week (your TR has also made me glad to be going there!).

Thanks for another super update, Miss Cammie! I think you're the best wicked stepmother ever!
Oh! A double post update!

PS I think of you every time I say, "I know--right?" :rotfl:

Sounds like near-perfect last night, not including the rain (the upside of rain before Illuminations is that it is easier to get a good seat!).

Woohoo! On to the Magic Kingdom!
I can't believe it's almost over!
I love Teddy asking how turtles burp. :rotfl: :rotfl:
wow- 2 installments - yahoo! I am actually very interested in hearing all your plans for this year's trip!! It is almost surreal to empathize about the sadness of a trip coming to an end when I know it happened 11 months ago and another is right around thew corner.

At least we won't all have to go thru Sally & Teddy withdrawal for long!!
:thumbsup2 to a two part update. Woo-hoo!

:sad1: - your TR is almost over.

:cool1: to the possibility of a pretrippie/new tr

As soon as you wrote about going to Turtle Talk, I knew Teddy was going to ask a question that would make Sally want to crawl under the carpet. Very creative question Teddy!

So glad Illuminations did not get rained out but it is definitely not as good as wishes (at least in my book).

Bravo to Jay for bossing other people's kids and having them listen. DH is always amazed at my ability to calmly but sternly tell kids (and grown ups) that I don't know what to do and they listen. I often use a Jay and Cammie combo approach of a calm, stern voice and raised eyebrows. It usually works like a charm.

Hope all is well!
:sad2: Sad this TR is almost over...:goodvibes Happy that a new trip is coming up! Can't wait for another trip report from you! Just wonderful!
Makes me want to start planning our next year's trip already. I have a little time yet....I'lll just enjoy hearing your reports...for now.;)

Loving your report still. count me as another that is looking forward to reading your next trip report.

Got to love that Teddy! How do turtles burp! LOL
OK...I haven't read all of your TR yet but I'm loving what I've read so far! I, too, am a Wicked Stepmother and I am with you on the eyebrow arch. It gets my SD in line like nobodys business. :rotfl:

Your DH's ex and my DH's ex sound like they're cut from the same cloth. And Sally and my SD, Alison, could be twins. She is very timid in unfamiliar territory and is a picky eater too. Although she wasn't still eating baby food when she was five. Our biggest battle is fast food. I've been in Alison's life since she was 2. She'll be 11 next month. Her Mom is on hubby #3. :rolleyes: DH and I have been together for 8 years, married for 6. What's that tell ya?

Can't wait to get caught up!
The last thing I saw as I walked through the doors was the mom turning to look at her husband and he was saying “I did NOT tell him that!” and the boy saying “Yes you did daddy…remember…”

Classic. :rotfl:

We were all polished and pretty for our final evening at Disneyworld.

:sad1: That means the end is near!

Teddy looked thoughtful and said, “ I think this one got burnt MissCammie…”

I haven't tried the Beverly in years and years and years. I have no doubt it's still as horrid as everyone attests. But now I feel like I'll have to try it again, just to compare it to Teddy's assessment! LOL

Sally found a tee shirt that had the Diet Coke logo on the front of it. Sally was thrilled to show it to me!! Jay told me later that she had gone to him privately and said “You should get this Diet Coke shirt for MissCammie for CHRISTMAS! He did. It was from Sally to me!

Sweet. As. Pie.

Teddy took a huge breath and said,

“How do Turtles burp underwater?”

Seriously, I wish we could bottle him up and all have a little bit of Teddy for ourselves. Your stories about him always put a smile on my face.

The ending song absolutely hit me in the gut though...mostly the last words...

"To a new day we go on."

it summed it all up for me in that moment. Our trip was drawing to a close and we had to head back into the fray of life. We just had to move forward as best we could through difficult times and hang on to the good stuff as hard as we can.

I know, gag…cheesy…whatever…

but that's me. :confused3

I don't think that's cheesy at all. Even when I don't have a whole lot of "stuff" to go back to or if I'm watching Illuminations on the first night of my trip this makes me tear up. I just think the lyrics are universally poignant.

I got a little choked up with your last day post. It's always a sad day when you know it's your last day at Disney.

Disney has its way of being one of the most hectic vacations that most would be ready to take a vacation from...but as soon as you leave, you begin thinking, when can I return.

I look forward to seeing your posts each time I log on and I hope you continue your writing here...You sure know how to whisk us away to our beloved place.

and of course.....That Sally and Teddy just crack me up :)
I am SOOOO bad about posting on TR...i tend to read and just get into the trip that I forget to post...so I owe you I guess. I have so enjoyed reading your report and all of the very special wisdom your family has to impart...just loving one another and being in the moment. I am so sorry it took difficult times for you all to get here...but thank God you found each other!

Plus...if not for you...I may not have had that eyebrow to slap on the little girl that was messing up my little girl's night at the parade. She sat right in front of her! Eyebrow...she moved! :rotfl: Thanks!:goodvibes


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