8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 7

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We use to get Mr. Softee too Andy! And Good Humor, and the Hood Truck and Bunaglow Bar. One time all four showed up on the block at the same time. It was an Ice Cream Man Show Down :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also, our Mr. Softee guy was deaf. He obviously was good at reading lips to take our orders. But now that I think about it. Legally speaking, are deaf people allowed get driver's licenses?

in nj yes my Dbil is deaf had has menigites as a 2yr old and lost his hearing he will be on this cruise on the last cruise disney had interupters they were AWESOME some times during shows pople would be watching them i hope they are on this cruise too
Ok...it's 1:30am here and have no clue why I'm up. I was up at 6:30 this morning and took my DDs skiing for their first time on skis. I thought they'd last 1-1/2 to 2 hours tops. My theory was holding true when after the 2nd run my 6 YO DD was laying on her back next to the bunny hill moving carpet screaming at the top of her lungs "I CAN'T DO THIS. I CAN'T...I CAN'T...I CAN'T", while the onlookers watched carefully assuming that I must be whipping her with my ski pole to get her to scream like that. I bribed her with a can of Diet Pepsi (yes, Diet Pepsi), and she went back up and we skied nearly a full 8 hours. (on the bunny hill:rolleyes: ). There must be a commercial in there somewhere...I need to copyright this post. :idea:

Good Night!

That is fantastic!!! I bet that the girls had a blast! :cheer2:

in nj yes my Dbil is deaf had has menigites as a 2yr old and lost his hearing he will be on this cruise on the last cruise disney had interupters they were AWESOME some times during shows pople would be watching them i hope they are on this cruise too

They are very good on the cruise, I know some cruisers from Scotland hoping they will be on the Med trips.
Behind the scenes at WDW on the Travel channel. Later.:)
ROFLMAO!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: DD is in the kitchen making her dinner & DH walked in to catch her. He told her that if she makes a mess he is going to pop her butt into next week....and see you when we get there! :lmao:
ROFLMAO!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: DD is in the kitchen making her dinner & DH walked in to catch her. He told her that if she makes a mess he is going to pop her butt into next week....and see you when we get there! :lmao:

It really is scary how much alike we DISers are.

Starting smoking way too young? check
Quit smoking? check
good humor man/Mr. Softee? check
parents knocked me across the room? check
Arrested? check
It really is scary how much alike we DISers are.

Starting smoking way too young? check
Quit smoking? check
good humor man/Mr. Softee? check
parents knocked me across the room? check
Arrested? check

Must be the reason why we are such a chatty bunch who get along so well with each other!:thumbsup2
I have learned over time that the Norm is to have dysfunction in the family. I manage to let go of my anger and get past most of my abuse. It make a long story short when my father told me his father held him by one arm out over the railing in a forest fire watch tower and threatened to drop him when he was just five everything he did to me fell into place. I realized the battle he must have fought aas a child and as an adult began to understand that he did his best.

He has mellowed over time and I can stay with him for about one week before I begin to revert to childhood mode. I understand and support those who have choosen to distance themself from family that are toxic. My father did the same with his family. His parents has since past but he doesn't even know where his sister is.

For me I still struggle to believe I am a worthwhile person. I was told that I was selfish, self-centered, fat and that no one would love me. I was told this so often that I believed it. I developed an eating disorder and refused to wear anything that looked good on me. Even though I was only about 10 to 15 lbs over weight I felt like I was 100lbs over weight. I allowed myself to be used as that was the only way I felt I could have friends. I'm 52 years old and still struggle with body image (now I'm at least 30 lbs overweight). I struggle with standing up for myself cause I sure don't want to make anyone in my life mad so that they willleave me. However that only makes it worse cause them the feeling surface later on and I can't control them. It is a daily process of recovery. One I wish both my parents had been able to reach.

However, through my recovery I see that what my parents did was what they thought would make me do better. They thought they were doing the right thing because they didn't have any better role models. I tried to do better with my kids and I hope they do better with theirs. This is just my story. I'm sure some of you can relate. Thanks for letting me share, Lois


It sounds like you were able to talk to your father & open up to each other about both of your lives. It is good that he was able to acknowledge that he had problems. So many people are afraid to do that because it will make them look bad.
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