4 more sleeps!!!!


DIS Veteran
Jan 27, 2004
:cool1: Just put the last of the kids clothes in the suitcase!
I am getting excited now!!!! And as always just as we attempt to button up our plans we add more people! Our original 8 has now grown to 12!
Dh ultimate Disney hater is coming down for a quick two nights.
DD 17, who absolutely did Not want to do Disney again!!!!!! Announced she wanted to come now as well. So she will come down for half the week, so as not to miss an entire week of school.
And my confirmed OKW lover won't stay anyplace else Aunt and Uncle are coming and staying at the Boardwalk for the first time ever!

I will try to update on the tree pass if I can remember to get to the computer! :cool1:
Have a great trp! We count sleeps too!!
Have a great time! Our Grand Gathering went from 9 to 14 people! Most of our rooms were booked 11 months out, so the standard view points helped for these later ressies. Isn't it wonderful!

Bobbi :flower:
WOW, can`t believe you said that !( 4 more sleeps ). We ALWAYS count the sleeps ( and wake ups ) the week before our trips !! :flower1:
I know it must be very exciting for you now !!, Have a wonderful vacation, and let us know all the details !!

Have a great trip!!!

Allison aka Ms. Sparrow
Six more sleeps for me and DH! I still have to pack everything, though.

Have a safe trip down eveyrone!


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