22 Days at Bonnet Creek -Live Trip Report

I am a bit behind but will have to catch up tomorrow. Just wanted to say we checked into Portifno Bay hotel this morning. We had booked the cheapest room. I paid £197. We have been upgraded to the governors suite. I am literally like a kid at Christmas. I have stayed in a lot of nice hotels but this room is beyond fantastic. I never stayed anywhere like it. I just keep walking up and down. We were planning on going back to the park tonight but it would seem rude to leave this room!! Have taken loads of photos so will remind myself of how to upload them. We have a view of the bay and going to watch the opera singers from our balcony. The room is huge. Bedroom, living room, dining room, office, pantry, walk in wardrobe, and the best bathroom I ever saw. Huge jacuzzi bath, massive walk it shower with so many jets, nook me ages to work it out. Four sofas, 5 TVs, one in the mirror in the bathroom. Just fantastic. Anyway full report tomorrow. Thanks for reading along.
Would have though NBC would give good coverage, they paid the largest TV rights fee in Olympics history at $4.38 billion. Maybe they are broadcasting on channels you can't receive? or their website might cover it. Strange to pay all that but not show everything.
I don't watch usually but saw last 15 mins of golf and mens tennis final. Last night saw some bike racing, a bit boring just going round and round for over 100 laps but we got a silver haha.
That would make sense. Must just have the worst channel. The reporters are terrible though. Totally useless commentary. They are showing it on loads of screens at citiwalknand have set up a viewing stand.
Enjoying your report & looking forward to seeing your room photo's of your upgrade it sounds lovely
Day 9 - Monday 15th August
Had a great day at DC today. Left Wyndham Bonnet Creek at 7.40am. Had wanted to leave earlier but Henry was struggling to get out of bed! Made a quick stop for petrol then short drive and at DC by 8.15. No wait to check in which was great. They noticed David had a birthday on August 2nd so gave him a birthday lanyard and for the rest of the day people wished him happy birthday. We thought it was quite funny as Henrys birthday was on 12th but he didn't get one.
So we headed straight to the Ray pool to secure sun beds with an umbrella which wasn't a problem. Then off to breakfast. I'm not a huge fan of cooked breakfast but the guys loved it, I stuck with fruit and a couple of French toast sticks. Then off to get wet suits, lockers and sun cream and we were all set. It was pretty warm so spent a while with the Rays which were great. Henry had a go pro for first time so look forward to watching the film. Then off to the lazy river, which we all love. I try to swim round rather than float, just to burn off a few calories. We did this a few times then back to the Rays. It's quite a walk but with all the food we would consume I think that's a good idea. We headed off to an early lunch at 12 and we ate light.. I had the fish and vegetables which were good and the guys had burgers. The idea was to come back after 3 and have a little bit more and dessert.
The rest of the afternoon was mainly spent floating round the lazy river. Finally headed back to the beds about 2.30 and for a well deserved nap, when the lightening started and we were asked to move off the beach areas. So headed for a late snack instead. We all had the chicken tenders which were excellent and the key lime pie. By the time we finished the pools were open so went over to see the otters. Had drinks and ice cream in the pool where the seats in the water are. I hadn't realised how nice the ice cream was, so I had two more before the day was out.
More Ray pool and finished the day with two more laps around the lazy river which took us to 5.25pm, so only five minutes before closing. Packed up our stuff and were in the car by 5.50 and back at BC by 6.10. Such a great day. This is day 9 of our 22 night trip. Go home two weeks today so still a lot of fun to be had.
We were all pretty tired so just crashed in the room, did have a quick swim in pool by our building but was asleep by 10.
Day 10 - Tuesday 16th August
Had decided we wouldn't get up early today but we're all awake by 9.30 probably die to going to bed early. So headed off to Aquatica. We knew it would be busy but we're really going for the not so lazy river as we like to call it. We spent about 45 minutes going around it, we love it. It's so funny watching people's reactions, you can tell which people are going in for the first time. Like all water parks here, it was full of English people. So we had a lot of fun then the guys went ton the two slides by the beach, can't remember what they are called. Then walked back to the lazy river and the heavens opened. They still were letting people in and I think it's the first time I have been in there when it rained. It was actually pretty cool. So about three trips round then the dreaded announcement that we had to get out die to weather. Looked up and the sky did look pretty scary. So all got out and I just knew it wasn't going to be reopening any time soon. We'd been there two hours and have 14 day pass so plenty of time to come back. None of us had breakfast so we drove over to Denny's, went there for first time last year and Henry loved it. We all had club sandwiches which were excellent. I had a 20% off coupon so bill was $35. It's not really that cheap but pretty good.
Then made a quick stop at Point Orlando which was pretty disappointing. Never been there before but I am guessing it's far better at night if you go there to eat. Still poring with rain and lots of lightening so headed back to BC. Toyed with the idea of cinema but only film on was Star Trek and that was in fork and dine and none of us hungry. So headed over to Fort Wilderness for old times sake. Stayed there Christmas 2006 when Henry was 6. We have fond memories of the place and it looked exactly the same. Parked and took the bus to the settlement. Luckily just drizzle now so could have a good look round. Went down to the beach, decided we would come back one day and rent the sun tracker boats. Never done that before.
So now nearly 6pm and feeling a bit peckish we headed to Steak n Shake. Had a good meal, 3 burgers, 1 shake, onions rings. With our buy one get one voucher it came to $17. Bargain.
Back to BC and the sun was out and a glorious evening so a bit of swimming and then chilled out in the room. So even though it rained non stop for six hours we made the best of it. At one point the temperature read 72 degrees in our car. Can't remember it being that cool during the day in August before. So to bed early as up at 6 tomorrow for Universal.
Day 11 - Wedensday 17th August
Alarms set for 6 which meant for the first time I didn't sleep well as I was waiting for the alarm to go off! We were out and on the road by 6.40. Took exactly 30 minutes to get to our hotel PBH. Every year we book one night at a universal hotel to get the express passes for two days. David usually comes back to BC but this year decided he wouldn't bother. We don't check out of BC so we are paying for two rooms which is a bit annoying. I think next year we will look to stay at Universal at the beginning of the holiday and check into BC after. Last year we stayed at PBH and loved it so booked again this year via Cheaptickets.com. I got a 20% discount code so think I paid £197 but will have to check that. Still cheaper than buying two days of express passes plus you get the early entry.
So at checkin had a lovely lady called Nicole looking after us and as soon as she looked at my reservation I could tell something was going on, she said we had been given the most amazing upgrade to a Govenors suite. She said we wouldn't want to leave the room. At this point I had no idea what the suite would be like and really wanted to keep it as a surprise for the guys but I gave up within 30 seconds. Was just to excited. So tried not to think about it just incase it was all a terrible mistake and we ended back up in our normal room ( I had booked the cheapest room possible). So went to the ferry but massive queue so decided to walk. Good choice as only one boat passed us and we wouldn't have got on that one. Went straight to IOA and park already open despite it being 7.50am. Were directed to HP but we were really there for Kong. Once at HP there were cast members on the bridge saying that Kong not open to 9 so to come back at 8.45 to queue. So we went on HP single ride, no queue. Henry went on the dragons twice while David and I went on the little roller coaster which is scary enough for me! Perfect timing when Henry got back as they started walking the Kong line to the ride. We basically didn't stop until we were sat in the ride vehicle. They have a really long queue line set up at the ride so it didn't feel like we queued as we were walking the whole time. David and I loved it, Henry said he was expecting more, but he is 16 and a bit of a thrill seeker. I won't spoil it for you. We tried to go on single rider again while Henry went back to the dragon but the ride broke down and Henry didn't have his phone so I was a bit worried we would end up being stuck for ages so we met up again. We got butter beers and then head over to the water rides which we love. We got absolutely soaked but a lot of fun. We were still a bit damp at 12 when we had lunch at Mythos. It was excellent, really tasty. Headed over to US later and stayed at the park until 3.30 going on loads of rides. Love express. Headed back to PBH and our room was ready. The upgrade hadn't been a dream and we went up to our room and the key didn't work!! Two members of staff tried to help and it was so funny as one of the bell boys said "I don't mean to be rude but you sure you have the right room" I knew exactly what he was thinking. Anyway a quick trip to reception sorted out the issue and then we were in the room. Wow. I honestly couldn't stop laughing. I have never seen a room like it. Absolutely huge and seemed to go on forever. Huge dining room, living room, bedroom, office, pantry and a bathroom to die for with a walk in dressing room and walk in shower that you could fit the whole family in. A huge jacuzzi bath. We had five tve's including one in the mirror in the bathroom.
I just spent the next hour walking around it. The guys loved the office and were in there checking emails and texts. A great view of the bay and a balcony so we could have the door open.
David and I went for a swim in the villa pool and ordered drinks. The price made my eyes water but somehow after seeing that room it didn't matter. The afternoon was glorious and had to move to the shade as so hot. We were so lucky we were there today and not the previous day. We stayed about an hour and went back to get ready for dinner. Listened to the opera singers at 8.30 then had dinner at the beach pool which was excellent for the second year running. The guys rented the Warcraft movie which was terrible so didn't get to bed till way after 12. All in all a great day. I literally hadn't stopped smiling since I saw the room. A definite highlight of our trip.
Day 12 - Thursday 18th August
We had decided that we wouldn't get up for early entry last night. It seemed rude to leave this room earlier than we had to. Plus we were exhausted and the only ride you really needed early entry for was Kong. So I was wide awake at 7. I let the guys sleep and I pottered around my huge suite then went for a swim in the villa pool. It opens at 6.30 and it was so lovely that time of the morning. A few people doing lengths and I was surprised how many people already there just laying on the beds. Stayed about an hour and went back and made David and I coffee asked Henry again if he was sure he didn't want to go to park early but he said he wanted to sleep. So David and I went back to villa pool and stayed till 10.15. It was just so nice. I love the pools at BC but now I am going to compare them to here. Last year it was raining when we went to the pool and we were told to get out so never really experienced it.
Back in he room we all tried the shower again ( not at the same time!) it really is the best shower I have been in. We stayed in the room till the last possible minute and had to be out at 11. I held the doors open for David who was taking the luggage, just as another family walked by and the look on their faces was a picture. The dad actually stopped to look in the room. I honestly wanted to ask him if he wanted to come in and look around but I knew Henry and David would be mortified if I did so I just smiled.
So left the bags in the car and I got the boat to US while Henry and David went to Starbucks. There's nothing in Starbucks that could tempt me enough to make me miss the boat, I couldn't face walking again. I knew I had a long day ahead. The guys actually got to US about ten minutes after me, it really isn't that long a walk. So the park was definitely less busy that the day before. I was surprised how busy it was yesterday and wondered if it was due to the bad weather the day before. So again we went on loads of rides, Henry went on rip ride three times. That's the only one there I won't go on. We popped into the American Express lounge to stock up on free water and snacks and to get out of the heat. Then made our way round the park getting ice creams at HP on the way.
Had a really fun day but we're done by 5pm. I kind of felt we should be using our express passes for longer but at same time have learnt from experience that when you have had enough to then it's time to go.
Had to walk back to PBH becUse of lightening, although it never rained. Got our car and drive to Toojays for early dinner. Been a favourite of ours since 2012 and can't believe this is the first time we have been on this trip. Henry always has the beef brisket sandwich. David and I had club sandwiches and chicken noodle soup which is the best I ever tasted. Total $34. We had a free dessert coupon but will save for another time.
Quick stop at Publix next door then back to BC. The guys basically didn't move for the rest of the night. I went for a swim at the hotel pool then came back and watched Man from Uncle on HBO. Then bed by 10pm.
So finally up to date. Apologise for and spelling, grammatical errors.. Not use to writing this much in one go. New if I didn't do it now I would forget what we had done.
Really sorry for the duplications. Only second time I used photo bucket and now I can't work out how to delete the duplicates!


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