
Why does Tamra feel it's her duty to out someone else's moral character? I mean, she needs to take a hard close look at herself in the mirror. She is way too immersed in Gretchen's life and needs to move on. I honestly believe that she is totally jealous and couldn't wait 'til she found some juice on Gretchen. It doesn't matter what Gretchen is doing with HER life, Tamra should have never treated her the way she did throughout the season. Knowing what she knew is no excuse because it is not her business. One thing she cannot say is that Gretchen married Jeff for his money, because she didn't. Tamra is just spiteful and I'm glad she was embarrassed by the way she looked on the etiquette dinner episode, she should have been.

This is exactly what I was shrieking out loud last night. I wish Gretchen had snapped back and told her to mind her own business and that her jealousy of her was flattering, but she needs to move on and concentrate on being a mother instead of being a spiteful *itch.

Lynn needs to go:hippie: She's really a doormat for everyone. popcorn::
Tamra is a venomnous snake when it comes to Gretchen. She is insanely jealous of her. She is young, beautiful and had a rich, older man who adored her, showering her with gifts. Whatever their "arrangement" it's not anyone's business. I think Jeff loved her and I think she loved him. I also wouldn't be suprised to hear she is dating again, give the girl a break, she has no reason NOT to be. Was she seeing someone before Jeff's death? We'll never know the truth, if so, she won't be the first or the last.

Lynne is just pathetic, sorry. I feel sorry for the woman.

Jeana is what she is. LOL

Vicki, Tamra's "buddy" and so narcissistic. Her son can't stand her and doesn't treat her much better than Shane does Jeana. Not only that, but he was drinking at college, underage..hmmmm...didn't she say her kids would never? Yeah. Glass house, meet stones.

Lauri, whatever.
My problem with Gretchen is she needs to be honest. I am sure she and Jeff had an arrangement that suited them both well. Lets face it the man had been married 5 times so he had been around the block on more than one occasion and Gretchen got what she got out of the arrangement too.

I don't care about any of that. What bothers me is the slap in the face to true caregivers out there. For anyone who has ever been a caregiver to a dying person, you know there is no time for all the girls outings she took. If you are not caring for your loved one, you are using your spare time to get your own life in order. They were together memorial day weekend at the Indy 500 and he died in September. We are talking a 3 month period and how many outings did she take "with the girls" Way too many to have been his main caregiver. Sure we saw her leaving him with his teenaged children, but you can't tell me there wasn't a paid staff that cared for him when she was off playing. Just fess up and admit you weren't his full time caregiver. You were his last fling.

As for the others especially Lauri, you gals are delusional. Josh is coping with his new environment. Yeah right, he's in prison, NOT jail. As for all the time you spend caring for your large extended family. These kids all have mothers they live with except for your youngest and since she is a tween, I can't imagine you spend all your time caring for her unless you have added homeschooling to your list of responsibilities.

I know the original intent was to have us "outsiders" green with envy at their lifestyle, but the opposite has happened. We have learned money can't buy happiness or class. I use to be a regular watcher. I really enjoyed the old shows with Tammy Knickerbocker and Gwen. These new gals are just too much of a train wreck.
Vicki is a pompous "me,me,me" a**....she thinks of no one but herself and obviously thinks she can raise kids better than anyone else!

How about when the host asked about Vicki's marriage, and said to her "Tell us what you love about Donn" and instead of listing Donn's good qualities, characteristics, etc. Vicki said something like "I love the way he loves me!" She is so self-centered!! :confused:
he can send that worthless kid to all the training programs he wants (at last count mercedes school, chp academy prep, and most recently bartending school-that kid needs to find a rich o.c. cougar with failing eyesight before simon's tequilla money runs out

Oh man, I didn't watch last night. I watched Leverage (season finale) and didn't even finish that. DH is home sick and he's been keeping me up at night, so I needed to get shut eye early. I'll have to watch for a repeat on the weekends or something.
Oh man, I didn't watch last night. I watched Leverage (season finale) and didn't even finish that. DH is home sick and he's been keeping me up at night, so I needed to get shut eye early. I'll have to watch for a repeat on the weekends or something.

Its Bravo, it will be on again and again and again!

In the Season Finale, it was noted that Ryan was home recovering from an accident at work. What did he do? Slip behind the bar? Pull a muscle while stocking shelves at the Mercedes dealership? Gees!

I agree with powellrj. Gretchen just needs to be honet. I think that Vicki and Tamra were tired of the "Woe is me" routine and wanted her to be honest. It seemed that that was Gretchen's "theme" throughout the season, and yet she managed to go out and have a pretty good time. I'm sure caretakers of terminal patients would like just a fraction of the time off that she had. Oy!

Back to feeling so much better about my life!
Last night was a hoot!
G was so lying, you could tell by her facial expressions.She had to think how long Jeff has been gone? I feel T did have the right to come out and say why she was so rude in some shows to G. They involved her to begin with. Who would not get tired of someone saying “oh my poor dying finance, when she is sleeping and drinking around. You have to remember they tape the shows out of order too.
Show was fun to say the least.

I love Gretchen and Jeana; They are by far my favorites

Lynn is ok, a bit boring.

I HATE Tammy and Vicki. They are self-centered, evil witches.

I liked Lauri and wish she was back instead of boring Lynn.
Only women like Tamra and Vicki could make a girl like Gretchen look good. They have to be two of the most vile 40-something year olds going.

As for Lauri, didn't they say at the end of the season last week that Josh was in sober living? Last night she said he was adjusting well to his new environment, to which Andy said "He is incarnated, right?" and she said "yes"......So what is it? Sober Living or Jail, cause they really aren't the same thing!

Lauri just needs to go away IMO. She seems to want the glory of being on the show but doesn't want the warts that comes with the exposure to this virus.

Jeana, what a :stir:, she is a horrible friend but Vicki does seem to be afraid of her for whatever reason.

Honestly, without the cameras, I don't think any of them would talk to the other.

Also, interesting that Kara has already had augmentation. The amount of plastic in all these women is just to much to take.

That said, I will miss these girls, I absoluting love hating them...:)

I thought it was a hoot that none of the women thought they dressed like skanks! :lmao: Especially Lynne! :sad1: She still is in denial, even when her daughters boyfriend thought her dress (which her daughter was wearing) looked like a street walkers.

Kudos to Jeana and Lynne's hairdresser(s) - wow, I loved the new coloring job on both of them - much more flattering.
i would love to know what a professional ethics board in vickie's line of work thinks of her advising a woman who's boyfriend was hospitalized (and arguably diminished mentaly and physicaly due to his illness) to try and convince him to have the beneficiary assignments on his life insurance changed:scared1: that's way out of line (and i imagine if the beneficiaries were changed and jeff's family viewed that episode it could open up a whole line of litigation).

if tamra's accusations are true and jeff "paid" for gretchen all i can say is he at least got his money's worth-simon on the other hand seems to be throwing money down the drain paying to try and turn tamra and her carbon copy son into anything resembling human beings. he can send that worthless kid to all the training programs he wants (at last count mercedes school, chp academy prep, and most recently bartending school-that kid needs to find a rich o.c. cougar with failing eyesight before simon's tequilla money runs out), and tamra to all the etiquate training in the world but it's not going to change the fact that both are trash, trash, trash:sad2:

That's a good point about Vicki. I do feel REALLY bad for Gretchen but there is NO WAY she deserves an inheritance after taking care of him for 10 months. :scared1: They had a new relationship, less than 2 years, right? And to take away the kids' money? Bravo to Gretchen to say no to that.

I don't care if she is sleeping with her friend or whatever. I am sure given what she was going through, anyone would make some bad judgement calls here or there..
My problem with Gretchen is she needs to be honest. I am sure she and Jeff had an arrangement that suited them both well. Lets face it the man had been married 5 times so he had been around the block on more than one occasion and Gretchen got what she got out of the arrangement too.

I don't care about any of that. What bothers me is the slap in the face to true caregivers out there. For anyone who has ever been a caregiver to a dying person, you know there is no time for all the girls outings she took. If you are not caring for your loved one, you are using your spare time to get your own life in order. They were together memorial day weekend at the Indy 500 and he died in September. We are talking a 3 month period and how many outings did she take "with the girls" Way too many to have been his main caregiver. Sure we saw her leaving him with his teenaged children, but you can't tell me there wasn't a paid staff that cared for him when she was off playing. Just fess up and admit you weren't his full time caregiver. You were his last fling.

As for the others especially Lauri, you gals are delusional. Josh is coping with his new environment. Yeah right, he's in prison, NOT jail. As for all the time you spend caring for your large extended family. These kids all have mothers they live with except for your youngest and since she is a tween, I can't imagine you spend all your time caring for her unless you have added homeschooling to your list of responsibilities.

I know the original intent was to have us "outsiders" green with envy at their lifestyle, but the opposite has happened. We have learned money can't buy happiness or class. I use to be a regular watcher. I really enjoyed the old shows with Tammy Knickerbocker and Gwen. These new gals are just too much of a train wreck.

I think it has been pointed out somewhere on this thread that these ladies probably make a good salary working this show for what..3 months, 4 months? They are most likely under some type of contractual obligation to go to these outings. Lauri doesn't need the money anymore, and she comes up with excuse after excuse about why she doesn't want to do the show anymore. That's fine. Whatever. Gretchen DOES need the money, Jeff is dying and let's face it...I am sure her realtor career is not making her a ton of money. She needs to go to "work" whenever Bravo needs her to work..because she needs her backup plan for after Jeff passes. Especially since she wasn't planning on taking Jeff's money (besides the gifts and whatever they had going on when he was still alive).
Does anyone know what they are actually paid per season? I am very curious about that. It must be significant to allow such total intrusion into your life.
I had heard at one time (I believe on E! News) that the housewives of Atlanta got $10,000 per episode. I would imagine the O.C. housewives got more and I think it varies upon how long you've been on the show and how popular you are (as far as, is it worth paying you more to keep you happy, keep people watching, and keep putting money in my pocket?). I'm sure that's part of the reason Quinn and Tammy are no longer on, they were interesting but didn't cause as much watchable drama as some of the other women.

I didn't get to watch it last night either :(. But I'm sure I'll catch one of the 1,572 reruns on Bravo in the next few days :)
Vicki is a pompous "me,me,me" a**....she thinks of no one but herself and obviously thinks she can raise kids better than anyone else! "My kids would never....." does she forget about when she drove up to see her son in college and he didn't want her there!

As for Tamra, proof positive that money does not buy class! Once again her jealousy of Gretchen was overpowering---she knows from the blogs how much people like Gretchen and she tried her darndest to make her out to bad.......really, is either Vicki or Tamra's business if Gretchen is seeing someone? They seem to be wat tooooo interested in Gretchen's life.....

I completely agree with everything you said. I think these women are so classless. I've never seen so many b**bs popping out of shirts in my life. Good grief I guess since they paid so much for them they want to show them off! :lmao: I think Vicki and Tamra are just really insecure jealous twits.
Why does Tamra feel it's her duty to out someone else's moral character? I mean, she needs to take a hard close look at herself in the mirror. She is way too immersed in Gretchen's life and needs to move on. I honestly believe that she is totally jealous and couldn't wait 'til she found some juice on Gretchen. It doesn't matter what Gretchen is doing with HER life, Tamra should have never treated her the way she did throughout the season. Knowing what she knew is no excuse because it is not her business. One thing she cannot say is that Gretchen married Jeff for his money, because she didn't. Tamra is just spiteful and I'm glad she was embarrassed by the way she looked on the etiquette dinner episode, she should have been.

I've said this from day one.. Tamra is insanely jealous of Gretchen - and severely threatened by her.. Let's face it - in the looks and personality department, Gretchen has Tamra beat by a landslide..

Another thing that Gretchen has - that none of the others has - is the ability to respond in a civil, respectful manner - no matter how many pot shots they take at her or how many hateful things Tamra says right to her face.. That's true "class".. Maybe Tamra could find a coach to given her lessons in civility..

Vicki is a pompous "me,me,me" a**....she thinks of no one but herself and obviously thinks she can raise kids better than anyone else! "My kids would never....." does she forget about when she drove up to see her son in college and he didn't want her there!

As for Tamra, proof positive that money does not buy class! Once again her jealousy of Gretchen was overpowering---she knows from the blogs how much people like Gretchen and she tried her darndest to make her out to bad.......really, is either Vicki or Tamra's business if Gretchen is seeing someone? They seem to be wat tooooo interested in Gretchen's life.....

Agreed.. I also find it interesting that Tamra has aligned herself sooo closely to Vicki.. Could it be that until Lynn arrived on the scene, Vicki was the least attractive of all of the housewives? That's an old high school trick - hang around with the ugly chick - so you look the best.. Time to grow up, Tamra..

i would love to know what a professional ethics board in vickie's line of work thinks of her advising a woman who's boyfriend was hospitalized (and arguably diminished mentaly and physicaly due to his illness) to try and convince him to have the beneficiary assignments on his life insurance changed:scared1: that's way out of line (and i imagine if the beneficiaries were changed and jeff's family viewed that episode it could open up a whole line of litigation).

She was definitely out of line - and thank goodness Gretchen didn't follow the downright greedy advice of everyone at that luncheon except Lynn.. Lynn may seem a little spacey at times, but at least she could see how inappropriate that type of action would be while the poor man was lying in a hospital dying..

if tamra's accusations are true and jeff "paid" for gretchen all i can say is he at least got his money's worth-simon on the other hand seems to be throwing money down the drain paying to try and turn tamra and her carbon copy son into anything resembling human beings. he can send that worthless kid to all the training programs he wants (at last count mercedes school, chp academy prep, and most recently bartending school-that kid needs to find a rich o.c. cougar with failing eyesight before simon's tequilla money runs out), and tamra to all the etiquate training in the world but it's not going to change the fact that both are trash, trash, trash:sad2:

Awww.. You don't think Ryan is the sweetest "baby boy" in the world? Where's that puking sign when you need it.. His mom is a train wreck - guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..

Tamra is a venomnous snake when it comes to Gretchen. She is insanely jealous of her. She is young, beautiful and had a rich, older man who adored her, showering her with gifts. Whatever their "arrangement" it's not anyone's business. I think Jeff loved her and I think she loved him. I also wouldn't be suprised to hear she is dating again, give the girl a break, she has no reason NOT to be..

Personally, I think there was a real, honest-to-goodness love relationship there.. Don't forget - he was diagnosed with this fatal disease AFTER they had been dating for awhile.. He was rolling in money and chose to spend it on his fiancee.. So what? Obviously the jealousy was more than the other housewives (with the exception of Lynn) could bear.. Too bad, so sad..

I also don't think it's anyones business if she is or isn't dating already.. Until you've been a widow yourself - and especially such a young, vivacious widow - you have no idea what it's like just to want that human contact from someone - anyone! The hugs, the kisses, the falling asleep in someones arms.. Once you lose that, the pain is excruciating.. I know from personal experience..

That's a good point about Vicki. I do feel REALLY bad for Gretchen but there is NO WAY she deserves an inheritance after taking care of him for 10 months. :scared1: They had a new relationship, less than 2 years, right? And to take away the kids' money? Bravo to Gretchen to say no to that.

I don't care if she is sleeping with her friend or whatever. I am sure given what she was going through, anyone would make some bad judgement calls here or there..

In no way did she receive an inheritance that "took away from the children".. This man was a mega millionaire - I'm sure there was more than enough to go around - and I'm 100% positive that whatever he left her was HIS choice - not something that Gretchen demanded.. Sorry, but aside from Lynn and Jeana, she's about the classiest one in that entire bunch..

I think Vicki and Tamra are just really insecure jealous twits.


Also - what was up with Tamra's hair last night on the "tell all reunion"? Good grief! She looked like she just got out of bed or something!! I've never seen her hair look so bad!

Oh - and when she made the crack to Gretchen about playing the "victim" - I wanted to reach right through the tv and smack the living daylights out of her.. She has NO idea what that girl has been through - and wasn't Tamra the one "whining" (and playing the "victim") all season long about how she should have been a better "mommy" to Ryan - and how her "daddy" destroyed her by divorcing her mom when she was 25 - and how hard it was for her being a single mom - and how Simon kept scratching her floors, putting nicks in the paint, and what-have-you when they were moving the gym equipment? ALL she has done is whine, complain, and play the "victim" throughout the entire season..

Give me a break!! :rolleyes:

As for Vicki.. Why doesn't she just dump Don and get it over with? She doesn't care two hoots about him - and probably never has.. She treats him like garbage and he deserves soooooo much better.. Quite frankly, I'd like to see him dump Vicki and hook up with Jeana.. Can you imagine the "hoot" that would come out of Vicki's mouth then??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
.....As for Vicki.. Why doesn't she just dump Don and get it over with? She doesn't care two hoots about him - and probably never has.. She treats him like garbage and he deserves soooooo much better.. Quite frankly, I'd like to see him dump Vicki and hook up with Jeana.. Can you imagine the "hoot" that would come out of Vicki's mouth then??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

GMTA with Jeana & Donn hooking-up :thumbsup2 . As a matter of fact, I thought Allen kind of looked like Donn.

PS - I also thought that Jeanna looked better at the Reunion show than anytime during the season. And she did apologize to Lynn for that mean crack.
. housewives got more and I think it varies upon how long you've been on the show and how popular you are (as far as, is it worth paying you more to keep you happy, keep people watching, and keep putting money in my pocket?). I'm sure that's part of the reason Quinn and Tammy are no longer on, they were interesting but didn't cause as much watchable drama as some of the other women.

I read somewhere that DeShawn from the Atlanta show was not asked back for next season. When an interviewer asked her if it was true....she said Yes, but didnt know why. I have a feeling that she wasn't drama-filled enough....I liked her tho.


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