2024 garden lovers thread

Currently my iris, peonies, Siberian bugloss and bachelor buttons are putting on a pretty spectacular show. My Scotch broom is set to hit peak bloom sometime this week.

Had to dig out and redo one of my back beds that had gotten out of control and so infiltrated with grass that it could not be tidied. The many, many varieties of mint scattered around the area had completely overrun the corrals they were planted in and the chives had managed to scatter seeds throughout as well. The one-inch lavender I planted in 2020 had gotten wider than I could get my arms around and was fighting for space with various varieties of thyme that had somehow managed to cross breed and gotten way to large and woody. My poor bee balm, Chinese lanterns and cardinal flowers didn't stand a chance.

The trailing roots of all the varieties of mint were interlocked like a woven carpet, making it absolutely impossible to clear the invading grass, other weeds, or even try to downsize any of the plants. With our schedules being so tight anymore I had to bite the bullet and decided it was just time to dig it out and start fresh. Honestly I was never going to conquer the mint mat anyway, so I'm better off. I anchored the area with a quick fire hydrangea variety that will go from white to pomegranate blooms, put in several bee balms, turtleheads, sages and a specialty-style lavender with large feathery blooms. The honeysuckle vine on the trellis behind the bed is already bursting with blooms. Heavenly scent, just wish the prevailing breezes blew our way more often.
It's pretty easy with lilacs, and this is a good time of year to do it. Take a green branch (not one that gotten that hard, wood-like look to it) about 6" long. Cut off the leaves and make some small cuts to the branch's bottom. Then I dip it into rooting powder, and then into soil. Literally within days I start to see the beginnings of new leaf growth!!

I have tried many times to do this with crepe myrtle trees, but they seem to die quickly. Not sure why but I'm going to keep trying.
Thank you! I have a lilac growing in my yard. I’m going to try it this weekend.
We have some warm weather moving into in for the next few days so I scrambled to get a few more things planted after work.

I planted another 8 tomato plants.

Eggplant (5 kinds)


Peppers. 6 jalapeños and the rest are sweet peppers (red, yellow, orange, green, and purple bell peppers and then a random assortment from my fiend)

Last night I put in 76 dahlia tubers. The flies were biting me like crazy!!! Not bees, not mosquitos but flies!!

RE: lilac bushes. I have two really old ones in the front yard and one was really scraggly so I cut it down to the ground. Last week as I was wondering what to plant in the space i noticed that the lilac bush was coming back really strong! It will take several years but eventually I will have a nice full lilac again!

My bearded irises are just finishing. Last year I had to dig them up and separate them so the display wasn't as grand as last year's but next year should be back on track!
The first tomato of the season is so exciting! This year I have twins! They are sun gold cherry tomatoes.

I shifted gears this weekend and planted some annuals and did some work on my flower beds. I don’t have much in bloom yet but I should start having more bloom shortly.

Ignore the pile of stones in the back hoping build a wall in the fall and plant a wildflower bed in it.



It was a beautiful weekend here. I was able to spend most of it in the yard and got a lot done. I was so excited to see the first batch of peas is starting!


I also think we will be able to harvest lettuce this week.

My green pepper plants planted 2 weeks ago are looking sad ( small and yellow leaves). I read online peppers like epsom salts. Has anyone tried this and ot worked to perk them up.
My green pepper plants planted 2 weeks ago are looking sad ( small and yellow leaves). I read online peppers like epsom salts. Has anyone tried this and ot worked to perk them up.
My peppers were also small and yellow, which for me normally means too much water/rain.

Have you had your soil tested to see if something is off? I live in CT and UConn has a program where they will test it (horticulture students) I had mine done you drop off a sample and I think it cost $10.

I found out the issue with me growing peppers was lack of sulfur and the recommendation was to bury a few matches in my soil before I plant. Sounds crazy but it worked or me.

I would be nervous to add salt as too much salt can kill things, I see it used in homemade weed killer mixed with vinegar.
We have
strawberries (already finished)
radishes (these did terrible this year, I think too much rain, they are usually so easy)
sun gold cherry tomatoes (just picked the first few)
better boy tomatoes
cucumbers (already picked a few)
shishito peppers
bell peppers
poblano peppers
jalapeno peppers
For the most part everything seems to be happy so far. I don't start anything by seed other than the radishes. I've tried many times, and my seedlings never do well. We save eggshells starting after the winter holidays, grind them, and put a couple of tablespoons in the soil for each plant when they go in the ground.
My green pepper plants planted 2 weeks ago are looking sad ( small and yellow leaves). I read online peppers like epsom salts. Has anyone tried this and ot worked to perk them up.
Epson salt is different than regular table salt. I have used epsom salts quite a bit over the years in my garden and it can help a struggling plant. Use 1-2 tbsp per gallon of water every couple of weeks.

I was late getting my garden in this spring due to all the rain/storms and just bad luck. Between seedlings not taking this spring (I think it was something in the dirt) to hail storms breaking the plants, it's been a challenge. However, everything is finally doing well and with the 90+ temps in our foreseeable future, I suspect the plants will take off. There's supposed to be another round of storms with hail tonight but I plan on moving containers underneath the house eaves and covering every plant possible with buckets or trash cans I can find this evening. :rolleyes:


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