20041218-cruise-friends-memories Part 3

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Since everyone is telling their how they met stories --- I feel obligated to tell ours since this is our anniversary.

Pretty boring actually, met in a, how do you say it dance club, nightclub, okay a bar. DH was out with some friends or a date (was never sure on that, but it does make me feel good to think maybe I stole him away from another girl), asked me to dance and then instead of asking for my number (in which case he would get a fake one) he asked me out for the next night. We went out (he actually slept during the movie, should have been a clue), fell in love and got married a year later.

So, 2 kids, several dogs and fish later --- we are celebrating 19 years of wedded bliss! More in love today than ever --- hope that's the trend for the rest of our lives.

:goodvibes :goodvibes

BTW, loving the jokes ---have to stop reading them a work though --- people are going to think I'm nuts 'cause some of them make to LOL.
I love Meet Cute stories! Now that I've caught up on the seven pages posted since LAST NIGHT.

Question is, who writes this, me or Tinksdad? Maybe he can jump in on the stuff I've forgotten.

We met a couple of years before we started dating. I was teaching a Country & Western dance class with my boyfriend, and Kevin was taking the class with a cute, tall blonde from Texas. I thought he was very nice and tall, and noticed his big smile and bright blue eyes. Kevin didn't finish the class, because he was separated at the time and wound up moving back home.

Fast forward about a year, I'm still with the same boyfriend. Kevin has gotten divorced, and is dating another lady from the dance crowd. We say Hi when we see each other out.

About six months later, I see him out alone, and I hear that he has broken up with his girlfriend. Things are rocky with my boyfriend, and I'm out alone. I try to fix Kevin up with another lady that's a friend of mine. Luckily, it didn't take.

Another six or so months (I'm bad with time/dates), and I'm out on a blind date, a really bad one, at the dance club, boyfriend is no more. Kevin asks me to dance. I tell him I can't, but I'll be there on Saturday if he wants to dance then. He says OK.

I go to the club on Saturday, and he doesn't show. Well, fine. I see him again a few days later (yes, dancing was a full time activity only interrupted by work and sleep) and I walk up to him and say "you owe me a dance, in fact, you owe me a lot of dances!" He obliged. Later, I needed to leave (work, remember?), so I tried the "I need to leave now, are you on your way out"? He said no, he was staying a while. Didn't even offer to walk me out!

Obviously, he wasn't getting the hint. Could it be because I tried to set him up with someone else? So I called him, and we stayed on the phone for about two hours talking. At the end of the conversation, he asked me out. I think he had the hint by then. Two months later, we got engaged, but it took us another 18 months to get married. That was about 16 years ago.

Who's next?
Originally posted by DW4US
Since everyone is telling their how they met stories --- I feel obligated to tell ours since this is our anniversary.
More in love today than ever --- hope that's the trend for the rest of our lives.

Happy Anniversary!!! :cake: :cake:

Sweet about being more in love today than ever. I'd agree for us too, but it's a different kind of love for us now than on our wedding day. A much more REAL unconditional love instead of the giggly, oogly-eyed love. Real life will do that to ya I guess! ;)
Originally posted by Dancind
Question is, who writes this, me or Tinksdad?

Well, now, yes. Things could get interesting if we got the spouses P.O.V.

Or how about Cash's P.O.V.? Now THAT I want to hear!!!!! :)
We met at Disneyland in Sept. 1967. I was riding the carrousel and in the crowd waiting to get on the ride was the handsomest soldier I had ever seen. Every time I rode by him, he winked. ;) I was 17 years old, he was 22. My GF and I watched he and his buddy ride, then somehow :rolleyes: wound up in line in front of them on the Small World Ride. Now, both DH and I were painfully shy (not a problem for either of us now), but my GF and his buddy were very outgoing folks and a conversation began. We wound up spending the rest of the evening together and of course exchanged phone numbers and addresses. His was Fort Ord, but he came south every weekend as his parents lived in Anaheim at the time. He took me out a couple of times, then proposed. We were married 3 weeks and 6 days after our first meeting. Wedding was on a Friday evening, he left for VietNam (second tour) on Sunday afternoon. We have been married 37 years and like some others love each other more than ever. Most people at the time said "it will never last" due to our age, not knowing each other and immediate separation by the military. But the pixie dust was obviously sprinkled around us and protected us thru a war, 12 years of college, 3 kids, :crazy:. We have, of course, been Disney freaks from day one. :lovestruc :love:
These "how we met stories" are really cool to read. Keep them coming!
Originally posted by Dancind
Angie! You met at Disneyland! How cool is that?

Pretty cool, we think. :smooth: :earseek: :earsboy: :earsgirl: All the kids and grandkids are Disney freaks as well and love to "tell our story". First kiss was on the bridge in front of the castle. Yes, we did kiss on the first date.:rolleyes: Every trip there one of the kids or grandkids insist we get a picture in that spot.
Happy Anniversary Patty!

And a belated Happy Birthday to Paul...sorry, I'm a bit behind.

DH and I met twice, actually. But I'll start the story with the second meeting. A girlfriend and I were going to a country bar/club that we went to frequently to dance. I met her at her house, where she informed me that this friend of her was going along with us. He was a friend of hers from a temp job she'd done. I automatically assumed that meant she was interested in him...more on that later.

He got to her house, an OH! He was cute! Nice smile...:lovestruc .Any who...we got to the club and my friend went running off to say hi to a bunch of people. I felt bad for this guy, so we played a game of darts. He maintains to this day that I cheated because I blew in his ear while he was lining up some of his shots. Later, we were standing by the dance floor and I pointed out this girl who kept checking him out. He didn't seem interested - huh.

After we left for the evening, my friend ran into her house to "use the facilities" before we all said goodnight. Eric asked me for my phone number, and like a ditz, I told him he needed to get it from my friend because she seemed interested in him, and I didn't want to get between them. Well, finally I gave it to him, and we went out the next night on a date.

We got engaged four months later, and married just shy of two years after we met (the second time...).
Originally posted by karaeric
We got engaged four months later, and married just shy of two years after we met (the second time...).

So after being together for about a year, and planning our wedding, we realized that we had met about two months earlier than we had thought. We had both been at a Brooks and Dunn concert, where my same friend had run into this group of guys and we all said our compulsory hellos. But us ladies were a bit liquered up and the guys were too. And Eric had a mustache covering that great smile of his too!

He had to shave it off the night we met the second time by accident. He was trying to trim it and cut too much, so he shaved. It was fate!

Anyway, thanks for sharing all@! Some of you have the sweetest stories...

Cheers, Kara
Originally posted by karaeric
Happy Anniversary Patty!

He maintains to this day that I cheated because I blew in his ear while he was lining up some of his shots.

Ok, don't feel so bad about kissing on first date now.:teeth:
Happy Anniversary Patty! :love2:

Angie - I think that is really cool that you guys met at Disneyland ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo

I love hearing all of these!
:wave: Hey There!
I love these stories....
I must confess......I kissed Jay that first night, too. Surprised the heck out of him.:blush:
If I hadn't done it, though, I'd probably still be waiting! And, we dated for two years before we were married, so we've been married 17 years, known each other for 19. Seems like forever.

Anyway...I waited until NOON for the cleaning lady to show up....last week I passed her as she was leaving, and it wasn't even 2:00 yet....no wonder the job wasn't getting done.
The talk went okay. She accepted it without any questions. Guess she must have wanted to get rid of me, too!:p

I have two more boxes to fill with gifts to mail (of course I'm not mailing them till the first of December)....and then all I'll have left to do is pack our clothes. I feel so liberated.

Actually, I do have one last important thing to do. I need to decide which color nail polish I'm wearing on the cruise.:scratchin Decisions, decisions........
Originally posted by ohiominnie
Well, now, yes. Things could get interesting if we got the spouses P.O.V.

This spouse is not going to post the "how we met" story. I know I would get it wrong and end up in trouble. DW version of any story is the correct version. Yes, now you know why I have been happly married for 19 years (and she also lets me have toys and trips).
Speaking of trips, DS and I got the okay today to spend Thanksgiving in Coasta Rica white water rafting in the rain forest. Some how the girls did not think that was for them.

Kevin and Alicia, Matt and I are thinking about diving in BC in June. We don't want to miss your next trip to Orlando. Was that going to be in May or June?
Hi everyone-I love all these romance stories.
I had to jump in and say hi and I miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I was with you all for so long I wanted to share with you how I met DH.

I was separated for almost 2 years and the divorce finally went through 5 months before I met DH. I was working at the hospital and heard one of the nurses from the depatment I worked in talking to an OT specialist about how she met her husband though a personal ad in the local newspaper. I thought to myself-that's crazy!!!!!! I will never do that as you never know who you are meeting with. Well............. a few months later my very dear friend started dating someone from a personal ad and convinced me to call a few of the ad's. At first I listened and than would hang up the phone. I than finally left a few messages. I went out on a few dates. Some were ok and some were horrible. I did this for a few weeks and was about to give up. The new addition for the personal listings came out and I decided to give it one last try. I called this ad that sounded catchy and nice and it was DH's. I left a message and he called me back and we spoke for several hours. At the end of the converstion he said to me-please come meet me for dinner -I am a nice guy!!!! I made plans to go meet him and about an hour before I was to meet him for dinner at a steak house I got cold feet. My best friend said to meet "don't cancel this could be the love of your life!" She was right and we met for dinner. We were together from there on in. DH placed the ad because he had a broken engagement after being with someone for 6 years. We were engaged 6 months later-married 10 months after that and we will be married 10 years this June. We mt on April 17th (DH still teases me that I met him 4 days after his BD and I still owe him a BD gift) Got engaged on Sept 17th and married on June 17th. My birthday is July 17th. 17 is our lucky number. As a wedding gift DH bought me a diamond tennis bracelet and made sure that it was 4.17 C. for the day that we met and he says he fell in love with me on that day. (It took me a little longer than that) We told everyone we met on a blind date and left it at that-But DH best friend found out and got a copy of the personal ad from the local newpaper and read it at our wedding as part of his speech.
The steak house we ate at is about a half a mile from the house we bought almost 9 years ago.
Well that is our love story. He rocks my world and always will!!!! He is a great Guy.

Keep the stories coming -they are wonderful!!!!! TTYS-Gail
Originally posted by gail1771
Hi everyone-I love all these romance stories.
I had to jump in and say hi and I miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I was with you all for so long I wanted to share with you how I met DH.

I was separated for almost 2 years and the divorce finally went through 5 months before I met DH. I was working at the hospital and heard one of the nurses from the depatment I worked in talking to an OT specialist about how she met her husband though a personal ad in the local newspaper. I thought to myself-that's crazy!!!!!! I will never do that as you never know who you are meeting with. Well............. a few months later my very dear friend started dating someone from a personal ad and convinced me to call a few of the ad's. At first I listened and than would hang up the phone. I than finally left a few messages. I went out on a few dates. Some were ok and some were horrible. I did this for a few weeks and was about to give up. The new addition for the personal listings came out and I decided to give it one last try. I called this ad that sounded catchy and nice and it was DH's. I left a message and he called me back and we spoke for several hours. At the end of the converstion he said to me-please come meet me for dinner -I am a nice guy!!!! I made plans to go meet him and about an hour before I was to meet him for dinner at a steak house I got cold feet. My best friend said to meet "don't cancel this could be the love of your life!" She was right and we met for dinner. We were together from there on in. DH placed the ad because he had a broken engagement after being with someone for 6 years. We were engaged 6 months later-married 10 months after that and we will be married 10 years this June. We mt on April 17th (DH still teases me that I met him 4 days after his BD and I still owe him a BD gift) Got engaged on Sept 17th and married on June 17th. My birthday is July 17th. 17 is our lucky number. As a wedding gift DH bought me a diamond tennis bracelet and made sure that it was 4.17 C. for the day that we met and he says he fell in love with me on that day. (It took me a little longer than that) We told everyone we met on a blind date and left it at that-But DH best friend found out and got a copy of the personal ad from the local newpaper and read it at our wedding as part of his speech.
The steak house we ate at is about a half a mile from the house we bought almost 9 years ago.
Well that is our love story. He rocks my world and always will!!!! He is a great Guy.

Keep the stories coming -they are wonderful!!!!! TTYS-Gail

That is a cool story!:lovestruc
Are the love stories just a girl thing.......Have any guys spilled the beans?????????

By the way, Virgil and I have invited "Realtorgirl" or something similar to join us here from the "other" discussion forum.

She and her family are on our cruise.

Virgil mentioned that you can not post a link there.

I hope I was allowed to describe the way to find us here.

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