2/01/03 Western

Glad to know there's at least someone else out there stressing.

As for snorkeling, our kids haven't done it before either. So, DH took them to a pool where he was doing some refresher stuff for SCUBA and gave them snorkel masks and fins and showed them how to use them. They had a blast. They're 6 & 9. I think this will be helpful, but the real key will be the adjustment to the salt water. You might want to try that though. It's better than nothing.

Well, here's to our stress and getting it all done. I can't wait to have some chill out time!
For me, the planning and packing and anticipation is almost as fun as the trip itself... stress is what I have the rest of the year about stupid boring stuff. :) Having all my anal retentive packing lists and stuff makes me feel better and less frantic... and if I forget something, well, I can just pick another one up of whatever it is. As long as I remember to bring my child, I'm happy. :)

Linda said:
As Rosanna Rosannadana would say "It's always something! Either you forget something or your strap breaks. That reminds me of a little story my father would tell me..."

ROFL!!!!!! OMG, I love Rosanna Rosannadana.... I love those old SNL's. :)

You've got a point. If I remember the kids and the husband, all is well. See ya on the ship!
My biggest stress is getting through these very long last days at work.

Getting ready for the trip is stress, but its the funnest kind of stress , and I love every minute of it. My life is full of stresses all the time so I welcome this fun stuff.

My 7yo( who just had her birthday last week, and I promised her as well we would celebrate on the trip, so let me know about the birthday bucket!!) She is used to swimming with her speedo goggles, so I think we will bring them. She can just hold her breath and take a look here and there, I dont even think she will need the mouthpiece.

(2 more shifts to go Ill be officially on vacation at 330pm this sunday I cannot wait!1) 8 Days 19 Hrs 9 Mins 51 Secs

Linda here:Pinkbounc

GINA; i found the link for the Happy Birthday Party Bucket.:bounce:
Dispin new archives January 2003, the reference is near the bottom of the page after Goofy as "Happiest Birthdays on Earth".
The bad news is I didn't read it thru to well and it may only be available at Disneyland. Lets hope that the idea traveled through Disney and has been introduced to the Cruise Line.

Hey Gina:

I just noticed your earlier reference to AccuWeather. State College, PA is where it all began and where it all is. Hard to believe we live in this relatively small town and it's the home of this weather predicting giant! Thought you might find it interesting. "Pretty darn accurate?" Let's hope so. I want WARM weather. It's way too cold here . . . single digits tonight!
Now I'm hoping they're *not* accurate, for once, because now they're forecasting a rainy sailaway for us!! :( :( :( Let's cross our fingers that that changes in the next week!!


You and me both.

By the way, I can't take it anymore. What does "Thinks the TF is stalking her" mean?
Originally posted by Lizardbeth61
By the way, I can't take it anymore. What does "Thinks the TF is stalking her" mean?

LOL!! The Tag Fairy... every time I turned around, the Tag Fairy had given me a new tag, and I commented that they must be stalking me. It's a Community Board thing. :)

Linda here:Pinkbounc

What's a Tag Fairy? And why would they follow a person around?:confused:

Aurghhhhh! My sewing machine ate the dress! So much for my stress reliever. I should of stuck with hand sewing.

Letting it go and moving on.

The Disney store here has a GREAT clearance sale on pins 75% off.:bounce: :teeth: :bounce:


The Tag Fairy is who gave me all those funny tags under my name over there... they stalk your posts and give you very telling tags -- mine are sure all true! :)

So sorry to hear about the dress!! But you got lots made... I'm so impressed -- I couldn't sew a button on without it falling back off ten minutes later. ;)

Soooooo much to do this weekend!!!! I'm off to get some sleep. :)

LInda here:Pinkbounc

Getting all of our activities coordinated is making me nuts. Pin trading /Bingo/ Aloha Luau/and shopping excursion info all conflict and I want them all.

Then there's trying to get my DD4 oceaneer MAIN EVENTS stuff she wants to do to coordinate with shore excurtions. I wish we could do everything. :crazy:

Guess we'll do what we can and what we miss we'll do the next cruise.

Linda here:Pinkbounc

Is it better to take pins as carry on or in the luggage? They are all metal and I hate getting hung up at security.

Let me know if you've done either or both and which one is better.


Not sure about the pins, as we don't collect them; however, we packed most of our stuff tonight and I can't believe how much we have. We have filled to huge suitcases and still have not packed our garment bag for the nighttime clothes. We will be gone for ten days, but it seems like a huge amount to travel with! Is anyone else having the same problem?
I have the exact same problem and you know what? From experience I know that I don't need all I'm packing. The chageable weather is my excuse, not being sure how many pairs of jeans we might need etc. But I know I always pack more than I should and bring home stuff that no one ever wore. There are days, God willing, you won't even be in anything but a bathing suit and cover up which eliminates the need for extra stuff. Ah well, the joys of travel. At least we're all going, right?

Have a safe trip all. And we'll see you on the cruise!:Pinkbounc
Linda --

I put my pin bag in my carryon... I'd rather deal with security than the idea of possibly losing them. They don't say that Delta stands for Don't Expect Luggage To Arrive for no reason... and unfortunately, I've learned that firsthand. Took them a day and a half to get my suitcase to me last trip to WDW, and up to the last minute, they had no clue where it was at all. I'm not taking a chance with my pins -- I love each and every one of them!

Off work at 1pm tomorrow, then off to Orlando at 5:40am Thursday morning!! WOOHOO, it's finally here!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Can't wait to meet all y'all!!

Linda here:Pinkbounc

GINA: Thanks, I'll take your advice. My DD and I can look at them on the plane. That should occupy her for a little while. She loves the pins too.:Pinkbounc :bounce::teeth: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :teeth:

DH not in to it though.:( So I told him the pins are my reward for reaching my weight loss goal for the trip. I lost 20lbs!:bounce: :Pinkbounc

GTG Thanks


I'm impressed! Good for you. All I could shed was 5 lbs. 20 lbs is beyond my will power!
Linda here:Pinkbounc

Thank you for the back pats. I need all I can get. I still have alot more to lose (60lbs). Only wanted to lose to 20 to get down into my resort clothes from last year. And not worry about gaining alittle on the cruise.

Thank again

The packing situation is the same here, I had to last minute place an overnight order with Lands End for an extra large duffle bag.

I am really going to try to cut back, but I cant imagine doing laundry while aboard that beautiful ship.

I cant wait to finally meet everybody, I told my DD 7 she will be part of a very special group called the dis kids.:p

Have a safe flight everybody, Its snowing , iceing and freezing here in NJ. I cannot wait to feel the warm sun!!

Felicia 1 Days 12 Hrs 20 Mins 38 Secs


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