1st trip in 10 years! Am I forgetting something???


DIS Veteran
Apr 22, 2000
Hi guys!

This Saturday we leave for our first trip to WDW in 10 years and our first DVC trip! We used to go every year when our kids were young and now that they are grown we are starting back as DVC members and hopefully will have some grandchildren at some point we can take. Our adult children are going with us on this trip so it will be nice to do this as a family again!

I am petrified that I am going to forget something important and I wondered if you guys might share some things you have "forgotten" so I might compile a list of things I need to remember. Between learning DVC, Fast Pass, Memory maker, magic bands, etc... plus getting flights, rental car and restaurant reservations I am way overwhelmed. I just wonder what I am forgetting!

We are staying at OKW in a 2 bedroom lockoff and will also be going to Universal for a day (I am a huge HP fan and the kids want to do HHN). We will be attending MNSSHP as well.

I can tell you getting old is not fun!! Lists are becoming my best friend LOL
I've made spreadsheets to just manage FP and ADR timing. You'll be fine. OKW is great resort so relax and have fun!
This is a great thread about MNSSHP: https://www.disboards.com/threads/o...ty-a-frightfully-festive-celebration.3729471/

If you won't have a car, make sure you put the Uber and Lyft apps on your phone before you go so that you have a back-up plan if you get frustrated with the Disney bus service. They also can take you to Universal. This is a great thread about Uber and Lyft: https://www.disboards.com/threads/everthing-you-wanted-to-know-about-uber-lyft-at-wdw.3443634/

If you get there and realize that you forgot something, post it here on the Dis and people can tell you the best way to get it.
Thanks so much everyone!! I really do need to just relax...I know things will go wrong, but I just need to roll with it. Just want this to be a great 1st DVC trip!!
Dryer sheets, if you use them. They provide laundry soap, but no fabric softener.

One thing that changed with us when we became DVC owners is that we pack less because we usually have access to free laundry facilities. So, we pack less and plan to do laundry mid-trip (we usually go for 7-9 nights).
I bought a small box of dryer sheets just to use at WDW, I keep them in my owner locker. I also keep coffee filters in my OL and bring coffee from home, we like to have a cup in the AM when we get up even if we are going out for breakfast. Not sure what your plans are but if your having breakfast in your room you can get an inexpensive lunch box and ice packs, put frozen bagels and cream cheese, maybe block cheese and coffee cream and it will stay cool until you get there, you can put box of favorite crackers in suitcase. Hi does anybody know if there is still a guest relations location at IG where you can purchase park passes and Tables In Wonderland? I have seen some recent photos but I'm not seeing the structures that used to be there where these purchases would take place. Thanks in advance for any information that can be supplied. We used to pack one suitcase with our cloths and one with previously mentioned items, we also brought tea bags and other snack items.

I too make lists to keep it all straight. I'm sure you will figure it all out and have a wonderful time. Don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy you time at WDW with your family. pixiedust:
Hi does anybody know if there is still a guest relations location at IG where you can purchase park passes and Tables In Wonderland? I have seen some recent photos but I'm not seeing the structures that used to be there where these purchases would take place.

Yes, GR is still there. It's off to the left as you enter.
So excited for you heading back!! I can not imagine having to wait 10 years. I have had trouble waiting the 8 weeks since my August trip until my upcoming one on Oct 6th!

But, in terms of forgetting, my DD 26 says "If you have your phone and your wallet with license, some money & CC, plus important meds", you are set. The rest can be bought!!! LOL
I can tell you getting old is not fun!! Lists are becoming my best friend LOL
Making lists doesn't mean you are getting old, it means you are getting organized. I've been making lists as long as I can remember. When the kids were little, I had a list taped to each suitcase, and checked off the items as I put them in. I'd write things I though of on sticky notes and put them in my wallet. I know a little over the top. But I love lists! Enjoy your planning it's part of the journey.
Yes I too have been making lists for years. When I was younger I would make a daily list of everything I wanted to get done that day, I do the same now but unfortunately I never seem to be able to complete the whole list... :sad2:

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