1st timers at FW



I just made our reservations Friday for Fort Wilderness and I am so excited. These message boards have helped a lot in making those reservations. We will be camping for the 1st time with our new 27' trailer. We will be staying at FW next Feb and I can hardly wait.
Thanks again for all the great information.


WDW 1985-honeymoon
WDW 2000-Caribbean
Next trip 2002!!!
Glad you are talking the big step.Once you camp at FW you will never want to leave.You will love it there is some much to do and see.And with your new trailer you may want to check out Irv2.com
Happy Camping <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

You will love it! We have been camping there for years. My mom has a motor home so we go with them. My kids just have a blast and we make sure to plan a day just for the camp ground! On our last trip we weren't planning to go to WDW but we camped there and went to Universal and IOA, and Sea World! Of course we did go to the MK for the day since we were there! But it is the best camp ground in Orlando!



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