18 Wonderful nights at RPR.....Michael Myers too!! (2014 Trip)

I'm really enjoying your trip report! I have to laugh -- I've been reading this one and another one about HHN and planning our May trip stay a RPH. Last night, I dreamt all the teeth on the left side of my face fell out and I ended up looking like a zomie around my mouth on that side too. I think it's because I read about your loose tooth and then her haunted house review. Don't care! I enjoy reading them -- nightmares be darned! :) Carry on!
I'm really enjoying your trip report! Love the relaxing way your family vacations. Can't wait wait to read more.
That's just annoying! I'm not sure why servers insist that you will like something you have told them you don't like. :confused3 I find this happens at more "upscale" restaurants. I like my steaks medium well and usually order my filets butterflied to get them cooked enough without becoming charcoal on the outside. I have had waiters at fancy restaurants insist that the steak does not need to be butterflied and then they bring me a rare un-butterflied steak! I'm an adult and I think I know what I like by now! The servers at Outback never argue with me about my steak and it is always delicious! Sorry you didn't get the dessert you wanted!

Yep, you should get what you ask for especially with steaks......I think that's why my son doesn't want to go back to Ruth's Chris......he isn't a huge steak fan but ordered a filet well done, we always get ours medium rare and he didn't like the look of them......the server told him it shouldn't be well done......but he was only only young and didnt like the blood.....so he got a steak that was medium at best and he didn't enjoy it, so I understand your annoyance.......not good, you're right you should get it as you ask :thumbsup2

i'm ready to hear more, especially how you reacted to meeting Mr Myers........

More tomorrow I hope.......nearly a week till I meet Mr Myers......:rolleyes1

I'm really enjoying your trip report! I have to laugh -- I've been reading this one and another one about HHN and planning our May trip stay a RPH. Last night, I dreamt all the teeth on the left side of my face fell out and I ended up looking like a zomie around my mouth on that side too. I think it's because I read about your loose tooth and then her haunted house review. Don't care! I enjoy reading them -- nightmares be darned! :) Carry on!

Oh that is so funny :rotfl: my husband hates when I start telling him about my dreams.....I have very vivid ones and lots of them, and I always remember them....teeth falling out is a horrible one......but mix in a zombie........:lmao:

Glad you're enjoying it though.......no more teeth dramas......promise :thumbsup2

I'm really enjoying your trip report! Love the relaxing way your family vacations. Can't wait wait to read more.

Thank you so much, glad to hear it.........have more of the same day coming up tomorrow :)
13th continued...........

So after being spooked by the biggest Michael Myers picture ever...we walked back to the hotel. It was baking hot today and felt very humid while we were walking. I thought all of a sudden Kyle went very white, unusual while walking on what felt like the sun.......we walked up the path and went through reception area and up to our room. Kyle immediately lay down and said he had a bit of a headache..........I made him take some painkillers and some water which he did and promptly fell asleep. Well, we were planning to go to Longhorn Steakhouse for my birthday dinner, but not till later so we would see how he felt.

My birthday meal choice always goes the same way.....they ask where I want to go.....I always say Ruths Chris as I had the best steak ever a few years back.......Tom liked it too, but Kyle didn`t have the best experience as I posted a few posts above......the waiter tried to persuade him that the steak would be better cooked medium rare.....which for me is the right way....but not for him. So it left him a bit annoyed with the place and doesn`t really want to go back......I know if I said we`re going....he would, but I don`t want to do that....and anyway, I had eaten in Ruth`s Chris is Manhattan in May, so I was ok with not going this year.......but we always seem to end up in Longhorn. No complaints as the steak there is always perfect and we have never had anything but perfect food and service.

So after we showered and changed, Kyle was still asleep...even over my hairdryer going....we were going to go up to the Club lounge and sit for a while before we went out and give Kyle some peace....when the door was knocked so I answered it and there was a lady with a bunch of balloons and a bottle of champagne.......yay......



What a lovely surprise....I never expected that this year as usually I get some hints, but they had said nothing......so I sat them down and Kyle kinda woke up and said he didn`t feel any better but wanted to sleep. So we put the do not disturb sign so the person who came to the turndown service wouldn`t disturb him and we went up to the lounge, told him if he woke up and felt better just to come up, or we would be back in an hour or so. I know he`s an adult and I`ve never been a helicopter parent, but I hate leaving him when he`s poorly........but he needed to sleep so we headed up and went into a busy lounge.

We immediately ran into Thomas who we knew from last year and got talking to him while we picked up some chips and dip to go with a very large glass of wine....well it is my birthday :thumbsup2........Tom was talking to him while I sat down at the window and noticed the food was not looking so good tonight...it was a chicken and rice dish, but not very appealing. Anyway Tom came back over and we sat and chatted nibbled our chips and drank our wine which was topped up before we could blink. The service in the lounge is top notch, they really look after you. At that point the lady who is the overall manager of the lounge Jocelyn came over and said how nice it was to see us back again and wished me a happy birthday........anyway we were in about an hour and a half, most of it chatting back and forward to Thomas who we just adore. But we went back down to see if Kyle was ready to go out for dinner or not.

We opened the door and he was just behind it.......he said we had just had a call to say they couldn`t make a delivery......we had put the do not disturb sign up.....so while I was on the phone asking them, and they knew nothing about the delivery Tom was smiling as the door went. I hung up and answered it.........there was a bottle of champagne and a card........so I sat it down and opened the card....It was from Thomas upstairs in the lounge. Well, I burst into tears (I am a tad emotional) I was so touched he had taken the time to do it......Tom said he had asked him what we were doing tonight and of course Tom said we were going out for my birthday, so he wanted to do something nice for me :hug:

Now I had two :cool1:



So I went straight back up to the lounge and gave him a big hug and thanked him so much.....he smiled and said what for......:goodvibes So after thanking him again I went back down to the room to see kyle back in bed but awake. He said he just didnt feel great and was going to sleep. I think we had too much sun today, it sometimes happens in our first park day when it`s extra hot.....I knew plenty of water and sleep and he would be fine. But I wasn`t going to drive over to LBV to Longhorn when he was here, so we decided to eat in The Islands dining room for a change. Since we were not headed out in the car anymore Tom could get something to drink, so we opened one of the bottles of bubbly and had that before going downstairs. We had opened the drapes and were sitting by the window admiring the view, and the bubbly........the sunset was beautiful.


We don`t eat here very often for some reason, but we quite fancied it tonight as we didn`t want to go far. It was fairly quiet, well with it being Saturday night I had expected it to be busy. We did get seated straight away.



As I had already had 2, maybe 3 glasses of wine :rolleyes1 I opted for a strawberry lemonade for now........They had an option of a much as you like wok cooked menu, all different meats and veg cooked in around 6 different sauces....very tempting and we may do that next year if they are still offering that menu choice, but to be honest we thought we may eat too much if we did that, so we each ordered ribs as an appetiser and I ordered Orange ginger chicken and Tom had the beef Teriyaki, it came with stir fried veg and we both opted for noodles.......





The meal was delicious, havent pictured the noodles as they don`t look appetising, but were nice....I love ginger but Tom hates it unless it`s ginger cake or ginger beer strangely enough.....I could have done with more ginger in this dish but it was beautiful and if you didn`t like ginger you could eat it ok. Tom`s was lovely too so we shared the meal between us.......we didn`t want any dessert so we paid and went up to Orchid`s Lounge to sit. One of our favorite places in the hotel to sit and relax.

I ordered a ginger martini....well it was still my birthday....I use that excuse a lot.........and Tom had a raspberry peach cocktail.......I think they were the only two cocktails we hadn`t got around to trying in there yet.......they were just gorgeous



At this point we both felt we might like some dessert, so we ordered between us the caramel mango cheesecake......waiter explained it was coming from Jake`s and they were busy but it wouldn`t be too long. We had seen how busy Jake`s was when we left Islands....glad I wasn`t eating in there tonight. It was loud. So we wait for the dessert and it doesn`t appear....after about 25 minutes he brings it over and it looks gorgeous even to a non dessert eater like me......he also tell us there will be no charge for it as we had to wait so long.......we thank him but tells him there is no need, but it is taken off the final bill.....the manageress comes over and again tells us we waited too long so it would be comped. We thank her as it was a nice touch, but we never rush when we are sitting there relaxing so it didn`t seem too long. We give him and extra tip as he was so lovely, all the staff are to be honest, but it wasn`t his fault the dessert was delayed. We are big believers in tipping well, probably over tip most of the time but it`s always deserved.

I can`t remember what time it is now but I want to go up and see how Kyle is. He should have had a good sleep by now. We go into the room and the tv is on.......he`s better. Said he must have slept for about 4 hours all in, headache gone though which was a relief. So we sat and chatted about the day.....not quite the birthday we had planned, but apart from Kyle being a bit off color....it was a lovely day. As always I feel very pampered, and with the few extra touches I received today it felt more special. We all got into bed and chatted for a bit then before we knew it we were zonked out, ready for tomorrow.
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Wow, I feel bad for Kyle.

A few summers back I ended up with severe heat exhaustion. I had the medical staff in the room with me checking me out. They got bananas and power aid and said if that does not help I would be going to the hospital. I thought living here in FL that would never happen as I know better. That afternoon and night was a blur.

Well it sounds like you had a great birthday.

I can't stand (I'm a picky eater) when people say you will like something when you tell them you don't care for it. It really shows they are not listening. Great TR as usual and waiting for more.
Wow, I feel bad for Kyle.

A few summers back I ended up with severe heat exhaustion. I had the medical staff in the room with me checking me out. They got bananas and power aid and said if that does not help I would be going to the hospital. I thought living here in FL that would never happen as I know better. That afternoon and night was a blur.

Well it sounds like you had a great birthday.

I can't stand (I'm a picky eater) when people say you will like something when you tell them you don't care for it. It really shows they are not listening. Great TR as usual and waiting for more.

He was fine by next day thankfully :thumbsup2 I think it was just too much sun.

Sounds nasty heat exhaustion.......at least you didn't have to go to emergency room.......not fun though.
Sounds like you had a lovely birthday!

You know, I love the pad Thai at Mythos. We ate there twice. Once it wasn't spicy but still flavorful. The second time, it was more spicy. Still good, though. I guess if all just depends on which chef is working..
i loved your birthday celebration!!

a happy day from the time you got up until you retired for the night.

best way to celebrate...............and the extra wine was a bonus treat.
Loved your birthday celebration. The January trip is my 50th birthday party!! We will be at Disney on the actual day. Can't wait to say goodbye to the 40's at Universal though!!:rotfl2:
Very nice birthday, minus your son not feeling well. That heat can really get to you. Glad he was better.

The food looked delicious!
Sounds like you had a lovely birthday!

You know, I love the pad Thai at Mythos. We ate there twice. Once it wasn't spicy but still flavorful. The second time, it was more spicy. Still good, though. I guess if all just depends on which chef is working..

Yes it was lovely thank you :)

i loved your birthday celebration!!

a happy day from the time you got up until you retired for the night.

best way to celebrate...............and the extra wine was a bonus treat.

It was a fun birthday apart from Kyle, but yes the extra sparkly was well and truly appreciated ::yes:: you know me and the bubbly or wine.......always like a sip or two............

Loved your birthday celebration. The January trip is my 50th birthday party!! We will be at Disney on the actual day. Can't wait to say goodbye to the 40's at Universal though!!:rotfl2:

Thanks..........oh, I'm sure you'll have a blast at both places........Universal is so much fun........we don't arrive till a few days after my birthday next year......but we'll still be celebrating my birthday, as I'm always being told.........it is all about me :duck:
Glad you're reading along :)

Very nice birthday, minus your son not feeling well. That heat can really get to you. Glad he was better.

The food looked delicious!

Aww thank you.......it did put a bit of a downer on the day, but yes that heat can creep up on you.......but we did still have a nice dinner......yes, it was lovely :)
Love the trip report posts. So sorry for the crown issue and Kyle not feeling well. I like how you roll with the punches and manage to have a good time anyway. You and your hubby and son are just the cutest! You look like a fun bunch. Happy belated birthday!
Love the trip report posts. So sorry for the crown issue and Kyle not feeling well. I like how you roll with the punches and manage to have a good time anyway. You and your hubby and son are just the cutest! You look like a fun bunch. Happy belated birthday!

Thank you very much for the wishes and lovely comments.........we think we're fun too :dance3:

Glad you are enjoying it....hope you enjoy the rest coming up too :goodvibes
I'm so glad you decided to do a TR! Reading about it is definitely getting me excited for my upcoming trip! :dance3:
I'm so glad you decided to do a TR! Reading about it is definitely getting me excited for my upcoming trip! :dance3:

Thanks :thumbsup2

I do enjoy doing them......love going back through everything....won`t be long till yours :thumbsup2
Great birthday update :thumbsup2 . Nice to see you had lots of reasons to smile on your special day!

Sorry to hear that Kyle couldnt enjoy all the festivities to the fullest with you. Being from the north, we too have to be very careful as well when we visit during the scortching summer. Our Canadian bodies just aren't accustomed to that kind of heat and humidity. I am glad to hear that he was back to normal the following day :) .
Sunday 14th September

We all slept so late this morning.....well, it is Sunday....isn`t that the day of rest........we can hear the ladies outside with the cleaning carts so we figure we better get a wiggle on and get out. Our room has always been cleaned early in the morning which is ideal for us as we sometimes come back mid afternoon to either change or just have a break before heading back out. Just at that the lady knocks on our door, so I open it and tell her we`ll be half an hour or so then we`ll be gone.....she says it`s fine......at that point the guy in the room opposite pops his head out and looks.....well, a bit rough and asks what day it is.........:rotfl2: oh dear.........I tell him it`s Sunday...he shakes his head and goes back inside.......we see him checking out later......lol.......did he really forget he was checking out or, well, I don`t know what he thought but he didn`t disturb us whatever fun he looked to have been having ::yes::

So, we make it up to the lounge at around 9.00.......grab some fruit and make some toast, then thank Thomas again for sending the bubbly. We sit and chat for not very long today as it`s another beautiful day outside and we want to get to IOA again. We always thought this was our favorite park a few years ago, but even before the Potter expansion we always seem to spend longer in The Studios, but still love Islands. We nip back into room and get some sun screen on......we apologise to the lady who is cleaning our room for disturbing her, she says it`s no problem and looks on rather bemused as we smother ourselves in factor 30 for me and 50 for the two fairer skinned of the 3 of us. We tell her she is lucky not to have to do this every day.

But soon we are walking into IOA.......this is always a real pleasure......the theming in Port of Entry is beautiful, and you really should take the time to look at all the little touches.....the voices that come from the windows above ground level and the colors are gorgeous.......but today we are heading to the rides.......we go straight round as usual to The Hulk, Spiderman and the short but sweet Dr Doom.......park is fairly quiet



We just missed him by a few seconds........if we hadn`t ridden Doom about 8 times we would have got pictures. But to be honest we werent going to bother so much again this year with character pics as we had so many from previous years......excluding Scooby of course.......we thought The Hulk this morning was rough, so I only went on once, they did twice then on to Spiderman and of course Doom. It was so gorgeous today, the heat was just hot enough for us......I think it was around the low 90`s so just perfect for us. We stopped for some water and drank that in the bench to the side of Spiderman....park still didn`t look too busy at this time. Rides so far had been quiet too, but we still used our EP. The girl who scanned our passes had the name April, and I wondered if it was April who posts on here, I should have asked her but I didn`t. Tom always finds it amusing when I wonder who people are, if they are from the Dis in one way or another.

We wander very slowly around to JP and see the changes they are making there......we stop first to put coins in the shower things at Popeye`s ride.....we get a few boats with people in, but most coming through are empty, so we skulk off disappointed today......we put a fortune in those machines to soak people....but it`s so much fun. So as we pass Dudley we immediately see the big JP gates are down and this is where everyone is......

You can also see through and see Cabana Bay through where they are working.....not a pretty sight at all. But I say that as someone who just doesn`t like the look of the hotel at all. But I know there are many who do. However I`m sure this is temporary and when they finish the upgrades here you won`t be able to see what`s outside on Turkey Lake Road.


So round to JP....we walk into the Express queue and there`s about 5 people in the regular queue.......so she said sit where you like....so we sat on the 2nd row this time and set off.......why oh why do we always end up with the moron who can`t understand what no camera means.......this guy has this thing on his wrist and is videoing the whole boat and what`s around us.....he gets told once and doesn`t put it away......so mild mannered me tells him hey buddy.....I don`t get any further and it`s gone.......I would make a great TM ::yes:: so now we can enjoy the ride, although I do get evils from this guy who is clearly miffed.......I don`t care.......it`s like people who think it`s ok to take flash pictures where you`re not supposed to......selfish!! (rant over)

We love this drop.....I always try leave the lapbar loose so you really feel it when you drop and boy this was a good one.........we think we are going to get soaked......but we are bone dry this time.......even Kyle who is the ultimate water magnet.....so we head around again........few more people in front this time.....so we get on and we`re in the 4th row.......this journey is fine.......get to the drop and wow.......we are soaked......drenched to the bone........then I look at Kyle and he is doubly drenched.......don`t know how he manages it. We want to go again, well we are soaked.....Kyle says he`ll pass...so we go again and this time there`s only two other people in the boat and we get a sprinkling of water on us.......love that drop!!!

We go back to Thunder Falls for lunch. It`s really nice in here but when you`re soaking wet....it`s freezing.....so we eat quickly. Kyle and I share the buffalo chicken wrap which is so fresh and Tom gets a burger that is just ok. I`m shivering now so I don`t take any pictures as I want back out in the blazing sun quick as possible. I`m a wimp when I`m cold. Now we head around to HP and it`s busy as usual but not mobbed by any means......I don`t feel like FJ today so I take their waist packs and head to visit Moaning Myrtle then sit at the fountain. I could sit here for hours.....it`s so funny and I love how people react to it. So I sit behind it as usual and watch. First person up is a woman I would say who is in her 30`s thinks it`s funny to stick her middle finger up the fountains face......lol....guess who gets soaked......some people!! He does make some dry comments about her which is funny. I sit a bit longer and drink some water and wait for them.



It`s so beautiful in this area, I hope they keep the fountain through any re-theming of this area. I don`t have to wait much longer and they are back, so we walk around and go on the Dr Seuss trolley ride and cat in the hat which doesn`t spin as much as it used to.....but still, it`s the weirdest ride ever.....but I wasn`t brought up on Seuss. First I knew of him was when my cousins brought over his books when we were around 9. Then of course The Grinch...which everyone loves I think. It`s so hot now and we decide to head back to the hotel and get some pool time in. We walk as we usually do when we come out of Islands as it`s so close. It`s always a beautiful walk and there`s plenty of shade as you go around.

We get changed, add more sun screen and head down to the pool and it`s not too busy. We get some loungers and 2 parasols so we`re covered up. Pool is beautiful, lovely and warm but cooling at the same time. It`s relaxing just laying back and sipping a non alcoholic drink....I had some kind of cocktail but it was so refreshing and I forget what is was called. We spend about an hour and a half then head up to a nice cool room and get showered and changed. Tonight I get to Longhorn.

We head up to the lounge as it`s far too early to head out for dinner.....as soon as we walk in Mike pours us 2 large chardonnays.......I get both as Tom is driving tonight......As I said we never use the lounge for main meals, we prefer to eat out but I do glance at it and have some salad as it looks gorgeous......main meal was something with noodles. Tom got some cheese and Kyle got some water. It was fairly quiet again tonight




I love the view from up here......but soon we were heading off to Lake Buena Vista to Longhorn. I knew one had opened up on IDrive, but we knew this one and knew we liked it plus it only takes 10-15 minutes or so to get there. When we arrive, as always it`s busy which is a good sign....but we get a table within a few minutes. I really like it in here. It`s always really friendly and food has always been lovely.

We order some strawberry lemonades and kyle a V daiquiri.......they do a gorgeous drink called blackberry firefly tea, but as I`d already had 3 large glasses of wine i think maybe I shouldn`t....so I don`t as it`s very strong. We order jalapeno shooters as an appetiser which are lovely, but again not too hot.......but it`s nice all the same and I would get them again. For main meal I order 9oz filet medium rare with sweet baked potato and brocolli, Tom orders Porterhouse, medium with fries and brocolli and Kyle as usual orders tenders....he thinks these are some of the nicest chicken he ever eats in here.








For some reason the portions don`t look as big as they were, especially my filet.....but they were a decent size and were cooked perfectly. I am fussy about steak and expect it to be perfect every time. Now I am full at this point.....but one of the reasons they love to come here is dessert. It`s called chocolate stampede....and it`s a sharing dessert........I`m sure everyone by now knows how my son loves chocolate desserts and I hate them.....but I do like ice cream and I can take a bit of that from them. When it arrives there is much discussion of who gets how much between the two of them........I mooch some ice cream while they come to an amicable decision and portions have been assigned.........


They demolish it.........they do enjoy this dessert so much, and I can only manage one scoop of ice cream.......we sit back for a bit after we have paid and just relax and finish our drinks. We head out and it`s raining.......so Tom goes round and brings the car round so we don`t get wet. It doesn`t get too heavy so roads are not bad at all thankfully. We have been caught in some real downpours in Orlando and trying to drive is impossible, but tonight is ok and soon we are back at hotel where Tom drops us off and goes and parks. We did think when we got back we may go to Citywalk for some mini golf......but it`s still raining a little, it`s nearly 10.30 :laughing: and we are ever so tired........10.30....we really know how to live the high life :rolleyes1
As we walk through Orchids lounge we see it`s closed....very unusual. They have closed every Sunday and Monday of our stay at this point as it`s so quiet.....they have a "gone fishin" sign up.....takes me days to get that joke......as it`s a sushi bar....."gone fishin"......:rolleyes1

So it`s up to our room and put tv on while we all get ready for bed. Have our usual chat going over the day......I always ask if we want to do early entry and it`s always met by a resounding no!!! I agree.......absolutely no need for us to get up early. And with that we`re all sound asleep.
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Great birthday update :thumbsup2 . Nice to see you had lots of reasons to smile on your special day!

Sorry to hear that Kyle couldnt enjoy all the festivities to the fullest with you. Being from the north, we too have to be very careful as well when we visit during the scortching summer. Our Canadian bodies just aren't accustomed to that kind of heat and humidity. I am glad to hear that he was back to normal the following day :) .

Thanks Gina :goodvibes

I think we`re the same as you in the North.....we`re just not used to this kind of heat in the UK....although we do love it, it can kinda knock you for six if you`re not careful. Worst we ever felt was the one year we had to go in July as Kyle was having back surgery in the August and starting University in September......never again will we go in July!!!!

And not only cause of the tour groups :scared1:

Glad you`re following along and enjoying it :)
I think of you every time we visit Longhorns;)

Lol...........yes glad it was just the gums that were inappropriate.........:)

Glad you enjoyed Jake's.........we really love it in there......never had pretzel rods though. We were really disappointed in Emerils and won't be going back.......plenty of other choices around. Our waiter was determined I had to have some kind of banana dessert......I detest bananas and told him so.....he was convinced I would like it.......we got fed up and left without dessert.

But Jake's while not expensive is consistently good with food and service.......:thumbsup2

It will be our new go-to in utilizing the credit:)

I'm not a particular banana crème pie fan but emerils is the bomb if u like :banana:s

:thumbsup2:thumbsup2to RPR for remembering you on ur BD.

I kept thinking something was grabbing me in last set of pictures but couldn't put my finger on it...then it dawned on me! You could see the sidewalks in the parks. It was so crowded the last few years when we visit for the RIP I couldn't see my feet.:rolleyes1
I think of you every time we visit Longhorns;)

I kept thinking something was grabbing me in last set of pictures but couldn't put my finger on it...then it dawned on me! You could see the sidewalks in the parks. It was so crowded the last few years when we visit for the RIP I couldn't see my feet.:rolleyes1

Lol.....we adore Longhorns.......wish we could get a decent steak over here for that price......I`m so fussy about steak, so only get real Aberdeen Angus steaks....best we can find over here :thumbsup2

Yes it was fairly quiet for most of the trip.....did get busier somedays, but very manageable :)


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