145 Middle Schoolers: Wicked Awesome or Epic Fail???DeParting-Such Sweet Sorrow p. 76

Bad Cow cracks me up.
When we took Claire to Cedar Point (A big amusement park in Ohio, in case you didn't know), as we walked up from our car, Claire says...what is this place? I think she was bout 2 1/2. Skip said "We are at the Point". And Claire said "I love the Poink!" And we laughed, it was so cute and now we always call it the Poink and she now gets mad at us for doing so.

I would've had a witty response...well not witty, because it probably would've involved an F word...or something like that at that time of night. :rotfl:
Dee - I finally caught up! Great pictures. Nice move to get a little alone time at Starring Rolls. The second YES class sounded so much better than the first. Glad it improved for you:)

I always take a picture of my score on TSM. I have yet to beat my husband, despite my highest score last time of 153,000. I figure I'll beat him one of these days and will need my picture as proof.

natebenma said:
I'm fine with Dinosaur, but NO WAY JOSE on Mission Space: Orange!


Have to agree with you on Mission Space and the teacups.
I love riding BTMR at night!

But, I hate getting caught up in the parade traffic---couldn't believe the lady actually told you that. Wait, yes I can! One football game -Alabama vs. TN-the lady in front of me turned around and told me she wish I would stop shaking my shaker (Believe me, I am a very courteous shaker shaker--I keep it up in the air, and never shake down beside a person's head!) I politely reminded her that I had paid for my ticket just like she had! :laughing:

I think that was just my 2nd ride on BTM at night. Last summer on our family trip and this time.

Now when I go to a football game, I expect it to be quiet and serene! :confused3

Seriously, why was she even at the game if she didn't want to be cheering and making noise???

Great photos of Big Thunder at night! Very nice lighting, etc! Our favorite nighttime BTMRR ride was during the fireworks one night - amazing!

And your story about Nate is absolutely heartwarming. Love it!!!! Love the photo of Nate - so sweet! Now you're really in trouble if Ben spills the beans to Nate about your trip report. Still offering a "flat Ben" for our MNSSHP. (My Alice costume arrived today -trying to alter it to make it fit - it's huge!) So I'm hoping to see our flat Ben Cheshire Cat soon!

As for Toy Story, I know exactly what you're talking about and how Nate ended up with "bad cow." Our oldest was a HUGE Buzz fan starting around 15 months (he was two for the release of TS2 and really crazy about Buzz by then!) During his first Disney trip, he cried big huge tears every time the Buzz ride ended. I have photos of him trying to get back in. (And there you have the first in a long line of reasons for my screen name!) We have our old Buzz toy still - our youngest still plays with him - not as fancy as the newer version and our Buzz now lacks hands. But I just couldn't bear to buy a new Buzz, when we already own THE Buzz. :) And just one Woody (so very loved,) one Jessie, one Bullseye, one Hamm, etc. etc. etc.

Too bad I don't have a witty comeback for you regarding the woman who told you to stop taking photos. I just don't - but really wish I did!

Just had to wave hello to Cynthia - I saw your PTR, but not your TR and I'm looking forward to it! We're less than two weeks away from Alaska on the Wonder! :)

Thanks for the comments about the BTM pictures. I put my camera away for the rest of the ride so I could just enjoy it!

I am SO screwed if Nate finds out about this report! Especially after posting that picture. I really want to share it with some of the people who went on the trip, but I don't think it would be fair if it got back to any of the other students.

Don't get any ideas, people!

I'll work on the Flat Ben and Cheshire Costume this week or early next. FB may have a previous engagement at a Pin Trading event in early Sept, so I need to make a lanyard for him, too.

Love your Buzz story!

Some of you may know that my avatar, the Little People lion, was Nathan's very favorite toy from the time he was 18 months old until, well, for quite awhile. Nay Nay Roar.

Nate's adorable as a little guy! :) I wonder if Caden will shorten his name once he gets to school...I'd be ok with Cade. We'll see!

The sweet shop looked so empty in your pics! LOL We only have ever gone in there at the end of the night when we're stalling leaving even though the park has closed. :laughing: It's packed full of other people doing the same at that point!

Hope all is going well with your little cutie!

One of Ben's best friends is Cade. It is surprising that a child's nickname can be totally out of a parent's control. I'm glad Nathan uses Nate and not Nat, even though Nat is even shorter! Better not point that out to him.

We were in the sweets shop about 10 minutes before closing, so everyone was out on Main Street getting ready for Wishes.

I'm not caught up yet, but I had to comment on your last update. Someone actually asked you to STOP taking pictures. What??????? You are in a park taking pictures of a parade. Hello? :faint: Yeah - I wouldn't have come up with a comeback for that either.

OMG - those 20 park tickets would totally be the death of me. Sticking 3 of them in a random pocket is something I would do! :rotfl2:

So, the problem wasn't that I was taking pictures, it was that I was stopping, very briefly and without warning, every so often. We were down on that boardwalk, I was holding my camera up over my head, pausing for just a second to snap the pictures. We were barely moving as it was, since it was packed in both directions on that path.

I'm actually pretty pleased with the way the photos of the parade came out considering the conditions.

Keeping track of all of the tickets was really a lot of pressure!

Bad Cow cracks me up.
When we took Claire to Cedar Point (A big amusement park in Ohio, in case you didn't know), as we walked up from our car, Claire says...what is this place? I think she was bout 2 1/2. Skip said "We are at the Point". And Claire said "I love the Poink!" And we laughed, it was so cute and now we always call it the Poink and she now gets mad at us for doing so.

I would've had a witty response...well not witty, because it probably would've involved an F word...or something like that at that time of night. :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing your story! I love hearing about sentimental names for places and things that are meaningful to families. Cedar Poink is very cute!

Yes, an "F" word- "Forget it!"

Dee - I finally caught up! Great pictures. Nice move to get a little alone time at Starring Rolls. The second YES class sounded so much better than the first. Glad it improved for you:)

I always take a picture of my score on TSM. I have yet to beat my husband, despite my highest score last time of 153,000. I figure I'll beat him one of these days and will need my picture as proof.

Have to agree with you on Mission Space and the teacups.

Yes, I was very pleased with my solo lunch!

I really enjoyed my morning and most of the day at HS.

Hope you best for DH's score at TSM someday!
"Bad cow' - that is seriously cute! I love the innocence of kids and how their little minds connects the obvious for them. My oldest son saw one of my graduation photos where I'm wearing my cap & gown and he said, "I didn't know you were a judge mommy"

Wow - mean lady! Uhh couldn't she have just walked around you when you paused to take a photo? Sheesh!
I am soooooooo glad you found a way to get out of the DTD trip because I know you are totally not a fan.

That photo of Nate with the Toy Story toys is precious and the "Bad Cow" story is equally adorable.

Seems like you guys had a fun evening at MK. I love riding BTM in the dark. Everything is so cool all lit up.

Looking at your pics of the Main Street Confectionary, I can actually recall the smells in there. It's one of my favorite places in Disney (though it lost some of its luster when they stopped carrying vanilla fudge last year).

I see you are leaving the park yet again without seeing Wishes. :lmao: What am I going to do with you?
You mean when you're on the rides you can't flash your.... Never mind! I'm going to have to rethink that Deluxe Photopass thingy, you know the ones where they include your on ride pix.

I laughed that the lady told you to stop taking pictures. Doesn't she know who you are and how much your pictures are valued by the rest of us. Next time tell her you are an important phototgrapher on a DisBoard mission and it is not possible for you to allow her to interupt your work any longer.

I would have just farted at her and said take a picture of THAT lady!


That is a riot on the stick lollipop waving. I hate those things! My kids get them, suck on them FOREVER, don't finish, want to save. Sticky icky mess!

In my house the fastest way to get rid of a never ending Lollipop is to roll it in dog hair. Game, set, match.... MOM!

"Bad cow' - that is seriously cute! I love the innocence of kids and how their little minds connects the obvious for them. My oldest son saw one of my graduation photos where I'm wearing my cap & gown and he said, "I didn't know you were a judge mommy"

Wow - mean lady! Uhh couldn't she have just walked around you when you paused to take a photo? Sheesh!

I swear, I usually don't even remember his name is Zurg.

That is very funny about the graduation picture. I hope you said that yes, you are indeed a judge and that is why your word is law! "Because I said so" is indeed a valid argument!

Actually, the woman couldn't have walked around me, for a couple of reasons. First, there was absolutely NO room. Packed in both directions. We could barely move forward. Plus, I was brining up the rear of my group so the other chaperone and four students were in front of me and I wouldn't have let her cut in to separate us.

I am soooooooo glad you found a way to get out of the DTD trip because I know you are totally not a fan.

That photo of Nate with the Toy Story toys is precious and the "Bad Cow" story is equally adorable.

Seems like you guys had a fun evening at MK. I love riding BTM in the dark. Everything is so cool all lit up.

Looking at your pics of the Main Street Confectionary, I can actually recall the smells in there. It's one of my favorite places in Disney (though it lost some of its luster when they stopped carrying vanilla fudge last year).

I see you are leaving the park yet again without seeing Wishes. :lmao: What am I going to do with you?

You should have seen me in that bus line for DTD. I really worked it. "OK, does anyone want to go to MK?" "ANYONE?" "Well, I wouldn't mind." "OK, Who else?" "I'll go if someone else goes"

I am SO glad it worked out!!!

I love that photo too, and I'm glad that writing this report gave me the incentive to find it.

I enjoyed spending some time in the bakery. I love fudge, but I didn't look too closely at the different flavors and I was able to avoid making a purchase.

Yup, left MK again without seeing Wishes. Glad that I have seen some spectacular pictures, and GREAT narration, in others' trip reports! ;)

You mean when you're on the rides you can't flash your.... Never mind! I'm going to have to rethink that Deluxe Photopass thingy, you know the ones where they include your on ride pix.

In my house the fastest way to get rid of a never ending Lollipop is to roll it in dog hair. Game, set, match.... MOM!


Maybe the monitors are looking more closely at the Splash photos than Buzz. But Nate told me that one of the CMs at AK spoke to the boy after he did the same thing on Everest.

NM- I really enjoy your helpful hints!
I laughed outloud at the Bad Cow story. I think it's neat when you have a memory that stands out so in your mind and, because of it, you always have a running "joke" in your family.

Oh I am so glad that neither of my kids have been big lollipop fans. Every time I see one of those long or big round lollipops at Disney, I think "I'm so glad I don't have to carry that around all day." What the heck did you put the thing in when you were carrying it?

It looks like ya'll had a fun, fun, fun night time ride on Big Thunder Mountain! For some reason, it seems so different when it's dark.

What was up with the rude woman? Like you said, the people weren't moving at a fast pace anyway so what did it matter?
Caught back up again!

People that would rather shop/swim than be in a Disney park baffle me.

BTM is one of our favorites too. It's always the first ride we head for after entering MK, but of course I usually grab a Space Mountain fastpass on my way. :) I think we've all been there on rookie mistakes when we are no longer rookies!

"Bad Cow" cracks me up. Must be a cow thing. My oldest daughter thought every animal on four legs was a cow when she first started talking. We have a 1966 Mustang that she referred to as the "Cow Car" because obviously the animal on the grill was a Cow not a Pony. We still call it the Cow Car 8 years later. Gotta love how the little things that our kids do seem to stick. We still eat "Swammiches" for lunch too.

Your Electric Parade pictures came out well even on the move. What mode did you take them in? No flash? Mine usually come out funny no matter what I do!
natebenma said:
Yup, left MK again without seeing Wishes. Glad that I have seen some spectacular pictures, and GREAT narration, in others' trip reports! ;)

OMG! Have you never seen Wishes live???

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All this talk of "Bad Cow" has inspired me to dig up a couple of pictures from past trips:

From 2004:


From 2008:


From 2009:


It would seem that this location would make a great place for a "growth chart" annual photo, but alas, I don't think I have pictures of both boys taken here on our 2010 or 2011 visits to MK.

All this talk of "Bad Cow" has inspired me to dig up a couple of pictures from past trips:

From 2004:


Fromm 2008:


It would seem that this location would make a great place for a "growth chart" annual photo, but alas, I don't think I have pictures of both boys taken here on our 2009, 2010 or 2011 visits to MK.


Love these!

While this is a good growth chart spot, eventually they do get too big to want to try and fit here. :)
JanetMom said:
Love these!

While this is a good growth chart spot, eventually they do get too big to want to try and fit here. :)

Yeah I have a pic here almost every year too Until they didn't want to anymore :(

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I laughed outloud at the Bad Cow story. I think it's neat when you have a memory that stands out so in your mind and, because of it, you always have a running "joke" in your family.

Oh I am so glad that neither of my kids have been big lollipop fans. Every time I see one of those long or big round lollipops at Disney, I think "I'm so glad I don't have to carry that around all day." What the heck did you put the thing in when you were carrying it?

It looks like ya'll had a fun, fun, fun night time ride on Big Thunder Mountain! For some reason, it seems so different when it's dark.

What was up with the rude woman? Like you said, the people weren't moving at a fast pace anyway so what did it matter?

I will forever associate Zurg with "Bad Cow" But now that I think about it, I should check to see if Ben is in on the joke. He was just a newborn when all of that started.

We don't usually get the lollipops for my kids so I am not used to lugging them around. Before it was opened, the kid had it hanging out of his backsack, but once he had started licking it, I think I just had to start carrying it around to keep it from inflicting bodily damage to others.

Love, love, love BTM. Day. Night. Whenever!

What are we going to do with that Ninja Mom? I don't know, but I will certainly take care to be in FRONT of her, rather than behind, in any future meeting!

Caught back up again!

People that would rather shop/swim than be in a Disney park baffle me.

BTM is one of our favorites too. It's always the first ride we head for after entering MK, but of course I usually grab a Space Mountain fastpass on my way. :) I think we've all been there on rookie mistakes when we are no longer rookies!

"Bad Cow" cracks me up. Must be a cow thing. My oldest daughter thought every animal on four legs was a cow when she first started talking. We have a 1966 Mustang that she referred to as the "Cow Car" because obviously the animal on the grill was a Cow not a Pony. We still call it the Cow Car 8 years later. Gotta love how the little things that our kids do seem to stick. We still eat "Swammiches" for lunch too.

Your Electric Parade pictures came out well even on the move. What mode did you take them in? No flash? Mine usually come out funny no matter what I do!

Same here! When I am at Disney, I don't want to shop or swim. Well, maybe swim a little. But this is the time to be at the PARKS!!!

I was totally not thinking as I made my way to BTM! All I knew was that I wanted to ride!

Cow Car!!! That's great!!! But she probably shouldn't be staying that at any classic car shows if you go to any!

Pascetti (spagetti) is another lunch time staple from my past.

I honestly can't remember about the ELP pictures, but I think I had the flash on. Not sure. Not bad considering I was mostly moving, pretty far away and being berated all while taking the photos.

OMG! Have you never seen Wishes live???

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Pretty shameful, I know!

A few factors really have contributed to this-

First, the rest of my family is not really into fireworks

We are very early risers, and as a consequence, we call it a night fairly early

Crowds are not our thing (makes vacationing in Disney interesting, no?)

I did watch Nightastic once, alone, from the beach at the Poly following my family's dinner at Ohana. We were able to view Nightastic from our balcony at the Beach Club in 2010. But other than that, we always leave the park before the fireworks show has started, and so I have only seen the Wishes fireworks from afar.

(Never had an ice cream from Beaches and Cream, either)

natebenma said:
I will forever associate Zurg with "Bad Cow" But now that I think about it, I should check to see if Ben is in on the joke. He was just a newborn when all of that started.

We don't usually get the lollipops for my kids so I am not used to lugging them around. Before it was opened, the kid had it hanging out of his backsack, but once he had started licking it, I think I just had to start carrying it around to keep it from inflicting bodily damage to others.

Love, love, love BTM. Day. Night. Whenever!

What are we going to do with that Ninja Mom? I don't know, but I will certainly take care to be in FRONT of her, rather than behind, in any future meeting!

Same here! When I am at Disney, I don't want to shop or swim. Well, maybe swim a little. But this is the time to be at the PARKS!!!

I was totally not thinking as I made my way to BTM! All I knew was that I wanted to ride!

Cow Car!!! That's great!!! But she probably shouldn't be staying that at any classic car shows if you go to any!

Pascetti (spagetti) is another lunch time staple from my past.

I honestly can't remember about the ELP pictures, but I think I had the flash on. Not sure. Not bad considering I was mostly moving, pretty far away and being berated all while taking the photos.

Pretty shameful, I know!

A few factors really have contributed to this-

First, the rest of my family is not really into fireworks

We are very early risers, and as a consequence, we call it a night fairly early

Crowds are not our thing (makes vacationing in Disney interesting, no?)

I did watch Nightastic once, alone, from the beach at the Poly following my family's dinner at Ohana. We were able to view Nightastic from our balcony at the Beach Club in 2010. But other than that, we always leave the park before the fireworks show has started, and so I have only seen the Wishes fireworks from afar.

(Never had an ice cream from Beaches and Cream, either)


I am shocked even though I understand why. We are early risers too (well maybe not as early as you lol) we usually get to the parks right around opening. We only stay for wishes once during the trip. It's usually for me! No one else :( so I can relate to not wanting to. Last year when we stayed at the Poly the boys went back and I stayed :) it was better than listening to the whining. Same goes for ELP I just love it and the DH and kids could care less anymore. It is a good time to hit major rides though.

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natebenma said:
All this talk of "Bad Cow" has inspired me to dig up a couple of pictures from past trips:

From 2004:

Fromm 2008:

It would seem that this location would make a great place for a "growth chart" annual photo, but alas, I don't think I have pictures of both boys taken here on our 2009, 2010 or 2011 visits to MK.


Well now you have to on the next one!

We've never had a picture there at all, about all I've got is castle and sorcerers hat from 2009 and 10. Not much of a spread but at that age 18 mo shows a big difference
I am shocked even though I understand why. We are early risers too (well maybe not as early as you lol) we usually get to the parks right around opening. We only stay for wishes once during the trip. It's usually for me! No one else :( so I can relate to not wanting to. Last year when we stayed at the Poly the boys went back and I stayed :) it was better than listening to the whining. Same goes for ELP I just love it and the DH and kids could care less anymore. It is a good time to hit major rides though.

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It is so nice now that the boys are older- if everyone wants to go back except me, then I don't feel guilty that Mark has to handle all of the nighttime stuff. The boys can take care of themselves.

That was one of the things I really enjoyed about staying at the Beach Club. The guys would be all settled in the room and I would go out and watch Illuminations. And be back by 9:30.

Well now you have to on the next one!

We've never had a picture there at all, about all I've got is castle and sorcerers hat from 2009 and 10. Not much of a spread but at that age 18 mo shows a big difference

We do have our share of castle pictures, although none from our first trip in 2004. :(

Found one more Bad Cow picture, 2009, but it is just Ben. And from that same visit, Nate at the controls, perfecting the eye roll. Nothing for 2010 and then for 2011, all I have is the redneck ride photo of the two boys, and it is very blurry. But I will try to make this our photo spot from now on.


All caught up!

Only people who weren't familiar with the pain-in-the-rear it is to get to DTD would chose it over a night at MK!

FastPass Faux Pas! I liked it :thumbsup2

The Bad Cow story is hilarious - my brother when he was younger had a Mickey plus he called Yoy-Yoy. To this day none of us can figure out why.

Can't wait for more!


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