“Life is Grand, it Yacht to be, we are at Disney! 1/29 New TR link, a question, and this TR is complete!

Andi was so funny, she was saying don’t look behind you mom, keep going mom, oh my gosh mom the crowds are coming, keep going don’t look back!:rotfl2: It reminded me of the scene from Jaws (my all time favorite movie by the way) when Charlie falls in and the guy on the dock keeps saying “swim Charlie swim, don’t look back”

:rotfl: Andi's a hoot!

The delicious warm cinnamon roll came out with our drinks. This was delicious, it was soft and gooey like it should be.


The tater tots are so good. They are seasoned well and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

I think the tater tots are my favourite part of this meal.

We finished up and paid for the meal and I had a little sticker shock! We did get the 10% off for being passholders but wow, this breakfast is 59.99 now per person. The last time we ate here it was 39.99 with 20% off for the AP. This is ridiculously expensive for us.

This is so crazy. Disney is really starting to price us out of these kinds of meals. There's no reason to pay $60 for a standard character breakfast anywhere.

Our reservation was right when A&C opened. We were literally the only ones in there and we get this tiny 2 topper very close to other tables, in which they chose to fill up, ugh! There was a huge round table in the corner next to us and it was filled with a super loud family. A single guy was seated literally in our elbow space next to us

Ooh that's too bad! They had the whole restaurant to work with. I understand keeping people in one or two servers' sections when it's not busy, but they could have at least spread you out enough that you weren't in each others' personal space.

Andi got the Vegan Protein Bowl. This had vegan Italian sausage, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and broccolini with a roasted cherry tomato sauce. This was the true winner of our dishes. This was so delicious. It had so much flavor and the vegan sausage was very tasty.

Yum! This sounds so good!

We paid our bill, which was 1/2 the price of our breakfast!

That's wild.
We did make it and thankfully we were not trampled by the Soarin hungry sharks coming in!:rotfl:

I checked us in and we were seated within 5 minutes for our breakfast with Chipmunks, yay! Our table was on the upper level this time so we didn’t get to see Lwtl going by.

We ordered coke for our beverages, these are included in the meal price. The delicious warm cinnamon roll came out with our drinks. This was delicious, it was soft and gooey like it should be. We also got a bowl of fruit. Standard Disney fruit, it was fresh.
Love that cinnamon roll!
Chip and Dale were the first to come over and say hi! These two are always so sweet and playful. They both take time to visit and don’t act rushed.
My favourite! :)
Our breakfast platter came out next. This includes Mickey Waffles, scrambled eggs, tater tots, sausage, and bacon. This was all very good. It was fresh and tasty. The tater tots are so good. They are seasoned well and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
Those tots are so good!
Mickey and Pluto came over during this time. Very fun meets with those two! I love Mickey in his Farmer’s outfit, so cute!
Agreed....we loved them too!
We finished up and paid for the meal and I had a little sticker shock! We did get the 10% off for being passholders but wow, this breakfast is 59.99 now per person. The last time we ate here it was 39.99 with 20% off for the AP. This is ridiculously expensive for us. We do not get our moneys worth at these AYCTE places and with a price tag like that, it is hard to swallow. This was $120.00 for 2 people. 😳 I love the characters and all but man that is to much for us to go again!
What in the world?????? It was $39.99 each when we ate there in July and I thought that was expensive! It was only $25.00 for breakfast back in 2016, now that was a deal!
Andi loves the movie about Walt Disney in One Man’s Dream. We went into the lovely cool area and watched the movie. I get tearful every time I see the movie. Andi was happy it was the original movie and not a preview for something. We looked around some before it was time to do SDD.
I love that movie too!
Our reservation was right when A&C opened. We were literally the only ones in there and we get this tiny 2 topper very close to other tables, in which they chose to fill up, ugh! There was a huge round table in the corner next to us and it was filled with a super loud family. A single guy was seated literally in our elbow space next to us. I will have to say choose the bar area instead, way quieter and tables not as close together. We decided to try a few different appetizers and a protein bowl.
The food looks good but I really don't like it when they squish tables together!
We made it over to The Land right before 9am and before the sea of people. Andi was so funny, she was saying don’t look behind you mom, keep going mom, oh my gosh mom the crowds are coming, keep going don’t look back!:rotfl2: It reminded me of the scene from Jaws (my all time favorite movie by the way) when Charlie falls in and the guy on the dock keeps saying “swim Charlie swim, don’t look back”
The crowd might be scarier than the shark!
We ordered coke for our beverages, these are included in the meal price. The delicious warm cinnamon roll came out with our drinks. This was delicious, it was soft and gooey like it should be. We also got a bowl of fruit. Standard Disney fruit, it was fresh.
Fruit? Who needs fruit when you have an awesome cinnamon roll???
We finished up and paid for the meal and I had a little sticker shock! We did get the 10% off for being passholders but wow, this breakfast is 59.99 now per person. The last time we ate here it was 39.99 with 20% off for the AP. This is ridiculously expensive for us. We do not get our moneys worth at these AYCTE places and with a price tag like that, it is hard to swallow. This was $120.00 for 2 people. 😳 I love the characters and all but man that is to much for us to go again!
Totally understand. I love lunch at GG, and haven't tried breakfast (although that cinnamon roll intrigues me) but I don't think I could justify it out of pocket. Definitely a great use of a meal credit if you're on dining plan though!
The QS place close to ToT had water out on the counter with cups. This was really nice because some of the QS locations have you wait in line to just ask for water. We had some water and worked our way towards TSL.
I liked finding places that had self serve water out like that. So much more convenient!
Overall the dinner was good. I would recommend this place. Just realize the tables are close together. The menu has quite a few appetizers and main entrees. We paid our bill, which was 1/2 the price of our breakfast! It was time to get ready for the MNSSHP!
I'm glad it was good and relatively quick to get in. Sorry for the cramped seating.

Here how I feel most days, haha!
Ha how I felt when I got off work this morning, man our ER was busy last night. I really expected it to be busy this weekend with the full moon but it wasn't.
This was $120.00 for 2 people. 😳
Ouch I'd reather pay $20 extra and go to CG Sunday Brunch

Looking forward to hearing all about your party
Love your photos from GG but boy the price is scary!
Not sure I could justify that as we aren't huge eaters at breakfast. Maybe if we had "free" dining plan :confused3 Great character interaction though :goodvibes
That's a bummer about your change in trip plans... but at least you still get to enjoy some additional Disney fun before your annual passes expire!

Your breakfast at Garden Grill looks SO good... but they really have increased the prices at the buffet meals! When I visited Crystal Palace back in 2015 it was $23.99 pp and now I think it's up to $40 pp! I know you should expect prices to increase, but good gracious! (I hope my husband doesn't have a stroke at the meals when we go in May!) :laughing:

Your meal at Ale and Compass sounded good! I'm not a big fan when tables are super close together at a restaurant, but it's definitely worse when you're next to a loud table.
Sorry, I got 5 pages behind somehow!

I have to say the ride was just meh for me. Andi didn’t really care for it either. I think if I was feeling better, we would have done it again in the single rider line. Our pilots and the gunners were all one family and they were annoying! This took away from the experience as well. They were know it alls and were screaming and making stupid comments the whole time.

That seems to be the consensus. And who you're seated with can really make or break the ride, which kind of stinks.

I was really excited to try these out in January and now I’m a little nervous about it.

Me too! I don't know if I'll be brave enough now...or if Mike would even try them anyway!

This is also were sweet Andi made a comeback:rotfl:She also loves this ride and was quite sentimental after. She told me how wonderful these trips are and how much it means to her! She said we have made so many wonderful memories together and it is so special to her:lovestruc Ahh, this made a mother happy!

Aw :hug:

The ride was peaceful and we didn’t have to share our seat with anyone, yay!

Always a plus when you've been hot and sweaty all day in a theme park!

We decided to take a Lyft back this evening and the spot for this service had moved and it was a cluster (you know what).


I'm just picturing you saying this in your sweet voice and it cracked me up!

Our 2nd cancellation is the cruise portion of our January trip, more sad music!! 😭 I just couldn’t spend the $2100.00 on the cruise portion, especially when the extra college $$ is around this price tag!
Aw! That stinks! But totally understandable. Mike and I were supposed to go last year and anded up with house repairs instead.

Now the good news, we will still be going to Disney in January! 🤩


We will be able to say hi to some Dis friends in January, yay!
Jenny and Ariane will be there. I hope to get my drink on with them at Jock Lindsey’s bar in DS! This will be so fun!

I'm sad I'm missing this one :sad:

I have also made a reservation for our March trip! I am hoping this is still a go! Our current dates are 3/22-3/28 a
We maybe able to arrange a few Dis meets this week as well. Kelly and Cloe maybe there during this time.

Yes! We will be there until 3/23!

I have the day off today, after working the weekend.

Here how I feel most days, haha!

Exactly :love:

We finished up and paid for the meal and I had a little sticker shock! We did get the 10% off for being passholders but wow, this breakfast is 59.99 now per person. The last time we ate here it was 39.99 with 20% off for the AP. This is ridiculously expensive for us.

Yikes! That's really high for breakfast! I do love it though and already have it booked for Mike and I in March and was planning on booking it for the five of us in July... I'm not sure I'm ready to spend $300 on breakfast though :scared1:
I was so flustered that morning. The previews came out and of course I couldn’t get through for awhile and once I did I just grabbed the 1pm time slot and wanted to confirm it! I was so worried I would get the dreaded Disney IT error!
OMG I know, me too! I couldn't focus AT ALL until I snagged my preview time :headache:

She said we have made so many wonderful memories together and it is so special to her:lovestruc Ahh, this made a mother happy!
Awwwww :goodvibes

We had a Thanksgiving week trip planned and this has to be cut!
:sad: Being responsible really stinks sometimes, doesn't it?!


This was $120.00 for 2 people.
:scared1: That is completely outrageous! I went to GG about a year and a half ago for dinner and I don't recall it being that expensive! And for dinner! Ugh... prob won't be rushing back there anytime soon :sad2:

We had fun despite the crowds, and had a Dis meet again yay!!
YAY!!! :goodvibes
It's a shame that Garden Grill is so expensive, because it has some of the best character interactions. I feel like everyone who eats there gets to see some of the characters at least twice, and they never rush you. That being said, though, 60 dollars per person for breakfast is shocking. I don't know many who can justify eating 60 dollars' worth of cinnamon rolls and Mickey waffles!

Glad the Starbucks visit went better this day.

Tables too close together can really dampen a meal. A lot of restaurants here in England have similar setups and it makes the experience awkward. I hate overhearing other's conversations or having to apologize for my kid bumping stranger when they get out of the seat. I feel like in restaurants at Disney, most of the restaurants have the space to spread out the tables a little. But I know, more tables, more guests, more money...
I'm excited for our GG breakfast during our trip! The food looks really good, and can't wait to meet Mickey and friends
It was very good and so fun with the characters. Let me know what your price per person ends up being. I am thinking we were seriously overcharged!
In Florida?? In August?? No way, I don't believe that!!
Crazy right! :rotfl:
I'm looking forward to checking out this area next month, while the rest of the family rides RNR and TOT. It looks cute.
It is really cute! You can meet one of the cars and get a photo. I think Cruise Ramirez
I thought the same thing, just watching wait times this summer! Couldn't figure out what people were talking about with crowds being lower, because wait times were certainly high!
It was quite busy, each August we go gets more crowded, ugh!!
Just loving your TR! Ugh, that is a very pricey breakfast :( The cinnamon roll looked amazing though!
Hope you started to feel better, I hate being on vacation not feeling the greatest....looking forward to more reading!!!
Thank you! I was seriously shocked and now after researching some I think we were overcharged! The cinnamon roll is super delicious.
My cold just stayed in my throat, weird but I think the cold prevention I used helped some?
That breakfast price sounds crazy high!! Did they charge you for lunch on accident? I think the GG Candlelight Processional package is like $64 or something??? That sounds crazy!
After doing some research,I do think I was overcharged I should have said something. It did say breakfast on the receipt so who knows?? Josh at easy WDW says current breakfast price at GG is 44.00 so if this is true we were overcharged!
Me too... except it's because I have to replace my oven.
Bummer! At our house everything quits working at the same time lol!
like that!!
Very true and fitting to a nurse!
Ooohh… I remember the first time... I thought for sure he was gonna get et.
One if my favorite things about Jaws is the suspense, I love that you don’t even see the shark for quite sometime!
Wow that looks good!
The cinnamon roll is so yummy!
Hoookay. I was considering doing this, but... not at that pricetag!
I expect a lot more for $60 than a cinnamon roll and some tater tots.
Yes way to much for breakfast. I am wondering if we weren’t overcharged, basically what I am reading I paid for 3 people not 2, ugh!
No! Hot? In Florida???
Crazy right!
saw that when I was there with Elle and didn't know what it was.
It is a cute area, nothing you have to run and do!
What is Andi waving? A hat?
Yes she does it for the video!
You could've fooled me. It seems as packed as always.
I so agree, low crowds no way!!
I've never seen this.
<hangs head in shame>
Oh my! It is really good. I won’t tell Andi she would give you a lecture :rotfl:
Probably just one server on duty and that's there "area".
That was the case, however, there still was room to spread us out a little! The food was good and cost was reasonable for Disney.
Andi's a hoot!
I love her commentaries at Disney!
Cinnamon roll does = yum!
think the tater tots are my favourite part of this meal.
I agree, the tater tots are so good. It was item Disney does right every time!
This is so crazy. Disney is really starting to price us out of these kinds of meals. There's no reason to pay $60 for a standard character breakfast anywhere.
I should have asked if it was correct, dumb of me not to speak up, I think we may have been overcharged
Ooh that's too bad! They had the whole restaurant to work with. I understand keeping people in one or two servers' sections when it's not busy, but they could have at least spread you out enough that you weren't in each others' personal space.
I get keeping you in one servers area but even with that, they could have put the big family in the other corner and the single guy a few tables down!
Yum! This sounds so good!
The protein bowl was really good!
That's wild.
Right, that is why I think we were seriously overcharged at breakfast!
Love that cinnamon roll!
My favourite!
Chip and Dale :love:
Those tots are so good!
Agreed....we loved them too!
Mickey is so darn cute in his Farmer’s outfit!
What in the world?????? It was $39.99 each when we ate there in July and I thought that was expensive! It was only $25.00 for breakfast back in 2016, now that was a deal!
I wonder if we were overcharged? I heard prices went up everywhere but this seems extreme!
love that movie too!
Always makes me tear up!
The food looks good but I really don't like it when they squish tables together!
It was a good variety of food!
agree. This is a very expensive meal but at least the food and character interaction is good
Love the characters!:lovestruc
The crowd might be scarier than the shark!
Yes I definitely agree on that!
Fruit? Who needs fruit when you have an awesome cinnamon roll???
Exactly I think only 1 piece of fruit was consumed :rotfl: :hyper:
Totally understand. I love lunch at GG, and haven't tried breakfast (although that cinnamon roll intrigues me) but I don't think I could justify it out of pocket. Definitely a great use of a meal credit if you're on dining plan though!
I am starting to think we were overcharged I should have asked!
liked finding places that had self serve water out like that. So much more convenient!
So much quicker this way!
I'm glad it was good and relatively quick to get in. Sorry for the cramped seating.
This was a nice dinner, a little to intimate for me!
Ha how I felt when I got off work this morning, man our ER was busy last night. I really expected it to be busy this weekend with the full moon but it wasn't.
I know! My weekend wasn’t busy but this week sure has been, must be the after effects of the full moon
Ouch I'd reather pay $20 extra and go to CG Sunday Brunch

Looking forward to hearing all about your party
The CG brunch is now 100.00 a person, isn’t this crazy!!
It is a really fun breakfast! I wonder if we were overcharged?? It did say breakfast on the receipt but now I wonder!
I should have asked if it was correct, dumb of me not to speak up, I think we may have been overcharged

I wish I still had my receipt to check for you, because we went there in August too so the price should have been the same. I seem to remember it being somewhere around $50 or just under before tax and tip. That's still a crazy amount to pay for a breakfast, which should definitely be the cheapest meal of the day. I think the difference in cost between their breakfast and dinner isn't actually all that much anymore either.

I get keeping you in one servers area but even with that, they could have put the big family in the other corner and the single guy a few tables down!



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