“Life is Grand, it Yacht to be, we are at Disney! 1/29 New TR link, a question, and this TR is complete!

We had a Thanksgiving week trip planned and this has to be cut!
Oh man, it's always hard when we need to cancel any trip but especially Disney lol. We had to do that last August with Ricky's knee :headache: I LOVE going for Thanksgiving and am really sad we aren't doing it again this year, but at least you and I will be there less than 2 months later!
Our 2nd cancellation is the cruise portion of our January trip, more sad music!!
:( Not looking forward to the financial part of college coming up for us next year lol
I have the new character breakfast at The Riviera booked
I know Jenny told you but the 4 of us are doing this in January and I'm looking forward to it! Not sure what time but it's on the 21st.
Jenny and Ariane will be there. I hope to get my drink on with them at Jock Lindsey’s bar in DS! This will be so fun!
100% for sure! We were thinking Saturday or Sunday? We get in later on Friday night and we *may* do a tour Monday, then Jenny leaves Tuesday. Monday night is when we're doing MK AH by the way!!!
The flight costs are crazy during spring break so this will play a factor in this trip happening.
This is ultimately why we cancelled our NYE trip this year :mad: Chris was coming and Ricky was a possibility depending on basketball so we were going to book him a flight. The least expensive out of the 6 airports we can fly from would have been $2500 for the 4 of us, WAY more than our resort with my discount and the cost of tickets for the boys!!! Just couldn't justify it especially right after the holiday. Someday I'll get there for NYE........................

I hope you find decent flights for spring break!
We decided to walk from YC. I woke up with a scratchy feeling in my throat.:crazy2: I initially thought it was from the air conditioning. Unfortunately, it was not. I did take Ziacam and Airborne and hoped for the best
Uhoh… I hate that feeling.
We did TSMx4, SDDx3, AS2x1. I do believe we could have done SDD several more times if I would have been up to it.
That's pretty amazing. Definitely worth the money you spent on the event to get that many rides and then get some breakfast!
Our pilots and the gunners were all one family and they were annoying! This took away from the experience as well. They were know it alls and were screaming and making stupid comments the whole time.
Yeah, I could see that being an issue. Honestly, it can be awkward riding with another group that you're not a part of on any attraction when you have to share close quarters, but when you've got to work cooperatively toward your ride experience it would only make it more awkward.
We decided to try the spicy popcorn and a coke bomb for Andi. We did not like the popcorn. It actually tasted stale and the red coating was really gross. This was a big miss for us. We threw most of it away.
Why do they have to get so creative with popcorn. Salt. Butter. Done.
I plan to spend some more time here in January and I hope to do both of the rides, to see how I feel about it! I did like the experience, I just wasn’t over the moon about it.
I hope that you enjoy it more next time. I can certainly understand how the circumstances conspired against you.
We had a FP for Dinosaur, of course ::yes:: this is one of my favorite rides. I know it’s bumpy and could probably use an update but we love it! This is also were sweet Andi made a comeback:rotfl:She also loves this ride and was quite sentimental after. She told me how wonderful these trips are and how much it means to her! She said we have made so many wonderful memories together and it is so special to her:lovestruc Ahh, this made a mother happy!
That's awesome!
First, some unfortunate cancellations have had to be made. Andi has had some extra college expenses for her International Studies. The responsible mother that I am, will use some of my vacation funds :sad: To pay for these!
That stinks, but you've got to do what you've got to do.
Now the good news, we will still be going to Disney in January! 🤩 Our Trip will be 1/14-1/20 at OKW. I rented points from an owner right here on the Dis! This was paid for awhile ago and not easy to cancel so no changing this! More good news “cue the happy music”:dancer: We have added 4 more nights to this trip. I got a great AP rate at Pop, it is around $110.00 a night. We will move here on 1/20-1/24. The cost to change our flight would have cost about the same as our Pop reservation so of course we will stay at Disney longer!!
At least this part worked out quite nicely! That's definitely a good substitute for the cruise and a nice bit of money saved.
Andi’s friend R, who we had dinner with at Via Napoli, was accepted into the CP and she will be there in January!
That's great! That will be neat to get to visit with her as a CP!
late joining in. Enjoying your trip report.

Sorry to hear you got sick and on your Star Wars preview day. I think being sick probably did put a damper on that day. My Mom and I were there a few weeks ago and also both picked up a bug and were pretty miserable for 2 days (leaving the room only for very short periods and to visit urgent care). Hoping the trip got better!
This is also were sweet Andi made a comeback:rotfl:She also loves this ride and was quite sentimental after. She told me how wonderful these trips are and how much it means to her! She said we have made so many wonderful memories together and it is so special to her:lovestruc Ahh, this made a mother happy!

Sorry about having to cancel your Thanksgiving trip and the cruise.
I have to say the ride was just meh for me. Andi didn’t really care for it either. I think if I was feeling better, we would have done it again in the single rider line.
I am so with you on the ride. Jason and Casey got to be pilots which seemed mildly more exciting otherwise i just felt like we were in a really expensive video game

We couldn’t get anything vegetarian/peanut/nut free! This was a little disappointing.
I'm really surprised by this. We had the kefta and loved it. Were there nuts in it or something?

She told me how wonderful these trips are and how much it means to her! She said we have made so many wonderful memories together and it is so special to her:lovestruc Ahh, this made a mother happy!
♥ ♥ ♥


Kids beef bowl
My two favorite toppings. Wish they had a tofu beef combo bowl. I'd be so all over that

We had a Thanksgiving week trip planned and this has to be cut!
It is a bummer :charac2: cue the sad music!
I really wanted to do the CP and check out some Christmas decor and Andi loves to spend her Birthday in Disney. We would have been there for her 20th Birthday!
Oh no, sorry to hear this but it sounds like the cuts are definitely worth it in the long run.

Now the good news, we will still be going to Disney in January! 🤩 Our Trip will be 1/14-1/20 at OKW. I rented points from an owner right here on the Dis! This was paid for awhile ago and not easy to cancel so no changing this! More good news “cue the happy music”:dancer:
Now that almost makes up for Thanksgiving!!!

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:This picture may describe my life perfectly

Andi’s Dream was the CP and she now wants to keep her studies on track and spend time abroad for her degree so she hasn’t applied to the CP. I secretly wanted her too, of course, except I am glad that she is on a great path for her degree!
Do they have a CP in Disneyland Paris/? Best of both words :D
My sister has done two studies abroad, one in Manchester, England and the other in Salamanca, Spain. If Andi has any questions I can definitely ask my sister if she has any tips!

I'm glad you were able to make lemonade out of lemons after canceling the cruise!! Definitely will be nice to have that extra Disney time!

Hope we can meet up in March!! I was SHOCKED by the flight prices though. We got a good price on our flight home but man the prices SKYROCKETED once SW opened up their flights!!
Thank you! I will keep this is mind and let Andi know! She will most likely be in Costa Rico, it has to be a Latin American country and some just are not safe! She has been to Spain and loved it, she wants to work abroad for awhile also!

The cruise cancel is a bummer especially how many wonderful reviews I have read about DCL. We will do it one of these times! Is is less to cruise in the winter? It looks like it when reviewing pricing, which seems odd since so many like to get away from cold winters!

March is crazy expensive for flights! I do have a free flight for Andi and can use some miles for mine, it’s just so limited in March because the airlines know it is a busy time!
Sad to read you had to cancel but totally understandable. I have a senior in college and one in law school so get it . But glad you have other trips to look forward to soon .
It really is, I was wanting to do the Disney Cruise! It sounded perfect after 6 busy days in the parks, oh well, maybe January of 2021
Wow, college is expensive. My son Jack just finished 6 years for his 2 degrees and now We have tried to pay for college for both kids so they don’t have a ton of loans, it is hard on the old vacation budget sometimes!
Holy crap! 10 pages behind!
I'll never take another trip again! (until the next one.)
Okay... Here we go!

I hope you are enjoying WDW right now, how fun!
I did! :)
The bus app failed us more than not this trip. The times were never really very accurate and we missed a few buses because of it.
I never used the app. Maybe once.
I don't need to, as you probably know. I have the VIP transportation pass so I never wait anyways.

PPF. This ride seals the deal for me, meaning it makes me so happy and welcomes me “home”
I love this ride. It's in my top... 3-4. In all of Disney.
As we were waiting on the bridge, I realized Ms. Sass had replaced my sweet mellow Andi. Man this girl was irritable this hot, steamy morning.
Uh, oh...
I’m sure it was hormone related, you all know what I mean!
I live with 3 girls (not including the dogs or hamster)… so yes. I do. Pray for me.
geesh, you are WDW!
I am? I'm WDW!!! Woot!
I love this ride! Hi Nana! I always say that.
I do too! :laughing: You have to!
We were able to walk on Pooh and Little Mermaid.
Oh dear. Did you get pooh on her tail?
It was Andi’s first time with the photo and I didn’t say where it was, she looks fine and I don’t know what I am doing, of course!
A person came by and just walked right on it with total disregard to the art:sad:
Obligatory PM foot shot!
Ms. Sass was having fun now and a tad less crabby.
Thank goodness!
We made our way through FL and right by the Tangled area we ran into @Tracy161.
You got to meet Tracy! yay!
all I can say is what a sweet nice lady she is!! Even cranky Andi said she was nice:sad2:
::yes:: Tracy is wonderful. :)
It was time to try the newly famous Reds Revenge from Sunshine Tree Terrace. It was so hot out and this was very good!
Oh! I forgot about this one. I put it on my list for the next (or future) trip.
Andi ate the chocolate hat or as some say uterus:laughing:

Ariella texted me and gave me directions to their secret sitting area. This is a really nice area and for all the times I have walked by here, I didn’t even know it was there.
Hmmm... care to share?
Nice! :thumbsup2
Everyone nailed the picture, I played scared like always!:hyper:
"played"... :rolleyes:
I literally waited 40 minutes for a drink that I think is pre made.
Yeah... nope.
I went up to the counter to ask for water and the CM yells out in a very loud voice, “you can’t stand this close to the counter” at me. I had literally seen many people go up and ask for water! I counted to 10 and politely asked for a glass of water. She made me wait at least 10 minutes, glared at me and finally gave me an ice water! What the h***!
What in the heck?
I would've gotten her name and talked to a manager... maybe... time is money and I don't want to waste any time in a Starbucks. But... yeah, that deserved a mention.
Starbucks got my $5.00 today and I was just so glad to get out of there, I didn’t care.
I can totally see that.
So remember in the rooms with a balcony make sure the door clicks or the air will not work!
My rooms never have balconies, but... if ever... thanks for the tip!
Overall MK was fun this morning, however, Ms. Sass, the heat, the crowds, and my experience at Starbucks caused me so much frustration!
I have found a new way to pass time when I am a passenger in the car :rotfl: I hate regular selfies, I look blah!! These Snapchat pictures with the filters are awesome!
I call down to housekeeping on the first morning and request our room cleaning to occur mid morning each day! This has worked like a charm, our room has been cleaned 99% of the time before we get back mid afternoon.
Oh! Not a bad idea! I know I came back once, fairly late and my room hadn't been done yet. I wasn't thrilled.
I did ask about lotion when I called and was told to go buy my own in the gift shop! That did rub me the wrong way!
Then you should've gotten a lotion that would rub you the right way.

I did write an email to the manager at the YC and the GF! I hope they read my email because I didn’t get any type of acknowledgement!:confused3
Really? That's not the norm, I don't think?
the grilled cheese meal on the kids menu was gone:sad: I asked and the CM said they could make it for us!
Nice of them. :)
Can I just say entering the park here is so nice! There is virtually no wait and never feels crowded!
::yes:: I've done it a couple times and really liked it. So much that I've considered going from my resort to a Boardwalk resort just to avoid the dreaded Epcot main bag check entrance.
The guy next to me was just way to cool for the ride. He never cracked a smile and just sat there like a statue!
Unless... "I really want to hoot and holler, but... I don't want to disturb these nice ladies sitting beside me."
Andi was apparently walking away from a fire, man, that girl can walk fast.
:laughing: Great mental image there.
C and I had the white sangria. I really enjoyed this, it had fresh apple and pineapple in it.
Those sound good!
We have really been lucky with our pizza and service here. I have read some reviews which are not as good!
Like mine. I wasn't thrilled.
We came home and my 2 adult children wanted to play Yahtzee with their mom! How nice was that.
:) That's nice. Betting you enjoyed that.
I woke up with a scratchy feeling in my throat.:crazy2:
Oh, no...
It was very empty yay!
Nice! Worth it, then. :)
Andi and I decided to do TSM first. I had read to do this first and let SDD line lessen some before heading there.
Really! I wouldn't have thought of that. And it sounds like it worked out really well, too.
We had so much fun we did it again!
We decided to check out SDD. The wait was maybe 10 minutes at the most. This bouncy rollercoaster is so much fun!
10 minutes isn't bad at all! And yes it is! :)
We decided to check out AS2 next. This was a walk on. Wow this is a bumpy little ride, especially when the track changes. I do like the aliens and the quirky music.
I finally rode it last trip. It's okay. It's definitely meant for the littles, but glad I tried it.
I was feeling a little queasy, I know I am a wimp.
We did TSMx4, SDDx3, AS2x1. I do believe we could have done SDD several more times if I would have been up to it.
You got lots done!
The egg was awful, it shouldn’t have been served. It was like rubber and the yolk was like powder, yuck!
Not surprised. Buffet eggs are notoriously gross.
I was feeling more and more like💩 by this time. It was 10am and I knew my sore throat wasn’t from the air conditioning.
Sorry to hear that.
We found the waiting area, right before you get on the ride rather chaotic.
It still was fairly chaotic in September.
We got on our ship and I was trying to press my buttons and watch the screen for the full effect and it was not easy! I have to say the ride was just meh for me.
That's a fairly equal assessment to mine.
Our pilots and the gunners were all one family and they were annoying!
Ugh. :sad2:
The area is really amazing in that regard. I definitely did feel transported to a trading planet out on the Galaxy’ Edge!
The themeing is top notch. I enjoyed walking around more than I did riding SR.
We got a few pictures taken and watched Kylo walk by with some storm troopers, he was yelling at them!
:laughing: Well of course! He's a bad guy, you know!
Ugh... erk… can't... breathe...…… :faint:
We did not like the popcorn. It actually tasted stale and the red coating was really gross. This was a big miss for us. We threw most of it away.
That's a shame. What did it taste like?
The Rise of the Resistance queue was seen on our way out, looks good!
I don't think I saw that? And know nothing of what the ride is even supposed to be!
First, what does everyone think about the gondola problems? Wow, it sounds really scary and from what I have read, Disney didn’t know what to do.
I'm not really concerned, tbh. No, it wasn't the best way to start but... thinking they got/getting the kinks out.
I was really excited to try these out in January and now I’m a little nervous about it.
I wouldn't be. They're usually quite safe. And I'd be very surprised if there was any other kind of incident.
AK park is still way more appealing to me than SWGE.
I think I'd have to agree with that. :)
We were hungry and Satuli was our destination. This is one of our favorite places to eat lately and it is a must on our trips.
Everyone raves about Satuli. I wasn't that happy with my meal there (a few trips ago), but feel I need to give it another chance.
Two fisted choco eating. My kind of person!
This is the day I had to give up our FOP for the SWGE preview
Wow. That must've hurt!
We decided to take a Lyft back this evening and the spot for this service had moved and it was a cluster (you know what).
family? fun? filibuster?
It is dangerous! It is in a spot where guests are crossing to get to the parking lot. I didn’t care for it and our Lyft driver had a whole lot to say about it! More than I wanted to hear, she complained about it our entire ride back to the YC.
Really! Ugh. Compounding the insult... :sad2:
Andi has had some extra college expenses for her International Studies. The responsible mother that I am, will use some of my vacation funds :sad: To pay for these!
Oh, shoot. Well... you have to do what you have to do.
We had a Thanksgiving week trip planned and this has to be cut!
Our 2nd cancellation is the cruise portion of our January trip, more sad music!! 😭 I just couldn’t spend the $2100.00 on the cruise portion, especially when the extra college $$ is around this price tag! Andi was a little sad except she knows we will definitely do a Disney Cruise at some point!
:hug: Totally understand.
Jenny and Ariane will be there. I hope to get my drink on with them at Jock Lindsey’s bar in DS! This will be so fun!
Nice! :)
Andi’s friend R, who we had dinner with at Via Napoli, was accepted into the CP and she will be there in January!
Congrats to her friend. :)

And... all caught up!
Aww.....2 cancellations!! I agree though, it’s for a good reason, there isn’t really a better reason is there!

But, you’ve made some nice additions with the extra nights and some lovely plans....... ::yes::
Thank you! I will keep this is mind and let Andi know! She will most likely be in Costa Rico, it has to be a Latin American country and some just are not safe! She has been to Spain and loved it, she wants to work abroad for awhile also!

The cruise cancel is a bummer especially how many wonderful reviews I have read about DCL. We will do it one of these times! Is is less to cruise in the winter? It looks like it when reviewing pricing, which seems odd since so many like to get away from cold winters!

March is crazy expensive for flights! I do have a free flight for Andi and can use some miles for mine, it’s just so limited in March because the airlines know it is a busy time!

Costa Rica would be awesome!! I think Calista is planning to do some sort of teacher thing in Peru in a couple of years. I think once they start doing studies abroad they just want to keep going places! I give them all the credit in the world! haha

It actually is cheaper to do winter! Surprisingly one of the most expensive months is July which sucks for DH and I since thats when our anniversary is lol I'm not really sure why or how they decide on pricing because I would think like you and would expect prices to be higher when its colder up north! I think in the winter months there might be a higher probability of higher winds than in summer months? I think I read that somewhere once but for the Caribbean I don't think it really matters lol

Well at least you can mitigate the costs somehow! haha
I’m glad you enjoyed Portofino Bay and US, such a fun place! I do love HP and US has done it so well,

I can't wait to report on that part. Might take me a year to get there, but I will!

I have PTSD from that SB’s, I may never go back!!

I avoid them too now after a couple of bad experiences. Just not worth it.

Andi was a little cranky this trip and the heat, feeling sick, crowds, and a crabby teen made me miss the fun solo/epic trip I took in May ::yes:: With fun epic ladies!
That was such a wonderful time together! :cloud9:

We met Hondo and learned about our mission. We were engineers. We found the waiting area, right before you get on the ride rather chaotic. The CM’s just weren’t in sync yet and it was confusing. We got on our ship and I was trying to press my buttons and watch the screen for the full effect and it was not easy! I have to say the ride was just meh for me. Andi didn’t really care for it either. I think if I was feeling better, we would have done it again in the single rider line. Our pilots and the gunners were all one family and they were annoying! This took away from the experience as well. They were know it alls and were screaming and making stupid comments the whole time.

UGH! The worst! Maybe it'll get better over time, but what a detraction.

WHOA! That sky!!!!! :worship:

We decided to walk around and take in all the details. The area is really amazing in that regard. I definitely did feel transported to a trading planet out on the Galaxy’ Edge! That part was spot on.

I'd agree with this. Theming great with loads of details, love the roaming CMs in character and the stormtroopers, etc... ride was meh.

We decided to check out the QS areas! We couldn’t get anything vegetarian/peanut/nut free! This was a little disappointing.

That's super weird! With so many with peanut and tree nut allergies this really surprises me.

I love AK, it is my favorite park.

YUS! Mine too!!

I always get the kids bowl on greens with chicken. So good! One daughter got the tofu and called it, "meh"; the other got beef and loved it. I love that there is something for everyone there- so many choices!

The ride was peaceful and we didn’t have to share our seat with anyone, yay!

I love when I get the back of the boat in a row to myself!

the spot for this service had moved and it was a cluster (you know what). It is dangerous!

This is not okay!

I didn’t care for it and our Lyft driver had a whole lot to say about it! More than I wanted to hear, she complained about it our entire ride back to the YC.

But this is MORE not okay.

The responsible mother that I am, will use some of my vacation funds :sad: To pay for these!

Sigh... yeah, it's what we parents do.

We have added 4 more nights to this trip. I got a great AP rate at Pop, it is around $110.00 a night. We will move here on 1/20-1/24. The cost to change our flight would have cost about the same as our Pop reservation so of course we will stay at Disney longer!!

Woot!!! :dancer:
I also have a morning ADR for Oga’s Canteen, mainly to get in The Land!
You don't need one to my knowledge. Attendance is super low and you can come and go as you please. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but we did.
I have this booked with @ariane37 in January!!! I am so excited for this one!
I am excited for this. I love new character experiences
Heck ya!!! This is DEFINITELY happening!
::yes:: :drinking1
We are staying there the 8th to 11th.
I am hoping we can swing the March trip. The Towers look wonderful and the bar and restaurant are a must to check out!
Nooo, that's so sad!
I know, I wish I had an endless vacation fund!
Aww, even more sadness!
The cruise was really exciting for me, it sounded so relaxing after time at WDW. Maybe in 2021
This definitely helps to soften the blow of that cruise cancellation.
Delta makes it nearly impossible to change flights without it costing a fortune so staying in WDW is the price we have to pay.:rotfl2:
I did the CP and it was great (mostly), but one of the things I regret most is not doing a semester abroad. I think she's probably made a good choice!
I am a little surprised how Andi put the CP on the back burner because she talked constantly about it! She is excited for studying abroad!
Too bad about cancelling your November trip! I completely get the $$$$ factor. Jack is also interested in studying abroad....he is looking at England for a semester next year. It is such a great opportunity for them. :)

January's plans look great and that is an awesome AP rate for POP! Sadly I won't get a March trip in this year...... BUT I am taking Jamie and Stuart to NYC for their grade 12 grad trip over March Break so that will be fun!

I did not renew my annual pass either.... the price increase was too much for me, especially with the CDN to US exchange rate. :(
I knew I was maybe pushing it with the November trip and thought that would be chopped. I was not planning on canceling the cruise, that one was a little harder.

College is very expensive and there are all these other expenses! It is important for my husband and I to pay as much as we can so the kids don’t have a ton of college debt!

Andi and I have been so lucky to experience so many wonderful trips.
NYC sounds wonderful, I’m sure it will be a fun trip with your boys.

No more AP’s for us after this one expires, the price is so much now! I will miss it!
Sorry that you've had to make some cancellations! That's a bummer! But for a very good reason, putting Andi's studies first. Your plans for your other trips look like a lot of fun though! Especially in January when you'll be able to meet up with some Disfriends. And I'm glad you mentioned the character breakfast at Topolino's Terrace because it hadn't even been on my radar, but I checked it out this morning and was able to add it to our December trip. :) Always fun to try something new!
It is always hard to cancel fun Disney plans. I’m so glad we will still have a nice long trip in January and hopefully a week in March to enjoy our AP’s before they expire.
I’m glad you got the new character breakfast! What are your dates? Very nice to have another trip planned coming up! Hopefully you like the breakfast, let me know!
I'm sorry you had to cancel your Thanksgiving trip and cruise :(

But exciting to still be going in January! And hopefully March!
Thank you Alexis! I am looking forward to the nice long trip in January.
I am still pricing out flights for March, I hope I can make it work!
Oh man, it's always hard when we need to cancel any trip but especially Disney lol. We had to do that last August with Ricky's knee :headache: I LOVE going for Thanksgiving and am really sad we aren't doing it again this year, but at least you and I will be there less than 2 months later!
Yay for the January trip! I am excited for this one ::yes::
Not looking forward to the financial part of college coming up for us next year lol
Andi and Jack are almost 6 years apart in age, I often felt bad because they weren’t closer in age, except now with college. It is so expensive and it is important Joe and I pay for their education so they aren’t burdened with college debt. It is hard for us at times but much easier now that one is done. I knew I was probably stretching it with all my trips planned!
know Jenny told you but the 4 of us are doing this in January and I'm looking forward to it! Not sure what time but it's on the 21st.
We are doing the breakfast on 1/16. I’m excited for this.
100% for sure! We were thinking Saturday or Sunday? We get in later on Friday night and we *may* do a tour Monday, then Jenny leaves Tuesday. Monday night is when we're doing MK AH by the way!!!
I’m excited for this and we are doing the DAH now. Let’s hope the weather is good!
This is ultimately why we cancelled our NYE trip this year :mad: Chris was coming and Ricky was a possibility depending on basketball so we were going to book him a flight. The least expensive out of the 6 airports we can fly from would have been $2500 for the 4 of us, WAY more than our resort with my discount and the cost of tickets for the boys!!! Just couldn't justify it especially right after the holiday. Someday I'll get there for NYE........................

I hope you find decent flights for spring break!
I’m still looking and hope to get a decent price so we can go in March. The crowds are crazy but we love F&G
Uhoh… I hate that feeling.
Being sick at WDW is not fun, yuck!
That's pretty amazing. Definitely worth the money you spent on the event to get that many rides and then get some breakfast!
It really was and I was a big skeptic
Yeah, I could see that being an issue. Honestly, it can be awkward riding with another group that you're not a part of on any attraction when you have to share close quarters, but when you've got to work cooperatively toward your ride experience it would only make it more awkward.
The total strangers in your ship make or break the ride most definitely
Why do they have to get so creative with popcorn. Salt. Butter. Done.
This was bad, just weird tasting and stale! How can it be stale when it is new?? They must have made it 6 months ago, lol!
hope that you enjoy it more next time. I can certainly understand how the circumstances conspired against you.
I am optimistic about SWGE in January
That's awesome!
She can be a sweetheart at times!
That stinks, but you've got to do what you've got to do.
Yes money doesn’t grow on trees, darn it, I wish it did!!
At least this part worked out quite nicely! That's definitely a good substitute for the cruise and a nice bit of money saved.
A nice long stay at WDW is always a plus in my book
That's great! That will be neat to get to visit with her as a CP!
It will be fun to see her as a CM
late joining in. Enjoying your trip report.

Sorry to hear you got sick and on your Star Wars preview day. I think being sick probably did put a damper on that day. My Mom and I were there a few weeks ago and also both picked up a bug and were pretty miserable for 2 days (leaving the room only for very short periods and to visit urgent care). Hoping the trip got better!
:welcome: Thank you for joining in and commenting! Getting sick on vacation is yuck! I’m sorry you and your mom got sick, no fun. I hope it didn’t put to big of a damper on your trip. The heat and feeling sick did make my SW preview less fun most definitely. The trip did improve!


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