You can keep the name trademarked, Rob. I doubt Marie will mind ;)

I love the Christmas shop in Germany, it's so beautiful!

Oh people, this is why I'm drawn to listening to people when they're talking even if not to me. Gems like that are too funny.

China is so beautiful usually but goodness those flower and garden additions are so awesome!
You are certainly putting a dent in your savings account to own that crystal castle. Nice job!!! :lmao:

School bread! Best.....snack....EVER!

Wait.....elephants aren't larger than the moon?! Shoot!

Awwww, sweet sweet Norman the deer.
I love your idea of photos of CMs around WS! I must try this next visit.

I have yet to sample schoolbread. It looks really good. Again, next visit.

You're right, Mexico is the coolest pavillion. Very well themed.
I had to think about what country you had left and had to go back and see you left the best for last!! Yeah, Canada!! (I'm from Northern Wisconsin which is practically Canada, so I'm a fan.)
Great update!
I love the Mexico idea, but what if it's night time when you go in that pavilion? Wow, that would be even more confusing that going from day to night... going from fake night to real night! Hahaha I don't know what I'm saying anymore.

Seriously though, I'm definitely doing this challenge next time!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
I love Snow White and the 7 Dwarves display, too cute! I'm hoping all 7 dwarves will appear in the mine train, they are such fun characters but you never see them around anymore : (

I'm so curious if they have ever sold one of those crystal castles. So pretty but so expensive and big haha. I wouldn't even know where to put it.

Way to brave the rain, it looked pretty crazy out there!

I need to try school bread sometime... I might have to bring some stretchy pants on my next trip, I'm already looking forward to too many different foods! :rotfl2:

I love the flower dragon in China, very cool!

I agree Mexico is the coolest pavilion. Its also nice that's its indoors. So pretty in there! Plus they have a boat ride, I'm a sucker for a good Disney boat ride haha
I am getting such a kick of seeing you complete this mission!! I think the CM in Mexico is my favorite in this post. She looks so enthusiastic with that skirt flair! Of all the "around the World Showcase" challenges I have read about in TR's, mostly concerning hats or alcoholic beverages, this one is by far the best one!

Ah, yes, that soaking you get from Maelstrom should really be avoided at all costs! Especially when it's, you know, pouring buckets outside! That photo from Millionaire has to be Photoshopped. Right?? Please tell me it's Photoshopped!!!
I utter these words all the time.....You can't help stupid.....you're made me laugh out loud!

Glad to see the rain did nothing to slow you down! We bought a school bread a couple of trips ago, took it back to the room, put it in the fridge and the next day I couldn't figure out what all the hype was about.....obviously eating it fresh is the way to go:rotfl:
Ohhhhh, I have a good one to add to the "stupid" file. I was in college (years ago) and was walking through the student center. I decided to get some tea and sit down and read for a bit. Two tables over, I hear a girl say, "I am going to get some more ice water. This one is all watered down."

Let that little nugget just absorb into your brain. I really wanted to go and ask her how she made it into college. And what her major was because I was going to steer clear of that program. :rotfl:

I love hanging out in World Showcase. So much to see and do!!!
Almost there!

Only 20 mintues at mitsukoshi? I could spend all day in there!

Love your TR. I have been lurking for a while but figured I'd sign up to start commenting!
The sunshine state sure does get it's helping of rain, doesn't it? I applaud you for not only being brave enough to brave the rain, but also not succumbing to the poncho madness.

I want to try school bread soooo much!! Also, really? Someone said we can't ride this, we may get wet? Oh my goodness! Rest assured, tourist, it's not splash mountain. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard! Good example of dumb by the way. Someone really said that elephants were heavier than the moon? I get that weight changes in space & all but that's taking it a bit too far. ;)

I love your CM around the world passport! It's fun & I think it would brighten their day. I cannot wait to do this!

I'm a big pop culture nerd so don't fret about seeming dumb. I'm glad you caught it! :)

Strangely enough, I think I had more rain on this trip than all my other trips COMBINED! I guess I was just due.
Haha, I have never bought a poncho ever, I think on principle. I just can't justify that price for a piece of thin plastic.

Oh God Jennifer you NEED to try Schoolbread. So Goooooooood!
That so cracked me up. And they were so serious too. I knew I had to find something to simulate the stupidity of the situation and this was just perfect. I understand being on TV is nerve-wracking, but still...

YAY!!! It is fun. Honestly I never thought THEY would enjoy, but maybe so. I certainly like the thought.

Ha me too. Whenever there's some obscure reference somebody at work is trying to remember, I'm always the first one they come to. :laughing: I am a treasure trove of obscure knowledge.

That castle is SO BEAUTIFUL. Then again, you could pay for several luxurious trips to see the real one for the price of the replica, so that's probably why it stays in the store.

:confused3 to those people. Poncho up and go seek the Spirit of Norway!!! It's certainly drier than standing in the rain.

NORMAN!! #frumplife

Mexico may be my favorite pavilion. I think it's the most immersive, especially when you go into the middle of the day. I should probably try running in and out, especially if I had a churro in hand!

I love looking around the crystal store too. So many beautiful Disney figures.

Totally true on all fronts there Courtney. But I would still love to own it if I had the means to do so just because.

One of the stupidest yet funniest things I've ever heard. Honestly it would have been funny anyway, but considering it was pouring rain just took it to a WHOLE over level.

YAY NORMAN!! I had to work for that photo too since he was buried in the back.

It's gorgeous but even better, it's just cool! :cool2: And the running in and out with a churro in hand would be even better!

Stunning. Absolutely stunning.

Rob I would totally get you that Swarovski crystal Cinderella's castle but shipping expense to Canada what it is and all... well, you understand! :lmao:

Despite a rain delay you scored your school bread. I finally tried it for the first time last trip. Yum!

Hmmm... :scratchin Malestrom, it's not like it's adventures IN the high seas of Norway. Goodness, I can't recall if I've ever had a drop of water land on me going forward OR backward on the ride. I suppose they must add this disclaimer since someone somewhere may have gotten splashed. :confused3

Glad to see that your CM Around the World (trademark acknowledged) is going so well even if it took some extra effort in Germany.

Hmmm, you do realize that in only another 3 weeks we'll both be in Disney so I could just carry it back with me. No need for shipping expense at all. :scratchin

Isn't it great Brenda??? I've gotten wet in the past for much less. So worth it.

Right??!! I don't know what these people were thinking. Even in the VERY extreme off chance you got a drop of water on you... YOU'RE ALREADY SOAKED!!!! I love people at Disney. They just never stop entertaining.

It was the strangest thing. I was beginning to think all the German CM's called in sick.

Wow, that's a lot of rain! And there's not much cover between Germany and China!

I just need to know what one does with a $37,500 crystal palace. :rotfl:

I did miss the dragon during my trip last month. The pond just doesn't look the same with out it.

The Mexico CM has got that princess skirt pose down! :thumbsup2

Oh boy you are VERY correct Dave. That was the one issue with my decision. Very little cover made even more difficult since I was wearing Crocs, which aren't great for running in the rain.

Haha, no idea, but since Brenda has so graciously volunteered to make that purchase on my behalf, I guess I'll soon find out! ;)

I am so used to travelling in the Spring that I guess I take Flower and Garden for granted. I honestly thought they had just decided to remove it altogether and was frankly heartbroken. Then I realized, oh wait, it's October.

She was so great!! The last time I did this the Mexican CM did the exact same thing.
"If you’re visiting this pavilion in the daytime, I highly recommend the following exercise.

Simply run in and out and exclaim “It’s Day… It’s Night… It’s Day… It’s Night”."


Haha Meg you know you're going to be doing this in January!! :thumbsup2

Hi there! So sorry I haven't posted in a while...but I am still here. :)

Wow, look at that rain. That is pretty crazy. It's not as fun when the sunshine state isn't so sunny.

That's awesome you got a picture with CMs around the world!

haha, love the comment you overheard about not going on the Maelstrom because you might get wet. Really??? That just reminds me of the time my dad, sister, and I were in Disneyland. It was raining pretty hard all morning. We were so soaked that we decided to go on the Grizzly River Run (basically Kali River Rapids). Hey, we couldn't have gotten any MORE wet. :laughing:

Aww that's OK Sarah, I know the teaching life keeps a person pretty busy. I'm just glad you're still here. :flower3:

So very true. I've never had that much rain on a trip before. Not even close really. I'd much rather have it on a solo trip though since I'd hate to have it ruin someone else's trip. At least by myself I could work around it.

I love this adventure so much!!

Haha, it was one of those times when you think they can't be serious, and yet you know they are.
And that's exactly right. You can't get soaked more than once. Also, I really wish I had gotten to do Grizzly River Run, but it was in refurb the only time I was there. I've heard it's so much better than Kali.

I love the Moroccan pavilion! It’s so gorgeous! I have to agree, the Japan cm’s are definitely the most friendly, they’re totally awesome! Bahahah oh my GOSH, the DISNEY POINT IN THAT PICTURE! Like, hilarity that she’s all “look at this awesome shirt” but it’s the Disney point…#daymade!

Definitely eat at Via Napoli!! It’s SOOOOO GOOOD! Ahahaha yup, that about sums up Florida in the middle of the afternoon!


Love the pic with the Mexico CM! The princess skirt hold and all! Awe man, I would want to work in that costume, it looks so comfy, like, hello, Canada costumes need an upgrade…just sayin…

Yes!! So gorgeous. And YES, those CM's are just precious.
Ahahaha, I know EXACTLY what you mean by the Disney point!!! I have SO MANY character photos doing the Disney Point. I LOVED that she did that! #daymade INDEED!

I'm a gonna! Some day! Oy, I was just not used to that much rain or at least not that often.

I tell ya, that deer is a superstar!

She was so great. Both times I've done this the Mexan CM did the skirt pose. And Lordy YES please. New costumes for Canada stat! Enough with the flannel.

You can keep the name trademarked, Rob. I doubt Marie will mind ;)

I love the Christmas shop in Germany, it's so beautiful!

Oh people, this is why I'm drawn to listening to people when they're talking even if not to me. Gems like that are too funny.

China is so beautiful usually but goodness those flower and garden additions are so awesome!

Ahh thanks Amber! :)

So great. And at the time I had no idea I'd be doing a Christmas trip. So when it came time for this update, it was even more perfect.

It was one of my favourite things being solo. Often I might miss these things, but with no distraction, you couldn't help but hear it.

China was one of the ones that looked so weird without them. That dragon just makes my day!
You are certainly putting a dent in your savings account to own that crystal castle. Nice job!!! :lmao:

School bread! Best.....snack....EVER!

Wait.....elephants aren't larger than the moon?! Shoot!

Awwww, sweet sweet Norman the deer.

Haha, yup. You have to start somewhere.

It's so A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!! If not for the DIS, I probably never would have even heard of it.

Right??!! Who knew??!!

I swear that deer is almost as famous as Mickey himself.

I love your idea of photos of CMs around WS! I must try this next visit.

I have yet to sample schoolbread. It looks really good. Again, next visit.

You're right, Mexico is the coolest pavillion. Very well themed.

Aww thanks Annie. It's so much fun and I think you absolutely should try it next trip! Everyone should.

It is good!! You have to like coconut (and to be honest I'm not a massive fan or anything), but this is just so darn tasty.

I find it to be one of the coolest things in Disney. I love it in there.

I had to think about what country you had left and had to go back and see you left the best for last!! Yeah, Canada!! (I'm from Northern Wisconsin which is practically Canada, so I'm a fan.)
Great update!

Yup only Canada left. The last time I did this it was the exact same scenerio. No idea why I never think to start in Canada, but the mood usually hits me in England. But I guess in a way it is appropriate to end there.

OK... :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Seriously one of the longest laughs I have ever had. No lie! Thank you for that my friend! OMG!!
I guess my response to it would be, why can't it be both? :laughing:
I love the Mexico idea, but what if it's night time when you go in that pavilion? Wow, that would be even more confusing that going from day to night... going from fake night to real night! Hahaha I don't know what I'm saying anymore.

Seriously though, I'm definitely doing this challenge next time!

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Haha yeah, it works best in the daytime. But ooh that would be pretty trippy with the whole fake night/real night scenario too.

YAY, I really hope so Marissa!!

I love Snow White and the 7 Dwarves display, too cute! I'm hoping all 7 dwarves will appear in the mine train, they are such fun characters but you never see them around anymore : (

I'm so curious if they have ever sold one of those crystal castles. So pretty but so expensive and big haha. I wouldn't even know where to put it.

Way to brave the rain, it looked pretty crazy out there!

I need to try school bread sometime... I might have to bring some stretchy pants on my next trip, I'm already looking forward to too many different foods! :rotfl2:

I love the flower dragon in China, very cool!

I agree Mexico is the coolest pavilion. Its also nice that's its indoors. So pretty in there! Plus they have a boat ride, I'm a sucker for a good Disney boat ride haha

Oh I know it's so cool to have them all together like that. I think it would be awesome if they started doing regular meet and greets and not just party specific. They're obviously popular enough.

Me too! IF there was some way I could get one, I have no doubt I'd find a place for it. It's so pretty. But then again, I'd be pretty nervous having something that expensive out on display.

It was intense at times for sure. But sometimes you just have to deal with it. At least it wasn't cold.

Schoolbread is So GOOD Jess. Definitely try it. Honestly though, with the amount of walking on a Disney vacation, I tend to believe it's all a wash. I really do. Stretchy pants are never a bad idea for Disney though. :laughing:

I think that's easily my favourite non Disney topiary. So cool.

It really is amazing. I remember being absolutely blown away the first time seeing it. And it STILL amazes me. You know, despite my aversion to Small World, I may have to do this ride again. It's been ages for me.

Loving all the photos! And yay, can't wait to see you complete the mission!! (I'm already assuming that you do!! :rotfl:)

Aww thanks so much Alexis. Hehe, you'll just have to tune in to see for sure. ;)

I am getting such a kick of seeing you complete this mission!! I think the CM in Mexico is my favorite in this post. She looks so enthusiastic with that skirt flair! Of all the "around the World Showcase" challenges I have read about in TR's, mostly concerning hats or alcoholic beverages, this one is by far the best one!

Ah, yes, that soaking you get from Maelstrom should really be avoided at all costs! Especially when it's, you know, pouring buckets outside! That photo from Millionaire has to be Photoshopped. Right?? Please tell me it's Photoshopped!!!

Ahhhh thank you so much, I'm so glad. It really is so much fun. Oh my yes she was great and clearly has posed with guests before. She has it nailed!
Aww gee, THANK YOU!!!

I'm still shocked that there's no ponchos for sale at the entrance given the extreme level of wet one gets on Maelstrom. Oy.

Bahaha, to the best of my knowledge it is very real. Sad... but real.
I utter these words all the time.....You can't help stupid.....you're made me laugh out loud!

Glad to see the rain did nothing to slow you down! We bought a school bread a couple of trips ago, took it back to the room, put it in the fridge and the next day I couldn't figure out what all the hype was about.....obviously eating it fresh is the way to go:rotfl:

Hahaha, especially in WDW!!! And here people think the only entertainment is the rides and shows. Take some time to listen to the other guests for REAL entertainment.

It slowed me for a bit until I realized it just wasn't going to let up. Then all bets were off considering it was my last day. No way I'm spending it sitting around.

Yeah, it's certainly possible that was the case. I've heard others mention that they had one that wasn't really fresh and thus wasn't really good. It would seem that while most things are better when fresh, for Schoolbread it's an absolute necessity. And it goes down even better with a GG Slushie. ;)

Ohhhhh, I have a good one to add to the "stupid" file. I was in college (years ago) and was walking through the student center. I decided to get some tea and sit down and read for a bit. Two tables over, I hear a girl say, "I am going to get some more ice water. This one is all watered down."

Let that little nugget just absorb into your brain. I really wanted to go and ask her how she made it into college. And what her major was because I was going to steer clear of that program. :rotfl:

I love hanging out in World Showcase. So much to see and do!!!

:rotfl2: Oh God there are just no words. Just... wow.

It really is so great. There was a time when I could just take it or leave it, but now I grow to love it more and more every time.

BAHA!!! #truth


Almost there!

Only 20 mintues at mitsukoshi? I could spend all day in there!

Love your TR. I have been lurking for a while but figured I'd sign up to start commenting!


Oh I know, that store is Cra-Z!! If there wasn't so much more I wanted to do, I would stay there a long long time.

Thank you SO MUCH and :welcome: I am so very delighted you did!!! Believe me, once you get rolling it becomes very addicting!
I'm loving CMs around the world (even though we all know it's a ploy to meet the lovely ladies of the globe ;)) and if I might comment... I noticed that you're being a complete gentleman about it too - you've always got your hands fisted, or in your pockets. Way to not be a creeper! I approve!
I'm loving CMs around the world (even though we all know it's a ploy to meet the lovely ladies of the globe ;)) and if I might comment... I noticed that you're being a complete gentleman about it too - you've always got your hands fisted, or in your pockets. Way to not be a creeper! I approve!

Haha, Thanks Dani!! I tend to look at it as an added bonus. :)

Ahh thanks. I honestly did make a conscious effort not to "creep", letting the CM's set the tone themselves. I understand that they're doing me a favour and that their job isn't posing with guests (thought they were extremely gracious in all instances), so it was only right to be completely respectful.


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