YES, touring Cinderella’s Dream Suite was Amazing!+14 Other Magical Days* Dismeet & Wrap

Wow! What a great trip. I just started reading. Thanks for sharing!!!


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Hi Brenda! Got a little behind because of finals, but I hope you are having a fabulous trip in WDW!

I LOVE coloring. I colored a Duffy in August while my sister met Alice and it was one of the most relaxing parts of my trip.

I hope you guys tried the drawing class! Normally I only draw stick figures but I have done it the past few trips and I really enjoy it.

That sounds like a great afternoon at the Writer's Stop. I'm not really a carrot cake person but I've heard so many things about that cookie!
Thanks guys for keeping up. We are still in WDW for 3 more days. We've had some great meets and my Dis ladies that I am traveling with have been fabulous! Updates to follow upon our return next week.

This holiday season at Disney is just so amazingly beautiful.:)
Hmm, now you two sure do look familiar. :scratchin

Brenda, obviously I have to take a moment here to thank you SO VERY MUCH for spending some of your busy schedule with me. I will never be able to repay you for the amazing Illuminations Cruise and it was such a supreme pleasure to meet and spend time with you and Em. I will never forget it.

Getting back to this TR, I just love the statement about the little moments that mean so much. I've learned to not race from ride to ride and show to show and just enjoy the Disney moments, and the recent trip was all about that for me.

And YAY, I actually got to see a Bo photo happening!!!!!
I am so bad at this Dis thing. I was surprise that I wasn't further behind. For a moment I forgot you were in the world. I knew you were there due to the fact that when I say a message I thought you were back. It wasn't you though. :lmao: Enjoy your last two days (I think that is what you have left.) Any ways look forward to hearing about your trips.
Just letting you know that I've still been following along! I hope you had (or are still having) a great time!

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Vinny would have been in the hospital if a duck did that to him.
Very nice Snow White.
All caught up.
Hi guys! We're back! We returned last night so my mission is to get caught up and get this thing wrapped up before 2015. :)

I may have missed your sendoff, but just in case you see this today

Have a fantastic, magical trip, my friend!!!

Can't wait to hear about the adventures that are awaiting you


Thank you so much Dee! I appreciate the kind send off. We had a great time. :thumbsup2

Loved the update Brenda... Yes, I agree - some of the most quiet times off the beaten path are some of my favorite memories, as well.

So... The Aunt Bee's cookbook - has anything been made from it yet? It looks like a fun cookbook to have.

Love the photo of the two of you in front of the hat.

I hope you have a marvelous trip! I have soooo many Disfriends down there right now... Makes me really wish I could be there with you all.


Hi D~!

Em has made a Mount Pilot Pecan Pie that was pretty tasty. Other than that it has a lot of entertainment and nostalgia to it. (I'm an Andy Griffith Show fan so that may give me a level of interest that it doesn't to everyone.)

Thank you for your well wishes for our trip. I wish you were there with us too!! :)

I love the sound of your lovely relaxing afternoon in DHS, I completely agree that those are sometimes the best moments!
I'll say it again, have an amazing trip! I can't wait to see some photos on Facebook! :D

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Hi Wendy! That unplanned break in our day just relaxing inside Writers Stop will be long remembered as a great afternoon.

By now I'm sure you've seen my many FB updates. ;)

Great update! I love the writers stop, it's such a nice place to relax and enjoy a little quiet time. I must try one of those carrot cake cookies the next time I go -- can you believe I have never had one?

You are probably getting ready for the airport right now, safe travels and we can't wait to read more when you get back!


Hi Christine! Yes, you must try one of those lovely cookies sometime!! I won't count it against you since you haven't tried one yet. :laughing:

Thanks for the kind send off! We were just up and getting moving when you posted.

Caught up! Wow, Em is a great colorer! :) you are just never too old. Especially when it's coloring princesses. Also, wow Brian, that is not tracing. So gorgeous!! Meeting the head cheese!! I have to every time. I love sorcerer mickey. As always, you guys are adorable!

First time riding toy story in 2 years?! Wow. I don't think I could do that.

Yay for relaxing afternoons in disney! Those really are good times to just take it slow and take it all in. Especially at the writer's stop. That place is so cute.

Hi Jennifer! Isn't that crazy how there's no color by numbers for those animators?? I'm amazed at such talent for sure.

We give TSM a pass at DHS since the lines are so long. If we'd make it for rope drop we'd have a chance for some fast passes. Darn but we are spoiled by the shorter lines at DCA.

I could take up residence on the couch at Writer's Stop and enjoy a relaxing afternoon for sure.

I keep forgetting to try that carrot cake cookie. It looks scrumptious!

Have a safe and fantastic trip!

Thanks Annie! That cookie really is delish! Once you try it you'll never forget about it again. :)

Brenda..yet another great update! You are absolutely right about those quiet moments seem to be the most special. I have some wonderful memories traveling with my Mom, and the things I remember most are our laughs on the way to the airport that continue to be private jokes with us that still give us the giggles. I cherish those memories with my Mom, and enjoy making more. In fact we have a little weekend trip planned next weekend to Asheville, NC to go to the Biltmore Estates (I live about 2 hours from there). I'm looking forward to it!!! It will just be me and my Mom which is very rare for us since I'm a Mommy now!

Hope you enjoy your trip and safe travels!

Thank you Deedee!

I have wanted to see the Biltmore Estates since 2007 when I first stumbled upon an add for that tourist spot. What a beautiful place. I hope you enjoy your trip with your mom and make some more awesome memories.

Every trip there seems to be some little inside joke that makes us chuckle as well.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday vacation!! Enjoy all the decorations and Christmas activities!!! I sure hope you have the chance to do some resort hopping and get to check them all out. Everything looks so different all decorated for Christmas!!

Hi Linda! Thank you! I loved all the Christmas decorations and the music playing in the parks. We were able to see all the Epcot and monorail resorts in their holiday finest. It was lovely.

Great update! I love touring DHS on empty afternoons. :love: It's really the best way to do it! And luckily it seems like we happen upon it on a really slow day at least once every trip.

Hope you have a fantastic Christmas trip! I can't wait for that TR too. :goodvibes

Thanks! With little ones it's a great place to park the stroller while they nap and enjoy the calm and quiet. Oh, and the smell of coffee isn't bad either.

Thank you and I think we can check the box for a fantastic trip. I need to make a decision to do yet another simultaneous TR or pick up the pace on this and wrap it up to get started on the new one. :rolleyes:

All caught up !! I hope you enjoy your trip !!


Thank you Susan! Gotta say that I think we did.

Sorry I didn't get here yesterday. Have a magical 10 days. Can't wait to read about them.
Great update. I don't know how you do it. Putting in an update so close to leaving. I would have been sleeping or trying to.

No worries Sandy, I thank you for the kind send off. I wouldn't have been able to sleep with the guilt of not doing one last update! :laughing:

You are so right - sometimes its the simple things that make the best memories.

Hi Mary Ellen! Glad you can related. I believe you have had a few relaxing afternoons by the pool or with a cold drink. Ahhhh relaxation. :)

Coloring is so relaxing! She looked so content sitting there with the kidlets.

She did look pretty content to hand with the littles and share the crayons. I believe the Animation class is on your to do list?? (Thanks for the recipe by the way! I'm glad it is turning cold since it will be a perfect recipe for winter.)
It was great meeting you guys last night!!! You were my first meeting of fellow disboards peeps! :)

Have a great trip!!!

Hi Michelle!! What a great surprise it was to meet you! You and your hubby were completely adorable and I'm glad you chose a great dinner at YSH since our paths crossed. :) I will PM you the photo.

Thanks - we had a great time.

Brenda just read the first 50 pages... The Bills game is out of hand at least your report is enjoyable...

I'm glad to hear that!! :rotfl2:

I hope you're having a wonderful time!! Can't wait to hear about the rest of this trip and the one you're on now!

Hi there sunnysideup! Thank you. I'm glad that you are following along. I'll get this one wrapped up soon enough so I can start the next TR.

Hi Brenda!!

Just wanted to pop by and say I hope you're having an amazing trip to the World and having an awesome time with so many Dismeets!!! :-)

Hi TM! Thanks for dropping by and saying hi!! The Disers were fabulous.

Hope you are having a great trip!!! :goodvibes

Hi Tracy! Thank you!

Hi Brenda! Haven't commented in soooo long but I just got all caught up! (I hate when life cuts into dis time!)
Too much to comment on specifically so I'll just let you know I've enjoyed all the updates!
Hope you are having a fabulous time on your trip now... Gets me thinking, I REALLY need to plan a holiday trip.

Hi Amy! I'm glad you are getting caught up. No worries, I completely understand the life obstacle. Thank you for reading and for the well wishes! :goodvibes

I'm 100% supportive of holiday time trips to WDW! (Now that I've experienced it I'm in danger of booking again for next year.)
I love that Em sat down and colored with the kids. I enjoy coloring myself.

Great pictures at the Writers Shop and throught the Studios (those clouds didn't look so good though).

I'm so glad we got a few minutes together before Mark and I headed to the airport on Sunday. Thanks again for the goodie bag and, more importantly, the hug and friendship.

Hi Kathy! As I recall you did the Animation class as well before. :) I enjoy watching people color more than coloring myself.

Since your last TR title said it all you can bet those clouds didn't bring more sunshine! Definitely foreboding...

I'm so glad that I slipped in under the wire to say hi to you guys! That completely made my day. :hug:

Finally all caught up! Love how you and Em went to the book store inside HS! And my classes are going well. This is the last week of the fall semester. Have a wonderful trip!!!

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Hi Charlotte! Glad that all is going well! I saw that you finished your classes for the fall today. Great job!

Thanks for the kind wishes! We did have a wonderful trip.

What a lovely update! Sometimes those moments in Disney that are the best are those that don't translate well into a trip report! Lol.

Sounds lovely! And a carrot cake cookie is always a good thing!! Wasn't my favorite treat, but I'd have it again!

So glad that you guys are off having a blast in Disney right now!! So awesome that we got to meet up and I can't wait to hear all about everything!

Hi Katt! I'm so glad that a short meet up with you worked out! Sorry that Em didn't make it since I told her that you had the Elsa look down!

I have a new favorite treat at WDW.... I'll be taking guesses later for that one.

What - they have books at the Writer's Stop, too? This is the first I've heard about books. It has always been the goodies that make the trip reports. ;)

DH and I had a very relaxed trip last week. It was the first time in all the years of going to WDW that we stopped to watch the shows and other events that happened as we walked by them, and skipped all but a few rides. We caught the castle show for the first time ever and DH wondered when they started having that show. I told him it had been there forever, he just never wanted to see it. That fp+ for TSMM was golden. But all in all, we went on maybe 8 rides, and it was wonderful. The biggest development was that DH really does like having an ADR after all, instead of always being "spontaneous." ;)

I hope you had a great trip. :goodvibes

You betcha! Books and treats - a great combo! We combined the two since we were able to relax inside the store.

That's funny that your hubby "discovered" the castle show this trip. :laughing: I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and experienced some new things.

Wow! What a great trip. I just started reading. Thanks for sharing!!!


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Hi Amberleefuta!! Thanks so much for reading! I'm so very glad that you took the time to let me know. I hope you hang around and enjoy the rest. :)

Hi Brenda! Got a little behind because of finals, but I hope you are having a fabulous trip in WDW!

I LOVE coloring. I colored a Duffy in August while my sister met Alice and it was one of the most relaxing parts of my trip.

I hope you guys tried the drawing class! Normally I only draw stick figures but I have done it the past few trips and I really enjoy it.

That sounds like a great afternoon at the Writer's Stop. I'm not really a carrot cake person but I've heard so many things about that cookie!

Hi Courtney! I think you had another great excuse for falling behind.... your own Thanksgiving trip to WDW. I hope you enjoyed your time there. :thumbsup2

If I loved to color it may be more relaxing but I stress too much about picking the right color and staying within the lines - definitely 2nd grade stuff.

Ahh man, you would have to like carrot cake for sure to imbibe in the cookie!
Hmm, now you two sure do look familiar. :scratchin

Brenda, obviously I have to take a moment here to thank you SO VERY MUCH for spending some of your busy schedule with me. I will never be able to repay you for the amazing Illuminations Cruise and it was such a supreme pleasure to meet and spend time with you and Em. I will never forget it.

Getting back to this TR, I just love the statement about the little moments that mean so much. I've learned to not race from ride to ride and show to show and just enjoy the Disney moments, and the recent trip was all about that for me.

And YAY, I actually got to see a Bo photo happening!!!!!

Hi Rob! Awww shucks. thank you so much! The feeling is mutual. :blush:

Its those moments that you sit back and enjoy the little things when you see something new and different that completely change the trip experience. Definitely a good thing!

Yes, you got a front row seat for one of my Bo encounters. It was a must do! ;)

I am so bad at this Dis thing. I was surprise that I wasn't further behind. For a moment I forgot you were in the world. I knew you were there due to the fact that when I say a message I thought you were back. It wasn't you though. :lmao: Enjoy your last two days (I think that is what you have left.) Any ways look forward to hearing about your trips.

Ha ha!! No worries Sandy!! Your greeting is timeless since it was heart felt - thank you.

Just letting you know that I've still been following along! I hope you had (or are still having) a great time!

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Hi Marissa! Thank you! We were definitely still having fun. :goodvibes

Vinny would have been in the hospital if a duck did that to him.
Very nice Snow White.
All caught up.

Hi Scott! Sounds like we need to use duck repellent around Vinny.

Glad that you are caught up so soon after your return. I actually read your first TR installment in the airport yesterday but didn't log in to comment. Need to do that and get caught up with yours.

thanks for meeting up with us last week. It was short but sweet. :)
Wednesday August 21, 2013: Day 6, Part 5

We had just returned to our YC room in order to avoid the afternoon rain. While Em went to the gym I relaxed and decided to go to the lounge to check out the evening appetizers.

Some options:



I had to leave room for some fine French cuisine so I opted for a few veggies

Before dinner I received an invitation from a retired CM friend who invited Em and I to lunch with his wife while we were in WDW. When I wrote on FB that evening referencing this gentleman, “Ever so thankful and grateful for your call this afternoon Dean!!! Definitely YES!!!” I hoped that wouldn’t be taken wrong! I can imagine my hubby’s confusion. Dean had written a book with stories of selecting Grand Marshal hosts for the parade during the 14 years that he held that position. I know several Disers have commented in the past that they were also selected by this man and know how amazing he is! (The story of our Grand Marshal parade selection is in my signature.)

He was going to be in MK early to film a promo for his book and had invited us to meet up with him. Definitely yes!

The highlight of our evening was dinner at Monsieur Paul. We had an 8pm ADR. Factoring in a 3 minute walk to the lobby, plus a 10 minute wait for a boat, plus a 7 minute boat ride to Epcot, plus a 4 minute walk to the restaurant that math works out to leave the room at 7:36 right? Yeah, we left the room at 7:45 pm which was slightly behind schedule but we could book it and make up lost time. We stepped outside and it had started to rain. Drat! We were all dolled up and I didn’t want to arrive to dinner soaking wet. We had left our rain ponchos in the room so I calculated which would be quicker – going back to the room or going to the gift shop around the corner from the lobby?? I chose the gift shop. 2 ponchos please. Oh, and that Mickey umbrella. I realized while I was standing there that my sandals would not survive the rain so I grabbed a pair of Mickey flip flops while at the check-out. Using our AP discount I saved approximately $5 for a purchase that was absolutely un-necessary. The moment we walked back outside it stopped raining and I didn’t use any of those items – the entire trip. I spent $45 to be rain proofed for nothing.


There was a boat arriving at the dock so we hurried to hop aboard.

We had avoided the rain but in doing so we were late for dinner.
Speaking of dinner… it was fabulous. In fact, one of the better Signature dining experiences that we’ve had in an absolutely beautiful restaurant. If you’ve read my dining review (here for part 1) and here for part 2)then you are lucky because you’ve already seen the photos, viewed the video, and know that a certain Frenchman and I made nice. He was kind enough to welcome me with a champagne cocktail and delivered a complimentary dessert. But don’t just take my word for it here, go and read and be amazed.


Following dinner, the park was closed so that made for some empty park photos!!



That and I’m not sure how many people have silly photos of themselves at the IG bathroom but we certainly do!

That was a wrap for day 6.

Continued Next Post
How lovely that you got to meet up for dinner with Dean! He sounds so interesting, I bet he made for an awesome dinner guest.
Let's face it, if you hadn't bought the rain gear, it would have rained harder. :rofl:
Glad you had a great meal.

Last but not least, welcome home!

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Glad you all made it home! Boo that your trip is over but that mean we get updates to this TR! :thumbsup2

How cool that Dean wrote a book, I so want to read it. Is it available now?

Glad to hear you and a certain Frenchman made-up.

I have so much catching up to do. We were without a proper computer during November.

I hope you had a wonderful December trip!

I love the new (to me) badge! Definitely earned.

How lovely that you got to meet up for dinner with Dean! He sounds so interesting, I bet he made for an awesome dinner guest.
Let's face it, if you hadn't bought the rain gear, it would have rained harder. :rofl:
Glad you had a great meal.

Last but not least, welcome home!

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My thought exactly. You paid $45 to make the rain stop. ::yes::

Going back to try and catch-up. I have about 45 minutes of nap time left. :thumbsup2
Haha, I already complimented Em in person on her exercise dedication, but since you mentioned it, I will do so again here. :worship:

Well, you know the old saying... What happens in Disney, Stays in Disney... Unless you post it on Facebook.

And guess what!!! I read the DR portion as you recommended. :thumbsup2

Wow, Philippe REALLY wants to make amends doesn't he? Nice to see that you're now BFF's. :lovestruc
Those ponchos...and umbrellas...and flip flops always suck us in. I'd say you made the right choice even if it didn't end up raining on you guys. The long & twisty halls of the YC would be more maddening than spending money. :)

I'm so glad you made it back safely. I hope this trip was fantastic & magical!
Good for Em for going to the gym on vacation :thumbsup2 I actually saw a ton of people jogging at POR over Thanksgiving and was impressed. I jog to Toy Story Mania and that's about as much exercise as I get.

The same thing has happened to us, actually: suck it up and buy the ponchos, and then the rain stops. Of course! At least it didn't mess up your hair!

I am glad to hear Philippe played nice! I can't wait to see how your relationship grows over your next few WDW time your meal will probably be comped :rotfl:


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