Via Napoli. Food was ok, nothing great but not bad. Service was very good. It gets weird after we left.
Bill for dining came to about $100 for our party of 3. We had free dining. FD covered $92, leaving a balance of $8 for an alcoholic drink. We left $23 which was 15% tip plus $8 for the drink. We then left. We were quite a ways out of the restaurant when the waiter came running after us yelling that we had not paid for our drink. He repeatedly stated the amount we left was for his tip and we must pay for the drink. We explained we tip whatever we feel is appropriate and did so. After several go arounds arguing we said we must leave and did so. Just a weird experience at Disney.

Maybe because 15% is for ok service, the least you are "supposed" to tip? Just guessing here. 15% is the base, if your service was better than ok the tip should reflect that. Maybe they thought they gave you better than ok service.
Maybe because 15% is for ok service, the least you are "supposed" to tip? Just guessing here. 15% is the base, if your service was better than ok the tip should reflect that. Maybe they thought they gave you better than ok service.

Any waiter who would chase someone down for leaving a 15% tip...... was probably overtipped.
Really? Scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit? It is a set menu. If none of that works for one of your family, then maybe not book it?

YIKES.....that seems a little harsh:( They didn't care for the menu ...no big deal! Not everyone likes the same thing and that is ok!:flower1:
A lot of people say this, and I kind of get it, but I think it's a sad statement, and it didn't use to be true.

We used to love eating at Crystal Palace. Yes, we liked taking pictures with Pooh and friends, but we used to really enjoy the food. It was one of our favorite meals on property. We would have gone there with or without the characters. We haven't been there for a long time (due to the price) but it sounds like the quality has gone down since those days which is unfortunate. For what they are charging, they can certainly afford to provide a good quality meal.

I agree our last meal there was not great. It is really unfortunate because it used to be a favorite of ours.
YIKES.....that seems a little harsh:( They didn't care for the menu ...no big deal! Not everyone likes the same thing and that is ok!:flower1:

I'm honestly a bit shocked that a picky eater couldn't find anything there to eat, the "really" wasn't sarcasm. Not to mention there is a difference between bad food and food you just don't care for.
Our's was Beaches and Cream last year. We had taken our whole family (for potentially the last time we could all be together) and we wanted to do a late lunch at Beaches and Cream. We have 2 grands that have sensory issues and I knew they would be hyper by the afternoon so I specifically made ressies for 2 parties, 5 and 7. I actually called to make the ressies to confirm I could get that configuration. One group wanted the Kitchen Sink and I also separated the kids with adult supervision to avoid meltdowns and issues. Plus, I made them during a non-busy time to increase our chances of having a great time. The ressies were 5 minutes apart.

When we checked in early, they told me we could only have 4 and 8. I looked in and it was half empty. I asked if we could put 2 adults and 3 small kids in a booth and they said no. I told them we were willing to wait for our requested ressies. (If I had not booked them separately, I would not have pushed the issue.) Nope.... couldn't be done. I asked about the 2 empty booths and multiple tables. Nope.... couldn't be done. I would have even accepted 5 seats in a row at the counter. Nope..... couldn't be done.

OK..... decided to roll with the tide and not make waves. The waiter that seated us put 4 kids (including the 2 that we needed to keep apart) in a booth at the back and the rest of us around 2 small tables as far away as you can get in the front. There were 3 tables, side by side, near the booth. I told him that we needed to be closer to the kids and he told me they would be fine. I told him that we needed to put adults with them and separate them but the kids took his side and he insisted the kids would be fine. We all knew better but the kids were insistent they would be on their best behavior, so we didn't push the issues.

Of course, things fell apart and we had to move kids and adults after the food was delivered. Kids were unhappy and the waiter was rude to us for moving around. (It was all on one check and we moved everything ourselves.... he didn't have to do anything.) By the time we would have ordered the kitchen sink, we decided it just wasn't worth it. The waiter was unhappy.

2 tables near the booth were never filled while we were there. I honestly don't know why they didn't seat us close to the kids. They were not busy and there were open tables and booths the entire time.

I am usually very mild mannered but I very pointedly told the waiter that things would have been much better if my original configuration would have been granted. We knew our kids and he didn't. If the meal would have been pleasant, we would have enjoyed the kitchen sink but the kids were close to becoming disruptive and we weren't going to let that happen.

This is not as bad as many of your reports but it was something that could have been avoided.
For me the worst dining experience in recent memory was at the Yachtsman Steakhouse. I'm a Disney foodie so this was actually a shocker. Appetizers - bisque, shrimp, and salad were great - no complaints. Main course - the double porterhouse was fair, more of a let down. Like many huge slabs of meat, I had to send it back for a few extra minutes on the grill. The three side dishes of caramelized onions, creamed spinach, and sautéed mushrooms were again, fair. Then came the truffle mac n cheese the table split...so far this is the ONLY food item I've had in over 20 years at Disney World where I had to send it back because it was INEDIBLE. Seriously, this was the nail in the coffin. There was so much salt loaded in this dish of unfinished shell noodles with half baked alfredo sauce texture it was disgusting. Even the FUNION-like crisps on top were terrible. I brought the waiter over and told him how terrible it was that he comped the truffle mac and the appetizers. Even the chef came over and apologized - very Disney of him.

I then told the chef to try the filet mignon at the California Grill so he could see how a real steak should taste.
You were ok until the tag ending... Now it reads like you had a problem, the problem was handled in a professional and courteous manner, and then - well, go re-read what you said.... Bad form.
You were ok until the tag ending... Now it reads like you had a problem, the problem was handled in a professional and courteous manner, and then - well, go re-read what you said.... Bad form.

The last part was a joke (which is why it's separated). I probably should have indicated that.
Really? Scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit? It is a set menu. If none of that works for one of your family, then maybe not book it?

YIKES.....that seems a little harsh:( They didn't care for the menu ...no big deal! Not everyone likes the same thing and that is ok!:flower1:

I'm honestly a bit shocked that a picky eater couldn't find anything there to eat, the "really" wasn't sarcasm. Not to mention there is a difference between bad food and food you just don't care for.

I was also confused by this poster's comment that they couldn't find foods that they liked on the Akershaus breakfast menu. What else are you expecting to eat besides scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, fruit, muffins, pastries, bagels, and the myriad of other things in the buffet?
I thought it was mediocre at best - just goes to show you...

I was making a reference to how often on this thread, one person's worst meal is another person's favorite, as many people have, not commenting on the relative quality of the food. Nothing I had at Disney would I really consider above mediocre, although we only had 6 meals, half of which were character buffets.
We dined at Whispering Canyon Café recently for lunch and was less than enchanted with our service. My family visited the restaurant for a special event and was less than impressed Our server had limited ability to communicate in English and was not understanding the concept of the restaurant. She was not friendly and definitely had no pixie dust. Will knock this place off our list of places to visit.
I have to admit that the food quality over the past several years has really taken a turn for the worse. We go to WDW every year and I can't remember a time when the food was so bad. I am talking about Chef Mickeys, Tusker House, Crystal Palace, 1900 Park Fare to name a few. These were always my favorite "go to" spots but I am seriously thinking of looking elsewhere to eat. The menu for these "Buffets" has been pared down to cheaper cuts of meat and less than desirable selections. For my wife and I, going to a character dinner is the part of the Disney experience we always cherish but sadly, the quality of the food is making it hard to appreciate any longer. Come on Disney, you certainly charge enough for these "experiences", bring the quality back. I must say that last month we had a wonderful meal at Whispering Canyon and Coral Reef. The only two really wonderful meals for the entire trip.
Our's was Beaches and Cream last year. We had taken our whole family (for potentially the last time we could all be together) and we wanted to do a late lunch at Beaches and Cream. We have 2 grands that have sensory issues and I knew they would be hyper by the afternoon so I specifically made ressies for 2 parties, 5 and 7. I actually called to make the ressies to confirm I could get that configuration. One group wanted the Kitchen Sink and I also separated the kids with adult supervision to avoid meltdowns and issues. Plus, I made them during a non-busy time to increase our chances of having a great time. The ressies were 5 minutes apart.

When we checked in early, they told me we could only have 4 and 8. I looked in and it was half empty. I asked if we could put 2 adults and 3 small kids in a booth and they said no. I told them we were willing to wait for our requested ressies. (If I had not booked them separately, I would not have pushed the issue.) Nope.... couldn't be done. I asked about the 2 empty booths and multiple tables. Nope.... couldn't be done. I would have even accepted 5 seats in a row at the counter. Nope..... couldn't be done.

OK..... decided to roll with the tide and not make waves. The waiter that seated us put 4 kids (including the 2 that we needed to keep apart) in a booth at the back and the rest of us around 2 small tables as far away as you can get in the front. There were 3 tables, side by side, near the booth. I told him that we needed to be closer to the kids and he told me they would be fine. I told him that we needed to put adults with them and separate them but the kids took his side and he insisted the kids would be fine. We all knew better but the kids were insistent they would be on their best behavior, so we didn't push the issues.

Of course, things fell apart and we had to move kids and adults after the food was delivered. Kids were unhappy and the waiter was rude to us for moving around. (It was all on one check and we moved everything ourselves.... he didn't have to do anything.) By the time we would have ordered the kitchen sink, we decided it just wasn't worth it. The waiter was unhappy.

2 tables near the booth were never filled while we were there. I honestly don't know why they didn't seat us close to the kids. They were not busy and there were open tables and booths the entire time.

I am usually very mild mannered but I very pointedly told the waiter that things would have been much better if my original configuration would have been granted. We knew our kids and he didn't. If the meal would have been pleasant, we would have enjoyed the kitchen sink but the kids were close to becoming disruptive and we weren't going to let that happen.

This is not as bad as many of your reports but it was something that could have been avoided.

This is the EXACT reason why, when going with my parents and my husbands family in January, I kept our Beaches reservation a secret and made it just for my parents and my husband and I.
I didn't want to be the person taking up half the restaurant and I'm so glad I did it the way I did. They were slammed.

Not bashing you OP, my DH's family had and still has NO IDEA what Beaches is so they went along blindly. I understand that you all wanted to have a meal together and that the restaurant was slow. :)

And while I love Beaches to death, I thin one of the worst things they have done was to start taking reservations. Because they still get busy and out of the 3 times I've made a reservation I've been sat close to my time exactly zero times, we always have to wait way longer than we should.
Three pages of messages on this topic and not ONE warning about Marrakesh!

Well, just in case you've never been -it's horrible. I realize there are some that like it, but our meals were so bad we will never be back. To put it in perspective, my wife has eaten Sea Urchin -have you seen Sea Urchin? She thought Marrakesh was worse.
Agreed. The service was so slowwwwww. And it wasn't even busy. We went during the Holidays and I had my whole day planned with being able to see every Holiday story around the world but since it took 2 hrs for lunch I missed 2 countries. I had only planned an hr for lunch.
While I can't believe I read through 16 pages and over 300 reviews, many many good points. I'd have to agree with many of the opinions. For the folks that don't have the time that I guess I had… In review I think these were consistent thumbs down opinions. Feel free to add if I messed something.

The overwhelming champion of negative responses seem to be Chef Mickey's, and I think I'd have to agree. I didn't have quite the negative experience with the characters, as my niece and nephew seemed fascinated, but the food was terrible, and the noise level definitely excessive.

The runner-up seemed to be Hollywood and Vine, again I'd have to agree terrible food, probably worse than Mickey's and not clean at all. Inexcusable! I don't think I read a single positive review.

Also saw many negative reviews for Whispering Canyon And Coral Sea, I've had Some Good Meals That Whispering Canyon, but I think it has definitely slipped, as many if not all of the table service meals.

Ohana also seemed to have many negative reviews. As well as Biergarten and San Angel Inn at Epcot, and Tony's Tavern in Magic Kingdom. Also California Grill seemed to have many more negative reviews than expected.

Again… Feel free to add to my conclusions.
For me it was probably the one and only time I dined at Liberty Tree Tavern. Food was not very good. Minnie Mouse was did not seem to be in a good mood that day. Just all around a gloomy experience.

Also I will comment on Tony's Town Square. I like the atmosphere of the restaurant, but the food was NOTHING special. I'd be willing to try both again one day, but not any time soon.

O'hana I have had both good and bad. My last time there was very good and will return on my upcoming trip! It's always hit or miss.
Shutters in CBR was the worse ... Under the old chef. We arrived with an hour to spare before closing and by the time we actually ordered, and our waitress showed up, we were told the kitchen was closing... so we hurried and ordered, getting our food well after the 10pm closing time. We both then felt extreme rushed having our waitress clean her other tables beside us. The next day was a nightmare spent at the hotel.. Thank goodness for immodium. I am hoping our next trip will be different with a new chef there and hoping for a better experience.

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