WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

Sorry to hear about your back/shoulder problems. Hopefully they'll get it figured out soon. I know what you mean about the doctor and PT giving you different opinions. My wife's doctor told her the pain in her glutes was due to bursitis (highly unlikely) and her PT told her it was because her pelvis is out of alignment (much more likely).
I just signed up for my first Tri! I'm busy training for DL Half, but why not throw this in the mix too!
Hi all.
Melissa - Good luck on the Tri and maybe see you at DL.

Maura - Sorry to hear about your injury. Will be sending pixie dust and prayers your way.

It's been a pretty good week this week. Still doing modified 5K training getting ready for a June 10th 5K then transitioning into Training for the DL half.

Monday 4 miles with a 1.25 mi and 1 mi. stretch of all running.

Wednesday- 4 miles total. Was going to be 2 1.5 mile race rehearsals. Did 1st 1.5 miles too fast, Walked .25 miles did second 1.25 miles closer to the pace I wanted. Finished my fastest 5K section is 37:30 a new best for me. I'm hoping for 36:xx in the race June 10th. I think pacing is going to be the key.

Today- did 6 slow easy miles. I'd been doing 7 the past 3 weeks so this was a nice easy cut back week.
First....thanks for the wishes. And I have been officially pushed to the top of my mom's prayer list (a real coup!) Second, hope everyone is out there training/walking/running well. Appreciate both the strength and fragility of the human body.

What do Aleve, Tylenol, Advil, Flexeril, Flectrol, Tylenol with Codeine all have in common? They all don't do Bupkus for me for pain! (Where does the word bupkus come from anyway?).

So Day 13 of "The siege of Maura" continues. I have taken 1 step forward and 2/3 step bak when it comes to progress. I have started to have occasional stretches of feeling minimal pain followed by more stretches of feeling a lot more. Still can't really sit down--it appears to be the most painful positiion of all. (Which doesn't bode well for a 14 hr drive to my mother's next week!)

PT progresses--hey, I have new and uncharted trigger points!

So what's a person to do........DR WHO MARATHON!!!!! My son has NetFlix and we are working our way through seasons "1-4" (the Eccleston/Tennant era). BTW, if any Who fans are going to be in London, David Tennant and Catherine Tate (Donna Noble) are going to be doing Much Ado about Nothing. So say they on the Graham Norton Show (which can be hilarious--check it out on BBC America)

Well, my new exercise routine involves lots of neck strenghtening and upper back strengthening, so off I go.......


(So I guess it's a good thing I didn't sign up for any late spring/summer races!)
What do Aleve, Tylenol, Advil, Flexeril, Flectrol, Tylenol with Codeine all have in common? They all don't do Bupkus for me for pain! (Where does the word bupkus come from anyway?).

It's Yiddish believe it or not, and translated it mean beans or something very small, not important, nothing at all. hahahaha :rotfl: Sorry though that they are not helping you. I know some people have had a block as a last resort if they are in pain all the time and can't get any relief.

I just had to peek in and see how you were doing Maura.

I am continuing to recover with a few weeks of PT under my belt. The issue I am dealing with during recovery is getting the "lift off" working in my stride. That part of the end of your walking/running when the foot propels you forward, the foot is behind you and bending, just before it comes up off the ground. It is hurting right now and feels like a big stone is under the pad of my foot under my big toe and toe next to it. My PT says part of that is because it is still swollen. I have a 5k on Memorial Day that I will walk. I did do my first 3 miles today AS (after surgery) and didn't feel too bad so I think I will ok with the 5K on Monday.

Hope all is well with everyone and sorry I haven't been around much. It's hard to post when you are a bump on a log and not doing much.

Take care,
I believed Bupkis was a song used in an old Dick Van **** Sketch - Rob came up with the song lyrics, but a buddy put them to music and was making money off them!!

You took my arm, with golden charm,
a diamond mine, a love so fine.
But what did I get from you? Bupkis!
What did I get from you? Bupkis!
Bupkis is alot of nothing and
that's what I got from you.
Bupkis is alot of nothing and
that's what I got from you.

you can see the episode on Hulu..com!
Hi all

Maura - Still praying for your recovery. I'm a big Dr. Who fan. When I was little my brother would watch it on PBS back during the Tom Baker era.

Tracy - Also sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery.

This weeks been good for me. On Monday I did a fairly easy 5 miles. It was a warm and humid day, but did a moderate 3 before cooling down.

Wednesday went to the track and did 2x800m and 1x1600m. It wasn't hot but the sun was blaring so I went on to a trail nearby for an easy 2 miles.

Today. Near perfect weather. 60 degrees and overcast. 7 mile long run.
Maura and Tracy,

I hope you are both recovering well and will be back to training soon.
Injuries are a bummer, and PT is hard work so I wish you both the best.

My training has been going well, but our warm weather has made it difficult for outdoor runs. Monday I ran my sprint work at the track at 6:30am! I thought I was going really slow, but I beat my goal times in both the 400 splits and 800 splits. I could not figure out how my 800's were just about double the 400's....hopefully I will not be worn out for my run tomorrow. The swimming has been a wonderful crosstraining alternative, and I am now in the pool at least twice a week. Actually, I love the FIRST training program with the sprint work, short fast run and one long run. This is my fourth week and I have to say that it is far more fun than the way I trained for my first half marathon (Disney Princess 2011). With specific time goals for each run, I feel more motivated and challenged. Does anyone else use this program and have suggestions/recommendations? I welcome any tips as a new runner!

Happy Running, Pam
June has arrived and so has the heat for many parts of the country. Carry your water bottle/wear your hydration belt and try and stay cool.

Hope those that are broken or healing (Maura and Tracy) are back on the go soon.

To all the others, hope your summer training goes well.

AFM: I got the new Asics Gel 33 and took a run in them yesterday...felt good, light and good ventilation for the summer. I also got the Nike sports watch for Mother's Day and that has been a lot of fun. I can see my route, mile splits, elevation changes, hope fast I'm running at every point, etc. I chose that Nike over Garmin because of the size of the numbers on the screen and one button on/off, as I'm of poor sight, but don't wear my glasses when I run.
Hi all

This week went mostly well.

I did 5 miles Monday and Wednesday and 8 of Friday. Wednesday's workout was the one that didn't turn out quite as planned. I started out with a 1/2 mile warmup, then run for 2 miles without walk breaks, tieing my no walk break record distance, that part went fairly well. When I turned around for the trip back, I got dizzy for a little bit during my recovery walk. That passed fairly quickly but once I started up my run/walk, I just couldn't get going again. The 2 miles out were at about a 12:30 pace. The 2 miles run :30/walk :45 back were about a 16:00 mile pace.

Part of the problem might have been hydration. If was pushing 75 on Wednesday even at 7:30 when I started and the humidity was about 70%. And I had rushed out for my run because I decided to sleep in a little bit. I had taken water with me, but only drank a little bit on the way out. I'm no good yet at running and drinking. I normally drink during walk breaks.

I think I'm going to make my longer runs without walk breaks their own workout until I get things straighted out.
Not posting much since I am still on the DL. Sme improvement, but seems as though none for the last week and a half. I head back to the doctor's next week for re-check and was really hoping to be "cured" by then. So I have mostly been a slug, with a little "swimming" thrown in. I plan to start up yoga again soon--I need it mentally as much as physically!

Just back from a whirlwind trip to Cambridge to see my daughter graduate from MIT. Tough ride, but a beautiful day and we're very proud of her. She was off on Saturday for 5 months in Germany--and good thing we were there to help pack.

Jeremy I take a swig of water every mile--so I am not faced with drinking 10 oz or so at once! I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. Good luck and if you have to walk to drink the waterm then do it. Better that than dehydration.

Hope everyone is doing well.

So yesterday I di 15 min on elliptical. 20 min on recumbent bike and all my PT exercises. I still find both elliptical and bike to be really boring---funny since I don't mind the treadmill. Feel about 85-90% okay.

Hope to get an "all clear" to run during my re-check next week. Funny, so far I have not panicked at all about my one month layoff. I pretty much figure I'll be starting from a really reduced level of running fitness, and I'm okay with that. Probably cause I don't have a race scheduled.

Back to yoga for the first time today. That has me mildly bugged, since I am sure I have lost all felxibility that I have worked hard for. Oh well, must be zen about it.

Stay cool everyone.

I've posting in the competition threads and just found this one. I'm a new runner, I've only done one 5k and that was at Princess weekend earlier this year. I've signed up for the Wine and Dine 5k and 1/2 later this year. I still don't call myself a runner, but I'm getting better. Hope to get to know everyone:)

I will be completing my first sprint-tri this weekend (6/12/11) and although I've done a couple of practice 1/4 ocean swims it's the only event I am concerned about. My only goal is to finish and hopefully not last. I think after this tri I will just check it off the list and move on.
Jennifer Sorry it took so long to welcome you. Since you run and have completed a race, you most definitely should call yourself a runner! Good luck with your W&D training.

ludari Hope your tri went well. The swim part is defintely the thing that has kept me from doing more.

Re-check at the doc's yesterday. I am making progress, but until I am symptom-free I can't even entertain the idea of running says the doc. I have been told that this is a "chronic condition that will need to be managed" and running may not be part of that management.

Sucks. I have suddenly realized how much I value the structure, effort and accomplishment that running has provided me.

Off to yoga....probably a good thing to get the mind in a better place.

Hi all

Realized it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted on this thread.

Maura - Glad to hear your improving even if you can't run yet. Hopefully it's just a matter of time before you can progress at least to a run/walk.

Jennifer - Welcome to WISH (even if it's a little bit late).

Ludari - Hope your tri went well

Last 2 weeks have gone fairly well. Last week I took it fairly easy getting ready for my 5K on Friday. I Finished is 38:40, A new PR. It would have been even better had it not been 90 outside with the heat index.

This weeks.

Monday - did a 9 mile long run. It seems strange being at that kind of mileage so far from my September 4rd Disneyland half. I'm mostly following Galloways Time improvement plan and will be working up to 15-17 mile long run.

Wednesday. 5 miles 3-4 at close to 1/2 marathon pace. According to my Garmin my fastest 5K was faster than Friday. But it was also 30 degrees cooler.

Today - 3 mile middle 2 without walk breaks. Went much better than 2 weeks ago. Legs felt a little funny for the first minute or so after switching to walking. About like after a hard race.
I've been absent for a while, work and life have been getting in a way. It's raining here today, so I am waiting for that to blow through before runnning.

I think I posted to congratulate Maura on her Boston success, but if I didn't congratulations. I am sorry about your injury :grouphug: and hope your doctor has cleared you to run.
Tracy how is the foot rehab going. It may help to do more of a Chi running style where you lift your heal up instead of pushing off with your foot.
Jennifer Welcome to WISH. You can certainly call yourself a runner if you've raced a 5k. DW & I will be at W&D. There will be a bunch of meets there, so maybe I will see you.
Jeremy Sounds like you are going to be ready for Disneyland.
ludari Hope the tri went well. Be sure to tell us about it.
AFM I ran the Kentucky Derby Festival mini marathon in 1:54, which was a PR, and haven't done that much mileage again in a entire week until this week. Starting to ramp up for W&D and whatever else we run this fall.
Hi Everyone,

My name is Michele and I have been posting over on the Princess and W&D threads. I am new to running. I am signed up for the Wine and Dine. I wanted to come over here and say an "official" hello.. :goodvibes

I am in South Florida so I have not run any races yet, but I found a 5K at night at the end of the July that I am going to do. Hopefully it will be a bit cooler :lmao:

Everyone on the boards have been so helpful and very inspiring so far, I am so glad to have found the WISH boards. Thank you!

I am here for my official introduction as well. I am not a runner...definately!
I am working on the Couch to 5K program and am now registered for the Family 5K during marathon weekend in January!
I am doing my first 5K here in Atlanta this September....hope I can do it!
Hello... it's been awhile.

Jeremy it looks like you are just rolling along!

Maura I hope things are working out for you. Yoga and swimming are good things right now. Maybe a second opinion couldn't hurt about your issues - just sayin.

Hello to all the newbies.

As for Me: I "officially" started training for my First Full at WDW in Jan last weekend and did a 6 miler today. Toe is doing so much better, but of course there is always that "thing" that pops up and mine is I got my PF back in the same foot. Talked to the Pod and got a shot, most likely just because I am using the foot differently not with a better toe roll off. Ice and stretching (although I stretch my arches every morning)
I have settled in on a walk/run of 2 1/2 min racewalk with a 45 sec jog. So far this is working out fine. I may try to up the jog to one min and then the racewalk to 2 min at some point.

Take care everyone and keep on keeping on!


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