WISH Away the Pounds -- Jolly June AND JULY Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

I signed up for the May challenge but never kept up. I'm happy to say I lost three and a half pounds in May! I hope to keep the momentum up. At a pound a week I should be 50 pounds lighter come April 30 next year!

Well done!! And that's a good pace for weight loss!

I'm at a bit over 250 so this month I hope to be firmly planted in the 240s. My overall goal is to feel better, have more energy and stop saying no to going to the park with my dds because I'm too tired. I'm doing weight watchers.

Right now I'm trying to survive the end of the school year. I live in Canada and we still have three weeks to go. Hopefully I'll be too busy to think about snacking!

So happy to join you all!

Hope the stressful times don't lead to more eating!! :goodvibes I think I never am to busy to snack unfortunately...

My 5k was fun yesterday, except the course was short so it wasn't truly a 5k. It was a very small group running the race and they did the best they could -- we were supporting the Disabled Vets and that was the important thing. I was very happy with my pace. I think it would have been even better if I wasn't still recovering from the half marathon I did a week ago. It is a good way to start my Dumbo training. :dumbo:

Please be sure and PM your starting weight and goal to Flossbolna, if you haven't already.

Happy Sunday all!

Thanks for the reminder about the PMs! :goodvibes

Sounds like a fun race even if it was not what you expected!! And for a good cause!

Well hello everyone. Managed to find some free WiFi access at last. Love you guys loads, but I'm still not paying the £10 per hour that the hotel wants to give me WiFi access there!

Weather is lovely, I've managed to walk around 8 miles in the 48 hours that I've been here, but it's too hilly to consider running really.

Food-wise I'm doing OK. Not brilliant, but OK. I've resisted all biscuits, chocolates and sweets, but I have caved to one dessert..........creme brulee with strawberries and shortcake. Given that it followed a rather excellent fillet steak I fell into a Le Cellier mood!!!!!!

Last night I managed a chicken salad but tonight is our big social function. Melon for starter, chicken and veg for the main, but I'm having local cheese for dessert. Will make sure I walk loads more tomorrow!!!

Sounds like you are having a great time and are making great choices along the way as well! :thumbsup2
I have updated the first page with everyone who signed up so far. Those who have their name in bold are the ones who already sent me their start weight.

Please have a look whether you find your name on the first page and if you haven't sent me your weight, please do so!!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. Mine is nearly over. The weather is horrible here, we do have serious floods in some areas already from all the rain we had for the last week. Even my jogging path where I ran today must have been flooded at some point this weekend as there was quite a layer of mud in some places.

Had a good run and am eating very well this weekend! I am starting to get used to Weight Watchers, I signed up online a little over a week ago. The first week was a little difficult and I guess that's why I did not see as much of an weight loss on Friday as I had hoped (0.7 pounds - better than nothing). But now I am very motivated and did some useful shopping yesterday. Let's hope this week will be a little better!
I have a brown suede leather mini skirt that I bought directly after my final exam in college to celebrate when I was in vacation in London. That skirt is the thing I want to fit into again!! Not sure I would wear it in public though as it is really very very short!!! :rolleyes1

Maybe you could wear it with some thick tights/ leggings and tall boots. If you fit into it you should rock it.

QOTD for Sunday, June 2, 2013: Do you think your past weight loss experiences, good or bad, make it easier or harder for you to move forward with your healthy lifestyle?
Hi, everyone! It's a busy day here, so just a quick answer.

QOTD: It kinda flip flops. Some days I'm so sick of being overweight/obese and past failed attempts that I get mad enough to change and it's easy. Other days, the weight makes me feel defeated or the kids and husband inadvertently derail my efforts, which has frequently happened in the past. I'm trying to get the family on board this time.
Hello all! :wave2:
QOTD Saturday, June 1, 2013: Please introduce yourself if you haven't already and share your goal for the challenge. How does your goal for June fit into your overall goals for the rest of the year?

Hi. I'm Susan--this is my facebook page-- (which I have recently re-discovered) https://www.facebook.com/susan.day.100
Tells pretty much everything about me.

I'm starting out at 143 which is cool for me 'cause I've been battling yet another UTI. Lost 4 pounds last month, my goal was only 2 so really happy with that. My goal is 3.
I think if I reach that this month I'll just focus on maintaining and building muscle for awhile.

Which leads me to the QOTD for Sunday, June 2, 2013: Do you think your past weight loss experiences, good or bad, make it easier or harder for you to move forward with your healthy lifestyle?

I will be back tomorrow with my own answer and replies.

Easier for sure.

Having kind of a rough time the last week or so. Have another uti--I'm getting really frustrated with these, in the last few years I seem to get one every 2-3 months. I'm going to up my cranberry pills and I think I'll give up coffee on my days off. Maybe spend less time in the jacuzzi.

It's been nice here so I rode my bike yesterday checked out a new produce stand on the way home, it was closed but the lady gave me a "prize' because it was my first visit. :love: I got a big bag of spinach, baby potatoes, onions and a cucumber. It's all local organic. Had a lot of eggs so I made a couple of spinach quiche which I never did before--turned out pretty good really.
Lisa--congrats on that 5k, even it was short. :)

Magdalene--thank you so much for the kind words. :goodvibes
And I agree with whoever said leggings for your short skirt. Black leggings are awesome and I throw short dresses/skirts over them all the time. There are also some really cool tights now, but I feel move 'covered' in leggings. :)

I am enjoying reading all the intros.

QOTD--hmmm, as I have said before, I have mother issues (it's always the mother right ;) ). I heard a lot of negative stuff even when I was thin growing up. So I often still struggle with that. I know what to do. I have been successful, but I still struggle with the "it's never enough feeling." At some point, I just need to get over it and put my big girl panties on, but it is hard. I think really, I just use it as an excuse when I am doing poorly, instead of just saying--you gained two pounds this week cause you ate too much crap! Period.:thumbsup2

Good question Lisa! :)

I ran 6 miles today. It went well, but my back is not very happy. Oh well. Tomorrow is yoga--woohoo! ;) That should help.

Have a great night!
Hi Buffy, those are great goals! What is the Glass Slipper Challenge? That sounds interesting.

the Glass Slipper Challenge is the new princess race at Disney. If you finish the combined 10K and the 1/2 marathon you get both medals and the glass slipper medal.
I just hope I can get in to both races, it looks like it might sell out pretty fast.
Which leads me to the QOTD for Sunday, June 2, 2013: Do you think your past weight loss experiences, good or bad, make it easier or harder for you to move forward with your healthy lifestyle?

I will be back tomorrow with my own answer and replies.

Some days I think it's easier and some days I think it's harder. I know I can lose weight, but I have days where I just collapse and eat too much. I do so good with exercise, but I'm still working on the eating. It is a daily challenge.


I'm so sorry that I do not have time for replies tonight. I am trying to get organized for my week/overnight trip with my sister/leaving for vacation with DH and DSs. I had 13 things on my "to do list" for today and I've crossed out 6 so I am pretty pleased. Actually, when I am done here, I am crossing off "hold the mail" (I do that online so it's the next thing to do). And, 3 things I really couldn't do until tomorrow, so I should be good. Okay, I'm off to "hold the mail," "finish laundry," and "register kids for marksmanship camp." Have a happy and healthy night and Monday :)

Back for today's QOTD...

I think my past experiences make it both easy and hard to have continued success, but I think the scales (ha) tip toward easier more often than they do toward hard. It's hard sometimes because when I do gain a few back, I tend to beat myself up over it - knowing I've worked so hard and had success and then blown it with some poor choices. But I always end up talking myself off that ledge because I *have* done this before, and I *do* know how to do it. My past successes are proof positive of that. So I just have to put one weight-loss-routine foot in front of the other and immerse myself back in that lifestyle. It hasn't failed me yet. :)


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Sorry I wasn't able to get back on the computer yesterday so I will post the QOTD and be back for replies. :goodvibes

:woohoo: It's Motivational Monday so let's talk a little bit about motivation because we've all had our motivational ups and down on this journey to a healthy lifestyle. ::yes::

5 Mind Games You Need to Stop Playing
These Common Tricks Never Motivate--Find Out Why

-- By Megan Coatley, Behavior Expert

Motivation is like cold hard cash: You can never have too much! And when you’re trying to lose weight (for the umpteenth time for many of us) you know that you need a wealth of motivational strategies you can count on. But, with so many motivational tips and tricks to sift through, why are we so often losing our motivation rather than reaping the rewards?

One reason is that some of the most popular motivation strategies people use are mind games—games that don't really work for the long term. At first glance, they all seem helpful, but most are actually bound to fail. Instead of playing Russian roulette when you’re choosing a weight-loss strategy, read on to find out how you can beat the odds and pick a winner.

Mind Game #1: Going for the Gold
You have your perfect weight and pants size in mind. With a big, bold goal to aspire to, you start biking to work, cooking lighter, packing your lunch, skipping that morning latte, and taking the stairs. Then, three busy, butt-busting weeks later…the scale hasn’t really budged and you’re trying on the same size in the dressing room. Deflated, you start snacking a bit here and slacking a bit there, and your dream of a whittled waistline slowly fades from view.

Motivation Makeover: Going for the gold is a great way to start your weight-loss plan; setting a long-term goal can help you to keep an eye on where you’re headed. But it’s also important to remember that your goal weight is far from the only benefit of incorporating healthy eating and exercise—and it could be a long ways off. Taking note of smaller, more subtle changes (more energy, better sleep, lower cholesterol, better mood, etc.) can help you stay motivated, even if the pounds aren’t coming off as quickly as you’d hoped. Setting some shorter-term goals (1 pound, 5 pounds)—especially ones that aren't based on the scale (like getting to the gym 5 days a week) can also help you stay on track.

Mind Game #2: Starting Out Super Strong
It’s Sunday evening and you realize that you spent the weekend indulging on brews, barbeques, and binges. A twinge of guilt has you psyched to start speeding down the road to wellness first thing Monday. So you restock your pantry with healthy eats, download a hardcore training app to your phone, and plan out the next month's food and workouts. You figure that going full throttle is the way to reach your weight-loss goals as quickly as possible. And why not? You're excited for it! But two weeks into your overhaul, your muscles are so sore you have trouble rolling out of bed, you’re sick of salads and you’re already thinking about throwing in the towel.

Motivation Makeover: Maintaining motivation is like running a marathon. Instead of starting at full speed and running out of steam, it is better to focus on simply putting one foot in front of the other. Set small, achievable goals so that you can build momentum and feel successful in the beginning, and pat yourself on the back when you conquer each one. No matter how long it takes to reach the finish line, you’ll be reaping the rewards for years to come.

Mind Game #3: Taking the Road Less Traveled
There will always be a new diet or exercise program that promise fast progress and fantastic results. Reading about the latest food fad or watching a perky personal trainer push sweat-drenched clients through an infomercial workout can definitely spark your motivation. Who wouldn’t want to try an effective 4-minute workout or slim down fast with a celebrity-backed diet supplement? Deep down, we all know the truth: People are getting paid for those advertisements and whatever motivation you’ve mustered up during the commercial break will fade fast if you don’t get those "as seen on TV" results that were so motivating to you. Trying every new fad that comes on the market may leave you broke and brokenhearted.

Motivation Makeover: If you want a plan that works long term, stick with the tried and true. Keep your eating close to the earth with whole fruits, veggies, grains and lean meats. Get up and moving with whatever activity suits your style and schedule. Remind yourself that following through with real nutrition and fitness habits is a process: It takes the proper planning and commitment that can’t be found in a book, a box or a bottle.

Mind Game #4: Flying Under the Radar
You’re already feeling self-conscious about losing weight, so you certainly don’t want your friends and family making more of a fuss. Besides, you’re confident that you can do this all on your own! So what if your plan to be stealth has you skipping out on lunch with friends and sneaking veggies to parties in your purse? Going it alone may seem like a good idea, but it is actually counterproductive. Soon enough, you’ll be feeling lonely and left out, and that’s no way to maintain success in the long run.

Motivation Makeover: Call in the recruits! Whether it’s a neighbor down the street, a fellow play group parent or a Facebook friend, get someone to join you on your weight-loss journey. Studies in behavior science show that changes that you make in the public eye have a much better chance of sticking in the real world. Plus, sharing your weight-loss goals with friends opens you up for great personal payouts like counsel, camaraderie, and accountability from the people who know you best. SparkPeople Community, anyone?

Mind Game #5: Staring Down the Scale
There’s a scale in your bathroom and one next to your treadmill. You check in twice a day and diligently track your weight on a chart on the fridge. Still, even though you’re eating well and exercising, some days the numbers just don’t show it! Seeing real, objective results can be super motivating but being tethered to the scale often becomes a burden. Even though you know that body weight fluctuates throughout each day and hydration (or lack thereof) is usually responsible, unpredictable digits can be deceiving and downright disheartening. If you find yourself frowning at your feet during morning weigh-ins, then your scale is likely sapping your mojo.

Motivation Makeover: Stick that scale in the closet and find inspiration in other numbers (besides your weight). Track specific behaviors to gauge your progress; how many push-ups you can do in a minute, how many miles you walk or bike each week, how many flights of stairs you take each day at work. Keep tabs on a variety of positive results and you won’t be left wanting for fitness focus.

Making use of motivational mind games can really boost your fitness morale. But sometimes, techniques that seem perfectly logical can end up leading you astray. Mastering your own motivation doesn’t have to be a crap shoot. Bet on the time-tested strategies above to get your mind right and you’ll be sure to cash in on long-term wellness!

Here is the link to the article if you are interested in reading more on this topic http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=1676

Which leads me to the QOTD for Monday, June 3, 2013: Do any of these Motivational Makeovers work for you? Or do you have another way to get back your motivational mojo?

BBL for my own answer and replies. Have a happy Monday! :goodvibes
good morning fellow losers!

first off, Donac...i'm sorry I sent you my July WI! dulp! blonde moment! thanks for forwarding it

I haven't posted my quick bio -- i'm Molli, i'm 40 y/o SAHM, well I have a very very part time job where I fill in for a FT xray tech at a local doc office. it's feast or famine with hours usually, which is fine with me. I'm on the path of a long term recovering process from Cushings disease which led to ultimately having my adrenal glands removed to achieve remission. now I am steroid dependent for life and still in the weaning process to my maintenance dose. so the extra steroids in my body over the past three years left me plus 50 lbs. so far since surgery I have lost 11 lbs and have 42 more to go. my goal this month is 6 lbs; and then again in july so that I can hit 170 before we leave for our vaca the end of july. it feels impossible lately....so Lisa's motivational article was VERY helpful to me!!

another QOTD -- when I first joined WISH, many moons ago when the board first started, I lost 25 lb doing WW on my own. so I KNOW that if I keep working the plan, the results WILL happen. I still remember what it feels like to be trim and strong and I desperately want that again. it's so much easier to feel strong and lean and not frumpy and weak! I have a lot of muscle damage from Cushings and it's unknown exactly how much it will reverse over the next few years.

ok...so I have a busy day today! and this week i'm visiting with some friends for 3 nights at a hotel and that's going to include too much food I already know. I had a minor outpatient proc last Thursday and i'm not allowed to exercise until Thursday this week. but I will get out and take some casual walks to keep my steps up for the days! i'm weaning again this week and it makes me feel like i'm moving through peanut butter....but I can do this!
Thanks for coaching Lisa!

Hi, I'm Rose and I am a chronic stress eater. Now that we got that out of the way...I have been doing WISH challenges since 2010. Lost a bunch, found out I have a severe gluten issue, ran a bunch of races, and more recently gained some weight back. But my DH reminded me this morning, that we have had a bunch of stress over the last year or so, and that all in all I am doing good and to cut myself some slack. Yep, he is a good guy.

I'm glad DH reminded you to cut yourself some slack! You've done well with the running, weight loss, and dealing with injuries and food issues. You DESERVE some slack!! I'm SURE if it were me going through all of this you would definitely support me and tell me that I am doing well, despite all of the issues and challenges.... so tell yourself that!

I am 45, work part-time for a non-profit, and have one ds who will be in graduate school this fall. I am a g-f vegetarian.

I set a goal this month of 2.8 pounds. Which is totally doable if my get my head in the game. I think part of the problem that I am having is I have no idea what my long term goal should be. When I lost in 2010/11 I got down to a weight that I did not think I would see again--most of that was through hard work, but at the end I was feeling so miserable with the gluten issues, that I really was not eating much, and was having some major malabsorption issues. So....having a hard time figuring out where I want to be. In order to see that low number it is going to take a huge amount of discipline--and I just don't know if it is worth it. Ten pounds will put me at a comfortable, maintainable weight. Twenty will put me back at my 2011 weight. We'll see. I am as always a work in progress.

Weight loss and weight maintenance is ALWAYS a work in progress. It depends on the TOM, day of the week, barometric pressure, season, age, salt intake, force of gravity, moon phase.... EVERYTHING!!:lmao:

My fitness goals--keep up with my mile a day for 2013 challenge, keep going to yoga, and run at least 3 days a week.

Welcome to all the new folks! Glad to have you.

As long as you keep eating healthy and keep up with the fitness, you are definitely a WINNER!

Pamela, I know it will be hectic having your own meeting with everything else going on this summer but I know you will be glad in the Fall when you are all settled in. :goodvibes

For now I think I will only commit to that one meeting weekly and sub for the summer. I'm already realizing that there is at least one meeting coming up in June when I will need a sub! Summer is looking hectic already!

Great goals! :thumbsup2 I am doing the PHM myself in 2014. princess: There will be several WISH folks there for that one so give yourself time to go to a meet or two.

I'm off to do my first 5k this morning -- I've done 5 half marathons and a couple of 10ks but never a 5k by itself.

Have a great Saturday! :goodvibes

WOOHOO! Hope the 5K was fun!

I already did a brief intro, but I'll add my goals for June. This month, I want to lose 4 pounds. And, this summer I want to lose about 10 total. My last 10 (I think lol) and the hardest 10. I also want to keep up with working out and head back to the gym after a hiatus because of DSs schedules. Soccer finished today, so after vacation I will start back asap!

I agree that those last 10 are SO HARD!

Whoohoo! Congrats on the new job! I know you'll be so great at it and be able to share all of your knowledge. Too bad I'm so far away or I'd totally come to your meetings.

Sure you don't want to drive 8 hours each way to a WW meeting??;)


What a long last day of soccer. I'm exhausted (hehe...funny how I'm so tired from SITTING at games). DS7 had a 10:20 game followed by awards and group pictures. Then we had a soccer club meeting. DS10 had a game at 12:30 followed by awards and group pictures. We pulled in the driveway at 2:12, showered both kids, and ran back out for a birthday party at 3:00! I went bathing suit shopping with a friend while the kids were at the party. In the past, I've hated bathing suit shopping. It wasn't so bad today ;) Now we are just relaxing and debating our evening. If it's not raining (which it is supposed to), we are heading to a friend's house for a fire. If it rains, we may head to my sister's to hang out or just stay home & relax.

I'm crazy busy this week, so I hope I can check in here & there. I will be out of town with my sister on Wednesday & Thursday for a sister getaway. Then my family leaves Friday for NC and the beach. So, I have to get everything done on Monday & Tuesday. Oh, did I add that DS10 has an honor's society banquet Monday night and drum lessons Tuesday night? And I thought summer would be less busy! :rotfl:

I'm going to go do some laundry, dishes, and some general cleaning. Oh yes, that's my Saturday afternoon, do not be jealous! :lmao:

Have a great night!


As usual your schedule is crazy busy! Hope you got in some relaxing over the weekend. Have a wonderful bonding time with your sisters!

Hi everyone!

I'm in, again, and I'm also going to try and be more active on the thread this month. I think I managed to check in *once* in May. :P June promises to be nuts around here, but I'm back in as a maintainer. Here's me:

I'm 40, mom to 2 DDs (8 and 6) and wife to DH Eric (DEA on the boards). We live in northern Virginia, about 20 miles west of DC. We are big Disney fans, to put it mildly. I work two jobs, one entirely telecommuting and one telecommuting 4 days a week. I sing, I run, and I read for fun. :) I started running just over a year ago and got the bug - I've now completed 3 5Ks, a 10K, a 10-miler, and 2 half marathons. I have three more half marathons this year, and I'm signed up to do the Dopey Challenge at WDW in January! I'm currently doing ecoaching with Jeff Galloway to train for that event, and so far that's been great.

I grew up in Connecticut and moved to Boston a couple of years after college - serious Boston sports fan here. :) I was a skinny kid until high school, when I started gaining weight. From then on, I was always 30-40 pounds over a good weight for my frame and height. In 2001 (3 months before 9/11), I moved to DC to join DH (then DBoyfriend) when we got tired of being long distance. We got engaged just before the 2001 holidays, and I decided to get my weight under control at last. I'd done WW before and had been successful, but I always stopped going. In 2002, I dropped the weight, made lifetime, and kept it off until I got pregnant with DD (now 8). Pregnancy was brutal on my weight. I would watch what I ate and *still* balloon up - my OB told me that some women's bodies just hoard everything when they're pregnant, and she assured me I'd be able to get the weight back off. I gained 80 pounds with my first, lost almost all of it, and then gained 60 with my second. I got all but the last 20 off, and boy were they stubborn pounds. I recommitted to WW in early 2012 and lost it all. I set my goal up a few pounds from where it was in 2002 - my body just isn't the same! I've been maintaining for a year now.

But I still find it hard to maintain. I still get ticked off that I can't just inhale everything I want to inhale when I want to inhale it. :) I still resent that I'm someone who will always gain easily and lose with difficulty. But I've done this, so I know it's possible, and I know I can stay there, with reasonable efforts on my part. I splurge now and then, and vacations are never kind, poundwise, but I've always been able to get things back under control.

I've been sitting high in my maintain range this past month, and my goal for June is to get back to actual goal and maybe a smidge under...we leave June 29 for almost two weeks in California (woohoo!), and I'd really like to leave on that vacation in the best shape I can be in. Just have to balance good eating and exercise with the bajillion school-year-end activities going on this month!


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Another WW success story!

Which leads me to the QOTD for Sunday, June 2, 2013: Do you think your past weight loss experiences, good or bad, make it easier or harder for you to move forward with your healthy lifestyle?

I will be back tomorrow with my own answer and replies.

Easier, by far! Every single weight loss/weight loss attempt in my past has taught me something (WW, cabbage soup, SlimFast, "Survivor" diet, Atkins). Sometimes it taught me how NOT to lose weight..... or how to NOT lose weight (see the subtle differences there??). But I learned something with every "diet" experience. And it has all lead up to my ultimate success at losing over 80 pounds and keeping it off for a number of years. Do I wish I had had success earlier in my life? SURE.... but I'll take it now as opposed to never!

QOTD June 1:

Hey all. I'm Buffy, Co-Moderator of the Creative Community. I'm 39 years old. I'm a Never at home mom of 4. Married to DH for 20 years.
I've lost 20 pounds since January with the help of my BL family and My Fitness Pal. I have 40-50 more pounds to go, depending on how I feel when I get to 135.

Short term goals:
June lose 5 pounds
run more than 6 minutes at one time at 5.5 mph
exercise at least 30 minutes every day (didn't do today, but did walk through the entire Ikea store, that was a workout.)
30 day shred at least 15 days this month

Long term goal:
Glass Slipper Challenge 2014
weigh 125-135
fit into the denim shorts that I wore when we lived in Hawaii.

QOTD June 2:

I don't know. It probably makes it easier in some ways because I know what not to do. Those stupid fad diets etc.
But it's hard because this isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change.
I'm not 18 anymore, I can't just skip a few meals and lose a few pounds.
Even if I make it to 125-135, I will always be a fat person. I will always have to monitor my food intake and my burn off.

You are doing great! 20 pounds so far this year is a big :woohoo: !! How great that you have such specific goals.

BTW, we missed you and DS at Disney! DD and I were talking about you and thinking about our time together at Disney!

Well hello everyone. Managed to find some free WiFi access at last. Love you guys loads, but I'm still not paying the £10 per hour that the hotel wants to give me WiFi access there!

I don't blame you one bit!!

Weather is lovely, I've managed to walk around 8 miles in the 48 hours that I've been here, but it's too hilly to consider running really.

Food-wise I'm doing OK. Not brilliant, but OK. I've resisted all biscuits, chocolates and sweets, but I have caved to one dessert..........creme brulee with strawberries and shortcake. Given that it followed a rather excellent fillet steak I fell into a Le Cellier mood!!!!!!

Last night I managed a chicken salad but tonight is our big social function. Melon for starter, chicken and veg for the main, but I'm having local cheese for dessert. Will make sure I walk loads more tomorrow!!!

Enjoy the treats in moderation, get in the exercise, and all will be fine!

I am so happy that your other meeting was much better! And this sounds like the perfect opportunity for you! I am sure the people will love you as their coach once they get to know you! :thumbsup2

Awww.... thanks!

Hi. I'm Susan--this is my facebook page-- (which I have recently re-discovered) https://www.facebook.com/susan.day.100
Tells pretty much everything about me.

I'm starting out at 143 which is cool for me 'cause I've been battling yet another UTI. Lost 4 pounds last month, my goal was only 2 so really happy with that. My goal is 3.
I think if I reach that this month I'll just focus on maintaining and building muscle for awhile.

Easier for sure.

Having kind of a rough time the last week or so. Have another uti--I'm getting really frustrated with these, in the last few years I seem to get one every 2-3 months. I'm going to up my cranberry pills and I think I'll give up coffee on my days off. Maybe spend less time in the jacuzzi.

It's been nice here so I rode my bike yesterday checked out a new produce stand on the way home, it was closed but the lady gave me a "prize' because it was my first visit. :love: I got a big bag of spinach, baby potatoes, onions and a cucumber. It's all local organic. Had a lot of eggs so I made a couple of spinach quiche which I never did before--turned out pretty good really.

How lovely! And the quiche was a perfect way to use that spinach. I also adore baby potatoes. How did you fix them?

I ran 6 miles today. It went well, but my back is not very happy. Oh well. Tomorrow is yoga--woohoo! ;) That should help.

Have a great night!

Prayers for the back. Hopefully the yoga will help.

Some days I think it's easier and some days I think it's harder. I know I can lose weight, but I have days where I just collapse and eat too much. I do so good with exercise, but I'm still working on the eating. It is a daily challenge.


I'm so sorry that I do not have time for replies tonight. I am trying to get organized for my week/overnight trip with my sister/leaving for vacation with DH and DSs. I had 13 things on my "to do list" for today and I've crossed out 6 so I am pretty pleased. Actually, when I am done here, I am crossing off "hold the mail" (I do that online so it's the next thing to do). And, 3 things I really couldn't do until tomorrow, so I should be good. Okay, I'm off to "hold the mail," "finish laundry," and "register kids for marksmanship camp." Have a happy and healthy night and Monday :)


I love a good "to-do" list!! I actually love that physical act of putting a big black line through something I've done! I created a huge to-do list and coordinating map of the yard to be sure that everything gets done before DD's graduation party. Every flowerbed gets a number and then on the chart I have a check list for "weeded", "edged", "planted", and "mulched" and for the lawn areas I have numbered sections and a checklist for "raked", "seeded", "watered", and "mowed". I have a total of 20 numbered areas, since I break the lawn into 3 big sections (front, side, back), and I break some of the larger flowerbeds into sections. It is so much fun to take a break from the sun and be able to come in and put some put check marks on the chart! Silly, I know, but a great incentive for me!

I hope that everything on your list got done and you can relax and enjoy your upcoming sister time and vacation time!

Sorry I wasn't able to get back on the computer yesterday so I will post the QOTD and be back for replies. :goodvibes

I think we all understand and forgive you!!:thumbsup2

:woohoo: It's Motivational Monday so let's talk a little bit about motivation because we've all had our motivational ups and down on this journey to a healthy lifestyle. ::yes::

5 Mind Games You Need to Stop Playing
These Common Tricks Never Motivate--Find Out Why

-- By Megan Coatley, Behavior Expert

Mind Game #1: Going for the Gold
You have your perfect weight and pants size in mind. With a big, bold goal to aspire to, you start biking to work, cooking lighter, packing your lunch, skipping that morning latte, and taking the stairs. Then, three busy, butt-busting weeks later&the scale hasnt really budged and youre trying on the same size in the dressing room. Deflated, you start snacking a bit here and slacking a bit there, and your dream of a whittled waistline slowly fades from view.

Motivation Makeover: Going for the gold is a great way to start your weight-loss plan; setting a long-term goal can help you to keep an eye on where youre headed. But its also important to remember that your goal weight is far from the only benefit of incorporating healthy eating and exerciseand it could be a long ways off. Taking note of smaller, more subtle changes (more energy, better sleep, lower cholesterol, better mood, etc.) can help you stay motivated, even if the pounds arent coming off as quickly as youd hoped. Setting some shorter-term goals (1 pound, 5 pounds)especially ones that aren't based on the scale (like getting to the gym 5 days a week) can also help you stay on track.

Mind Game #2: Starting Out Super Strong
Its Sunday evening and you realize that you spent the weekend indulging on brews, barbeques, and binges. A twinge of guilt has you psyched to start speeding down the road to wellness first thing Monday. So you restock your pantry with healthy eats, download a hardcore training app to your phone, and plan out the next month's food and workouts. You figure that going full throttle is the way to reach your weight-loss goals as quickly as possible. And why not? You're excited for it! But two weeks into your overhaul, your muscles are so sore you have trouble rolling out of bed, youre sick of salads and youre already thinking about throwing in the towel.

Motivation Makeover: Maintaining motivation is like running a marathon. Instead of starting at full speed and running out of steam, it is better to focus on simply putting one foot in front of the other. Set small, achievable goals so that you can build momentum and feel successful in the beginning, and pat yourself on the back when you conquer each one. No matter how long it takes to reach the finish line, youll be reaping the rewards for years to come.

Mind Game #3: Taking the Road Less Traveled
There will always be a new diet or exercise program that promise fast progress and fantastic results. Reading about the latest food fad or watching a perky personal trainer push sweat-drenched clients through an infomercial workout can definitely spark your motivation. Who wouldnt want to try an effective 4-minute workout or slim down fast with a celebrity-backed diet supplement? Deep down, we all know the truth: People are getting paid for those advertisements and whatever motivation youve mustered up during the commercial break will fade fast if you dont get those "as seen on TV" results that were so motivating to you. Trying every new fad that comes on the market may leave you broke and brokenhearted.

Motivation Makeover: If you want a plan that works long term, stick with the tried and true. Keep your eating close to the earth with whole fruits, veggies, grains and lean meats. Get up and moving with whatever activity suits your style and schedule. Remind yourself that following through with real nutrition and fitness habits is a process: It takes the proper planning and commitment that cant be found in a book, a box or a bottle.

Mind Game #4: Flying Under the Radar
Youre already feeling self-conscious about losing weight, so you certainly dont want your friends and family making more of a fuss. Besides, youre confident that you can do this all on your own! So what if your plan to be stealth has you skipping out on lunch with friends and sneaking veggies to parties in your purse? Going it alone may seem like a good idea, but it is actually counterproductive. Soon enough, youll be feeling lonely and left out, and thats no way to maintain success in the long run.

Motivation Makeover: Call in the recruits! Whether its a neighbor down the street, a fellow play group parent or a Facebook friend, get someone to join you on your weight-loss journey. Studies in behavior science show that changes that you make in the public eye have a much better chance of sticking in the real world. Plus, sharing your weight-loss goals with friends opens you up for great personal payouts like counsel, camaraderie, and accountability from the people who know you best. SparkPeople Community, anyone?

Mind Game #5: Staring Down the Scale
Theres a scale in your bathroom and one next to your treadmill. You check in twice a day and diligently track your weight on a chart on the fridge. Still, even though youre eating well and exercising, some days the numbers just dont show it! Seeing real, objective results can be super motivating but being tethered to the scale often becomes a burden. Even though you know that body weight fluctuates throughout each day and hydration (or lack thereof) is usually responsible, unpredictable digits can be deceiving and downright disheartening. If you find yourself frowning at your feet during morning weigh-ins, then your scale is likely sapping your mojo.

Motivation Makeover: Stick that scale in the closet and find inspiration in other numbers (besides your weight). Track specific behaviors to gauge your progress; how many push-ups you can do in a minute, how many miles you walk or bike each week, how many flights of stairs you take each day at work. Keep tabs on a variety of positive results and you wont be left wanting for fitness focus.

Making use of motivational mind games can really boost your fitness morale. But sometimes, techniques that seem perfectly logical can end up leading you astray. Mastering your own motivation doesnt have to be a crap shoot. Bet on the time-tested strategies above to get your mind right and youll be sure to cash in on long-term wellness!

Here is the link to the article if you are interested in reading more on this topic http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=1676

Which leads me to the QOTD for Monday, June 3, 2013: Do any of these Motivational Makeovers work for you? Or do you have another way to get back your motivational mojo?

Number #3 works best for me.... sticking with the BASICS of weight loss... the tried and true. Eating clean (or as clean as possible) and sticking with basic exercise that I don't mind doing. I tried being a runner. I didn't really enjoy it (although I don't mind the occasional slow "wog" now and then) even though I was decent at it (by the end of that summer I was doing 6 miles in about 70 minutes). I wasn't loving it (although I admit I did love the feeling of accomplishment I got!).

I've also tried various "diets" in the past that were not based on basic clean eating, fruits and veggies, etc and didn't last with it.

I also try to avoid the scale other than once a week (sometimes twice, if I need a "do-over" the next morning).


Hey-Howdy-Hey friends!! Hope everyone is awake and ready for a new week! Weather here since Thursday has been hot, hot, and more hot! I'm NOT complaining!! I'll take hot over snow ANY DAY! Didn't get much done in the yard Saturday due to heat and other activities, but I did about 4-5 hours of yardwork yesterday. It was still hot, but there was a nice breeze and I worked in the shade when I could. But today brings a bit cooler weather with some rain... which is great for the grass seed (wish I had sown more yesterday) and the flowers, but not so great for working outside. It is supposed to be nicer this afternoon and tomorrow, so I will do my indoor work and study for this week's WW subject :thumbsup2 today while it is icky out. Then I'll be ready to tackle another section of raking when the sun comes out!

We've made the decision to push DD's graduation party back a few weeks. She realized just yesterday that it was going to conflict with a major swim meet that she didn't want to miss. Thankfully the invitations that I printed at Costco didn't come out well and I had to return them, so we hadn't sent the invites yet. So we will change the date and send them out this week. It will probably be hotter for the party, but thankfully it gives us a few more weeks to get this house in shape! Not like I haven't known for YEARS that this was coming! :rotfl2: It also gives me another pay period to spread out the spending.

I'm hoping to have a few minutes today to share some Disney photos and a bit of our trip report. Plus I have to call the Photopass folks, as we are missing our pictures with Rapunzel.... which is doubly sad because DD is a HUGE fan and we were wearing our Rapunzel shirts that day!!!!

Okay..... just one more cup of coffee and I promise I'll get to work! TTYL......................P
Well hello everyone. Managed to find some free WiFi access at last. Love you guys loads, but I'm still not paying the £10 per hour that the hotel wants to give me WiFi access there!

Glad you are having a great time and we totally understand about the wifi prices! :lmao: That is the nice thing about these boards, it's all right here for you to enjoy when you return! Safe travels! :flower3:

Are you just doing the 1/2?

I'm starting to second guess myself on doing both. I know I can do the 10k easy but the 1/2 is making me nervous.
I can not misstep in terms of training but I still have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know if I'm doing anything right. I'm pretty much winging it with stuff I learn here and in books and magazines. And from DS16.
We do have a running club that DS runs with in the summer but they are all older experienced runners and don't really seem like the type that welcome fat, out of shape newbies. They do meet Mondays and Thursdays in the summer and DS runs with them those days and I usually stick around so I might run with them, I don't know.
But if I'm going to do the GSC I have got to get out of the 15-15:30 time frame. I'm not comfortable with that because I know I'll be starting in the last corral and I don't want to get swept.

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I am doing the half at the Princess. Here is a link to the Dumbo Galloway training that might help you in deciding what you want to do and give you an idea of what the plan looks like. http://as1.wdpromedia.com/media/rundisney/training/running/plans/2013/dumbodoubledare13.pdf As you know, I've been swept three times attempting to do half marathons at WDW. The heat and humidity is a real challenge for this girl from the Pacific NW. I can do fine at races at Disneyland but then I grew up in Anaheim so I'm used to the weather. As much as the Glass Slipper Challenge intrigues me I am choosing to do the half and plan to Scream Team for the 10k. I had so much fun Scream Teaming for the marathon folks in January so there are lots of choices besides racing. I am going to the the Princess 5K this year. princess: There will be other Glass Slipper Challenges besides this one. And for registration for the Glass Slipper you actually register for the Glass Slipper that gets you into both races -- there is a limited amount of registrations for the Glass Slipper but if you register on that first day first thing you should make it. You will have lots of time to get yourself a fast 10k to submit for better corral placement.

Oh the reason why I posted in the first place. Found a really cool quote in the Runners World magazine I'm reading.

Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic.
- Tim Noakes author of The Lore of Running

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Great quote! :thumbsup2 This applies to so many other things besides running. :hippie:

I have a brown suede leather mini skirt that I bought directly after my final exam in college to celebrate when I was in vacation in London. That skirt is the thing I want to fit into again!! Not sure I would wear it in public though as it is really very very short!!! :rolleyes1

Tights or leggings would take care of that problem when the time comes. ::yes::

Had a good run and am eating very well this weekend! I am starting to get used to Weight Watchers, I signed up online a little over a week ago. The first week was a little difficult and I guess that's why I did not see as much of an weight loss on Friday as I had hoped (0.7 pounds - better than nothing). But now I am very motivated and did some useful shopping yesterday. Let's hope this week will be a little better!

Glad that you had a good run this week-end in spite of the wet weather. :umbrella: It does take a bit of getting used to WW -- remember free fruits and vegetables are a real plus. Also, the power foods give you a lot of bang for fewer points. :goodvibes

Hi, everyone! It's a busy day here, so just a quick answer.

QOTD: It kinda flip flops. Some days I'm so sick of being overweight/obese and past failed attempts that I get mad enough to change and it's easy. Other days, the weight makes me feel defeated or the kids and husband inadvertently derail my efforts, which has frequently happened in the past. I'm trying to get the family on board this time.

It is good to get the family involved but even on days when things don't go the way you hoped, sometimes just making a better choice works just as well. It's persistence not perfection that will get you where you want to be. :goodvibes

Susan, nice to see you! Hope you are feeling better soon! :flower3: How are the kittens and Misty doing?

I ran 6 miles today. It went well, but my back is not very happy. Oh well. Tomorrow is yoga--woohoo! ;) That should help.

Have a great night!

Hope your back is feeling better today and a good nights sleep doesn't hurt either! :thumbsup2

Some days I think it's easier and some days I think it's harder. I know I can lose weight, but I have days where I just collapse and eat too much. I do so good with exercise, but I'm still working on the eating. It is a daily challenge.

Isn't that the truth? ::yes::

Back for today's QOTD...

I think my past experiences make it both easy and hard to have continued success, but I think the scales (ha) tip toward easier more often than they do toward hard. It's hard sometimes because when I do gain a few back, I tend to beat myself up over it - knowing I've worked so hard and had success and then blown it with some poor choices. But I always end up talking myself off that ledge because I *have* done this before, and I *do* know how to do it. My past successes are proof positive of that. So I just have to put one weight-loss-routine foot in front of the other and immerse myself back in that lifestyle. It hasn't failed me yet. :)


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Great strategy from someone who is living the dream! :cool2: You can do it! :flower3:

Which leads me to the QOTD for Monday, June 3, 2013: Do any of these Motivational Makeovers work for you? Or do you have another way to get back your motivational mojo?

Setting up short term goals through our new challenge format has helped a lot with keeping my momentum this year. That along with the accountability of the WW scale every week seems to be doing the trick. :teeth: What works for motivation changes from time to time so you always need to have a lot of tricks in your bag.
I signed up for the May challenge but never kept up. I'm happy to say I lost three and a half pounds in May! I hope to keep the momentum up. At a pound a week I should be 50 pounds lighter come April 30 next year!
Awesome! It's the little, small victories that get us to our goal.

Hello all! :wave2:

Hi. I'm Susan--this is my facebook page-- (which I have recently re-discovered) https://www.facebook.com/susan.day.100
Tells pretty much everything about me.

I'm starting out at 143 which is cool for me 'cause I've been battling yet another UTI. Lost 4 pounds last month, my goal was only 2 so really happy with that. My goal is 3.
I think if I reach that this month I'll just focus on maintaining and building muscle for awhile.
Easier for sure.

Having kind of a rough time the last week or so. Have another uti--I'm getting really frustrated with these, in the last few years I seem to get one every 2-3 months. I'm going to up my cranberry pills and I think I'll give up coffee on my days off. Maybe spend less time in the jacuzzi.

It's been nice here so I rode my bike yesterday checked out a new produce stand on the way home, it was closed but the lady gave me a "prize' because it was my first visit. :love: I got a big bag of spinach, baby potatoes, onions and a cucumber. It's all local organic. Had a lot of eggs so I made a couple of spinach quiche which I never did before--turned out pretty good really.

I'm so sorry you're struggling with the UTIs. My DD struggled with them constantly from 8 weeks old until about 8 years old. It wasn't until we took her to our naturopath/chiropractor that they were able to be stopped for good. It was not a fun road getting there; I can tell you that.

On another note, please share your recipe for the spinach quiche. :) That sounds delicious!

QOTD--hmmm, as I have said before, I have mother issues (it's always the mother right ;) ). I heard a lot of negative stuff even when I was thin growing up. So I often still struggle with that. I know what to do. I have been successful, but I still struggle with the "it's never enough feeling." At some point, I just need to get over it and put my big girl panties on, but it is hard. I think really, I just use it as an excuse when I am doing poorly, instead of just saying--you gained two pounds this week cause you ate too much crap! Period.:thumbsup2
YES! It's always the mother. Or in my case, MIL. :)

I'm so sorry that I do not have time for replies tonight. I am trying to get organized for my week/overnight trip with my sister/leaving for vacation with DH and DSs. I had 13 things on my "to do list" for today and I've crossed out 6 so I am pretty pleased. Actually, when I am done here, I am crossing off "hold the mail" (I do that online so it's the next thing to do). And, 3 things I really couldn't do until tomorrow, so I should be good. Okay, I'm off to "hold the mail," "finish laundry," and "register kids for marksmanship camp." Have a happy and healthy night and Monday :)
You sound busy! And WAY more organized than I am.;) I hope you have a very productive day!

Which leads me to the QOTD for Monday, June 3, 2013: Do any of these Motivational Makeovers work for you? Or do you have another way to get back your motivational mojo?


First off, that was really good! I think they all, to some degree, come into play if I'm going to be successful this time. Joining in again on this challenge where we're publicly accountable, starting out with small things/habits (just giving up sugar and pop for me for now), walking the PHM instead of "I'm going to lose 60 pounds by Dec. 31st," stop looking for quick fixes -- hey, with all of the money I've spent on diets over the years, it could cover a PHM trip! If we fail in one of these areas, there are four others where we can say, "Hey, I succeeded here!" And the successes keep me motivated.
You are doing great! 20 pounds so far this year is a big :woohoo: !! How great that you have such specific goals.

BTW, we missed you and DS at Disney! DD and I were talking about you and thinking about our time together at Disney!

We miss you too!! I told DS you guys were there and he was sad, he wanted to be there too.

I am doing the half at the Princess. Here is a link to the Dumbo Galloway training that might help you in deciding what you want to do and give you an idea of what the plan looks like. http://as1.wdpromedia.com/media/rundisney/training/running/plans/2013/dumbodoubledare13.pdf As you know, I've been swept three times attempting to do half marathons at WDW. The heat and humidity is a real challenge for this girl from the Pacific NW. I can do fine at races at Disneyland but then I grew up in Anaheim so I'm used to the weather. As much as the Glass Slipper Challenge intrigues me I am choosing to do the half and plan to Scream Team for the 10k. I had so much fun Scream Teaming for the marathon folks in January so there are lots of choices besides racing. I am going to the the Princess 5K this year. princess: There will be other Glass Slipper Challenges besides this one. And for registration for the Glass Slipper you actually register for the Glass Slipper that gets you into both races -- there is a limited amount of registrations for the Glass Slipper but if you register on that first day first thing you should make it. You will have lots of time to get yourself a fast 10k to submit for better corral placement.

I don't know. Maybe I'll do the 10k and the 5k.
Thanks for the link. I downloaded the one for the princess but they didn't have one for the Glass Slipper.

It seems that most everyone is interested in doing the Glass Slipper. And Active.com accidentally had open registration early and all the AP holders could register early too. I just don't think there will be a lot of GSC slots left.
Mind Game #2: Starting Out Super Strong
Its Sunday evening and you realize that you spent the weekend indulging on brews, barbeques, and binges. A twinge of guilt has you psyched to start speeding down the road to wellness first thing Monday. So you restock your pantry with healthy eats, download a hardcore training app to your phone, and plan out the next month's food and workouts. You figure that going full throttle is the way to reach your weight-loss goals as quickly as possible. And why not? You're excited for it! But two weeks into your overhaul, your muscles are so sore you have trouble rolling out of bed, youre sick of salads and youre already thinking about throwing in the towel.

Motivation Makeover: Maintaining motivation is like running a marathon. Instead of starting at full speed and running out of steam, it is better to focus on simply putting one foot in front of the other. Set small, achievable goals so that you can build momentum and feel successful in the beginning, and pat yourself on the back when you conquer each one. No matter how long it takes to reach the finish line, youll be reaping the rewards for years to come..

This one works for me.. Small goals - I have tried the big ones and it works soo much better for me if I break it down to small ones to get to the big one..

small goal number 1 right now - get to the track to walk 4 days this week for 30 mins! might not seem like much but from a person who sits all day and then goes home and sits all night its huge! I am hoping this will get my scale moving (I can't let it go just yet) happy Monday all !
Hi Everyone! I would like to join in. I'm Beth 33.

My monthly goal is to lose 8lbs.
My Mid range goal is to lose 45lbs by my Dec Disney trip & to be able to jog the whole color run I've signed up for in Oct.
My long term goal is to lose 95 lbs.
Hi, bigsis1970! I just noticed you were from Maine. I have family in the Gorham area. It was one of those small world moments. :)
Hi Everyone! I would like to join in. I'm Beth 33.

My monthly goal is to lose 8lbs.
My Mid range goal is to lose 45lbs by my Dec Disney trip & to be able to jog the whole color run I've signed up for in Oct.
My long term goal is to lose 95 lbs.

Hi, Beth! :wave2: Your short-term and long-term weight goals are almost identical with mine. ;)
Day #1.... leaving NH and arriving in time for the Monstrous Summer 24 hour event! We hadn't originally planned to attend, but when I bought our park tickets from Undercover Tourist they were offering a 5th day free.... so we had an additional park day to use or lose.... so of course, we chose USE!!

Flight landed at about 11 pm at MCO. We gathered our checked bags and rental car and were parked at the TTC lot before midnight! I had been checking the internet for news of how crazy things might be at the MK. I didn't want to get there and sit in traffic trying to park for hours... or to arrive and find out that the park was at capacity already. But other than parking very far away, it really wasn't too bad!

The photopass guy took this with our camera. It isn't great, but I don't have the Photopass CD yet.

Pretty pink castle!!


We chose to head into the new Fantasyland area for the evening. We got to meet Ariel and ride her new ride, plus see Gaston's Tavern. DD adored all of the new castles.... but most especially Ariel's new area!

Despite our vow to only spend "about an hour" in the MK, we didn't get to our hotel until nearly 3 am!!!! Checked in, got the room, showered and crashed! Alarm set for 6:30 am!!

Good Morning Animal Kingdom!! We didn't get there as early as planned, but were just behind the rope drop crowd.


We hit the highlights first thing (KS and EE x 2) before stopping for a mid-morning snack.


Then off to Finding Nemo the Musical and another EE ride before lunch at Flame Tree Barbeque. I don't love the food so much as the atmosphere and the VIEW!!


Then FOTLK and a stop for soft-serve ice cream (strictly for cooling off purposes, of course!:thumbsup2 ) before another safari ride!

Somewhere along the way we did meet Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Chip and Dale, Pocohontas, and some others.... but those photos are still tied up with Photopass.

By this time we decided were were finished with AK. I was toying with the idea of staying for the Jammin' Jungle Parade, but it was hot and the MK was calling to us!! So off to the car for a trip to the TTC for a nice cool monorail ride to the Magic Kingdom!!


Then BACK into the new Fantasyland! And first order of business..... try a "Lefou's Brew" at Gaston's Tavern. It was surprisingly yummy, despite its muddle of ingredients. That said, it was really sweet and we didn't finish it between the two of us.


DD was ADORING Ariel's castle, now that she could see it better in the daylight!


NEXT INSTALLMENT.... meeting Gaston!!!!!.................P


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