Wine and Dine 2015

Thanks guys! I will keep an eye out for them. :) At least if I'm carrying my Nuun bottle and mostly drinking that, I won't have to try and drink and walk at the same time. I am really terrible about getting the water from the cup into my mouth... at races I usually grab a cup (or two in the hot races) and then pull off to the side of the road and stand still and drink it. :D

I'm in the same boat. I'm not coordinated enough to walk and drink successfully. I probably spill more on myself than I drink so with the water bottle at least it makes it into my mouth instead of all over me! :rotfl:
Thanks guys! I will keep an eye out for them. :) At least if I'm carrying my Nuun bottle and mostly drinking that, I won't have to try and drink and walk at the same time. I am really terrible about getting the water from the cup into my mouth... at races I usually grab a cup (or two in the hot races) and then pull off to the side of the road and stand still and drink it. :D
I'm not good at that either...the one time I tried to drink and run at the same time I choked on half of the water. The rest of it ended up all over me. So now I sort of pinch the cups shut to make a smaller opening, walk (off to the side) and sip from it that way.
This is absolutely medically true. And I've had it too- which makes me a little more worried. I think we all will have to slow down a bit, hydrate, and replenish like crazy. I won't quit; because that's just the crazy nut I am (it's insanely hard for me to give up- I'm really tough on myself) but knowing that is why I said the weather report is scaring me- I'd be the idiot trying to keep going even though I really honestly shouldn't.
If it helps, the key for me, running all summer here in the rain forest we call west-central FL, is pre-hydrating: I start 24-36 hours out, alternating water and Nuun. I don't take in any more fluids than usual (because it's hot every freaking day, so I'm already taking in plenty), but adding the electrolytes a day or more ahead of a long run/race makes a huge difference for me.

How weird would it be if I stop at a water stop somewhere along the way and try to fill up my bottle? I know I will drink through the 20oz bottle before the race is over, and I might want to refill it and drop another Nuun in there. They aren't going to kick me away from the table if I stop and pour like 5 cups of water in it, are they? Or is there something more convenient to refill a bottle with at the water stops? I don't really remember from my last race, I only remember the cups.
I bring my own and refill my bottle at every race - it's easy! My routine is: unscrew bottle cap while approaching water tables - hold cap in teeth. Grab cup, fold, pour into bottle, grab second cup, if applicable, fold, pour into bottle, screw cap back on. If I'm using Nuun tablets, I'll start the process a little sooner and pull out a Nuun tab and drop it in before getting my first cup. I don't stop at any point, just keep walking through. Sometimes they'll have someone with a bottle open, ready to pour directly into cups, but then you have to stop and let them pour - I'd rather keep moving, personally.
My Nathan bottle has a pouch on it but it's not big enough for my phone. I usually keep one of my gels in it with my ID, some cash, and my plastic baggie that I use to put my empty gel packets in so they don't make a mess. The main reason I was going to run with the hand strap case, though, was so I could take pictures more easily, not to have someplace to carry it. I'll just put it in one of the leg pockets on my sparkle skirt... but now I'll have to dig it out every time I want to take a photo.

How weird would it be if I stop at a water stop somewhere along the way and try to fill up my bottle? I know I will drink through the 20oz bottle before the race is over, and I might want to refill it and drop another Nuun in there. They aren't going to kick me away from the table if I stop and pour like 5 cups of water in it, are they? Or is there something more convenient to refill a bottle with at the water stops? I don't really remember from my last race, I only remember the cups.

I'm glad you asked that. I was wondering the same thing. I think if the current temp predictions hold that my goal just went from "finish in a blaze of glory at 2:25 or lower" to "finish" :p
If it helps, the key for me, running all summer here in the rain forest we call west-central FL, is pre-hydrating: I start 24-36 hours out, alternating water and Nuun. I don't take in any more fluids than usual (because it's hot every freaking day, so I'm already taking in plenty), but adding the electrolytes a day or more ahead of a long run/race makes a huge difference for me.
Good idea... I'll bring extra tablets and carry my stuff around the parks on Thu/Fri/Sat.
I am not too too worried about the temps. Just about hydrating enough. I trained all summer in the hot weather, even though it's been probably 2 months since then. For Tink, I don't think any of my runs were in non-winter clothes except for a 5K I did the weekend before (very bad winter in NH... still cold even through the end of April). It was hot during Tink, but it was really the sun that killed me there, and that won't be an issue here at least. :) At least it hasn't been so far out from the steamy summer runs yet this cycle that I can't remember them. ;)
Has anyone used the Gatorade powder packs they sell now that are kind of like Nuun? I got one in a stride box and am thinking of drinking one today and seeing if it messes with me (I don't need to be active to know what it'll do as Powerade makes me sick even just sitting on the couch). I have no clue where to buy them though! If it works it will be great for me because I can just us the powder pouches.
Has anyone used the Gatorade powder packs they sell now that are kind of like Nuun? I got one in a stride box and am thinking of drinking one today and seeing if it messes with me (I don't need to be active to know what it'll do as Powerade makes me sick even just sitting on the couch). I have no clue where to buy them though! If it works it will be great for me because I can just us the powder pouches.
I THINK - could be wrong - that runDisney uses the Gatorade powder in the stuff they give out on the course. :confused3
I THINK - could be wrong - that runDisney uses the Gatorade powder in the stuff they give out on the course. :confused3

Nope they use Powerade. They would loose a ton of sponsorship if they used Gatorade since Powerade is owned by Coke and they have a distribution/marketing deal with Coke. They also use bottles not powder.
Nope they use Powerade. They would loose a ton of sponsorship if they used Gatorade since Powerade is owned by Coke and they have a distribution/marketing deal with Coke. They also use bottles not powder.
Oh yeah! Duh. :headache:

I found your Gatorade powder on but that probably doesn't help you much since Wine & Dine is coming up so soon...
Oh yeah! Duh.

I found your Gatorade powder on but that probably doesn't help you much since Wine & Dine is coming up so soon...

Thanks. If it works well tonight I'll go up to our running store to see if they sell it. The kind I got as a sample is the "prone to cramping" formula. I often get side cramps so I'm wondering if it will help.
ALSO! If you come across something magical like a wet sponge or a wet towel along the course or immediately after, don't be a dummy like me and throw it away ... hold on to it!

At Disneyland, I saw people at water stops after get their towels/sponges re-wet and it looked like heaven.

Sadly Peggie Sue won't be at the Yacht/Beach Club any more handing out supplies to anyone who needed them until her stock ran out :( This will be the first Wine and Dine with out her and a lot of people who knew her (She was the woman in an ECV with the sign "Hello Complete Stranger I Am Proud Of You Too) are going into the race with very heavy emotions.
I asked before when someone posted this- what happened to her? Did she pass? I was SO looking forward to meeting her and getting a selfie with her.


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