Where Pixie-Dusted Birthday Dreams Come True! A July Trip Report! PTR Link! Pg. 116

Hi Jackie!

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the snow.
We're in the middle of a blizzard and it's a mess outside.
I just loved your TR. I have been hooked since Zebra Domes.. I can't wait until the next one is up and running.
I Facebook messaged with Anita yesterday about our 'Ohana meal. Our last night is the 8th, so we will save it for just hanging out with Trent that one last time, since that worked nicely last time. Anita and Marc come in on the 6th, so rather than rush them into anything, we picked the 7th for 'Ohana. I messaged Katie just a few minutes ago and told her to let us know when she does make her decision, and she can join our craziness, if she would like.

Of course, that offer is probably enough to sway her to going in May, after all! ;)

And now you have to rethink your dates! :(

I was looking for somewhere in the Panhandle, because that will be a fairly equal distance between Jill and Trent. I'll drive to Jill's, and we'll go from there. I really wanted to go at the end of January, but with having to pay the WDW trip off by January 12th, it is not in the budget. Hopefully, it will work out for sometime in May. I really want the girls to see a real beach. One of these days, I want to take a day out of a Disney trip and take them over to the Atlantic side, too.

The girls would love the beach! Of course, I am always partial to the Atlantic Ocean beaches since that's where I grew up. :goodvibes

But, to answer your question, we will not be adding to Atlanta traffic on that trip. We'll try to come down there again when we need a Disney Store fix, though.

Hopefully you will need a Disney fix sometime in the first half of 2011!

What a great wrap-up! You did have a most magical trip!! :goodvibes And hurrah for Charles finally embracing his inner Disney nerd. :yay: I think we all know what you mean when you say you just can't get enough of it. ::yes:: It really is a special place!

Can't wait for a SWW and free dining PTR! SWW is bound to be extra special with the new ride opening! Lucky you!!!

I think Charles embracing Disney for really the first time ever was my favorite part of the trip!

What a wonderful way to wrap up your trip report! I always love reading along on your family vacations, and I can't wait to read about the plans for your next trip. Thank you for sharing with us. :goodvibes

Thank you for reading, Leslie! I have a new PTR ready to go!

The trip you might not have taken ended up being the best one yet.
I love that! :)

Thank you for sharing it with us.

I am looking forward to following along on your plans for May. It will brighten up a dreary winter and a hard to get through ending of school for us to look forward to our February and May trips. :cool1:

Yes, I agree -- dreaming of Disney will help me get through the cold winter months.

Love your recap pictures:thumbsup2

It is great to see Charles having such a great time. We know you & the kids love it but I do believe Charles is a convert:)

Cannot wait to meet you in May:dance3:

Thanks, Doreen! I am very excited about meeting you in May!

I loved your report! Chelsea had so many wonderful birthday moments. WDW is such a great place to celebrate something special. :goodvibes

Can't wait for your new PTR! :yay:

Thanks, Jen! I think I would celebrate every birthday at Disney if we could!

Hey Jackie! Thanks for the fabulous recap! I did enjoy reading your trip, especially since some of my trip "tips" were actually put to use! I hope at least the slushie magic helped to keep Charles happy... :)

Personally, I love drinks in Epcot in the rain :goodvibes

Can't wait to hear about your fun in May. I am sooooooooooooooo wanting to join you. Alas, I think the cruise and Vero is going to take every last travel budget penny! But I'll be excited for your countdown!!!! :yay:

Hi, Happydog! Yes, your tips were awesome!!! I loved being able to say, "Happydog says..." :laughing: We will be putting all those tips to use again, I can assure you! I understand only too well about the travel budget. One day we will have to meet up and "party" at Disney together!

Great final thoughts! It's nice to see Charles is slowing coming around. ;) Ben is a little bit like Charles, but seeing the magic through the kids eyes has really helped.

Can't wait to join ya'll on your next adventure.

Charles coming around was so wonderful! It really made the trip so much more fun!

Fabulous recap! I loved it all!

Thank you, Jill! It was hard choosing only some pictures for the recap!

Great recap! :goodvibes

Thanks, Jill! I had fun putting it together.
Great recap-- I loved reading about your trip! Thanks for sharing it with us! Can't wait to join in the PTR for next year!

Thank you! I am getting ready to post the PTR this morning!

That was a lovely, heartwarming ending to your TR. I thoroughly enjoyed it! :thumbsup2

Merry Christmas to you and the family!!!!!!

Thank you, Mary Ellen! Merry Christmas to you, too!

Fabulous recap, I loved it! Thanks for sharing with us :goodvibes

Thanks for reading it, Cat!

Your recap was so cute, and such a great idea, I think I may have to use it in my TR. ;)

Thank you! Steal away! :goodvibes

Sorry I dropped out for awhile, but I am back just in time for the end of one trip and ready for the beginning of the next PTR.

I have a good excuse I had a nephew to get married in Arkansas. Then another nephew graduated from Ga. Tech(mechanical engineer). Plus all the Christmas planning and decorating, make for busy days and not much Dis time.

Once again I loved going to Disney with your family by reading your trip report. I look forward to the upcoming PTR.

Ah, congratulations to your nephews! We are brainwashing Connor to attend GA Tech! We even bought him a Yellow Jackets shirt for Christmas! LOL! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Well, Jackie - another great TR and wonderful trip is in the books. It is always so much fun to go on your trips with you!
Looking forward to the PTR. I can't believe you already have a title! That's the hardest part for me. I'm working on one though!!

Wishing you and your family a very

Merry Christmas, Sheree! It took a lot of thinking and brainstorming to come up with my title, but I think I really like it. :laughing:


Merry Christmas Heidi!

Love the best of the best.

CSR is a great moderate with deluxe features. You get all the in room amenities of a deluxe, separate shampoo and conditioner, lotion, real cups with the coffee maker and queen beds. They have a food court and a sit down restuarant as well as the grab and go. With the dining plan, you will get the best bang for your buck at Pepper Market.

As far as resorts you have deluxe inside with a moderate outside and price. :thumbsup2

I look forward to hearing all about the experience.

Hi, Pat! We stayed at CSR (before the refurb) in 2008 and really liked it! I am looking forward to being at the pyramid pool again! LOL!

Oooh, I like your "dual trips" idea....good thoughts. :thumbsup2 It is both a time & money decision; but as I sit here and think it through, if I go down in May I might not spend the $$ on park tickets and just explore the resorts and DTD. Hmmm, there's an idea! :idea:

I am honestly leaning more towards 4th of July time. We're going on the Dream in February, so it's not like I won't get a Disney fix then. I am going to talk to my sister and brother over Christmas this week and see what their thoughts are. I am thinking that if plane tickets are a good deal, we'll fly; otherwise, we'll make a road trip of it and make the trek down from Iowa. I like road trips anyway and it would probably save me about $500 in plane tickets, at least.

Now I am off to find the price on a room at Pop and check the DVC point charts, in case we would want to rent points. What are the chances that a Pin Code or a promo would come along for July?:rotfl: Well, a girl can dream!

Planning Disney trips is so much fun, isn't it, Katie?

What a great TR!! It was a fun ride!! Can't wait to start your PTR!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!

Merry Christmas Jackie!

Merry Christmas, Jen! The PTR is about to start...;)
I could take a no parks trip and be very happy. There would be shopping in DTD and resort hopping, and you could even ride the monorail though Epcot and at least feel for a moment that you were in a park. :laughing: You could see animals at AKL andwatch Wishes from the Polynesian beach. There's lots to do. You could even pay separately for Blizzard Beach or Typhoon lagoon, if you like to do those, and that wouldn't be as much as a park ticket. You could go over to Fort Wilderness and do the campfire & movie and see the horse barns. There would be plenty to do that would make for a much cheaper but still awesome trip, and you'd get to have the DIS meet with Anita and Jackie! :dance3:

You make me want to head down to Disney right now, MeMom! LOL!

Such a wonderful recap...just LOVED it...that is one Birthday she will never forget...made me smile too w/ all the fun :goodvibes

Can't wait for the Pixiedusted Force PTR...sounds like fun!

and Merry Christmas to you and your family... :santa:

ps I think you are on FB we need to be friends ;)

Thanks, Julie! Merry Christmas to you, too! I will send you a PM with my "real name" so you can friend me on FB!

I thoroughly enjoyed your travels, was so great that you went to WDW instead of the beach.

I hope that you & your family have a wonderful Christmas & the snow that is coming won't stop everything in Atlanta! :scared1:


Thanks, Doris! Merry Christmas to you, too! We did have a wonderful Christmas, and the snow didn't make things too rough here in Atlanta. Not like the ice last week.

Great recap Jackie! Thanks so much for sharing your trip, you have an awesome family and I really enjoyed reading all about your adventure! :goodvibes Can't wait for more!!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!!


Thanks, Michelle! I am so glad you were reading along! Merry Christmas to you, too!

Merry Christmas, Jackie! :santa:

PS. I wish I knew how to do one of those fancy, flashing messages like SoonerGirl

Merry Christmas to you, too! Did you see any snow in South Carolina?

Just wondering if you got your white Christmas.
If not, come on up to Jill's and we'll make tiny little snowmen, because we have a little.

Merry Christmas to you all!


We did get our white Christmas! So exciting! The kids and Charles had a great time making snowmen and pelting each other with snowballs. I had the camera so escaped the worst of the snowballs. LOL!

Have a Fantablous Christmas Jackie, Charles, Chelsea, and Connor! :santa:

Thanks, ME! Hope Santa was good to everyone at your house!

Hope your Christmas has been grand! Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to you, too! I feel like I am finally managing to catch up on sleep. LOL!

:santa: Merry Christmas Jackie, Charles,Chelsea and Connor :santa:

Merry Christmas, Pat!

Merry Christmas and glad you got your White Christmas!

That is great that Charles thought it was the best trip and loved your recap. As someone else said I am sad you TR is coming to an end but am looking forward to your PTR!

~Kerri Lee

Merry Christmas, Kerri Lee! Thank you! The PTR is starting very, very soon! :thumbsup2
And shamelessly bearing a Mickey sticker! :thumbsup2

Loved your recap to the very magical trip! It's great to hear you already have another trip on the books, and that Charles was all about it, looking forward to the PTR!

:lmao: Yes, Charles was shamelessly bearing a Mickey sticker. Maybe next trip we can manage some Mouse ears for him!

The PTR is starting soon -- a veritable geek-fest of Star Wars allusions. LOL!

Hope you are having fun in the snow.:goodvibes

We are! We are! I can't believe it is still on the ground! :laughing:

Just checking in !!How was Christmas ???


Hi, Rosie! Happy New Year to you, too! We had a great Christmas -- how about you?

Hope you had a great Christmas! :santa:

We did! We did! Charles even gave me Disney stuff! He's finally learning! :laughing:

Hi Jackie!

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the snow.
We're in the middle of a blizzard and it's a mess outside.

Stay inside and stay warm, Jen! I was watching the blizzard yesterday on the Weather Channel! Crazy!

Hope you had a great holiday!!!!! Enjoy the white Christmas!

We did, Jen! Thanks! Can you believe the snow is still on the ground here???

Joining in! :banana:

Hi, Julie! :yay:

I just loved your TR. I have been hooked since Zebra Domes.. I can't wait until the next one is up and running.

Ah, thank you so much!!! The new PTR is starting soon!

Chelsea didn’t like that answer.

She didn’t like it so much, that she lost all sense of right and wrong, and right there in the middle of a packed TrenD, screamed at the top of her lungs at me, “YOU JUST DON’T WANT ME TO GROW UP!”

I am pretty sure about twenty heads spun in our direction, but since my entire field of vision was bathed in the red glow of fury, I can’t be completely sure.

Suffice it to say, my own voice dropped about ten notches becoming all throaty and low as I said, “Go take it off right now. We are leaving.”


for real... L-O-L
I actually made it over, in time to get caught up, to have it end!

Sigh. Such has been the last 6 weeks of my life!

What a great trip. I love love love your summary and oh oh oh feel the pain of those teenage girl "moment's!" so exited that we get to go straight into a PTR!
That's awesome! :goodvibes

We had a lot of fun!


for real... L-O-L

One of those moments that will go down in vacation history, I am sure. :laughing:

I actually made it over, in time to get caught up, to have it end!

Sigh. Such has been the last 6 weeks of my life!

What a great trip. I love love love your summary and oh oh oh feel the pain of those teenage girl "moment's!" so exited that we get to go straight into a PTR!

Hi, Cynthia! I totally understand the craziness of the past six weeks. It went by in a blur -- in fact, the library told me I had a book that was due on December 7 which I was convinced I had renewed only to realize after I pitched a diva fit that they were right -- I had never renewed it. :rolleyes:

Teenage girl moments are something else! :scared1:

I had to read this 3 times before I realized you weren't talking to me both times! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: You're too funny! I would have done the same thing!
Hey Jackie, I finally got back here to finish your TR. Loved your recap!! I actually made me tear up a bit, I loved my grown-ups only trip last spring but I am ready to return now with the boys

Glad it was your best trip ever!!
Hey Jackie, I finally got back here to finish your TR. Loved your recap!! I actually made me tear up a bit, I loved my grown-ups only trip last spring but I am ready to return now with the boys

Glad it was your best trip ever!!

Thanks, Katie! I know what you mean -- we loved our couples trip in October 2009, but going with the kids adds so much more -- sometimes not so good, but overall wonderful!

I am actually a tad bit worried about this next trip -- it will be hard to top the summer trip!


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