Where Pixie-Dusted Birthday Dreams Come True! A July Trip Report! PTR Link! Pg. 116

I'm glad you enjoyed your first trip to Le Cellier. I have never been there, but I would like to try it sometime. Maybe I can at least walk down the path and see what it is like. I will be waiting to see who gets grumpy.
Just have to throw in my two cents here! Try an early walk-up at Le Cellier. They were taking them when we were there in July and the waiter said it wasn't unusual.
There were no ADRs to be had either....
Walk-up yes, ADR no :confused:
The place was empty!!

It must depend on when you go. I doubt there will be openings during free dining. Timing is everything I guess. I wonder how it will be when dinner becomes 2 TS credits? Maybe dinner will be easier to get if people on the DDP don't want to use 2 TS? Or the popularity will increase becaus people believe it must be so great it's worth 2 TS? Time will tell. I would go back, but might go for lunch (if the mushroom filet is available) or pay for it. Once Sarah's 10, I doubt we'll do DDP as much as I love the convenience, she just doesn't eat like an adult. Of course, we could order adult for Paige and kid meal for Sarah.

Even if it doesn't work out, I think it will be worth a try to walk up. I'm thinking if we show up right when they open we will have out best shot at it.

Mndisneygirl - I didn't know they were going to 2 TS credits at Le Cellier, but that probably will help make it easier to get an ADR. At least I hope it does!

You'd be surprised how much reading and research I can do when I'm bored at work ;)


I know the feeling -- there are some days where I just can't face the mounds of papers that need to be graded during my planning, so I sneak onto the DIS instead. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed your first trip to Le Cellier. I have never been there, but I would like to try it sometime. Maybe I can at least walk down the path and see what it is like. I will be waiting to see who gets grumpy.

It was worth trying -- the soup and pretzel bread really are delicious! The path is very quiet and secluded.

Even if it doesn't work out, I think it will be worth a try to walk up. I'm thinking if we show up right when they open we will have out best shot at it.

Mndisneygirl - I didn't know they were going to 2 TS credits at Le Cellier, but that probably will help make it easier to get an ADR. At least I hope it does!


I think arriving right at 11:00 will be your best bet, too!
Remember back when we went school supply shopping, and Chelsea wanted a locker disco ball only to find they were all sold out?

Well, our very own fairy godmother, Miss Anita Wigd (wigdoutdismom) found one and sent it our way along with some other goodies.

My kids were very excited to see a package waiting for us when we got home today. They have learned that anything coming from Kansas is sure to be good. ;)

Chelsea was thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to open the box and find a disco ball! It is so cute! It even has a light that shines on it! She is sure to be a hit in the 8th grade! :laughing:


Connor was excited about his treat, too! When he saw it, he yelped, "I love Scratch and Reveal!" (He always strips off his shirt as soon as we walk in the door along with his shoes and socks. :rolleyes:)


He wasted no time getting right to work.


They thoroughly enjoyed their Toy Story gummies as well!!!

Thank you, Miss Anita!!! :hug:
That Miss Anita Wigd sure is a sweetheart! :goodvibes

Jared strips down as soon as he walks through the door too........
How cool! Has Joan Jett toned down her makeup lately? ;)
what great goodies! What a lovely fairy godmother!

I did a double take though on Connor. All those S words...I thought I read "shorts" and went WHAT?????

Awww, you are so welcome! :goodvibes

I hope the scratch offs didn't leave too much of a mess...
Love the disco ball. Makes me want a locker. :lmao: What is it about boys that makes them drop trou (or what have you) when they walk in the door?
That Miss Anita Wigd sure is a sweetheart! :goodvibes

Yes, she is!!! :goodvibes

Jared strips down as soon as he walks through the door too........

Connor leaves a trail of clothes down the hall. :rolleyes:

How cool! Has Joan Jett toned down her makeup lately? ;)

A little but not much! :laughing:

what great goodies! What a lovely fairy godmother!

Anita is so good to us! :goodvibes

I did a double take though on Connor. All those S words...I thought I read "shorts" and went WHAT?????


:laughing: Nope, luckily, he leaves those on!

Awww, you are so welcome! :goodvibes

I hope the scratch offs didn't leave too much of a mess...

You're the best, Anita! :hug: Thank you so much for the CD, also! I will be listening to it on the way to work this morning!

Not a mess at all! Connor loved them!

Love the disco ball. Makes me want a locker. :lmao: What is it about boys that makes them drop trou (or what have you) when they walk in the door?

I am going to have to head down to her locker this morning and see how it looks!

Connor cracks me up that he does that every afternoon. Even in the winter when we get home, he does it. Can't figure it out! :laughing:

Connor was excited about his treat, too! When he saw it, he yelped, "I love Scratch and Reveal!" (He always strips off his shirt as soon as we walk in the door along with his shoes and socks. :rolleyes:)

Thank you, Miss Anita!!! :hug:

My boys did the same - off with the clothes!

Miss Anita Wigd and her shocking sidekick are true gems, aren't they? :thumbsup2 I am so glad we 'found' them! :goodvibes
What a nice surprise! DIS friends are the best. :goodvibes

Too funny about the shedding of clothes once through the front door! :laughing:
What a great surprise to come home to! Too funny about Connor. Dakoda strips off his shoes and socks, but not his shirt yet. Although that might just be because he can't take it off himself yet. :laughing:
Hi CP!
So where has Becky been? I've spent the last week getting reacquainted with everyone's PTR and TR and she sort of stopped. Is anyone FB friends with her? I wanted t thank her for her TA recommendations. Anyway, just wondering.
Have a great day at school.
WOW, those gifts are amazing!! Anita knows how to give some good ones! I still treasure the items she has given me!!!!!!! So glad that Chelsea was able to get her disco ball, that is awesome!


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