What cool member perks could DVC realistically offer?

Everything cost something. I love this idea, but DVC would to convince the division that oversees the magic band production that it would be advantageous to them to make it.
If people are being shot down for giving suggestions of different colored magic bands because of the cost then we might as well end this thread.
People think that DVC has more pull and are more important to Disney than we really are. Disney loves the revenue from direct sales, and the other things that we buy but our numbers are so small we are a drop in the mouse's bucket.

When in meetings and CM's come up with perk ideas, I'm sure they are asked, "and how is that going to make us money".

:earsboy: Bill
I agree that everything DVC does they have to justify to the other division. So I am more of a mind to focus on things within DVC's control. What's the thing that is MOST in their control? The resorts. After all - WE OWN THE RESORTS. Not any other division. And lets face it - DVC members spend more time at the resorts.

How about on demand in the resorts with access to the entire Disney Library? Make it once, and just open the connection to every DVC resort - it's not an out of reach cost.

I like movie night. I would like to see more things like that at the resorts that we can do / participate in that get us away from the insanely crowded parks. How about exclusive dinner shows or things like that (they still have the fireside events?). Resort amenities. I would love to have some extra drink machines in the DVC resorts which the mugs will work in that I don't have to walk 16 miles to get to.
I agree that everything DVC does they have to justify to the other division. So I am more of a mind to focus on things within DVC's control. What's the thing that is MOST in their control? The resorts. After all - WE OWN THE RESORTS. Not any other division. And lets face it - DVC members spend more time at the resorts.

How about on demand in the resorts with access to the entire Disney Library? Make it once, and just open the connection to every DVC resort - it's not an out of reach cost.

I like movie night. I would like to see more things like that at the resorts that we can do / participate in that get us away from the insanely crowded parks. How about exclusive dinner shows or things like that (they still have the fireside events?). Resort amenities. I would love to have some extra drink machines in the DVC resorts which the mugs will work in that I don't have to walk 16 miles to get to.

Hate to break it to you but we own the room units for our contract length and when it benefits Disney some common areas but Disney owns the resorts. The resorts with the best holiday decorations are the co-occupied resorts, why, because Disney resorts decorates for the holidays and they let DVC share. Many of the co-occupied resorts have programs and extras that DVC can use, but not all are the same.

:earsboy: Bill
Hate to break it to you but we own the room units for our contract length and when it benefits Disney some common areas but Disney owns the resorts. The resorts with the best holiday decorations are the co-occupied resorts, why, because Disney resorts decorates for the holidays and they let DVC share. Many of the co-occupied resorts have programs and extras that DVC can use, but not all are the same.

:earsboy: Bill

So we are splitting hairs here Bill. Technically, I believe they are owned by Walt Disney Properties Corp. However, the DVC resorts are OPERATED by Disney Vacation Club Management Corp. As the operators of the units, it really falls under their jurisdiction to decide on how they manage the property which would include things like maintenance, housekeeping, amenities and certainly cable contracts or television contracts.

I know this because I worked with an individual hotel (who i won't name, but it was a DVC property) on offering a specific piece of content to their room televisions and it was under the local hotel management with approval from DVCMC which did NOT require approval from WDPC OR Walk Disney Parks and Resorts.
Sadly I agree with Bill, we as members are not nearly as important to Disney the company or even Disney World resorts and parks as many members think we are. That is why I am pleased to get any perk they give us and never expect anything.
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Sadly I agree with Bill, we as members are not nearly as important to the Disney the company or even Disney World resorts and parks as many members think we are. That is why I am pleased to get anything perk they give us and never expect nothing.

It's a hard reality when Disney and DVC marketing makes us feel like we are special. Understanding the reality better positions us to get the most from our relationship with Disney while getting the best vacation value.

:earsboy: Bill
It's a hard reality when Disney and DVC marketing makes us feel like we are special. Understanding the reality better positions us to get the most from our relationship with Disney while getting the best vacation value.

:earsboy: Bill
The truth is buyers should go in understanding this. I know many don't but IMO, that's on them. People need to understand what they are and are not getting when they sign up for a significant investment.
The truth is buyers should go in understanding this. I know many don't but IMO, that's on them. People need to understand what they are and are not getting when they sign up for a significant investment.

Disney, tipping housekeeping, holidays, are so deeply ingrained in humans that we don't question or think twice about it.

:earsboy: Bill
Disney, tipping housekeeping, holidays, are so deeply ingrained in humans that we don't question or think twice about it.

:earsboy: Bill
We're always learning and the system is always changing but to suggest Disney has done something wrong in trying to sell something, I don't see it. That's their job. I don't see the items you mentioned of tipping or holidays as anything more than a tangent issue as it applies to Disney, DVC or purchasing. One should have an idea of their inherent situation and risks going in.
Being able to book FP+ 90 days out. VIP seating at fireworks and shows. Special members only character meet and greets. Best part is it wouldn't really cost Disney anything extra to offer this stuff.
Being able to book FP+ 90 days out. VIP seating at fireworks and shows. Special members only character meet and greets. Best part is it wouldn't really cost Disney anything extra to offer this stuff.

There is zero benefit for DVC/Disney to offer anything to existing DVC owners. There is a benefit for them to talk up a perk to buyers sitting in the sales center getting ready to buy.

:earsboy: Bill
Being able to book FP+ 90 days out. VIP seating at fireworks and shows. Special members only character meet and greets. Best part is it wouldn't really cost Disney anything extra to offer this stuff.

The FP+ would never fly. The general public would not be able to get the popular fast passes and it would cause a huge backlash. Same with VIP seating. Even though Disney makes a lot of money with DVC, I would think they make more with people booking cash rooms and don't want to alienate them.
There is zero benefit for DVC/Disney to offer anything to existing DVC owners. There is a benefit for them to talk up a perk to buyers sitting in the sales center getting ready to buy.

:earsboy: Bill
I wouldn't say zero benefit, I do think there's some benefit to making members view value in their ownership. It's just that it's relatively limited benefit.
Being able to book FP+ 90 days out. VIP seating at fireworks and shows. Special members only character meet and greets. Best part is it wouldn't really cost Disney anything extra to offer this stuff.

It would cost them. For one where are they are going to put thousands of DVC members that want to take advantage of VIP Fireworks. VIP Fireworks viewing comes with a VIP tour guide for up to 10 people that cost is $1890.
Being able to book 90 days out is unfair advantage over regular guests. And honestly I still have no idea why some think DVC members deserve more than paying guests. A DVC member can buy into DVC with a 50 point purchase. Many regular guests spent much more than that for their trips.
Special members only character meet and greets. Again who pays for that. For a Disney wedding one Disney character begins at $1150 for 30 minutes, 5 characters is $3150. I know I do not want my dues raised to pay for any of this and DVC does not a cash influx as some of you must believe they do.

DVC has to pay each Disney parks division that they get any perk from and that cost is high. They simply can not afford to do any of this and members will not want to pay for it. Nothing at Disney is free even to DVC. They are just a consumer like everyone else when it comes to offering anything to members. They can negotiate with these divisions for a special offer but there has to be something in it for that division to be willing to do that. Believe me they offer DVC nothing out of the goodness of their hearts.
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I wouldn't say zero benefit, I do think there's some benefit to making members view value in their ownership. It's just that it's relatively limited benefit.

I stand corrected, very limited is a better term. Once a contracted is sold new, Disney has a owner for the life of the contract. Even when someone sells, they are replaced with someone else. Not much of an incentive for Disney to give owners benefits.

:earsboy: Bill
I like that they have been doing some new things for DVC members, I am going to go to some of the events this year.

I'd like to see DVC add a few more Club levels to their inventory at some of the DVC resorts. Of course there would be higher point prices to pay for that option. But I think it's something that many members may like. I'm sure it is controversial because people who never use Club level would be against the higher cost.

I'm hoping they build the Fort Wilderness DVC, which has been rumored for some time.

I'd like them to offer a fitness and pool membership for year round access, would not have to be any of the pools that are in high demand. Maybe they could actually build a DVC clubhouse with fitness center and pool, where you could come anytime to use it! They could put a table service and quick service restaurant there, maybe some BBQ grills. Perhaps a sales office or member services desk as well. It would be a perk that would also be a selling point to people who live in Florida. If it not practical to do this without charging anything, then they could charge a yearly fee.

I also would like to see the DVC pass discount to be greater than the Florida Resident price, Florida Residents (like myself) are just lucky, it's a fluke we happen to live in Florida. DVC members like all of us here have PAID much much more (between our contract price, annual dues, travel expenses, dedicated yearly spending on passes, food, merch, etc) and should in my opinion get a better rate than someone who just happens to live in FL. I don't think FL residents have any reason to gripe about an extra discount for DVC members, if they have a problem with it, they can buy a DVC contract too. It would be GREAT for them to bring back that $399 Premium Annual Deal! Passes has just skyrocketed these last two years, and it's Feb. again and I'm worried they are going to smack us with another increase.
I stand corrected, very limited is a better term. Once a contracted is sold new, Disney has a owner for the life of the contract. Even when someone sells, they are replaced with someone else. Not much of an incentive for Disney to give owners benefits.

:earsboy: Bill

I still think members would be happier if they look at the DVC purchase much as they do other purchases such as a personal home. You buy it from a seller, hopefully you get what you want, where you want it. Then the deal is done. The seller does not come back later and give you anything because you bought from them.

They might offer you some builder upgrades if you are buying new, or they might reduce the price a bit, or cover closing costs. But once those papers are signed, they are not going to come back year after year and offer you something really nice because they appreciate your business. That is long past.

If truly everyone would look at like this, you would be surprised and grateful members get anything.
I like that they have been doing some new things for DVC members, I am going to go to some of the events this year.

I'd like to see DVC add a few more Club levels to their inventory at some of the DVC resorts. Of course there would be higher point prices to pay for that option. But I think it's something that many members may like. I'm sure it is controversial because people who never use Club level would be against the higher cost.

I'm hoping they build the Fort Wilderness DVC, which has been rumored for some time.

I'd like them to offer a fitness and pool membership for year round access, would not have to be any of the pools that are in high demand. Maybe they could actually build a DVC clubhouse with fitness center and pool, where you could come anytime to use it! They could put a table service and quick service restaurant there, maybe some BBQ grills. Perhaps a sales office or member services desk as well. It would be a perk that would also be a selling point to people who live in Florida. If it not practical to do this without charging anything, then they could charge a yearly fee.

I also would like to see the DVC pass discount to be greater than the Florida Resident price, Florida Residents (like myself) are just lucky, it's a fluke we happen to live in Florida. DVC members like all of us here have PAID much much more (between our contract price, annual dues, travel expenses, dedicated yearly spending on passes, food, merch, etc) and should in my opinion get a better rate than someone who just happens to live in FL. I don't think FL residents have any reason to gripe about an extra discount for DVC members, if they have a problem with it, they can buy a DVC contract too. It would be GREAT for them to bring back that $399 Premium Annual Deal! Passes has just skyrocketed these last two years, and it's Feb. again and I'm worried they are going to smack us with another increase.

DVC membership is about 200,000 more or less, Florida residents is close to 20 million. There is your answer. You have to look at all of this in dollars and cents. That money DVC members have paid, none of it except ticket purchase goes to the division that handles tickets. What incentive is it to them, to give us more. They don't care about your purchase prices, your travel expenses, food, merchandise and they most certainly don't care about your dues, which goes to support your home resort.

To get Disney ticket division to give DVC members a better deal they will want DVC to show them the money. Honestly I am surprised we get what we do.

Also I wouldn't be surprised if when Disney World was built that concessions that were giving to the Walt Disney Company by the state of Florida did not guarantee these benefits for Florida residents and I have no problem with that.
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That is not an apples to apples comparison (200,000 to 20 million), how many FL residents have annual passes to WDW? I can't find the answer.

Yeah, I understand what you are saying, that they don't care. This thread was about what they could realistically offer, and realistically they COULD offer it, they used to give free annual passes to DVC members in the beginning. They realistically COULD do a lot of things.

I think they are now actively trying to reduce the number of passholders, the new system, while it does give free parking to all the lower tiers, it is adding block out dates to what used to be the full annual pass level, which is taking away benefits, the only true annual pass is now the Premium annual pass. They are now adding some photo pass benefits that seem to be a throwaway, probably to encourage spending on photo pass merch.

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