Warning: Art of Animation thermostat WILL NOT go below 68!

You can tell the Southerners from the Northerners in this thread.


That's what I was thinking. Everywhere we've lived in the north, the recommended winter thermostat settings have been 68 during the day, 65 at night, and that's going back at least to the 1970s. The people I know with central air don't usually set it that low in the summer, but they have fans going in the bedrooms at night. And if you have the house open with a fan in the bedroom window, the bedroom can get down to 65 at night even in July.
We just returned from 1 week at Pop and 1 week at AoaLM. In both places we were given box fans when we called housekeeping, but NOT the front desk. At AoA we had to call a few times and finally got one when a Mousekeeper came to bring towels and we asked her one more time if they had some...we had one in the room after that in less than 5 minutes :goodvibes Although I'm not sure it makes the room any cooler, they did help move the air and block any outside noise. We slept great after we figured it out!
This thread is scaring me! We leave for AoA in 3 weeks and I cannot sleep unless my room is freezing. On top of already being one of those people who keeps their house around 63-65...I am on new medicine that causes me to have horrible hot flashes at night. We sleep with a floor oscilating fan running and a ceiling fan on low (that mostly just keeps the air moving in our room). I have a feeling I am going to be on the phone with the front desk. Ugh.

Go to the front desk, don't just call. Calling only gets you the call center.
We just returned from a split stay at POP and AoA LM. I like the room cold. The room at AoA did seem a bit warmer than POP but not warm enough that we came out from under the blankets. I've had rooms that were too hot even in the deluxe resorts.
yeah but the deluxe resorts have thermostats than can be bypassed and have ceiling fans which help tremendously

I called the front desk twice... even asked if they had a fan and we were told no and they don't offer those
If Disney is really serious about being "energy efficient" and a "green" company (as opposed to saving money) I would look for minimum and maximum thermostat settings to come to all their resorts in the future, with the possibility of no bypass unless it is specifically requested for medical reasons. A "green" resort that lets its guests regularly bypass the thermostat limits is not a "green" resort.

Actually, a truly green resort would have GeoThermal, SMART thermostats, Energy Star Appliances, solar heating for the pools and recycling of food or biomass waste to create energy and vehicles powered by natural gas...I digress, I work for a University, it's a big deal here! ;)

You can tell the Southerners from the Northerners in this thread.

Yes, this is a large component to the varying degrees of comfort. We are in NE Ohio. My thermostat is rarely set in the winter time above 60! I know, shocking, right?:scratchin We don't have central air...could have it, but don't have it yet. We do use some window ones in the high humidity, but I favor the "Texas cool" method of using fans at night and closing the windows in the morning and keeping air circulated. I will then turn on the A/C. It's amazing how cool the house stays.

I read this whole thread and I guess I'm still stuck on the idea of a motion-sensored thermostat. If your thermostat is "smart" or "green" enough to have a motion sensor, shouldn't it also be "smart" enough to be programmed to run during specific hours, even if there is no motion?

Yes, this puzzling. However, and I relate this to working my experience working in a large Univ and my DH being in construction...the construction of AOA didn't go out to the highest bidder! Likely, the lowest. It sounds like a quality issue with the A/C, combined with a lack of airflow in the rooms. Sometimes you can stand it a bit warmer if there is air flow. Once you get stuffy, forget about it. I wonder if the units are too small for the rooms...again, lowest bidder issue.

I have thyroid issues. Coupled with being a woman of a certain age...I get toasty and cranky. I may as well jump in the pool. I wear shorts in Ohio in October and since it will be 60 here on Saturday in Nov...I'll have them on again! I'm used to cool. That said, it can get hotter here in July than even FLA! Yes, it's a conundrum about Ohio. I have a hard time breathing when it gets that hot and humid. I head to the basement where it's cool.

It seems like the information isn't necessarily getting to those who have the authority to do anything about it. It's pricey to go to WDW. There are many, many other energy saving things they can do than to turn off the A/C at night. It's cheaper to run it at night anyway. When we were at POR last October, we were comfortable. I could never go in a month before October or after March, maybe April, to FL, unless I was plopped on the beach. I don't sweat and can't do heat.

Hopefully, somebody "OFFICIAL" is reading or made aware of these posts. The more squawk, maybe the more likely it will be addressed. A few 100 emails couldn't hurt.
We just returned from a split stay at POP and AoA LM. I like the room cold. The room at AoA did seem a bit warmer than POP but not warm enough that we came out from under the blankets. I've had rooms that were too hot even in the deluxe resorts.

Why sleep under blankets during the summer, then want the room freezing? We keep ours 76* at night and mostly days - we sleep under a sheet. My SIL freezes our extended family at her house. I would sure hate to pay the utility bills for a lot of folks on here :eek:

How would you dress a baby/toddler at night when they don't stay covered like you (general you) do? Winter jammies all year?
Why sleep under blankets during the summer, then want the room freezing? We keep ours 76* at night and mostly days - we sleep under a sheet. My SIL freezes our extended family at her house. I would sure hate to pay the utility bills for a lot of folks on here :eek:

How would you dress a baby/toddler at night when they don't stay covered like you (general you) do? Winter jammies all year?

Why sleep under blankets during the summer, then want the room freezing? We keep ours 76* at night and mostly days - we sleep under a sheet. My SIL freezes our extended family at her house. I would sure hate to pay the utility bills for a lot of folks on here :eek:

How would you dress a baby/toddler at night when they don't stay covered like you (general you) do? Winter jammies all year?

Why not? At night I get hot flashes and can ony sleep in a super chilled room. I never liked sleeing under just a sheet. It reminds me of summer camp. The bright side is you don't have to pay our utility bills.

The thing a lot of the younger women are not getting is perimenopause and menopause. It will happen to you one day and you will be on your knees thanking God for air conditioning. You go from comfortable to broiling in a flash. The best part is you don't know when it will happen or how often each day. Oh and size doesn't matter either. I used to think being thing would save me from all that icky hot flash stuff- jokes on me.
Why sleep under blankets during the summer, then want the room freezing? We keep ours 76* at night and mostly days - we sleep under a sheet. My SIL freezes our extended family at her house. I would sure hate to pay the utility bills for a lot of folks on here :eek:

Anyone else think maybe a lot of people do that, and maybe that is part of the reason why Disney picked 68 degrees as the low temp? Can you just imagine the electric bill if half of the rooms at one resort cranked it down to deep freeze, so they could sleep under a pile of blankets? No wonder the would try to set a limit.

Now they shouldn't go so far as to have the rooms uncomfortably warm, there should be a happy medium somewhere. But as this is a new resort, and the first time having a low temp cut off with no bypass and no fan, maybe the just guessed the wrong temp and will lower it a bit if they get enough complaints.
I could live with 68 if:
- rooms had ceiling fans
- it wouldn't turn off at night regardless of temp
There is another thread over on the Theme Parks board talking about conservation. Apparently the roof and window materials they used to make AoA are supposed to help keep the room temperatures down quite a bit. Maybe they over-estimated how effective those things would be at keeping the room temps down.

People waking up sweating is definitely not ok. And anyone has the right to complain about that. Complaining because you can't sleep under a pile of blankets is a bit different.
There is another thread over on the Theme Parks board talking about conservation. Apparently the roof and window materials they used to make AoA are supposed to help keep the room temperatures down quite a bit. Maybe they over-estimated how effective those things would be at keeping the room temps down.

People waking up sweating is definitely not ok. And anyone has the right to complain about that. Complaining because you can't sleep under a pile of blankets is a bit different.

they probably thought that could justify limiting how cool you get the rooms. well it didn't work... and let me tell you if they want to worry about being green and saving energy... they need to look at how these doors seal too. Mine had a lot of light coming through around the edges letting warm air in
Why not? At night I get hot flashes and can ony sleep in a super chilled room. I never liked sleeing under just a sheet. It remins me of summer camp. The bright side is you don't have to pay our utility bills.

The thing alot of the younger women are not getting is perimenopause and menopause. It will happen to you one day and you will be on your knees thanking God for air conditioning. You go from comfortable to broiling in a flash. The best part is you don't know when it will happen or how often each day. Oh and size doesn't matter either. I used to think being thing would save me from all that icky hot flash stuff- jokes on me.

Not only that but medications also can cause the body to heat up. As far as utilities go, what I spend in the summer on air conditioning, I save in the winter by keeping the heat down and the fan running on low, turning in the opposite direction. When I have the grandchildren over, my main concern is their safety and comfort. I put long pant/short sleeve pj's on DGS 2 and in winter long sleeve, long pants or a blanket sleeper. I will turn up the heat to 67 if it's really cold and windy outside. DGD 15, is old enough to dress for her own comfort. I can't help it.
There is another thread over on the Theme Parks board talking about conservation. Apparently the roof and window materials they used to make AoA are supposed to help keep the room temperatures down quite a bit. Maybe they over-estimated how effective those things would be at keeping the room temps down.

People waking up sweating is definitely not ok. And anyone has the right to complain about that. Complaining because you can't sleep under a pile of blankets is a bit different.

One thing Disney can do to keep room temps down in sunny humid FL is to blow ice chest type styrofoam on the walls and in the ceilings.
No kidding, my parents had a 7000 sq ft house and Daddy had a company spray that foam on the outside. His electric bill each month was $135.00. I don't know if it is considered a green product but using less energy definitely is green. The surface was siilar to stucco and easily painted.
Why sleep under blankets during the summer, then want the room freezing? We keep ours 76* at night and mostly days - we sleep under a sheet. My SIL freezes our extended family at her house. I would sure hate to pay the utility bills for a lot of folks on here :eek:

How would you dress a baby/toddler at night when they don't stay covered like you (general you) do? Winter jammies all year?

I'm an under the sheet and blanket type sleeper. Especially soft blankets. I always remove the bedspread. I was in the room with three girls (15, 10, 4). Everyone was in pajamas and everyone was under covers. Just they way we like it. I keep my house at home at 68 degrees year round. Lower temps also help keep down the spread of all those nasty bugs kids bring home from school.

While a typical recommendation is to keep the room between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, Heller advises setting the temperature at a comfortable level, whatever that means to the sleeper.
Web MD on Best Temperature for Sleeping
This thread is scaring me! We leave for AoA in 3 weeks and I cannot sleep unless my room is freezing. On top of already being one of those people who keeps their house around 63-65..h.

same here, although I'm not going 'til April, but I've had my heart set on staying here for years now and this would be a deal breaker for me. I always feel hot in hotels and ALWAYS, always turn the a/c down to 60-62. Anything higher than that and I sweat all night and cannot sleep. at home I keep the bedroom vents closed so no heat comes in and I keep my windows open. It's 28 outside right now and I have my windows open so it's probably like 40 in my room - perfect sleeping weather.

I've skipped several pages but OP - have you gone to the front desk? Did you ask for the medical thermostat? Has anyone confirmed if this is just the LM rooms or is it the suites as well??
One thing Disney can do to keep room temps down in sunny humid FL is to blow ice chest type styrofoam on the walls and in the ceilings.
No kidding, my parents had a 7000 sq ft house and Daddy had a company spray that foam on the outside. His electric bill each month was $135.00. I don't know if it is considered a green product but using less energy definitely is green. The surface was siilar to stucco and easily painted.

That would be good to keep down on noise and hearing your neighbor in the bathroom as well lol
Why not? At night I get hot flashes and can ony sleep in a super chilled room. I never liked sleeing under just a sheet. It reminds me of summer camp. The bright side is you don't have to pay our utility bills.

The thing a lot of the younger women are not getting is perimenopause and menopause. It will happen to you one day and you will be on your knees thanking God for air conditioning. You go from comfortable to broiling in a flash. The best part is you don't know when it will happen or how often each day. Oh and size doesn't matter either. I used to think being thing would save me from all that icky hot flash stuff- jokes on me.

How in the world is sleeping under a sheet like camp? :confused3 That's a very new one to me.

Also, thanks for the back handed compliment of being a younger woman ;). I have totally been there and done that - and also learned to go with the flow. We also have ceiling fans that circulate the air at night.


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