Trip #8; But Was It Great? A WDW MAYcation with a side of LegoLand & Celebration, FL!

Never been to LTT. There's just not much there that my boys will eat. And not a lot that I would love either. So it wouldn't be worth the money for us. I think Jodi goes there often. Maybe she can give you some insight whenever she gets her behind home from shopping & gets on here!!

Ask and ye shall receive... :rotfl2:

Now you just wait a darn tootin second missy! I'm trying to catch up on this here TR AND put away all these Christmas presents I just bought....

Yes I said Christmas Presents so put that in yo' pipe and smoke it.:rolleyes1 Ain't no one calling me a Hot Mess this year. No sir-ee bob. I am ahead of schedule.


Okay so now let's see...
I cannot believe that DS 10 was the one flirting with the Princesses! That is just so adorable with his cute self. I'm sure the Princesses fell in love with him, bless his little heart. Too cute.

I sure hope Drew and DS13 don't want to go in to see the Princesses together. Alone. I can already see that as Trouble with a capital T.:scared1:

So happy you loved Tony's! I was honestly worried for you to try it. I thought maybe our time there was a fluke and that it would be totally nasty when you went, since most of the reviews are so awful. Your plates looked great and I'm sad that we aren't eating there this trip. I really enjoyed it.


Now as far as LTT--- we love it. Honestly we do!! We eat there every trip for supper, and sometimes for lunch. After being in the parks and eating lots of burgers and fries and stuff, it's a good comfort food place. Especially in the winter--- yum! Turkey and Stuffing and mashed potatoes and green beans and Macaroni. It's a carb lovers paradise. :rotfl: They used to have the characters here but we haven't really missed them at all since they left. Makes the time go faster.
We love the atmosphere in here-- but then again we love antiques and history so that could be why! I say to try it at least once. You never know- what works for some doesn't work for others.


So there ya go. I'm all caught up AND I started shopping for Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaaaaaaaaas Preseeeeeents. :santa: Now. Say you're proud and that I am a Reformed Procrastinator.

Say it. Or else!!

I am so behind already on Christmas shopping....Ugh.

Thanks for the info on LTT. I really think its something DS and DH would definately like. We went for lunch once and thought the food was good. I think I'll keep the ADR and see what happens. Thanks!!!! :cool1:
Now you just wait a darn tootin second missy! I'm trying to catch up on this here TR AND put away all these Christmas presents I just bought....

Yes I said Christmas Presents so put that in yo' pipe and smoke it.:rolleyes1 Ain't no one calling me a Hot Mess this year. No sir-ee bob. I am ahead of schedule.

OMG!!! :faint: Christmas shopping?!! Wow. I am impressed. ::yes::

Okay so now let's see...
I cannot believe that DS 10 was the one flirting with the Princesses! That is just so adorable with his cute self. I'm sure the Princesses fell in love with him, bless his little heart. Too cute.

I know, he really had fun with it and the princesses loved every second of it! :goodvibes

I sure hope Drew and DS13 don't want to go in to see the Princesses together. Alone. I can already see that as Trouble with a capital T.:scared1:

Yeah he'd probably want to go with Drew but of course wouldn't want us to come and take pics. :eek::rotfl:

So happy you loved Tony's! I was honestly worried for you to try it. I thought maybe our time there was a fluke and that it would be totally nasty when you went, since most of the reviews are so awful. Your plates looked great and I'm sad that we aren't eating there this trip. I really enjoyed it.

I know, I thought for sure I was going to hate it since you liked it!! :laughing:


Now as far as LTT--- we love it. Honestly we do!! We eat there every trip for supper, and sometimes for lunch. After being in the parks and eating lots of burgers and fries and stuff, it's a good comfort food place. Especially in the winter--- yum! Turkey and Stuffing and mashed potatoes and green beans and Macaroni. It's a carb lovers paradise. :rotfl: They used to have the characters here but we haven't really missed them at all since they left. Makes the time go faster.
We love the atmosphere in here-- but then again we love antiques and history so that could be why! I say to try it at least once. You never know- what works for some doesn't work for others.


So there ya go. I'm all caught up AND I started shopping for Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaaaaaaaaas Preseeeeeents. :santa: Now. Say you're proud and that I am a Reformed Procrastinator.

Say it. Or else!!

I am VERY proud of you. :) I swear you are turning into me and I am turning into you!! I tend to put things off these days. :confused3 Well except for packing for vaca that is! ;)

Ask and ye shall receive... :rotfl2:

I guess so!! :rotfl:
OR UNpacking from Vacay, as it were.;)

And honestly, being me isn't all bad. :rotfl: You'll have lots of fun stories to tell. Like the 70-ish year old grandma I saw yesterday with white hair, a tight tank top with jacked up fake ones, a mini (very mini) skirt and 4 inch platform heels.:rolleyes1

Almost as bad as the Gma looking almost the same in Victoria's Secret returning the see thru babydoll nightie with undies to match. They were a "gift" she says. From whom I'm not sure but scary to think of.:eek:

I'm just sayin'...
if you're turning into me get ready b/c it's interesting to say the least.:rotfl2:


I love that the boys saw the princesses! :thumbsup2 The pictures are adorable. Your food at Tony's looks yummy! I also have read such mixed reviews but you always wonder if people just like to complain sometimes? I think they do. ;)
I'm so enjoying your trip report and always look forward to the photos. My DGS always brings his pins to Disney and I'm always worried about the pins falling off the lanyard in the parks, lol.
I'm curious. What is the bright green object that is hooked onto your son's carrying-pack?
I'm always looking for hands-free ways to carry "stuff."

Afterwards in the little gift shop DS10 did a little pin trading.


I love that the boys saw the princesses! :thumbsup2 The pictures are adorable. Your food at Tony's looks yummy! I also have read such mixed reviews but you always wonder if people just like to complain sometimes? I think they do. ;)

It was a fun experience for them! :goodvibes

Tony's was very good! :) I'm sure people do just like to complain!! :rolleyes: We had an excellent experience, I can't think of anything to complain about really -- the restaurant was beautiful, the service was great & super fast, and the food was good. Now have I had better sauce - yes! But it wasn't bad by any means. Hopefully this is common practice there and we didn't just hit it on a 'good night'! I'm sure they have their 'off nights' too, like everybody else though.

I'm so enjoying your trip report and always look forward to the photos. My DGS always brings his pins to Disney and I'm always worried about the pins falling off the lanyard in the parks, lol.
I'm curious. What is the bright green object that is hooked onto your son's carrying-pack?
I'm always looking for hands-free ways to carry "stuff."

Thank you!! Lots more to come! :cool1:

Believe it or not over the years we have only ever lost one pin, and it was me who lost it! It came loose and fell off of my park bag strap. :upsidedow

That is a mister fan! Fills with water and has a little latch thingy to attach to your belt loop or fanny pack or whatever!
After dinner at Tony's we stepped outside & started up Main Street and wouldn't you know it there was a little parade going on!! We always happen across this parade by total accident!











After the parade we made our way up Main Street.



And made a right and headed into Tomorrowland.


First stop was Buzzlightyear, with no wait!






Continued in next post.....


Next up was the Carousel of Progress. We had not been on this since our very first trip in 2005! The kids said they remembered going on it and that it was boring and they didn't want to do it! :rolleyes: I don't know how DS10 (4 then) could have remembered it, he slept through it!! :rotfl:




I'm happy to report that no one died of boredom! :laughing: But it may be awhile before I get them all back on it again. Hopefully not another 7 years though!

After that DS13 and I headed for Space Mtn! I forget what the wait time said, maybe 15 or 20 minutes. We really only waited about 5!



We rode once and then DS went back through by himself for a second ride!

While we were on Space Mtn, DH & DS10 had been on the TTA.








Then we all met back up. The boys spotted a CM with some good pins and made some trades!


D10 really liked this one!


Then it was time for us all to ride the TTA together.



And then Monster's Inc.


Fun as always!

When we came out of there is was starting to get dark. And I was starting to get ready for a snack. A big yummy pineapple-y snack!!

Up Next: The Castle at Night, Snacks, and a Magic Carpet Ride!

Wow what a small wait for SM.:woohoo: Usually the later in the day the longer the wait. What time was it??
My kids really like CoP :laughing: It's a must do for us and there's never a wait!
We don't trade pins but I love that monorail pin too!!
I :love: the monorail! I even have that sticker- "my other car is a monorail" on my truck.
I reckon it will be at least seven years before I manage to get my two boys on Carousel of Progress again :rotfl:

Yep, I could go for a pineapple-y treat right now!
I am anxiously awaiting one of those pineappley snacks myself! :thumbsup2

COP is one of my nostalgic favorites. We go on it every trip. So far DS9 hasn't complained - I imagine that will come soon! :goodvibes
Great update! I don't even remember the last time that my family went on the Carousel of Progress!:laughing: I don't even know if DD10 has been on it!:scared1: I need to get her on it this trip!

We haven't even started packing yet...I don't even have the suitcases out! This trip really snuck up on us.
Wow what a small wait for SM.:woohoo: Usually the later in the day the longer the wait. What time was it??
My kids really like CoP :laughing: It's a must do for us and there's never a wait!
We don't trade pins but I love that monorail pin too!!
I :love: the monorail! I even have that sticker- "my other car is a monorail" on my truck.

We almost always luck out on a very short wait on Space Mtn during the week! I'm not sure what time it was....maybe 6 or 7...

I've seen that sticker before! :rotfl:

I reckon it will be at least seven years before I manage to get my two boys on Carousel of Progress again :rotfl:

Yep, I could go for a pineapple-y treat right now!


Oh I know! Now that I've mastered Tonga Toast at home, I am really missing Dole Whips!

I am anxiously awaiting one of those pineappley snacks myself! :thumbsup2

COP is one of my nostalgic favorites. We go on it every trip. So far DS9 hasn't complained - I imagine that will come soon! :goodvibes

I could go for one right now!! ::yes::

I hope your DS doesn't ever start complaining about CoP!

Great update! I don't even remember the last time that my family went on the Carousel of Progress!:laughing: I don't even know if DD10 has been on it!:scared1: I need to get her on it this trip!

We haven't even started packing yet...I don't even have the suitcases out! This trip really snuck up on us.



You are making me nervous!!! You better get packed and fast!!! :eek:

And you better get your DD on the CoP this trip! ::yes:: Can't wait to hear all about your trip! popcorn::

Can you do me a favor??? There are lots of rumors out there about the longhouses at the Poly going under rehab very soon. Some say October. Some say they have already started them. Can you see what you can find out please? And the other one out there is that the pool is going to close sometime in December to install a fence around it....:scared:
Way to go on the short wait for Space! I can't wait to get back on it this year! I don't even remember the last time I rode it...Jan 09 maybe? Then it went down for refurb on our June 09 trip and I was pregnant on our last trip!!

I just had a "Dole whip" at a food festival a few weekends ago. It definately wasn't the same as Aloha Isle (it came on a cone), but it will hold me over until September! I don't like the floats (too much of one taste), but I LOVE the pineapple soft serve!!!:thumbsup2
Momof2Disneyboys;45538717 [COLOR="red" said:


You are making me nervous!!! You better get packed and fast!!! :eek:

And you better get your DD on the CoP this trip! ::yes:: Can't wait to hear all about your trip! popcorn::

Can you do me a favor??? There are lots of rumors out there about the longhouses at the Poly going under rehab very soon. Some say October. Some say they have already started them. Can you see what you can find out please? And the other one out there is that the pool is going to close sometime in December to install a fence around it....:scared:

I know, we need to start packing! I can't believe I haven't started yet- it's so unlike me!

Yes, I need to get Halle (DD10) on CoP! She always is telling me that her sisters told her it was boring, so she hasn't wanted to go on! I need to tell my older DD's to be quiet and make sure she gets on!:rotfl:

And yes, I will definitely be checking out the rumors about the Poly!:thumbsup2 I have heard all kinds of construction rumors, and I will absolutely find out what I can about them! I will have my computer with me this trip, so I will try to post live from there when I can! I'm curious about the fence around the pool...I heard that there are quite a few pool hoppers there on a daily basis. The fence would definitely help things!::yes::

Can you do me a favor??? There are lots of rumors out there about the longhouses at the Poly going under rehab very soon. Some say October. Some say they have already started them. Can you see what you can find out please? And the other one out there is that the pool is going to close sometime in December to install a fence around it....:scared:

Oh no!! I hope it's all done/or hasn't started yet before you get there. What a pain!
about changes to Poly...I was on another blog a couple of weeks back, and they apparently have started some renos-carpet in the hallways was different and some of the hallways had been repainted..the pics I saw were before & afters and it looked soooo much better!!! You can call them directly and they should tell you!
Way to go on the short wait for Space! I can't wait to get back on it this year! I don't even remember the last time I rode it...Jan 09 maybe? Then it went down for refurb on our June 09 trip and I was pregnant on our last trip!!

I just had a "Dole whip" at a food festival a few weekends ago. It definately wasn't the same as Aloha Isle (it came on a cone), but it will hold me over until September! I don't like the floats (too much of one taste), but I LOVE the pineapple soft serve!!!:thumbsup2

That will be so fun for you to finally get back on Space Mtn!! :cool1:

I can do one Dole Whip float per trip, I think anymore than that would be a bit much. But I can have as many Dole Whips as I can get my hands on!! ::yes:::rotfl:

I know, we need to start packing! I can't believe I haven't started yet- it's so unlike me!

Yes, I need to get Halle (DD10) on CoP! She always is telling me that her sisters told her it was boring, so she hasn't wanted to go on! I need to tell my older DD's to be quiet and make sure she gets on!:rotfl:

And yes, I will definitely be checking out the rumors about the Poly!:thumbsup2 I have heard all kinds of construction rumors, and I will absolutely find out what I can about them! I will have my computer with me this trip, so I will try to post live from there when I can! I'm curious about the fence around the pool...I heard that there are quite a few pool hoppers there on a daily basis. The fence would definitely help things!::yes::

Yes, you'll have to tell the older girls to hush up about CoP and let Halle decide for herself if it is boring or not!! :rotfl:

That would be awesome if you could find out what is going on at the Poly! I am getting nervous that it is going to be all torn up in December. :scared1: I'm sure a fence would be great to keep the pool hoppers out, but at the same time it is probably going to block the view of the water and MK. :confused3

Oh no!! I hope it's all done/or hasn't started yet before you get there. What a pain!

I know!! :scared:

about changes to Poly...I was on another blog a couple of weeks back, and they apparently have started some renos-carpet in the hallways was different and some of the hallways had been repainted..the pics I saw were before & afters and it looked soooo much better!!! You can call them directly and they should tell you!

Yeah, the longhouse rehabs won't be a big deal as long as they don't put us in one that they are working on!!

Yes, you'll have to tell the older girls to hush up about CoP and let Halle decide for herself if it is boring or not!! :rotfl:

That would be awesome if you could find out what is going on at the Poly! I am getting nervous that it is going to be all torn up in December. :scared1: I'm sure a fence would be great to keep the pool hoppers out, but at the same time it is probably going to block the view of the water and MK. :confused3

I didn't even think about the view of MK from the pool! I saw looks so pretty the way it is! I will definitely ask about that.

Packing has officially started...finally! I am so overwhelmed, but the good thing is that the summer clothes are already out. When we go in November/February, we always need to dig out our summer clothes!

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