Trip #8; But Was It Great? A WDW MAYcation with a side of LegoLand & Celebration, FL!

Looks like Florida sunshine and MK can cure what ails you!
Glad you were healthy enough to FINALLY get to MK! You got some really nice pictures (but for the big blue facade!)

Now I'm anxious to see how Epcot and Maelstrom goes for the boys!

On the Mississippi and Gulf: I've seen the Galveston beach, not too impressed (we didn't even go in the water - it was too cold). I've seen the Florida side of the Gulf near Ft. Myers - very nice. Of course I've walked across the start of the Mississippi up in northern MN, and it's pretty dang clean there! It is already brown by the time it goes through Minneapolis and St. Paul, so I imagine it's pretty cruddy by the time it gets to the gulf!
Well I am so glad that you were able to go to the MK even though you were feeling yucky. You'd never know you were sick in the pics-- you look nice!:flower3: When I am sick I look pretty much like death. :upsidedow

Aw thanks, I sure didn't feel like I looked nice. :rotfl:

Glad your oldest was able to ride the HM and abolish the fear of it. Did he say it wasn't so bad afterwards? Can't wait to hear if DS10 rides Maelstrom.

He really enjoyed the HM! He said that DH was making jokes the whole way through and it made it funny and not scary!

I love riding POTC first. Call me crazy- we don't do it if we arrive in the mornings b/c we head to Fantasyland first-- but if we get there in the afternoons, it's always either Splash or POTC.

Great update!!

It was awesome riding POTC first! And second!! And with no wait! I just love MK on Wednesday. :goodvibes

PS-- Teri--- you need a BFF/Sister to go on the cruise with you.:crazy2:



Glad you were feeling better! MK always makes me feel great!
My DS15 wouldn't ride HM until he was 11. He tried a couple of times before that and we had to walk out of the stretching room the first time UGH lol!
Now it is one of his favorite rides! He rode it a couple of times ALONE!! last year while we rode Splash (he hates heights) It's so funny how times change every year there's something different that I notice my boys are growing up :sad:


It is funny to see how much they change from year to year at WDW! I can't believe your DS rode the HM alone. :scared1: I don't think DS13 will be doing that anytime soon. :rotfl:
Why do I get the feeling that 10 years from now I'll still be trying to talk you into a cruise and you'll still be resisting. :scratchin ;)

:laughing: I know!! IDK what it is, I just can't bring myself to try it. :confused3 I even had a cruise booked once, as you know. IDK if it is because DS13 & DH aren't all that interested, or if I just don't want to give up the WDW days, or if it's the dang price or what!!! :scared1: It is hard to justify the price. Even the price of a 3-4 day cruise is more than 7-8 days at WDW at a moderate for us... :eek:


Your MK pics gave me that fluttery feeling that you have when you just long to be there again! I know you know what I mean!

I sure do know what you mean. ::yes:: Glad you enjoyed the pics!

It looked like a good day to be at MK for crowds. Main Street didn't look too bad at all, well, except for that big blue thingamajigger. :upsidedow

That thing was hideous!! :scared1:

I'm glad your DS conquered his HM fear. I can relate to how he felt though. I remember when I was little, I watched some movie that I wasn't supposed to like Poltergeist or something and it gave me nightmares for years. I swore off scary movies after that. When you are young, that stuff can be scary even though you know it's fake. I'm curious to know what he said about it now that he is older?

He didn't think the HM was all that scary this time. Although IDK if he would ride it without DH by his side!! :rotfl:

Glad you were feeling so much better, even good enough for swashbuckling! :rotfl: For some reason we cannot resist a good sword fight every time we ride POTC too! That and DH always has to pick up the ball and chain and say, "Hey look, you're for sale in the gift shop." :rolleyes2 Ha ha, he is soooo not funny. :upsidedow

:laughing: I bet your DH thinks that is funny every time!! Men. :rotfl:

And I agree with Jo... for you to have been sick and in super hot weather, you looked pretty as a picture! I would've looked like I had been run over by a mack truck. :scared:

Thank you! I didn't even attempt to go with my hair down that afternoon. I was too hot and too miserable. So there you have it -- another family photo with a ponytail! :upsidedow

Looks like Florida sunshine and MK can cure what ails you!
Glad you were healthy enough to FINALLY get to MK! You got some really nice pictures (but for the big blue facade!)

Now I'm anxious to see how Epcot and Maelstrom goes for the boys!

On the Mississippi and Gulf: I've seen the Galveston beach, not too impressed (we didn't even go in the water - it was too cold). I've seen the Florida side of the Gulf near Ft. Myers - very nice. Of course I've walked across the start of the Mississippi up in northern MN, and it's pretty dang clean there! It is already brown by the time it goes through Minneapolis and St. Paul, so I imagine it's pretty cruddy by the time it gets to the gulf!

It sure can! :goodvibes Like I said - had I been at home the day would have been a loss the way I felt when I woke up that morning! :sick:

We went back to Epcot the next morning, so you'll get to hear all about Maelstrom soon! :)
awe, BOO for still feeling sick :( I'm glad it slowly drifted away though - I hope it STAYED away too.

I know what you mean about that horrible construction on the bakery in MK! I mean, they did do their best to try and make it blend in but lets face it - if it blocks a portion of the castle it's just TERRIBLE no matter what right?!? lol
Guess what DS10 & I just made for lunch???

TONGA TOAST!!! :banana:

And it was awesome! :cloud9:

Okay, so the first one didn't turn out so well. I think I had the oil too hot. :scared1:


But the next one turned out pretty good! :goodvibes



Did you happen to see any parades that day at MK? Just wondering how that would have worked out with the big construction site there .... people probably couldn't sit in front of it -- and I bet sitting on the curb closer to the entrance on the side of the construction wall would have blocked anyones view of the parade as it was coming towards them...right? Cant' wait to read more about your trip! Great report!popcorn::

By the way, in your last trip report you posted some pics of the inside of the Caribbean Beach Resort gift shop ... one was of Larry Dotson's artwork of CBR w/ the Lighthouse. I've never seen this before and fell in love! I went ahead and found his website and purchased the print. It's totally awesome and he even personalized it for me and my husband!!! So thank you for posting fun a interesting trip report pics!! :thumbsup2
awe, BOO for still feeling sick :( I'm glad it slowly drifted away though - I hope it STAYED away too.

I know what you mean about that horrible construction on the bakery in MK! I mean, they did do their best to try and make it blend in but lets face it - if it blocks a portion of the castle it's just TERRIBLE no matter what right?!? lol

Thanks. It did stay away for the most part. I just ended up with a sore throat, the sniffles, and just feeling a little sluggish. Could have been much worse.

Yeah, it definitely blocked some awesome views. We usually watch Wishes from about the middle of Main Street, but we had to move up more in the crowds closer to the hub in order to get in front of that ugly thing. I sure wasn't going to let it block Wishes!!

Your Tonga Toast looks delicious!!:thumbsup2

Thanks, it was!! :goodvibes

Did you happen to see any parades that day at MK? Just wondering how that would have worked out with the big construction site there .... people probably couldn't sit in front of it -- and I bet sitting on the curb closer to the entrance on the side of the construction wall would have blocked anyones view of the parade as it was coming towards them...right? Cant' wait to read more about your trip! Great report!popcorn::

By the way, in your last trip report you posted some pics of the inside of the Caribbean Beach Resort gift shop ... one was of Larry Dotson's artwork of CBR w/ the Lighthouse. I've never seen this before and fell in love! I went ahead and found his website and purchased the print. It's totally awesome and he even personalized it for me and my husband!!! So thank you for posting fun a interesting trip report pics!! :thumbsup2

We really didn't see any parades. Other than after dinner we just happened upon one of those short afternoon parades. I'm sure that thing caused a mess for the real parades.

Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying the TR. That is awesome about the CBR picture!! :goodvibes How cool that he personalized it for you!
Mmmmm!!! Your Tonga toast looks DELICIOUS!!!! Well, the 2nd attempt anyway :rotfl:
I think I need to join you for breakfast very soon ;)
Thanks a lot Shelly! You're making my PB&J look pathetic after seeing pics of Tonga Toast! I'm still hungry now.

Glad you finally made it to MK and DS conquered his HM fear! I hope that facade is down soon. U-G-L-Y! I guess it could have been worse like a plain old ugly tarp or something. And did I see a crane in the one picture?

Hey Kim, where ya been??? How are all the home refurbs going?

Yep - all my boys are growing up fast, even Jack! :laughing: DS13 will be looking me in the eyes very soon. :scared1:
They're going well. The floor is almost finished finally! I've been trying to spend less time on the computer since my kids are home all day in the summer. Plus I've been busy getting all my preschool stuff ready for the fall.

And I'd be willing to bet Shelly was wearing heels. :lmao:

(I can pick b/c I am height inhibited myself. :rolleyes2 )


Jo, I'm glad I could entertain you in a gross sort of way. :rotfl: See, you aren't the only one who runs into nuts everywhere you go. I tend to be a magnet for them myself.

Ha Ha- height inhibited! :lmao: I've always referred to myself as vertically challenged! ;)







Tonga!!! Tonga!!!! Tonga!!!!! Tonga!!!!! Tonga!!!!

Oh wait. Wrong thing.

TT looked so good! Now.... could you make me some Gluten Free Macadamia Nut pancakes with that yumm-o pineapple butter?

Thanks a lot Shelly! You're making my PB&J look pathetic after seeing pics of Tonga Toast! I'm still hungry now.


Glad you finally made it to MK and DS conquered his HM fear! I hope that facade is down soon. U-G-L-Y! I guess it could have been worse like a plain old ugly tarp or something. And did I see a crane in the one picture?

I wonder if that thing is down now??? Oh yes, there are lots of cranes in lots of pictures. :sad2: I think those will be there until they are all done with FantasyLand.

They're going well. The floor is almost finished finally! I've been trying to spend less time on the computer since my kids are home all day in the summer. Plus I've been busy getting all my preschool stuff ready for the fall.

Glad your floor is almost done!

Ha Ha- height inhibited! :lmao: I've always referred to myself as vertically challenged! ;)

Height inhibited/Vertically challenged -- yep, I am both of those!!!:faint: :lmao:

Yummy lunch Shelly!!! Your house looks super cute too. :thumbsup2

Thanks Kelli! :)








Seriously?!! Wow that sounds so dang long!!! :scared1::laughing:
Tonga!!! Tonga!!!! Tonga!!!!! Tonga!!!!! Tonga!!!!

Oh wait. Wrong thing.

TT looked so good! Now.... could you make me some Gluten Free Macadamia Nut pancakes with that yumm-o pineapple butter?



Hmm.....yeah I'll have to get to work on those gluten free pancakes....:scratchin
I'm glad you felt well enough to go to the Magic Kingdom. I HATE being sick on vacation, but it seems to happen if I'm out in the heat for too long, which is why it's better for me that DH makes me take a break every day at Disney.

Your boys definitely need to see the ocean soon. DH didn't see it until he was 24 years old, and I think he ended up liking hanging out on the beach better than Disney! I don't think I would have been able to convince him to try for Hawaii otherwise. His brother went to Florida for Spring Break once and told him that the ocean freaked him out. I don't really see how it's any different than standing in a field in Kansas, but then again my parents took us to the beach ALL the time when I was growing up.

That Tonga Toast looks lovely. It always sounds good, but I'm not a huge fan of cooked fruit, so I'm not sure I'd actually like it.


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