The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

First Name: Mickey!! (Real name is Michael, but have gone by Mickey since birth. Named after Mickey Mantle)

Location: Jacksonville, FL

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Body Type: Pooh sized. I could stand a few more walks around Epcot

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Loss Prevention Technician at a large insurance company

Do you have any kids: My little boy, Tristan, is in heaven. An angel on my shoulders

Do you have any pets: No, but love most dogs

Favorite activities: Disney, of course. Attending sporting events. Big movie lover

Favorite movie: Star Wars, Field of Dreams, Silence of the Lambs, A Perfect World, just to name a few

Favorite color(s): Red and Black...Go Dawgs!

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey, of course

A little bit about yourself: Feel free to ask anything. I like to keep things simple. I don't get worked up about a lot of things. Try to spend my days as happy as can be.

A little bit about your ideal match: Just someone who is honest from the get go, even if honesty hurts sometimes. Being a Disney fan obviously wouldn't hurt!
First Name: Marvin

Location: Miami, Fl

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color:black,brown

Body Type:slim

Ethnicity: American

Occupation: Extra Service Audit/Fedex Ground

Do you have any kids:No

Do you have any pets:yes 3

Favorite activities: Basketball,Football

Favorite movie: favorite Disney Movie, Toy Story,Lion King and Meet The Robinsons

Favorite color(s): Blue, Green

Favorite Disney character(s):Chip and Dale

A little bit about yourself: pretty much i am a outgoing guy love everything disney i am currently a annual pass holder so of course i'm at the parks mostly all the times depending on my work schedule, im also fun to be around with. Have any more questions you can Pm me

A little bit about your ideal match: Obviously has to love Disney be out going and likes to joke around.

First Name: Dante

Location: Columbia, SC

Age: 27

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Black hair / Brown eyes

Body Type: Could lose a few pounds (in the process of doing just that…)

Ethnicity: African-American

Occupation: College instructor

Do you have any kids: Negative

Do you have any pets: Negative

Favorite activities: Traveling, watching sports (especially baseball), swimming, drawing, photography, listening to music, learning about – and trying – new things

Favorite movie: Disney: "The Lion King"; Non-Disney: “Airplane!”, "The Dark Knight"

Favorite color(s): Blue; Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Donald Duck; Goofy; Aracuan bird (from "The Three Caballeros" and the old Donald Duck cartoons)

A little bit about yourself: So, I teach journalism at a college in South Carolina, which is a job that I love dearly. Some consider me to be a little shy at first, but others know me as a kind-hearted, goofy person once I grow out of my shell. Outside of teaching, I love to learn about new things, spend time with family and friends, and travel every chance I get (while taking photos along the way). I especially love to go to Walt Disney World, where I've been 14 times -- and counting.

A little bit about your ideal match: I'm looking for someone with a great sense of humor, a kind heart, and someone whom I can trust and lean on. Basically for me, outside appearances don't mean very much; it's what's inside that's important. Oh, and she’s gotta love Disney as much as I do.
First Name: Chris

Location: La Verne, CA

Age: 25

Sex: male

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown, brown eyes

Body Type: Average 147 lbs and slimming down

Ethnicity: native american/hispanic

Occupation: Gradaute Student, Customer Service, and video editor/videographer

Do you have any kids: nope

Do you have any pets: yup, 3 cats, 2 birds, 2 rabbits, and fish

Favorite activities: Driving, hiking, going to Disneyland (and world when the opportunity/funds allow), and watching classic movies.

Favorite movie: Star Wars, and enjoy many other sci-fi films and Disney films

Favorite color(s): Blue, red and black

Favorite Disney character(s): Goofy and Chip & Dale

A little bit about yourself: Studying for my masters in screenwriting, hoping to one day work for Disney. Feel free to message if would like to know more

So forgot to include my ideal match so here goes:

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who loves Disney as much as I, goal driven and also loves just to have fun. Really looking for someone to share good times with and enjoy life together
First Name: Mickey!! (Real name is Michael, but have gone by Mickey since birth. Named after Mickey Mantle)

Do you have any kids: My little boy, Tristan, is in heaven. An angel on my shoulders

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you lost your son.
I'm just updating my profile since its been a while

First Name: Christina

Location: Clearwater, Fl

Age: 30 (31 in July)

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: just finished chemo so my hair is just growing back but its dark brown and I have brown eyes

Body Type: Average/Curvy

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: student, freelance writer, mother

Do you have any kids: 2 my son Nate is 10 and my daughter Cayla is 9

Do you have any pets: a cat who thinks she is a dog

Favorite activities: movies, music, reading, gaming, sports, the beach, cooking, traveling, writing, history ( HUGE history buff), and of course DISNEY! I'm a disney freak lol

Favorite movie: as far as Disney it would be Beauty and the Beast, Marry Poppins, Wall-E, Toy Story....Non-Disney would be the original Evil Dead, Zombieland, The Hangover, Last of the Mohicans, Red Dragon, basically anything horror or comedy related with some action thrown in there.

Favorite color(s): Red, Royal Blue, Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle, Mickey, The Evil Stepsisters, Piglet, Marry Poppins

A little bit about yourself: I am working towards a degree in history so I can teach history because I love it! I am laid back and I like to think I have a good sense of humor, I am a strong confident person but also sensitive who is loyal to my friends and family. I'm a disney freak/ gaming geek/ book nerd. Anything else you want to know just ask :-)

A little bit about your ideal match: someone who loves kids animals and Disney of course! Someone who I can have fun with and have good conversations with. Someone who has similar interests but also has their own interests. Does not have to be in my area I'm open to meet people from other places.
First Name: Lanasia HEEEEEEY! :flower3:

Location: Northern, NJ

Age: *cough*40*cough*

Sex: All Woman

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown locks down my back; brown eyes

Body Type: Full-figured

Ethnicity: Black (Jamaican-American)

Occupation: IT Manager

Do you have any kids: Yes, 1

Do you have any pets: Yes, a kitty

Favorite activities: traveling, shopping (they should put this in the Olympics), My bi-annual Disney excursions OF COURSE, bowling, music (play clarinet for over 30 years), and event planning

Favorite movie: "Love Jones"; Disney related: "Lion King" and "Mary Poppins"

Favorite color(s): Earth tones, Purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Padmé Amidala and "Coral" from Finding Nemo.

A little bit about yourself: Oh gosh... I am not good at talking about myself without being biased at how great I think I am, but I will try. :rolleyes: So, as I wrote above, I am 40 (which is the "new" 25 by the way) and probably one of my greatest qualities is my sense of humor, outlook, and direction. As many of us, I have been through a lot in life, but I have never let it knock me down. In fact, I use those experiences as the strength to take me farther. I have worked in Technology for about 14 years, currently a Technology Manager for a Broadway Theater in NYC. My Part-time Passion is working as a direct sales rep for one of the most successful "romance enhancement" companies around. :rolleyes1 I have a beautiful and sassy 7-year old that I have totally rubbed off my Disney nerd factor on... and besides just being as loveable as can be, I totally enjoy living every day like its the best day of my life. If you want to see more pics, check out my 2011 TR below. :woohoo:

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who is breathing is always a good thing lol. Ok, really... I don't really believe in an ideal match, but I do believe that common threads create more common threads that can result eventually in your ideal match. So, with that said... have a sense of humor. Be passionate about something. Strive for the most in your career and with those around you. Know how to respect and uphold a good woman that is successful, intelligent, and passionate rather than being intimidated by that. Know, not just how to GET me, but how to KEEP me. Physically, I am almost 5'9", so someone taller is a plus. I don't have a race preference but if you never dated a black woman before, I may be a good "first run" for you lol. I don't bite (hard). Most of all, let's do Disney at least once or twice a year and we are good to go! I'm simple, don't ask for too much but respect, honesty, and enjoys the little things.
My post is way way back there so I think its time for an update!!

First Name: Brittany

Location: south florida, just 3 hours from the mouse :)

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: depends on the season brownish blondish and brown eyes

Body Type:I hate this question! I'm a normal girl, but our generation probably considers me curvy?

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: First I'm a full time mommy, then I am a nanny and run an e-store

Do you have any kids: Yes, 1 little boy i love to pieces!

Do you have any pets: Yes, kitties but I would live a dog if we ever move!

Favorite activities: camping, fishing, country concerts, random trips to Disney of course!

Favorite movie: Mrs. Doubtfire, ; Disney related: Lion King Monsters Inc. and

Favorite color(s): Light blue or grey

Favorite Disney character(s): I love the fairy godmother, and Mary Poppins

A little bit about yourself: here goes... I'm a big goofball and a huge country music fan, I try not to take anything too seriously unless I absolutely have to. I am very spontaneous and go to Orlando randomly throughout the year with my little man.

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who is goofy and can joke around. Someone who can go to a country show and sing with me dispite my bad voice. Someone who loves kids and understands my son always comes first!
First Name: Michael

Location: Northeast Massachusetts

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Shaved head/Hazel

Body Type: Few extra pounds

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Construction

Do you have any kids: 1 daughter (6)

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Sports, Disneyworld, Beach, Relaxing with friends.

Favorite movie: Batman; Dark Knight Rises

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Beast/Belle/Mickey

A little bit about yourself: I'm tall (think Beast tall),play most sports, the beach, and swimming. Hate smoking, liars, and arguing. Laid back and quiet for the most part.

A little bit about your ideal match:
Of course attraction is key, funny, smart, Disneylover, not too serious. Someone friendly and fun, with a sense of humor.
First Name: Courtney

Location: Michigan

Age: 38

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Brown

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: RN

Do you have any kids: 3 boys

Do you have any pets: Dog, Simba

Favorite activities: Disney, sports

Favorite movie: Song of the South; All Disney movies

Favorite color(s): Purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Goofy, Mickey, I really love them all!

A little bit about yourself: Quiet and shy

A little bit about your ideal match: Must love Disney! Honest and loyal!
First Name: Karen

Location: Lakeland, FL (less than hour from WDW!)

Age: 50

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brunette for the most part :rolleyes1, and greyish/greenish eyes

Body Type: BBW, but not happy about it, definitely working on it!

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Insurance claim adjuster

Do you have any kids: yes, one

Do you have any pets: yes, 1 dog, 1 cat, a bearded dragon and 2 degus

Favorite activities: Well, obviously, going to Disney. :goodvibes I love traveling, but I don't fly, so I go by foot, car, train, or boat, and consider the journey part of the trip. I suppose I should also let any prospective Disney partner know I don't do thrill rides, have a tricky stomach, so POTC, HM, Maelstrom are about my speed. :rolleyes2 I enjoy going to the movies, museums, spending time with family. I also enjoy camping and hiking. Don't hunt or fish.

Favorite movie: Hmmm, there are a few... Jaws, Tremors, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The 13th Warrior, the Harry Potter series.

Favorite color(s): deep burgundy, green, black

Favorite Disney character(s): Tink, Jasmine, Mickey

A little bit about yourself: This is always the hard part - I always either write too much or too little! I moved about 10 years ago to Florida from Long Island, NY, and love it - can easily do without snow and ice forever! Don't really see myself relocating, but then again, WDW is already less than an hour drive away (depending on traffic ), why would I need to move? :confused3 I'm a DVC member at AKL, and am a big animal lover. I'm a pro-choice liberal with the occasional conservative tendency. I respect most religions, but I don't currently follow any traditional belief system. Honesty is a huge priority. I don't smoke, do drugs, and drink only occasionally. Oh, and I'm not nearly as dull as I may sound on "paper". :rolleyes1

A little bit about your ideal match: Male. Taller than me (and I'm about 5'7"-5'8"). A little on the heavy side is fine, as I am "Pooh-size" myself, and while I'm working on bringing my weight down, I'm aware I will never be a twig! Caucasian or Hispanic. I generally date men that are younger than me (9 years was the biggest difference so far!), and would really prefer not to date too much older than me, maybe 3 or so years older...?

*Happy to be at HHI in 2009 and this past NYE - ringing in 2013 in WDW.

First Name: Lisa

Location: Toronto - but don't let that stop you! :goodvibes

Age:: 46

Hair/Eye Color: Auburn/most say blue - I say grey

Body Type: See above

Ethnicity: White as in really white a la sunscreen city :rolleyes1

Do you have any kids: No.

Favorite activities: Hand's down and back around - ROAD TRIPS! :drive: Who doesn't love a road trip? :confused3 Well, some people, I guess. But I have no understanding of such a creature. Laughing. Loudly.

Favorite movie: Can't choose.

Favorite color(s): No clue really. :rolleyes: I'm sure that makes me sound like a catch. :rotfl: ;)

Favorite Disney character(s): More a WDW - the place, the land, the resorts than a character girl. Although I ADORE the villains!:rolleyes1

A little bit about yourself: Did I mention I ADORE road trips? :goodvibes. Love the city. Love exploring cities - any and all but NYC - well my heart lives there. Love the ocean. Love the lake. Love spontaneity. Love travel. Love food. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.

A little bit about your ideal match: Well Jeff Van Gundy is ;) but he's married. So obviously entertaining matters more than anything else. And entertaining can mean different things to different people, right? :goodvibes But chemistry is chemistry. And chemistry is very important to me.

And if you don't live close - for me, that's not an issue. Who knows where anything can go and plus I enjoy meeting new people regardless.
First Name: Diana

Location: Buffalo, NY - but would love to live somewhere the sun shines once in a while

Age: 29 for two more months

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Blue

Body Type: Petite (only 5' 2")

Ethnicity: White - German/English

Occupation: Sales for a Frozen Food Manufacturer

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: A cat

Favorite activities: Going to Disney (of course) and reading

Favorite movie: For a laugh - The Hangover; For a cry - Return to Me

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Goofy and Sleeping Beauty

A little bit about yourself: I am a devote Christian. I am currently working full time as well as getting my MBA which does not leave a lot of free. I love my family and friends.
I try to get to Orlando as much as possible (love the Southwest direct flights). I am a proud DVC owner at Bay Lake Tower and Grand Floridian.

A little bit about your ideal match: I would like someone fun and funny.
First Name: Jade

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Age: 27


Hair/Eye Color:Brunette / Hazel

Body Type:Slim

Ethnicity:White, British

Occupation: Student

Do you have any kids:No

Do you have any pets:A chihuahua

Favorite activities:Go-karting, cinema, F1, skydiving, gaming, chilling with friends

Favorite movie:Despicable Me, Harry Potter, Star Wars

Favorite color(s):Purple

Favorite Disney character(s):Merida :)

A little bit about yourself: Full time postgraduate (masters) student, studying International Law and Security. I'm surprisingly intelligent, I hide it well at times but I am very down to earth, approachable and friendly.
First Name: Andrew

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Auburn / baby blue

Body Type: Athletic

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Purcasing manager

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Two goofy cats

Favorite activities: boating, exercising, being outdoors in general, building something around the house, planning the next Disney adventure

Favorite Movie: Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans... Cheesy movie: Top Gun... Disney movie: Lion King, Swiss Family Robinson

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Donald

A little bit about yourself: I am a hard working, kind, young professional with a huge passion for WDW. I recently purchased my dream house in Cleveland, Ohio and truly enjoy the never-ending list of projects that comes along with home ownership. I own a piece of the magic (Disney Vacation Club), and vacation to my home resort (VWL) at least once per year. Looking to add on with a second home resort to accommodate two trips annually - spring and fall.

A little bit about your ideal match: I'm looking for someone to share my love of WDW with, someone who understands it and might just be as crazy about the place as me! Or more, if that's even possible. My ideal girl would have her act together career wise, be loyal to a fault, and wear a crazy, infectious smile 7 days/ week.


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