Royal Me This, Royal Me That ~ Disney in December, How About That? *Update 6-1* P26

You are truly the mistress of suspense! What a cliffhanger!! I will look forward to next Sunday to find out what happened next! popcorn::

And speaking of popcorn, I had no idea there were souvenir buckets! I do not have any small toddler toys in the house to stow away and yet I still feel I must have this!!

I think your pirate evening worked out very well!! I'm glad you created a mom and HRH moment too! :goodvibes

So when we stopped in Canada

To pay homage to a bathroom?
That would've been the Outpost.
That sentence has ended in much scarier ways! ;)

I thought of Tink. I thought of all my reservations in taking this trip, all the reasons I'd talked about that didn't make it to public knowledge on the boards. And I remember us talking about moments like these. When it would be just me and my boy. And I'm glad that I created that moment for myself. Even if it meant mutiny.

See? I told you it would be worth it.
Like so many OTHER things. :D

And got stopped abruptly in the hallway.

And now you’ll all learn about...

Up next - A Royal Pain in the ...

I'm going to spoil TK's cliffhanger.
It was ME.
I'm the Royal Pain in the...
;) I can't wait to see what happened in a sort of slow down as you pass a car wreck sort of fascination......

Another mutiny LOL...that's awesome...I'm so glad you were able to have moments that were special just for you and HRH...cant' wait to hear more!
Another TK cliffhanger!!!!!>:!>!>!!>!>

Oh no! :scared1:

I love your mutiny! And I can't wait to find out what happened! :crazy2:
Okay girlie---you know you are KILLING us!!! Please tell me you are going to finish that sentence REAL SOON!
Ugh, getting stopped in Spaceship Earth brings back memories of our own forever-long SSE ride. :scared:

Kudos to you for your stolen moments with DS, but I am pretty sure the cliffhanger sentence is a party foul. ;)
......aawwwww maaaaaan:scared: you are such a tease TK. I though I was being smart saving up the last couple of posts to read together and you still manage to leave me on a cliffhanger:hyper: , sneaky sneaky:rotfl2:

Hee hee. I may be feigning royal for this trip report, but I'm still a pirate at heart. :lmao:

You are truly the mistress of suspense!

Dude, I love that title.

Mistress of Suspense.

Not Mistress of Depends. Which rhymes, but would just be gross. Albeit, sometimes necessary. ;)

And speaking of popcorn, I had no idea there were souvenir buckets! I do not have any small toddler toys in the house to stow away and yet I still feel I must have this!!

:scratchin Hmm....let's see. Perhaps you could store makeup? Golf balls? Batteries? Memory cards to your camera? Oh, hon, I'm sure we could come up for a reason for you to have one. Napkins! Napkins in your kitchen! ;)

I think your pirate evening worked out very well!! I'm glad you created a mom and HRH moment too! :goodvibes

Me, too. :goodvibes

To pay homage to a bathroom?
That would've been the Outpost.
That sentence has ended in much scarier ways! ;)

Sadly, yes. But not in this case. We were not channeling our inner ZZUB.

See? I told you it would be worth it.
Like so many OTHER things. :D

You did say that.


You were right.

Happy? ;)

I'm going to spoil TK's cliffhanger.
It was ME.
I'm the Royal Pain in the...

:rotfl2: My dear, you could never be a royal pain in the...

Although BF may disagree, but that's between you two. :lmao: I can't wait to see what happened in a sort of slow down as you pass a car wreck sort of fascination......

Another mutiny LOL...that's awesome...I'm so glad you were able to have moments that were special just for you and HRH...cant' wait to hear more!

In a lot of ways, this day is like one long car wreck.

Although there were some high points. And I'm so glad I stole that moment for us as well. I'd like to pretened I had this great foresight, but really, I was just so dang cold I needed to move and fast. :lmao:

Another TK cliffhanger!!!!!>:!>!>!!>!>

Oh no! :scared1:

I love your mutiny! And I can't wait to find out what happened! :crazy2:

:rotfl2: All in good time, my dear. :thumbsup2

Okay girlie---you know you are KILLING us!!! Please tell me you are going to finish that sentence REAL SOON!

Pretty soon. :rolleyes:

Ugh, getting stopped in Spaceship Earth brings back memories of our own forever-long SSE ride. :scared:

Kudos to you for your stolen moments with DS, but I am pretty sure the cliffhanger sentence is a party foul. ;)

I forgot about that! You know, I actually thought of you as well, I'm sorry I didn't put it in the trip report, because it wasn't in my notes! I remembered how you got stuck on there, and hoped it wouldn't be as long. :lmao:
I forgot about that! You know, I actually thought of you as well, I'm sorry I didn't put it in the trip report, because it wasn't in my notes! I remembered how you got stuck on there, and hoped it wouldn't be as long. :lmao:

"Please remain seated as our time travels may resume at any time." Seared into my brain, I tell you!!! :rolleyes:
Okay, guys, Photobucket is finally working for me! So without further ado, here are the photos that should have been in the last chapter.


HRH and His Royal Popcorn



I really liked this window display.


Lights for LL.


Holy ship mast, Batman!


I was actually stopped by Nana before I even made it to the room. And she gave me the wonderful news that our room had never been cleaned.

At. All.

And I don't just mean it was messily cleaned, I mean, they never cleaned it. Didn't replace towels, didn't make the beds, didn't take out the trash, nothing. And we didn't leave a dnd sign on the door or anything, so there was really no reason for this. Turns out Mom and Nana called the front desk and were heading down to complain in person.

I was so tired.

I couldn't go in the room, because I knew they'd get housekeeping up to at least do minimal things pretty quickly, so I found a little alcove with two chairs, sat my butt down and called Tink.

And we talked.

For a LONG time.

She made me feel better. And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Between her and her BF in the background, I was feeling a little lighter, savvy?

Well, as it turns out, Mom and Nana were able to get our room at least superficially cleaned, and eventually we could head in to FINALLY go to bed. They also procured a $100 credit, and two special fast passes per person to be used on any ride at any time. It was a nice score, don't get me wrong, but I was too tired to be truly excited.

And I have a little interjection here. Before we get on with the activities of that evening (not very exciting I'll admit) I have one thing to say.

I was disgusted with the lack of housekeeping. I know that hotels, even Disney hotels can have glitches. But to not clean a room at all? Ridiculous. Now, had it been me, DH, and DS I don't know how I would have handled it. We might have let it slide depending on how tired we were, but I was glad, truthfully, that I had Mom and Nana to handle it. And quite frankly, I wasn't surprised. Our check in was so great, something had to go wrong, especially given the kind of day it was.

And here's where we continue my little sideboard rant.

I was not at all impressed with housekeeping at the Yacht Club. They could have had an off day, they could have been short-staffed, there are lots of reasons. But I'm ready to tell you, here and now, that the best housekeeping I've had in recent trips has been the Pop Century. That is a CLEAN hotel. And I know there are some who will probably disagree. I'm talking about my experience, so take it with a grain of salt.

But in my experience, my best has been at Pop. Followed by the Wilderness Lodge. Followed by the Yacht Club. And it makes me sad that one of the most expensive deluxes on the property has a sad lack of service.

Now there are many, many things I enjoy about the Yacht Club, and the room not being clean one night wouldn't necessarily prevent me from staying there again. But I would never pay full price for it, that's for sure. And I'll step off of my little soapbox now and tell you a few things I did love.

I loved being able to walk to Epcot.

And that night, when we finally got in, I loved watching Illuminations from the room.

Yes, we just happened upon that moment, and it was wonderful. We all got to watch Illuminations together and it was the perfect way to end a not so perfect day. But it did have its highlights, don't get me wrong.

Riding on Soarin' for the first time. And there were points during dinner where I looked at my family, and although I was angry, I was also grateful. And glad. Because you never know how much time you'll have, and my little discomforts I could handle. My stolen moment with HRH, and photos taken on the walk back.

And Illuminations in the room. Definitely a highlight for me.

HRH was totally lovey and silly and I don't know what he was saying, but I know he made me laugh that night. I finally got us all pajamaed up and into bed, and thought finally! SLEEP!

Up next - Thank God We're Starting a New Day...I Hope

I was actually stopped by Nana before I even made it to the room. And she gave me the wonderful news that our room had never been cleaned.

At. All.


Oh no!!! excuse for that.

But I can't wait to see what you did with those Fast Passes! :thumbsup2

Because you never know how much time you'll have, and my little discomforts I could handle.

Amen, sister!

You are so right. Awesome that you remember those moments, too! And now they are documented here forever, too!

Up next - Thank God We're Starting a New Day...I Hope

A new day. Now that sounds nice! A TK new day! That even rhymes!

So...bring it on!

Well...I guess we will wait...since you did TWO awesome updates IN ONE DAY! That must have been some kinda nap!!!

and, I hope your little nugget feels better soon! :grouphug:
Sounds like there is a lack of oversight in the mousekeeping dept at YC. I mean the whole thing is computerized. After they clean a room they have to key it in on the phone.

Oh no!!! excuse for that.

But I can't wait to see what you did with those Fast Passes! :thumbsup2

Actually, there's a very sweet story that goes with those. :thumbsup2

Amen, sister!

You are so right. Awesome that you remember those moments, too! And now they are documented here forever, too!

I do. And that's precisely why I went on this trip. Regardless of how I would have done things, it wasn't about me.

A new day. Now that sounds nice! A TK new day! That even rhymes!

So...bring it on!

Well...I guess we will wait...since you did TWO awesome updates IN ONE DAY! That must have been some kinda nap!!!

and, I hope your little nugget feels better soon! :grouphug:

Thanks. He sounds congested, but he did take a great nap. :goodvibes

Sounds like there is a lack of oversight in the mousekeeping dept at YC. I mean the whole thing is computerized. After they clean a room they have to key it in on the phone.

You know, I didn't know that. That makes me feel worse! :sad2:
UGH... I feel your pain. To come back after a long Disney day and find out that you can't just fall into bed?? Torture!!

I agree with you that Pop housekeeping was great! Lots of towel animals! :thumbsup2
So sorry that they didn't clean your room. I am glad to hear that POP is clean as that is where we are staying. Looking forward to next weeks update.
UGH... I feel your pain. To come back after a long Disney day and find out that you can't just fall into bed?? Torture!!

And I was SO tired. But at that point, I just had to laugh about it, because there wasn't much else to do.

I agree with you that Pop housekeeping was great! Lots of towel animals! :thumbsup2

We got a ton of them the last time we stayed there. And they always decorated our window and arranged DS plush toys, it was very cute. I never knew what we'd find when we got back there. :goodvibes

So sorry that they didn't clean your room. I am glad to hear that POP is clean as that is where we are staying. Looking forward to next weeks update.

Thanks. Yes, I can't speak highly enough of Pop. I've had very good experiences there.
I found a little alcove with two chairs

NOW you were channeling your inner Z! LOL

sat my butt down and called Tink.

And we talked.

For a LONG time.

She made me feel better. And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Between her and her BF in the background, I was feeling a little lighter, savvy?

Do you know that when my phone rings and he asks who it is and I say it's you he now starts yelling "Hi Kitty Kat!" before I can even answer.


Anywho...ah yes. The evening at hand. I WILL say you were tired my dear. Flat out beat. I could hear it in your voice. And you needed to do some talking and I was happy to do some listening becaue as everyone now knows it had been a L-O-N-G day. But I will say this, when I hung up with you I knew, just knew, that you were happy to be Where the Magic Lives with your ladies and your lil' man.

I was disgusted with the lack of housekeeping.

I was worried about this at the Poly. I'd read the horror stories. But I'm happy to report we were very pleased. Not only was our room ALWAYS **** and span, but turndown was at the exact same time each day, so we always knew when to expect it AND the Mousekeepers were sweet as pie, always saying "Aloha!" and asking how we were enjoying ourselves.

And no, I'm not trying to convince you to go Poly next time you go DEluxe at all.

No siree Bob.




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