Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

^^Okay, THAT looks delicious. And I'm pretty sure I have the grey version of your slippers. #twinning
^^Okay, THAT looks delicious. And I'm pretty sure I have the grey version of your slippers. #twinning

Got those slippers for Christmas. They were free gift with purchase from Victoria Secret and I left a catalog for my husband with the very specific pajama pants I wanted him to purchase and the very specific free gift code he had to use to get the slippers too. I was "SO SURPRISED" when I opened them up on xmas morning. haha :)
Got those slippers for Christmas. They were free gift with purchase from Victoria Secret and I left a catalog for my husband with the very specific pajama pants I wanted him to purchase and the very specific free gift code he had to use to get the slippers too. I was "SO SURPRISED" when I opened them up on xmas morning. haha :)
Yep!! Also got mine with PJs. :)
Yep!! Also got mine with PJs. :)

Not much better than getting free things. Especially free things with my free things (since hubby gifts are technically free even though out of the same bank account.)

To take this thread back to running so that this can still qualify to be a running journal...this is how I justify spending extra money on a challenge right? It's a FREE extra medal? Right?
Not much better than getting free things. Especially free things with my free things (since hubby gifts are technically free even though out of the same bank account.)

To take this thread back to running so that this can still qualify to be a running journal...this is how I justify spending extra money on a challenge right? It's a FREE extra medal? Right?
Which challenge are we talking about here? :teeth:
I see your Tinks! I have no official decision yet...but the idea is out there in the roxymama family world. Just know that I see them :)

Week #1, Day #1 training update.
3 miles at 13:03 pace = 39:09
mile 1 13:09
mile 2 12:45
mile 3 12:46
total 38:44 (cause it took me a few seconds to remember to hit stop on my watch so I ran 3.04)

I ran outside instead of the treadmill because I had the daylight and this is a rather short workout in the grand scheme of things. I think that was good because although my mile 1 is most accurate for overall lap was ALL OVER THE PLACE. I went from feeling like I'd never be able to run this slow, to changing up my cadence and so many things to where I was almost speed walking and then I noticed I had dipped too low into the 14:30 area. It just took me awhile to get out of my old pace habits for my last training plan. I finally hit 13:00 even quite a bit after figuring out how to hit it and at the same time keeping my form like my normal good form. But as you can see that when I looked down my pace as always dipping faster. Not FAST...we aren't talking about race pace or even long run pace...but faster than the prescribed 13:03. this will be a work in progress.
My Thursday Tempo workout is on the treadmill this week which should prove easier to be accurate. I am glad that I tried this one outside though.

Also I bought a purse this morning for my sister's birthday. It is not Disney but for those who like purses even without mickey's face on them (yeah, like any of those people really exist right?) Kate Spade has a 75% off sale right now. I did not get anything for myself.

New mantra while running outside past volleyball court of people my age and telling myself that I don't need to sprint to show off because they literally don't care or even can tell I'm only running a 13 min mile today: "OH GET OVER YOURSELF."
Yes, I said that three times as I ran a loop around the park.

Get yourself something nice; I approve it!

On it's way to me

Not sure if I should thank you or curse you.

P.S. :tinker:
On it's way to me

Not sure if I should thank you or curse you.

P.S. :tinker:

OHHHH! I am in purse love! And let's be honest...that's practically a minnie mouse bag if you squint the right way. :)
We will need pics when you get it.
And its ok if you curse me. I'm used to it. My friends pretty much know I'm an enabler. Be thankful I don't post my makeup bargains here, I have a whole secret facebook group just for that.
total 38:44 (cause it took me a few seconds to remember to hit stop on my watch so I ran 3.04)

I ran outside instead of the treadmill because I had the daylight and this is a rather short workout in the grand scheme of things. I think that was good because although my mile 1 is most accurate for overall lap was ALL OVER THE PLACE. I went from feeling like I'd never be able to run this slow, to changing up my cadence and so many things to where I was almost speed walking and then I noticed I had dipped too low into the 14:30 area. It just took me awhile to get out of my old pace habits for my last training plan. I finally hit 13:00 even quite a bit after figuring out how to hit it and at the same time keeping my form like my normal good form. But as you can see that when I looked down my pace as always dipping faster. Not FAST...we aren't talking about race pace or even long run pace...but faster than the prescribed 13:03. this will be a work in progress.
My Thursday Tempo workout is on the treadmill this week which should prove easier to be accurate. I am glad that I tried this one outside though.

New mantra while running outside past volleyball court of people my age and telling myself that I don't need to sprint to show off because they literally don't care or even can tell I'm only running a 13 min mile today: "OH GET OVER YOURSELF."
Yes, I said that three times as I ran a loop around the park.

I still haven't figured out how to do a slow run outside! Every time I run outside, my heart rate is waaaay too high for what I'm shooting for right now. I need to just keep trying I guess. And, I LOVE your mantra while looping the park. Running is about you and your goals and nobody else! But sometimes we need to remind ourselves :)
I still haven't figured out how to do a slow run outside! Every time I run outside, my heart rate is waaaay too high for what I'm shooting for right now. I need to just keep trying I guess. And, I LOVE your mantra while looping the park. Running is about you and your goals and nobody else! But sometimes we need to remind ourselves :)

Treadmill and running outside is so cyclical with me. I am almost 100% treadmill for all the bad weather months and then it takes me some time get used to running outside again. Then when it's summer I run outside all the time and ignore the treadmill. And then it takes forever to get used to treadmill running again. I'm just a creature of habit so I just take time to adjust.

I think because I am fairly curvy (even though I'm shrinking a bit) and I don't look like an elite distance runner...I get this urge to want to prove to everyone I run past that I'm capable of being a good runner now. So when I am out in the neighborhood on my "easy" or "long" runs, I have to be real careful of not all of a sudden doing my "olympic qualifying" impression and pretend like I'm some world class sprinter every time I run past people.
Oh I forgot to mention that I do not have a heart rate monitor so I have no idea other than judging by my breathing and how I feel if I'm overdoing things. But that's super un-scientific. Sometimes I'd be afraid that I'd never be in the right zone and it would discourage me from running. So I've been too chicken to get one.
Oh I forgot to mention that I do not have a heart rate monitor so I have no idea other than judging by my breathing and how I feel if I'm overdoing things. But that's super un-scientific. Sometimes I'd be afraid that I'd never be in the right zone and it would discourage me from running. So I've been too chicken to get one.

I think if you did get a heart rate monitor that you'd be pleasantly surprised that the results fell in line with your goals.

Also, I have a hard time holding back when I see people when I'm out running too. Same mindset of, no really I can be faster than this. But I keep reminding myself, save it for race day.
I think if you did get a heart rate monitor that you'd be pleasantly surprised that the results fell in line with your goals.

Also, I have a hard time holding back when I see people when I'm out running too. Same mindset of, no really I can be faster than this. But I keep reminding myself, save it for race day.

Well I'd actually feel a lot better if I came up running by you while you were doing your "warm up" pace. I'd have to really hustle but I could hang for a while. I'd rather be ignorant of the fact it wasn't your race pace :)
Week #1, Day #2 Tempo Day...Dun dun dun

The first tempo run of any new plan is always monumental right? If not, it definitely is mental.

I thought I was going to be on the treadmill but my husband surprised me by being home when kiddo and I walked through the door. I cooked us all dinner and then at 7:05ish I decided to go do my run outside. Perfect timing since it had been storming all day and the rain was over. Did I mention the humidity though....HOOOO BOY. My eyelids were how is that even a thing?

So here was my plan vs what I actually did.
Mile 1 13:52 WU pace/ 13:21 actual; -31 sec
Mile 2 13:52 WU pace/ 13:24 actual; -28 sec
Mile 3 10:22 Tempo/ 10:07 actual; -15 sec
Mile 4 13:52 CD pace/ 13:29 actual; -.23 sec
Mile 5 13:52 CD pace/ 13:13 actual; - .39 sec

Yeah so that's a big 0/5 fail in the trying to get +/- 10 sec from my goal paces.
BUT this is the first time trying for these particular paces so I am cutting myself a little bit of slack. I don't know that I've ever intentionally tried to run 13 min or over. I had to be careful not to "jog differently" and screw up my form or hurt myself and I think I did a pretty okay job.
This was not a blind run so I was well aware of how I was doing the whole time. My mindset was that I would kind of stare at my watch off an on until I go myself up or down to about the right pace and then I'd try to internalize how that felt and then I'd try to run it without staring at my watch for awhile.
Then I'd look down and I'd inevitably be too fast. Not like monumentally too fast (that's my word of the day I guess), but 12:55 came up a lot. 13:30 was a popular one. Rarely over 13:45 which I was trying to so hard to get myself to do.
The actual tempo run was much more successful as a few glances down and I was hitting it right on the head. I'm much more used to running by feel in that kind of 10:20-10:30 zone as my recent 10k I was almost a metronome in that range.

So I have some work to do but at least I feel good today and I felt good after my run and can't discredit that. Can't always be perfect but at least my times weren't like 10:00, 13:00, 9:00, 20:00, get the idea.

I did listen to the brand new rundisney training playlist for the Wine n Dine weekend. I posted all the songs on the new thread for them on this board if anyone is interested. I give the playlist a solid B. Had some really fun ones and even the mellow ones fit in with my slower pace. BUT I got stuck with Beauty & the Beast for the beginning of my Tempo run and what a buzzkill, snoozefest that is while I'm trying to be "cool, fast, athlete girl." Oh well. I'm trying the Avengers playlist on Sunday for my long run :)
Week #1, Day #2 Tempo Day...Dun dun dun

The first tempo run of any new plan is always monumental right? If not, it definitely is mental.

I thought I was going to be on the treadmill but my husband surprised me by being home when kiddo and I walked through the door. I cooked us all dinner and then at 7:05ish I decided to go do my run outside. Perfect timing since it had been storming all day and the rain was over. Did I mention the humidity though....HOOOO BOY. My eyelids were how is that even a thing?

So here was my plan vs what I actually did.
Mile 1 13:52 WU pace/ 13:21 actual; -31 sec
Mile 2 13:52 WU pace/ 13:24 actual; -28 sec
Mile 3 10:22 Tempo/ 10:07 actual; -15 sec
Mile 4 13:52 CD pace/ 13:29 actual; -.23 sec
Mile 5 13:52 CD pace/ 13:13 actual; - .39 sec

Yeah so that's a big 0/5 fail in the trying to get +/- 10 sec from my goal paces.
BUT this is the first time trying for these particular paces so I am cutting myself a little bit of slack. I don't know that I've ever intentionally tried to run 13 min or over. I had to be careful not to "jog differently" and screw up my form or hurt myself and I think I did a pretty okay job.
This was not a blind run so I was well aware of how I was doing the whole time. My mindset was that I would kind of stare at my watch off an on until I go myself up or down to about the right pace and then I'd try to internalize how that felt and then I'd try to run it without staring at my watch for awhile.
Then I'd look down and I'd inevitably be too fast. Not like monumentally too fast (that's my word of the day I guess), but 12:55 came up a lot. 13:30 was a popular one. Rarely over 13:45 which I was trying to so hard to get myself to do.
The actual tempo run was much more successful as a few glances down and I was hitting it right on the head. I'm much more used to running by feel in that kind of 10:20-10:30 zone as my recent 10k I was almost a metronome in that range.

So I have some work to do but at least I feel good today and I felt good after my run and can't discredit that. Can't always be perfect but at least my times weren't like 10:00, 13:00, 9:00, 20:00, get the idea.

I did listen to the brand new rundisney training playlist for the Wine n Dine weekend. I posted all the songs on the new thread for them on this board if anyone is interested. I give the playlist a solid B. Had some really fun ones and even the mellow ones fit in with my slower pace. BUT I got stuck with Beauty & the Beast for the beginning of my Tempo run and what a buzzkill, snoozefest that is while I'm trying to be "cool, fast, athlete girl." Oh well. I'm trying the Avengers playlist on Sunday for my long run :)

For your WU/CD, you can go as fast as EA and it still is within the level of effort desired. So that means anything between 13:03-13:52 is within pace. So congrats you were 4/5 yesterday! :D


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