Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

For your WU/CD, you can go as fast as EA and it still is within the level of effort desired. So that means anything between 13:03-13:52 is within pace. So congrats you were 4/5 yesterday! :D

HUZZAH! Ok, so that will make things easier. At least I know I can "float around" in that 13:03 to 13:52 blob and not have to try to be so pinpoint accurate for the WU/CD's. I'm sure once my tempos go for longer than a mile I will be more than happy to float closer to the actual 13:52 anyways.
So here was my plan vs what I actually did.
Mile 1 13:52 WU pace/ 13:21 actual; -31 sec
Mile 2 13:52 WU pace/ 13:24 actual; -28 sec
Mile 3 10:22 Tempo/ 10:07 actual; -15 sec
Mile 4 13:52 CD pace/ 13:29 actual; -.23 sec
Mile 5 13:52 CD pace/ 13:13 actual; - .39 sec

Props for a tempo run outdoors! Looks like you were in a good place for the first time at new paces! I'm terrible at keeping target paces so I've only done tempo once not on the treadmill.

did listen to the brand new rundisney training playlist for the Wine n Dine weekend. I posted all the songs on the new thread for them on this board if anyone is interested. I give the playlist a solid B.

When I looked at the playlist I was worried that it wouldn't be "peppy" enough (Beauty and the Beast jumped out to me as well) but I'd like to try it out once, especially since my current workout playlist is getting pretty stale.
Props for a tempo run outdoors! Looks like you were in a good place for the first time at new paces! I'm terrible at keeping target paces so I've only done tempo once not on the treadmill.

When I looked at the playlist I was worried that it wouldn't be "peppy" enough (Beauty and the Beast jumped out to me as well) but I'd like to try it out once, especially since my current workout playlist is getting pretty stale.

Yeah treadmills make tempo runs a lot easier; just up the little speed button/turn off my brain/and survive til it's over!
But I like running outside so much more even if keeping track of pace isn't as easy.

I'm gonna try the avengers rundisney playlist tomorrow. See if that's peppier. Though (confession) I've never seen an Avengers movie....gasp! I've only seen the first Iron Man and Ant man.
Okay, I'm too far behind to actually comment on anything (that's what I get for being mostly away from the DIS for a week), but I just wanted to stop by and say (again, since I'm sure I've said it before) ... you're awesome!

Also ... :tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker::tinker:
Awww thanks @SarahDisney I think you are awesome too! I wonder why people keep leaving me all these Tinks in their comments??????
Oops I just left one for myself....I think it's contagious.

Earlier yesterday my hubby did a "dress rehearsal" for his triathlon next week. So he drove his car with his bike on the car-rack to a local lap pool. He set up a transition area inside his car basically and locked his bike up next to it. Then he swam in the gym and literally ran outside. He got one comment from a locker-room troll saying dismissively "done already???" to which he said "I'm in a triathlon", so I hope that genuinely confused the dude. He ran out and biked out and back to the car, then locked it up and ran. All around the town in his tri-gear.
I guess he wasn't tired enough when he got home because he suggested we all go for a hike along a lake he saw off the trail he was biking on. So we did a family hike and kiddo did such a good job collecting leaves in her backpack and looking for different kinds of trees, etc.
When we got home it was almost 7pm and he put on a taped Australian Iron Man from some sports channel. And I said I was going out on my "long run". So I'd say we had a pretty active day as a family unit. Oh and kiddo worked on her backstroke and breaststroke at swim school in the morning.....yeeeesh it's like we are active people now or something.

Week #1, Run 3
Should be 3 miles at 11:48 pace (so the shortest of my long runs for the training plan)
I must mention that I had a low battery on my garmin so Mile 1 through about 1.25 I had my watch to help, but then I got the dreaded low battery black box until I was able to hit a few buttons to make it go away right around mile 2.5. So much of this run was a bit of a blind run. Oooops. I still got all my stats and the watch didn't die until a lil bit after I was home.
Mile 1: 11:27, -21 sec
Mile 2: 10:56, -52 sec...oooooops
Mile 3: 11:23, -25 sec

Yeah, so I blame watching inspirational Iron Man people, then turning on the rundisney Avengers superhero playlist and then having my watch conk out on me. If it helps...I "thought" I was being slower than my old LR pace of 11:15ish during that blind mile+. And it's the thought that counts right? So, goal next week is to A) CHARGE MY WATCH! and B) Try to hit the goal pace better so I memorize the effort. Also maybe save the Avengers playlist for my next tempo me feeling all super-powery.

Sidenote on Superhero music....anyone go to Six Flags theme parks growing up? I was a coaster "enthusiast" in my younger days and I can't listen to this music without feeling like I'm in line for Batman the ride or some other Marvel Universe roller coaster. My brain still does not compute how these movies are now linked with WDW.

In other "active" family hubby downloaded pokemon Go on Friday just to see if my daughter showed any interest in taking a walk around to hunt for them. We brought her wagon. We only caught three actual pokemons...but the whole time she was "finding them" all over the place in her imagination. She'd point at a house and say "there's a robot animal in that bush." So for anyone who has young kids, save your money and just play Pokemon Imaginary Friends.

@ZellyB Did you get your purse yet??? Hubby may have spoiled me with one in the mail (because my text to him joking to buy me something turned into him actually buying me something) but I did not want to steal your purse thunder :) I'll try to take a pic of mine today.

And finally, because this post isn't long enough....I've been green-lit to start researching for our next WDW vacay for Halloween time 2017. Wooooop. Clean slate, no idea on resort or week and gotta figure out who all in our fam is going. And sadly, this will be non-running related trip...but I really want to be a cool runner person who wakes up early and goes for a resort jog. :)

Ok, stay tuned later today for any purse and foodie pics...because I'm sure I'll have some to share.
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Nice job on the run and :rotfl:on running too fast because you watched inspirational Ironman people!! They got you too pumped up. :)

No purse yet, but it has shipped. YAY!!! It is supposed to arrive Wednesday. Post yours anyway...I wanna see it. popcorn::
Nice job on the run and :rotfl:on running too fast because you watched inspirational Ironman people!! They got you too pumped up. :)

No purse yet, but it has shipped. YAY!!! It is supposed to arrive Wednesday. Post yours anyway...I wanna see it. popcorn::

What if I were to tell you that I'm like 89% sure it's the same purse you are getting? Just not sure about if it came in different sizes. I solemnly swear I had nothing to do with the exact purse I got...I sent a link of all the purses to my hubby and said "go crazy, hide anything for me for birthday/Christmas" and he doesn't read this journal (or OMG maybe he does???), he went to my BFF for sneaky help. But like I said...I'm pretty sure I have the same purse as you as a total coincidence, haha. He made me open the box this that shows you how good we are at "waiting" to give each other presents.
Please don't be creeped out/not my fault!....I LOVE IT THOUGH and if it is the same exact one, you will LOVE it too. So I wanted to wait to post cause I didn't want to take away the "yay" factor for you when you open yours :)

My sis' purse comes in her mail today and she doesn't know yet. I'll have her snap a pic once I know she got it. It's totally a different purse though. :)
:cool1: Not creeped out at all. Just means we both have great taste!! Can't wait to see the picture of it here.
:cool1: Not creeped out at all. Just means we both have great taste!! Can't wait to see the picture of it here.

Oh good! I was floored when I opened it. And was like "wait a minute! I've seen this one before!" It was an exciting day. My kiddo wanted me to take it on our hike. Nope...can't get this beauty dirty yet!
Roxykiddo is posing with her princess purse, so you can see it's bigger than a toddlers head :)!!! (Pardon our weekend toy-fun all over my floor. And yes my child only wears Disney clothes!)
I LOVE it!! Can't wait to get it and thanks for the visual comparison to a toddler's head. LOL It's always hard to tell size from photos so that perspective helps. She's adorable!!
This week in training at a glance.

Week #2
Mon 8/1: The Bachelor Finale! Which former-college-sportsguy with swoopie hair, a v-neck t-shirt and good teeth will she choose? And which swoopie-haired guy will be the next Bachelor. And what color v-neck t-shirt will he wear?
Tue 8/2: 3 mi EA
Wed 8/3: Off, likely doing 7 min basement workout
Thur 8/4: 2 mi WU, 2 mi Tempo, 2 mi CD on a treadmill....MOST MILES EVER FOR A WEEKDAY NIGHT!!!!
Fri 8/5: Off, Olympic Opening Ceremonies!
Sat 8/6: 4 mi LR in the morning. Travel to Naperville. Hubby's pre-triathlon clinic.
Sun 8/7: Off, Hubby's Naperville triathlon :)

Everything looks do-able. I'm most nervous about the Thursday run. Not any single section of it will be difficult, it's more getting through all of it combined on the treadmill. But at least I'll have the treadmill pace set so I can turn off that part of my brain. I feel the key is to pick out good podcasts for the WU and CD and then probably grab that avengers playlist again for the Tempo section. Maybe I'll count how many people start runs and finish runs while I'm still going? Wish me luck!
Looks like a good week ahead of training. How is it August already??? I don't watch the Bachelor, but that post made me LOL.
Looks like a good week ahead of training. How is it August already??? I don't watch the Bachelor, but that post made me LOL.
I'm stealing this tweet about who will be the next bachelor.....I mean they are all so different, how could anyone choose? I think the current Bachelorette has a "type."
^^I also don't watch the Bachelor but that is hilarious. It's 2016, people!

And you know I'm loving
1. your new purse,
2. your kiddo rocking that Ariel t-shirt, and
3. your Friday plans....EEEEK!!! :yay:
Your active family stories exhaust me! Triathalon training, swimming kiddo, hiking, running ... I'd fall asleep exhausted after about half of that.

I hate to say this, but ... as someone who has been to Six Flags many times and is becoming a bit of a superhero enthusiast, I have to correct you. Six Flags is DC Comics characters. Disney is Marvel. But I still get Six Flags throwbacks every time I see Marvel stuff, even though I know it's wrong. It's because I like DC better! (don't tell anyone)

Good luck with the Thursday run ... there's a lot of miles and a lot going on, but I know you can rock all three parts of the run!
Your active family stories exhaust me! Triathalon training, swimming kiddo, hiking, running ... I'd fall asleep exhausted after about half of that.

I hate to say this, but ... as someone who has been to Six Flags many times and is becoming a bit of a superhero enthusiast, I have to correct you. Six Flags is DC Comics characters. Disney is Marvel. But I still get Six Flags throwbacks every time I see Marvel stuff, even though I know it's wrong. It's because I like DC better! (don't tell anyone)

Good luck with the Thursday run ... there's a lot of miles and a lot going on, but I know you can rock all three parts of the run!

Ahhhhh that makes sense. I am so not well versed on my super-hero families. So it's safe to say if there is a Batman walking around Disneyworld, don't pose with him? :)

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm less worried about completing the 6 miles than being bored out of my gourd on the treadmill for over an hour. I think if I can mentally will myself through it then I'll have more confidence that it can be done again.

And yeah...we are kind of a crazy "always doing something" family...but we also know how to sit on our backsides for hours with the best of them.
And here is MY kate spade bag in all it's glory...shown here next to an adult head for comparison sake. ;)


I love it!!! Thanks for posting about the awesome sale!

Purse Twins! I had to drop everything I was doing to comment...YAAAAY! I really have been loving it the last couple of days. It really is such a good size and I feel like I got away with something...considering how much big doonies or other "all leather" nice purses cost.
And that is too funny about comparing it to an adult head, bwahahahah!
@ZellyB My sister got her purse too! Happy Purse Week to us! (That's not a real thing, but it is National Chocolate Cookie Day today)

Her bday was end of last week and we see each other on Monday, but I couldn't help mailing her this surprise. If you knew my sis, you'd know this is perfect for her. A lil' ladybuy hipster bag.


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