Peeps, restrooms and drunks. A hot, sweaty Asian TR=Feb 08-4/27-Okay folks.....

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that view from the balcony is so worth it. that looks great.

not remembering how u got home and sleeping in your clothes = :sad2:

:rotfl2: :lmao:
Chapter 35. Tuesday, February 5th. Day 6. Part 5. A meltdown.

So when I last left you. We had just finished the Maharajah Jungle Trek and as evidenced by the picture of me on the bench, I was more than ready to go back to the room.....

As we walked to the exit of Asia, we noticed a crowd of people. Hmmm....what's going on?

It's a bit past's the Jammin Jungle Parade of course.:headache:

If you've read any of my PTR, you know I am NOT a parade type of guy. Not that I bag on anyone who is into them. I'm just not into them myself.

And Rob & I aren't into them either. But I have to admit that I kinda liked SpectroMagic, and only if I can sit down and watch it.

" I can't believe I have to sit here and watch this stupid parade."

"Don't they know that I ate Onion Rings for lunch? I'm ready to explode. Quick someone find me a Depends..."

"Do they know how much angst they caused me with all the ADR changing before the trip...and all for nothing!!!!"

"I'm hot."

"I'm sweaty."

"I'm stinky."

"I'm tired."
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: This is very funny!

Here's Kim and a long lost friend:
Kim slept with Winky? :scared1: :rotfl2:

Here's me and how I was feeling all day after eating the Onion Rings:

And I know I'm behind on your updates. I'll catch up, eventually! :flower3:
Hey Jordan,
#1-I am Sorry if my "if you have kids in your future" post bugged you, it is a sticky subject sometime. But I thought the drinking after a night of crying sounded about right!

#2- I don't like parades either. We can skip them all. I grew up with them and am done with it. We caught the P&PP parade b/c there was no where to go(it was a roadblock) but DID enjoy seeing Capt jack on the float.

#3-this is more for robojo and wendy, but HOW was the spa? Don't you LOVE that fresh from the spa, hangover-y refreshed, ''give me some water' type feeling??

Loving the TR!!

Chapter 36. Tuesday, February 5th. Day 6. Part 6. The Crying Game.
Erin is so cute for popping in all those pictures. I was waiting for the picture with her helping out the chef!

And good for you for dealing with the crying. That had to be rough. Kids just sometimes cry. I think she's at that age where she knew here parents were gone? Back in 2003, when Rob & I tried to have our own evening in Epcot, the grandparents were watching Evan & Alec. Alec was 2½ at the time. He just cried and cried and cried for daddy. Finally, my dad called and asked us to come back as all 4 of them were exasperated. So, we went back, got a takeout pizza at the BoardWalk and the grandparents went to CapeMay Cafe. I think they just wanted to get away! :rotfl2:

Oh, and Alec is now a mommy's boy! :cloud9:
Woooo what a crazy night you must have had, Jordan! :lmao: I was cracking up reading all of your commentary! At least you found your wallet, that could have been bad. I can't get over how cute all the kids are, they're adorable! Great update!
:lmao: Waking up in the morning and not remembering how you got back to the hotel, don't worry that has happened to me before too. :sad2:
Aparently they were told us Americans want bread with every meal! :goodvibes I really don't know what gave them that idea...:rolleyes1

It's like telling Japanese they want rice with every meal.....oh wait we do....;)

MMMM...looks heavenly - especially the nap part! :thumbsup2 And as for how you got to your bed, and "What happened last night anyway?" What happens in the World stays in the World, right? Glad you found your wallet!

Our room was in a perfect location.

Between dropping the guy off and getting to bed is not something I remember.:confused3

all caught up again! great updates as usual. Poor baby J, but you coped with it, anytime you are in the UK your more than welcome to babysit my 2!!!!

Sounds like your night on the boardwalk was interesting to say the least! good for you helping that man back to the hotel most people would have just walked past head down.

The spa looks amazing definately think i need to have a morning out leave dh with the boys and have some pampering for myself.

The views from the BWV are fantastic. what time in the morning was that as it looks so quiet and peaceful.

Both Wendy and Robo seemed to enjoy their treatments.

The views are fantastic. Can you believe it was about 11am and no one was around at the pool?

The Mandara Spa looks really nice. Did Wendy and RoboJo have a good time? I wonder what treatments they got.

I love the sleeping pictures. The one of Dylan is just too cute!

The Beach Club looks so beautiful. I definitely want to stay there soon. Maybe I need to buy DVC points.

I think the next trip report you do should be titled "Drinking Around the World" :lmao:

BTW, what's the best place for a late night cocktail?

Wendy had the pregnancy massage and some Hands and Feet treatment. Robo had the Swedish Massage and then hung out in the spa area.

I really didn't drink that much....:rolleyes1

Great updates as always!!
:teeth: so cute with Dylan standing to watch TV. My DH does that a lot!

Glad the good samaritan did not get squished!

The view looks beautiful. Sigh...someday.

I just wanted to make sure he didn't fall. I didn't know I'd almost be roadkill.:scared1: :eek:

Nothing funnier then a drunk running after another drunk... do you remember his life story but you couldn't remember where you slept that night????

I don't remember any news stories about a drunk man overboard on a Disney cruise so your drunken friend must have done OK on his cruise.

I must've been bobbin and weavin myself.

You know the last drink didn't hit me until I had been walking awhile..In fact, I still might've had a cup in my hands...I'm not sure.:confused3

How much did you drink? :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
That would of be aweful if youre wallet was stolen. luckly, it was just a drunken stooper!:dance3:

Nice legs Jordan! :woohoo:

quite a bit to drink I think....

I haven't been drunk in a very long time. That was a first in about 2 years. The spa looked so relaxing! Maybe that's something I should add for our next trip during the "DH is finally coming with us so I can do the things I can't usually do while travelling alone with kid(s)" portion of our trip.

Nice updates all around! The relaxing morning looks very peaceful, though I have to say, I'd probably look a lot like Kim on the couch waiting (impatiently, at least for me) for everyone to be ready to get going.

Wendy and I made sure there was at least one girl's day out. Kim didn't feel like doing it:confused3

I feel for Kim who is an early riser.

Poor Kim! Did she really have to wait EVERY day for everyone else to get ready? That can put a damper on anyone's vacation, even at WDW!

Oh, BTW, another entertaining post. Except the part you failed to mention - Dylan's soiled diaper. :faint:

She did have to wait because she ran every morning early so she was usually the first one ready.
'Dude.....don't PUKE.....DON'T PUKE!"

Why was he wasted drunk ifhe was going on a cruise tomorrow?? Did he want to GUARANTEE pukage??

Wallet IN the couch....huh?? :rotfl2:

Glad you all got to catch up on your sleep. I love the pic of Dylan....lounge sleeper....

Better commentary next week.

Puking doesn't bother me too much as I have done it so much myself (is that TMI?)

I know that guy was going to hurting the whole cruise.

Wallet in the couch was definitely lucky for drunk me.


maybe we will meet there for dinner on one of our trips that overlap.
we have planted the seed in some of our friends for a fall trip for 2009 to consist of a few days in disney and a cruise.:cool1: she said her husband would love that, he has never been to disney and she has been and gone on cruises for disney before.

Fall 09? I don't know if I can wait that long. How can you wait? Oh that's right you having a cool...

Dan said:
darn it wish that you cold have remembered or somone with you remebered what happened.

I think I went straight to the room......:rolleyes1

Dan said:
i bet you could have made up a really funny story, and everyone would have believed it.

I know I should've...

Dan noon getting to theparks.:headache: i am already 4 hours into the parks and done withlunch by this time [/QUOTE said:
I wish I was more like that, but staying up late combined with jet lag seem to put a damper on that.

Maybe it's the pastor thing that draws people to you? :confused: :confused3

Hmmmm.....never thought of that. Good memory by the way.

Oh my! A "few" drinks, huh?

You know you had a good night when you can't find your wallet the next morning!

And you're still in your clothes.

Joanne or Julie said:
All the sleeping pics are so cute. I love how Dylan looks like he's just chillin.

Your pics of the resort make me want to stay there so badly!!!!

2 are sleeping pics, one is a passed out pic......

BCV is a great place to stay.

Wow, the spa looks beautiful!

:rotfl: I have to laugh becuase it looks like my DS every morning on vacation!

I had heard good things about the spa (Thanks KathyRN) and I think Wendy and Robo both enjoyed it.

that view from the balcony is so worth it. that looks great.

not remembering how u got home and sleeping in your clothes = :sad2:

:rotfl2: :lmao:

Just about 5 months, you can have the same view......
I absolutely LOVE your pictures, they are fantastic!! Poor Kim, she looked so bored waiting for everyone :rotfl:. Jordan, you really need to stop talking to drunk people, they want to tell you their life stories.

Hey, maybe you could write a book about the "Life and Times of Drunk People at Disney" and make a ton of money, then you can have your own DVC and spend even MORE time in WDW :banana:. Just a thought ;). I can't wait to read more popcorn::.
And Rob & I aren't into them either. But I have to admit that I kinda liked SpectroMagic, and only if I can sit down and watch it.

That is the one parade that I would probably watch.

DM said:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: This is very funny!

You know you have those inner yelling sessions, but on the outside remain cool. I wonder if they could tell I was mad?

DM said:
Kim slept with Winky? :scared1: :rotfl2:

She did..but not voluntarily.;)

Hey Jordan,
#1-I am Sorry if my "if you have kids in your future" post bugged you, it is a sticky subject sometime. But I thought the drinking after a night of crying sounded about right!

#2- I don't like parades either. We can skip them all. I grew up with them and am done with it. We caught the P&PP parade b/c there was no where to go(it was a roadblock) but DID enjoy seeing Capt jack on the float.

#3-this is more for robojo and wendy, but HOW was the spa? Don't you LOVE that fresh from the spa, hangover-y refreshed, ''give me some water' type feeling??

Loving the TR!!


1. No worries. It didn't bother me at all...I get asked all the time. I love kids, but can always give them back at the end of the day.

2. The specialty parades might be fun to see and MAYBE Spectro, but other than that, Meh.

3. I'll let WendyO comment on her Spa experience.

Erin is so cute for popping in all those pictures. I was waiting for the picture with her helping out the chef!

And good for you for dealing with the crying. That had to be rough. Kids just sometimes cry. I think she's at that age where she knew here parents were gone? Back in 2003, when Rob & I tried to have our own evening in Epcot, the grandparents were watching Evan & Alec. Alec was 2½ at the time. He just cried and cried and cried for daddy. Finally, my dad called and asked us to come back as all 4 of them were exasperated. So, we went back, got a takeout pizza at the BoardWalk and the grandparents went to CapeMay Cafe. I think they just wanted to get away! :rotfl2:

Oh, and Alec is now a mommy's boy! :cloud9:

She definitely had a reason for crying....that's coming up....on day 8 or 9.

Woooo what a crazy night you must have had, Jordan! :lmao: I was cracking up reading all of your commentary! At least you found your wallet, that could have been bad. I can't get over how cute all the kids are, they're adorable! Great update!

I did have a crazy night....not the only one I had though.....

Great update, I think, except for the drunk guy. Cute sleeping pics, I think, except for the drunk guy. :rotfl2:

What was the spa treatment??

Drunk guy was harmless..kind of funny.

Passed out guy more like.

I'll let Wendy tell you about her treatments.

:lmao: Waking up in the morning and not remembering how you got back to the hotel, don't worry that has happened to me before too. :sad2:

I don't do that often anymore as I don't drink that much anymore....really

Sounds like you did everything right with Baby J, yet she still cried and cried! (Sounds like she's getting ready to cut a tooth.) Did I guess right?? What's my prize!! :laughing:

Ooooh, those pix of Mandara Spa bring back great memories....soooo relaxing! :thumbsup2

You are absotively right about relaxing at WDW... we are planning on doing a whole lot more of that this time around!!

(Oh those cutie-pie-kids... just want to eat 'em up!!)

I absolutely LOVE your pictures, they are fantastic!! Poor Kim, she looked so bored waiting for everyone :rotfl:. Jordan, you really need to stop talking to drunk people, they want to tell you their life stories.

Hey, maybe you could write a book about the "Life and Times of Drunk People at Disney" and make a ton of money, then you can have your own DVC and spend even MORE time in WDW :banana:. Just a thought ;). I can't wait to read more popcorn::.


Thanks I always had the DIS in mind when taking pix...:thumbsup2

I didn't realize Kim had those expressions until I got back from vacation. Kim should've just gone ahead..I would've.

I didn't stop talking to drunk people as you'll see in my report.

The book idea doesn't sound half bad........hmmm.........:idea: :scratchin

Sounds like you did everything right with Baby J, yet she still cried and cried! (Sounds like she's getting ready to cut a tooth.) Did I guess right?? What's my prize!! :laughing:

Ooooh, those pix of Mandara Spa bring back great memories....soooo relaxing! :thumbsup2

You are absotively right about relaxing at WDW... we are planning on doing a whole lot more of that this time around!!

(Oh those cutie-pie-kids... just want to eat 'em up!!)


Can I just say I love when you or Tracy or Dan or Julie or Leyla stop by...:grouphug: It takes me back 5-6 already that long ago.

I gave you a shout out for recommending it in one of my replies.

She wasn't cutting a 8 or 9 will let you know what happens....

I want to do even more relaxing the next WDW trip...I always say that though.
Dylan doing his favorite thing...

You know what I LOVE about WDW? This:

I couldn't find my wallet anywhere.......I looked and looked. I began to think Drunk Beach Club Guy was actually a pickpocket and somehow lifted my wallet......

Until Derek informed me I had slept/passed out on the couch the previous night. Funny I don't remember that. I also slept in my clothes. So we looked IN the couch...and there was my wallet.....What happened last night anyway?

Around 12:15pm, Kim and I finally took the ferry over to DHS..and guess who joined us...finally:

I love that picture. Reminds of Loud Girl every single morning from the age of 2 to 4. :)

I'm with you on the views and beauty of WDW. That's part of the experience. It's really the only reason to stay on site, and well worth every dime.

I've lost my wallet before and it drove me crazy trying to find it. I had left it in a jacket pocket. :headache:
JORDAN!!! Oh my gosh! I don't know how I've missed this TR for so long. But I'm here. I'm about half way through your installments, and I've laughed out loud at least 12 times... maybe 13!;)

Sooo jealous of your LONG trip with alone time, friend time, and angry mob time!! Going back to catch up.....

You've got to stay away from drunks! :rotfl2:

The spa looks great!
Beautiful pictures. Tell me did your realy drink that much the night before or were you fine until you breathed in the drunk man's alchohol fumes:rolleyes:
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