Our 15 day summer adventure to WDW! NEW TR LINK 11/6 pg. 49!!

Love, Love, Love, your trip report! Can't wait for more! I'll be having the same meal at LeCelliar in a couple weeks. Yum! All the stuff you ordered is what I always get! Maybe I'll change up the dessert this time and get the Campfire Smores instead of the "Moose", we'll see!
Great update!!

It really does seem like you all are stalking each other :rotfl:

But so cool that you all are having so much fun together :goodvibes

Le Cellier looks so yummy. Might have to try and get a reservation there :thumbsup2

That was funny about the Kim Possible phones :rotfl2:
Diane, did you have the risotto with your mushroom filet or did you go with the mashed potatoes? I always get the risotto but am seeing that many DIS friends order the taters. Just wondering...
Love the fact that you keep running into the T&L gang, fun times!
Diane, every time I start missing Disney World, I log on and find another of your wonderful updates! :goodvibes That's too funny that you kept running into Tim and Lesley!

I have to say that I thought the Great Britain Kim Possible was my favorite of all the missions! Did you have to go into the tea shop? I loved that part the most!
Another great update and dinner! I guess you got to the buses before the mass exit... smart thinking to wait till Illuminations is in your backyard!
Great update! Loved reading all about your day and the parts we entered into it. Awesome photo of Luke and the pretzel, I forgot you took that of him when we ran into you guys! Can't wait for more!
Have never been to Chef Mickey's...maybe next time;)

What a nice day you had. I know Peg's 2 girls and Jasmine want to do the KP missions along with Geodoc...I just want a Grey Goose Slushie, bench and people watch with Peg....hope she wants that too or I'm on my own.:lmao:

Too funny how you keep running into Tim and Lesley....helps when you're at the same resort too, how lucky for all of you:goodvibes

Le Cellier is one of our favourite restaurants....Jasmine and I did it for the first time when we went solo in 2006 and have booked every year since, sometimes twice in one trip:lovestruc

Can't wait for more, great pics too by the way. Oh, and I told Jas that you said pics are mandatory and she said, Well for Diane, I'll do it:banana: Thanks Diane:cloud9:
Hi Diane, been following the report since the beginning and finally decided that I'm on this board so much that I should just join! LOL!!! I see your from NJ, we're practically neighbors. I live right over the bridge in Philly!!! Thanks again for sharing, I'm really enjoying it and it certainly is getting me excited for my upcoming trip. Reese
We crashed HARD!
Man, I love how hard we nap in Disney! Your body is just SO tired!!

I look over and he is CRYING! I asked what was the matter and he said he felt like he was going to faint!:scared1: I kept staring at him and then he looked like he was going to throw up!
:sad2:Oh no! Poor little guy! I'm glad he felt better soon!

It was so great to hear her voice (corny I know).
No, not corny! The first time she called me, and I saw her name on my ID, I got pretty nervous ! It is so cool to finally hear someone's voice after you've "known" them for years!! ha!

They were great and we felt like long lost friends!
::yes:: Totally know what you mean! So glad you guys got to meet them, and spread the Disney magic by providing fast passes to their favorite ride! How cool!

I just love how HAPPY they look!!
Eric replies " I big, I'm buff, I'm tough and I'm 7" we all DIED laughing at that one!
ME TOO!! :lmao:

Afterwards we headed over to Mission Space! GREEN TEAM ONLY!
Have you guys ever tried orange? Or did you have a bad experience on it? I can't stand doing the green side (tho I will ride it if I have to)... it's just so un-exciting after experiencing orange!!

Once at Soarin, we asked for the front row and we were so excited that we got it!
:thumbsup2 Good for you! There is NO other way to ride Soarin' IMHO!

Doesn't Eric look thrilled!


That is a forced smile if I've ever seen one!

I never realized that you could be seated outside so when I checked in the hostess told me that sitting inside was a request NOT a guarentee, OK WHAT, in this heat!
WHAT?!?! REALLY!?! That is crazy! Glad I know that now, thanks!

The food pictures looked scrumptious! It has been a long time since we've eaten at Rose and Crown. Need to get back soon!
We go to walk back to the front of the park and these 2 birds come out of nowhere and fly REALLY close to Eric....NOT GOOD!
:eek: That sounds scary!!

We decide the Beach Club bus stop was our destination!

I LOVE this place. Thanks for giving me my BCV fix through such great pictures!

We waited FOREVER for a bus, the longest wait all trip at 35 minutes!

My longest bus waits have always been at BC... not sure why...:confused3

The whole process for this is SO CUTE! First you choose a color for your shirt and then your size and then there all types of options for graphics or phrases, whether you want to create your own or use one they already have!
This looks so neat. I can't wait to let Tyson get his hands on that!

We started to run short on time so we were trying to find the BEST/QUICKEST way to get back to Saratoga.........HMMMMMM!

Ooooo.. did you walk? Or take a boat? Guess I better keep reading!

What a nightmare.. and in the afternoon heat. Doesn't sound fun at all!!

I think it's great that in your pictures, my pictures, and Lesley's pictures, there are lots of Disney shirts (obviously) and Yankee pride!!:cheer2:

I felt guilty for about..........................5 seconds because Bryan couldn't have any!
:laughing::laughing: Meanie!

Once again, the food pictures are superb! We have been to Kona for breakfast (have you? Tonga toast?) but we need to get back there for dinner, so it seems!
We had a before park opening reservation at the Tusker House!
One of my FAVORITE breakfasts! Love it!!

In all honesty I was glad it was raining because I was hoping that the weather would change a bit and get a little cooler!
Well, one can hope, eh?

Why does EVERY member of a family need to get in line to check in? We always have 1 person check in and everyone else waits to the side! There must have been 40 people trying to check in strollers and all? I was baffled! OK rant over!
AGREED!! AGREED!! 100%!!

I was praying that Donald would have a good reaction because last year he didn't and Eric was so upset!

I remember that story! So glad he got a better reaction this time:thumbsup2

Matthew said as Goofy walked away "Goofy is Goofy" so he turned around and came back at Matthew and thumped him, I could only capture Eric's reaction, it was so funny!
That is always so fun when the characters continue to react, even when your 'turn' is over.

The woman then proceeds to tell the CM that a man wearing a Donald Duck shirt had gone under the rope about 5 minutes earlier!
What a tattle-tale!:sad2:

So the CM says, don't worry, I will find him!!!!! Ummm....HELLO here I am with my Daisy shirt and the boys have their Donald shirts on! It was Bryan and he was being HUNTED by park CM's!!!!!!
Now THAT is a great story!!

Our ride picture, we are in the back row!

Oh my goodness! The boys look like they are hiding for their lives!
Wow! You must've made the Disney Gods very happy! Good for you guys!

I seem to remember this very same speech in someone else's trip report....:rolleyes:

Too funny Sooze, yes, Lesley and I compared notes on those speeches!


We used the very same strategy! Great minds...

This is great! He looks so very focused. Almost like a Nike commercial.

This place is so much better when you have older kids. They can run around and have a blast, and you don't have to worry about losing them! We have skipped it the past two trips, because I didn't want to deal with Shaelyn and following her around!! Next time, we'll venture back in!

I just love Disney afternoon pool/nap breaks!

Thanks for all the great comments Sooze!

Sorry, Diane! I keep breaking up your posts! Oops!:flower3:

No worries!

You all look like you had such a great time! I am hoping we get Le Cellier this year...I have never been there and that cheese soup sounds amazing! :thumbsup2

We did have a GREAT time! I hope you get to try LeCellier too, it is so YUMMY!

Great update as always. So is Chef Mickey's good for breakfast? I always say I'm going to book breakfast there instead of dinner. Glad Mickey liked his picture ;) . Great Epcot pictures! Le Cellier is always good :goodvibes. Pretzel bread and cheddar cheese soup, yummy.

Thanks Nichole! We LOVE breakfast at CM, definitely better than dinner!

Sounds like another great day! I love how you coordinated everyone's clothes! I'm too lazy and my hubby wouldn't be into it:lmao:
So great you got to spend so much time with Tim and Lesley and kids. Love Love Love Le Cellier:love:So good there but really don't enjoy the soup or the pretzel bread:rotfl2:Sounds like a great relaxing day in the World, way to go:woohoo:

Awesome! Loved it!!!!

Thanks for the comments about our clothes,I tried hard so thepictures would look good, that is the OCD in me!! We really enjoyed our time with T&L, they are a GREAT family!

Wow, great update! I love the pic of the boys piggyback riding, you can tell they love each other. It looked like another great day at wdw, can't wait to read more!popcorn::

Thanks so much! The boys do get along pretty well, they are only 19 months apart!
I was thinking about your camera and the way it fogged up. Maybe next vacation if you have a balcony you could place the camera outside while you get ready that way it would be picture ready as soon as you leave.

Of course this wouldn't work if you have a first floor patio as some one could walk off with your camera. :scared1:

I appreciate you including these pictures as it will be something for our family to be aware of next time we travel.

Thanks for the camera tips, I will definitely write them down for the future!

Great Trip report!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the last few days!!

Thanks so much, I am glad you are enjoying it!

This does work...also putting the camera in a Ziplock baggy while switching from AC to the outdoors works like a charm. Camera stores also sell desicants (moisture absorbing gel packets) that you can use.

Thanks, good to know!

It sounds like you had a great day, and you got to share it with friends. I love all your PP pictures, they are great. I really like those balloons, I have seen them a lot lately and they are so cute.

Thanks so much! I like the balloon addition in the PP pictures too!

Wonderful trip report! I've enjoyed it very much.

I did have a couple of questions though, if you don't mind. My husband is also diabetic, and I was wondering how long your husband has been diagnosed. I thought I saw that this was your first trip down with his diabetes.

My husband has been a lifer, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask. It's a scary disease and I can give some pointers from the wife's point of view if you are interested!

Looking forward to the next update!

Hi and WELCOME, thanks for posting! My husband was just diagnosed in May with Type 2 diabetes! The chefs in Disney were AMAZING in accomadating him, from making a new dessert to walking the buffet lines with him. We were VERY impressed! Thanks for offering your help!

Love, Love, Love, your trip report! Can't wait for more! I'll be having the same meal at LeCelliar in a couple weeks. Yum! All the stuff you ordered is what I always get! Maybe I'll change up the dessert this time and get the Campfire Smores instead of the "Moose", we'll see!

You are SO SWEET! Thanks so much, I am glad you joined us! I would like to try the campfire smores too!

Great update!!

It really does seem like you all are stalking each other :rotfl:

But so cool that you all are having so much fun together :goodvibes

Le Cellier looks so yummy. Might have to try and get a reservation there :thumbsup2

That was funny about the Kim Possible phones :rotfl2:

Thanks Kelly! Le Cellier was Yummy! You should def. try for a ressie there! The KP phones were CRAZY!

Diane, did you have the risotto with your mushroom filet or did you go with the mashed potatoes? I always get the risotto but am seeing that many DIS friends order the taters. Just wondering...
Love the fact that you keep running into the T&L gang, fun times!

Hi Anita! I did have the risotto, and I LOVED it! We loved running into T&L too, we really had a great time together!

Diane, every time I start missing Disney World, I log on and find another of your wonderful updates! :goodvibes That's too funny that you kept running into Tim and Lesley!

I have to say that I thought the Great Britain Kim Possible was my favorite of all the missions! Did you have to go into the tea shop? I loved that part the most!

You're so sweet Jackie, thanks! We DID go into the tea shop and I LOVED that part too!

Another great update and dinner! I guess you got to the buses before the mass exit... smart thinking to wait till Illuminations is in your backyard!

Thanks Laura! We did beat the masses to the buses, HUGE bonus!

Great update! Loved reading all about your day and the parts we entered into it. Awesome photo of Luke and the pretzel, I forgot you took that of him when we ran into you guys! Can't wait for more!

Hi Lesley! Glad you liked the update, I am so glad you had the pics. from the day before at the pool, I am so upset i didn't take any pics of all the kids together!

Have never been to Chef Mickey's...maybe next time;)

What a nice day you had. I know Peg's 2 girls and Jasmine want to do the KP missions along with Geodoc...I just want a Grey Goose Slushie, bench and people watch with Peg....hope she wants that too or I'm on my own.:lmao:

Too funny how you keep running into Tim and Lesley....helps when you're at the same resort too, how lucky for all of you:goodvibes

Le Cellier is one of our favourite restaurants....Jasmine and I did it for the first time when we went solo in 2006 and have booked every year since, sometimes twice in one trip:lovestruc

Can't wait for more, great pics too by the way. Oh, and I told Jas that you said pics are mandatory and she said, Well for Diane, I'll do it:banana: Thanks Diane:cloud9:

You are always making me laugh! I LOVE it! It was GREAT being at SSR with Tim and Lesley! SO HAPPY I got Jasmine to pose for pics! Tell her I will hold her to it! LOL!

Hi Diane, been following the report since the beginning and finally decided that I'm on this board so much that I should just join! LOL!!! I see your from NJ, we're practically neighbors. I live right over the bridge in Philly!!! Thanks again for sharing, I'm really enjoying it and it certainly is getting me excited for my upcoming trip. Reese

HI! Welcome and thanks for posting, I LOVE new readers! I LOVE your name too, I had a new niece named Reese arrive back in April!! Hi neighbor!

Man, I love how hard we nap in Disney! Your body is just SO tired!!

:sad2:Oh no! Poor little guy! I'm glad he felt better soon!

No, not corny! The first time she called me, and I saw her name on my ID, I got pretty nervous ! It is so cool to finally hear someone's voice after you've "known" them for years!! ha!

::yes:: Totally know what you mean! So glad you guys got to meet them, and spread the Disney magic by providing fast passes to their favorite ride! How cool!

I just love how HAPPY they look!!

LOVING all the comments Sooze, thanks for posting! TOO FUNNY that you felt the same about Lesley's voice too!

ME TOO!! :lmao:

Have you guys ever tried orange? Or did you have a bad experience on it? I can't stand doing the green side (tho I will ride it if I have to)... it's just so un-exciting after experiencing orange!!

:thumbsup2 Good for you! There is NO other way to ride Soarin' IMHO!

That is a forced smile if I've ever seen one!

WHAT?!?! REALLY!?! That is crazy! Glad I know that now, thanks!

The food pictures looked scrumptious! It has been a long time since we've eaten at Rose and Crown. Need to get back soon!

Bryan has tried Orange but not me or the kids, I get motion sickness so I am VERY scared to try it!
:eek: That sounds scary!!

I LOVE this place. Thanks for giving me my BCV fix through such great pictures!

My longest bus waits have always been at BC... not sure why...:confused3

This looks so neat. I can't wait to let Tyson get his hands on that!

Ooooo.. did you walk? Or take a boat? Guess I better keep reading!

The bird situation was scary for Eric but HILARIOUS for me! Tyson will LOVE designing his own tee!

What a nightmare.. and in the afternoon heat. Doesn't sound fun at all!!

I think it's great that in your pictures, my pictures, and Lesley's pictures, there are lots of Disney shirts (obviously) and Yankee pride!!:cheer2:

:laughing::laughing: Meanie!

Once again, the food pictures are superb! We have been to Kona for breakfast (have you? Tonga toast?) but we need to get back there for dinner, so it seems!

Yes, Disney and the Yankees are well represented with all of our families! We have never had Kona breakfast, have to give it a try! That DTD bus situation was a NIGHTMARE!

One of my FAVORITE breakfasts! Love it!!

Well, one can hope, eh?

AGREED!! AGREED!! 100%!!

I remember that story! So glad he got a better reaction this time:thumbsup2

That is always so fun when the characters continue to react, even when your 'turn' is over.

What a tattle-tale!:sad2:

Now THAT is a great story!!

Oh my goodness! The boys look like they are hiding for their lives!

That was so funny when Matthew got thumped! Eric was so happy Donald responded well to his picture! I am glad I am not the only one who thinks the whole family checking in to eat is RIDICULOUS!! Thanks for all the great responses Sooze!
What a fun day! With each post I am growing more and more envious of your LONG trip. The touring is so relaxed and you just get to take your time and enjoy yourselves.

I just saw in your ticker that you are going back for F&W. It looks like we will just miss you guys.
What a fun day! With each post I am growing more and more envious of your LONG trip. The touring is so relaxed and you just get to take your time and enjoy yourselves.

I just saw in your ticker that you are going back for F&W. It looks like we will just miss you guys.

Thanks so much! It truly was nice to just relax and take it at a slow pace, we had plenty of time to do all that we wanted! That is a shame that we will just miss each other at F&W!
We woke up and got ourselves together as we were headed to DHS today and we were really looking forward to it, it had been a week since we had been there!

An excited crew on the bus....



We got a bit of a later start this day, we still made it before rope drop but we were further back then we usually are, there was an ecv that took forever to load back at one of the SSR bus stops! Bryan managed to weasel his way to the front of the pack! The boys and I were back just a bit further!



The rope dropped and we were off to TSM! The CM's keep you in a tight formation but it is ridiculous that they try and squeeze everyone through those tiny archways! Bryan secured fastpasses and we all rode standby! I absolutely LOVE all the decor inside this place! SO CUTE!









As we left TSM, Eric asked me to take his pic. by the stroller parking sign!


After our AWESOME ride, we went to ride the Tower of Terror! This was our first real sighting of the brazilian tour groups. FORTUNATELY the one at DHS that day was not very big!


After TOT we made our way to the Great Movie Ride! We didn't have to stop and watch the preshow, they just waved us in! Ithen decided to join Bryan and break the law by taking pictures on the ride...SORRY but I have always wanted to get some pics. in here so today was that day!

Matthew is NOT happy with my picture taking decision...








After our ride, we went to the Animation Studio to see what characters were out, and we noticed no one in line for this guy!!




After our visit with Sorcerer Mickey we decided to wait in line for the UP characters, as they were going to come out in about 15 minutes! I grabbed a spot in line and Bryan and the boys went exploring and then came back to join me! We were 2nd in line which was GREAT!


Here we are waiting in line for the UP characters...



the waiting area for the UP guys is so cute, they have these GREAT pictures on the wall...




Then the characters came out!




Here are our photpass pics! The borders are so cute!


This was HILARIOUS, after Eric met carl, he said "Sorry your house got destroyed" TOO FUNNY!



After our visit with the UP gang, bryan ran to fastpass TOT again and then met up with us outside the drawing studio.....He said it started raining, so he covered our stroller on the way back!



The boys, ready to draw!


Bolt was the character that we got to draw! It was pretty difficult and the boys REFUSED to let me take a picture of their dogs! Here is mine!


Bolt was pretty hard to draw!

After our drawing session, we went to use our TOT fastpasses from earlier, we got lucky and the rain had let up by then!

This guy was HILARIOUS...when he saw me take his picture, he said "excuse me maam, what paper do you work for?" He just kept going on and on asking us where we were from and when we said NJ OF COURSE he had some foul joke! SO FUN!


Some fun TOT pictures!





Here we are waiting to board the elevators....



I don't know if you can make us out, but we are in the very front row on the left! Front row is AWESOME!!





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