Oh the places We Go, The People We see

Well, I didn't wait too long to catch up because I was too curious to see how well the first portion of your trip went. Sounds like it went very well. :thumbsup2 It really was a great coincidence that you met a fellow co-worker and that you were on the same monorail car.
Mmmmm....Cheesecake Factory. Now that is a great way to start the trip! Plus a DIS meet!

I just love how you randomly ran into Lynne! It's a small world after all....:goodvibes
Posting late but here from the beginning.;)

Looking forward to your report and hoping it helps pass the time until our own sailing:wave2:
On our last trip I left River's shoes at home too. All he had was the flip flops he had on when we left. After 3 days O wearing them in the parks his feet were starting to hurt. We looked ALL over for sneakers in his size but we could only find toddler ones. Well I caved and bought him Disney crocs, they ended up being the best investment he said they were so comfortable and he wore just them for the rest of the trip.

I've never been to a Cheesecake Factory but it looks good. The cheesecake looked amazing. Ugh now I'm craving cheesecake!

You had good luck getting there early and seeing someone you know on the monorail. Did you both break into "it's a small world"?
Catching this one from the beginning. Cheesecake Factory is so good. The Reese's is my favorite.

We are doing a cruise next year so following along to see how yours was.

Welcome Scott. I am a little slow going with this. I am also writing another cruise TR currently as well, so I am trying to do my best to keep posting on both, but my goal is to get the other one done first so I can spend more time here then. :thumbsup2

Glad your flight went so well! I love MCO!

I was very happy with SW. And snacks on a plane is a luxury now a days. ;)

:rotfl2: I needed a good laugh this morning. Makes me think about John wearing his holey socks rather than going downstairs to go good ones out of the dryer.

It took us a week to catch up with Kadence homework, and we failed her math. They do it all different that when I was in school (too long ago apparently) and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Last time I checked, you need length times width to figure square footage. They gave her only length and she was suppose to figure it out. :confused:

I made sure he had enough clean pairs too so he would never run out while I was gone. :rolleyes1

They are still sending it home with Claire. A different subject each night. I think we have ran out of subjects now, so hopefully tonight was the last of it.
I am so glad I am out of school.

Butt Crack thirty.......:lmao: I know that setting on the alarm!

Kadence wont let us leave with that picture taken everytime!

It's a real time....I swear it is!
Claire was impressed with the goofy. We browsed through the shop on the way home and she felt the need to buy more stuff but I told her no.

YAY! Another report!! Great so far!

Welcome!!! Glad you could make it!

I'm here Jen! Gotta get caught up at work but I'll be back.

I have started working on yours today. I read in between editing pictures. LOL

Well, I didn't wait too long to catch up because I was too curious to see how well the first portion of your trip went. Sounds like it went very well. :thumbsup2 It really was a great coincidence that you met a fellow co-worker and that you were on the same monorail car.

Well that was fast. ;)

It was a pretty good start, except for the shoes, but that was ok, she actually could use a 2nd pair anyways.

Mmmmm....Cheesecake Factory. Now that is a great way to start the trip! Plus a DIS meet!

I just love how you randomly ran into Lynne! It's a small world after all....:goodvibes

I was amazed at how many people I saw. Some were planned of course, but some recognized me. I know it has NOTHING to do with my hair color. :rotfl:

Posting late but here from the beginning.;)

Looking forward to your report and hoping it helps pass the time until our own sailing:wave2:

Welcome!! I'll do my best to help you pass the time! :stir:

On our last trip I left River's shoes at home too. All he had was the flip flops he had on when we left. After 3 days O wearing them in the parks his feet were starting to hurt. We looked ALL over for sneakers in his size but we could only find toddler ones. Well I caved and bought him Disney crocs, they ended up being the best investment he said they were so comfortable and he wore just them for the rest of the trip.

I've never been to a Cheesecake Factory but it looks good. The cheesecake looked amazing. Ugh now I'm craving cheesecake!

You had good luck getting there early and seeing someone you know on the monorail. Did you both break into "it's a small world"?

My Dad ended up getting crocks on the ship. He complained about the 2 pairs of shoes he had nonstop, so Mom said this was his only other option and he wore them. I don't think I ever took a picture, but we just found it so funny that he wore them. It's so not something he would normally ever wear.

I've only been to them twice, but they have darn good cheesecake.

It was such a small world. I never ran into her again, even though she was at the party too.
I here! I've been kinda sick for the last 3 weeks. 5 of those days I was in the hospital. All because of a Gall Bladder, but its gone now and I'm on the mend and just got back on Dis to find your new TR! What a great surprise for me. Looking forward to the updates. Your awesome, two reports at once:worship:
I here! I've been kinda sick for the last 3 weeks. 5 of those days I was in the hospital. All because of a Gall Bladder, but its gone now and I'm on the mend and just got back on Dis to find your new TR! What a great surprise for me. Looking forward to the updates. Your awesome, two reports at once:worship:

Oh my goodness. I hope you are doing better now. I have been sick on and off the last few weeks too. Well fighting that icky feeling at least, but I let it take over me on Sunday and I just layed around all day. Still not 100%, but feeling better. I think mine is just flew.....it better be just that. ;)

I am more like crazy trying to tackle 2 at once. :rotfl:
After getting a quick breath of Florida air we headed back in to get in line for Magical Express. I was shocked to find no one in the Animal Kingdom Lodge line. The bad thing was that meant they probably had just sent a bus there since all the other lines seemed pretty full.

We got in line around 10 AM.


And we waited and waited and waited. We watched them call every other resort but ours. Some got called a couple of times. After a bit another couple joined us in line, than a 3rd a bit later. I figured that had to be good. Hopefully we would soon be called with more people in our line.

Finally we got on a bus. I think we waited at least 20 – 30 minutes before we were called. I kept watching the clock tick away our precious time and so did Claire.

Of course we had 3 other resorts on the bus with us and we were the last stop, but at least we were on our way.

Our driver was Rockland Steel.


Rock Steel to all his friends. Ok, I made that part up, but that’s all I kept thinking …his name is Rock Steel, what a strange name. And then being married to a man who can turn anything innocent into something dirty, my mind wandered a bit and I kept laughing to myself. Skip would definitely think this would be the perfect porn star name.

Claire and I were the first on the bus, so we got the very front seat. I really like that seat. You sure can see a lot and take some pictures a little better along the way.

Rockland told us it was brand new bus and the drivers all had bets on who would be the first to dent it. I swear he said it was $500,000.00, but that seems like an awfully high price for a bus, but what do I know. He also said the Magical Express got a whole new fleet of buses, so maybe that was the cost for all of them. One thing the new buses now have ….seatbelts. I guess enough people complained about the buses not having them, so they added them to the new ones.


Soon the movie started up. Rockland asked if it was playing and we said yes. He said all morning it had just run the audio, but the video hadn’t worked. So we were lucky and it did for us. Claire was entranced in it.


This was a nice sight to see.



And these guys are so cute.


I probably have taken this picture almost every trip I have been on to the World.


Soon we made our first stop, CBR. I took a couple quick pictures, but they are not very good.



And then to one of my favorite resorts.







On our way once again.


But this time only to the other side of the lake.



Now I have to tell you, there was a family in the rows behind us with a couple of kids. After listening to them I realized that the kids had no idea where they were or where they were going.
You could hear them say I think it’s Disney, then the other one would doubt it and say no, it’s just another hotel, and then one would say I think it’s a hotel at Disney, and the other would say there weren’t hotels there, only castles. It was so cute. The Mom told me after a bit that they had no idea and just told them they were going on a plane ride. It was so cute to watch them. At Art of Animation they told them they were getting off and that this WAS Disney. They were so excited. That had to be the best kept secret ever.


I have to admit, I was pretty darn excited to see AoA too. In just over a week we would be staying here ourselves, and my Dis friend Carey was there right at that moment.




I would say the majority of the bus got off here. Now we were down to just a few people and once again on our way.
And another update I love ...... esp. since your pics really look like the ones I took. :rotfl2:
I have yet to take the one of the nephews at OKW, they weren't there last summer.
AoA was awesome when we visited it this summer and your story about the family behind you was so cute.
Can't wait to hear about your arrival at AKL! :thumbsup2
We always drive to Disney so we miss seeing all of the resorts that the people who take Magical Express get to see. I know that you were ready to get to the AKL but I'm sure it was neat to see the other resorts as well.
And another update I love ...... esp. since your pics really look like the ones I took. :rotfl2:
I have yet to take the one of the nephews at OKW, they weren't there last summer.
AoA was awesome when we visited it this summer and your story about the family behind you was so cute.
Can't wait to hear about your arrival at AKL! :thumbsup2

Really I am just reusing all your pictures and pretending they are mine. :rotfl2: I don't even own a camera. :lmao:

We always drive to Disney so we miss seeing all of the resorts that the people who take Magical Express get to see. I know that you were ready to get to the AKL but I'm sure it was neat to see the other resorts as well.

We drive more often too from Sanford, so it is nice to ride ME every so often. Claire has only rode it one other time before, so this was a big highlight for her. The "movies" was the best thing since sliced bread.

I'm here! :wave2: Can't wait to hear more!

You made it! :cheer2:
I just found your newest TR! Can't wait to read more!

I love the Cheesecake Factory too! DH and I were there a few weeks ago, our second time there. We had dinner then got the cheesecake to go so we weren't too full to eat it and get sick.
Our driver was Rockland Steel.

Rock Steel to all his friends. Ok, I made that part up, but that’s all I kept thinking …his name is Rock Steel, what a strange name. And then being married to a man who can turn anything innocent into something dirty, my mind wandered a bit and I kept laughing to myself. Skip would definitely think this would be the perfect porn star name.

Rock Hard might be a better porn name.

Now I have to tell you, there was a family in the rows behind us with a couple of kids. After listening to them I realized that the kids had no idea where they were or where they were going.
You could hear them say I think it’s Disney, then the other one would doubt it and say no, it’s just another hotel, and then one would say I think it’s a hotel at Disney, and the other would say there weren’t hotels there, only castles. It was so cute. The Mom told me after a bit that they had no idea and just told them they were going on a plane ride. It was so cute to watch them. At Art of Animation they told them they were getting off and that this WAS Disney. They were so excited. That had to be the best kept secret ever.

So the fact that they were on a bus called the Disney Magical Express which has an image of Mickey Mouse on it, the passed through an arch that says Walt Disney World did give these kids an idea of where they were???
We waited a long time for ME too, but AKL wasn't on our sign, just POP & CBR.

I was waving as you drive on by, panicking, but waving!! LOL

Daddy_of_Princesses said:
Rock Hard might be a better porn name.


Daddy_of_Princesses said:
So the fact that they were on a bus called the Disney Magical Express which has an image of Mickey Mouse on it, the passed through an arch that says Walt Disney World did give these kids an idea of where they were???



Rock Hard might be a better porn name.

I thought that was YOUR alias. :rotfl:

So the fact that they were on a bus called the Disney Magical Express which has an image of Mickey Mouse on it, the passed through an arch that says Walt Disney World did give these kids an idea of where they were???

I know...I kind of thought that too. Everything about the whole thing was screaming Disney....including the movie, but they were young and they kept doubting each other.

We waited a long time for ME too, but AKL wasn't on our sign, just POP & CBR.

I was waving as you drive on by, panicking, but waving!! LOL



And I waved right back! I knew all would be ok for you. ;)

Pictures look amazing.

Thanks so much
Now I have to tell you, there was a family in the rows behind us with a couple of kids. After listening to them I realized that the kids had no idea where they were or where they were going.
You could hear them say I think it’s Disney, then the other one would doubt it and say no, it’s just another hotel, and then one would say I think it’s a hotel at Disney, and the other would say there weren’t hotels there, only castles. It was so cute. The Mom told me after a bit that they had no idea and just told them they were going on a plane ride. It was so cute to watch them. At Art of Animation they told them they were getting off and that this WAS Disney. They were so excited. That had to be the best kept secret ever.

That's so cute!!!


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