Official Breast Feeding Support Thread for WDW Parks

I nursed my 4 month old everywhere in December- on the busses, in line for Winnie the Pooh, at restaurants, by the exit of Small World when we got caught in a rainstorm. And I nursed my 2 year old on Nemo. :-) I was worried about nursing in public in a place where many people of different cultural backgrounds come together because I didn't know if everyone would be as accepting as I have found people to be at home, but I never had any issue, anywhere. In fact one cast member came over to tell me her kid nursed till age 3 and that she was happy I was nursing!
I nursed in a very strange (for me) place the baby care center! I think that's the first time in 8 trips that I've ever nursed in there. :-)

DD is almost three so we don't nurse in the parks often, but we were waiting at guest relations and I figured it would keep her from getting too bored. I got to give another mom some tips on how to nurse in her Ergo, and the room was packed with nursing mamas...and a pumping mama. It's so great to see all the breastfeeding moms at Disney! And so far, no weird looks for nursing a preschooler.
I nursed in a very strange (for me) place the baby care center! I think that's the first time in 8 trips that I've ever nursed in there. :-)

DD is almost three so we don't nurse in the parks often, but we were waiting at guest relations and I figured it would keep her from getting too bored. I got to give another mom some tips on how to nurse in her Ergo, and the room was packed with nursing mamas...and a pumping mama. It's so great to see all the breastfeeding moms at Disney! And so far, no weird looks for nursing a preschooler.
I nursed in a very strange (for me) place the baby care center! I think that's the first time in 8 trips that I've ever nursed in there. :-)

DD is almost three so we don't nurse in the parks often, but we were waiting at guest relations and I figured it would keep her from getting too bored. I got to give another mom some tips on how to nurse in her Ergo, and the room was packed with nursing mamas...and a pumping mama. It's so great to see all the breastfeeding moms at Disney! And so far, no weird looks for nursing a preschooler.
Ive taken quite a few nursing babies to Disney World (and Land :)).. Ive even nursed tandem at Disney (my almost 3yo and 1yo at the time, they are now 6 and almost 8).. My biggest tip is to ignore those around you and nurse.. I find if I don't look self conscious or act like I'm trying to hide something I can nurse without anyone knowing. I carried on a conversation for about 20 minutes with a Cast member while nursing, finally she mentioned where the baby care centers were and I laughed and told her "thanks but the baby just got done eating" she had NO CLUE I had been nursing the whole time.

Another tip, if you are really worried about showing to much practice in front of a mirror.. I did this with my oldest because I was so self conscious, I figured out the best way for me to nurse without showing a thing..

Lastly, as I tell my children, you need to dress for success.. If you know you will be nursing in a busy place make sure you have the proper clothing for it.. Don't be like me and wear a wrap dress only to realize its not to nursing friendly :-)rotfl: It was my first time nursing outside my house).. Personally I like a nursing tank with a loose fitting shirt on top. I pull the shirt up and the tank down, easy as pie :) If you are like me and are well blessed in the bosom area then make sure whatever you wear isn't to tight to make it so its hard to pull up/down without a wrestling match ;)

Oh and one last tip.. Nursing pads.. especially if you have an issue with oversupply or overactive let down. Just trust me, its a bit on the embarrassing side to realize you are dripping milk.. Keeping it real :goodvibes
Ive taken quite a few nursing babies to Disney World (and Land :)).. Ive even nursed tandem at Disney (my almost 3yo and 1yo at the time, they are now 6 and almost 8).. My biggest tip is to ignore those around you and nurse.. I find if I don't look self conscious or act like I'm trying to hide something I can nurse without anyone knowing. I carried on a conversation for about 20 minutes with a Cast member while nursing, finally she mentioned where the baby care centers were and I laughed and told her "thanks but the baby just got done eating" she had NO CLUE I had been nursing the whole time.

Another tip, if you are really worried about showing to much practice in front of a mirror.. I did this with my oldest because I was so self conscious, I figured out the best way for me to nurse without showing a thing..

Lastly, as I tell my children, you need to dress for success.. If you know you will be nursing in a busy place make sure you have the proper clothing for it.. Don't be like me and wear a wrap dress only to realize its not to nursing friendly :-)rotfl: It was my first time nursing outside my house).. Personally I like a nursing tank with a loose fitting shirt on top. I pull the shirt up and the tank down, easy as pie :) If you are like me and are well blessed in the bosom area then make sure whatever you wear isn't to tight to make it so its hard to pull up/down without a wrestling match ;)

Oh and one last tip.. Nursing pads.. especially if you have an issue with oversupply or overactive let down. Just trust me, its a bit on the embarrassing side to realize you are dripping milk.. Keeping it real :goodvibes

Dress for success! Great tip!!!!
We're headed to the world in a few weeks and I'm so glad I came back to this thread! Lots of good ideas to help my easily distracted nurser on our trip.
My first DS I was so discreet. With my second DS, I walked around a car show in NY and no one knew I was breastfeeding! I wore a baby carrier (baby bjorn) and faced him toward my body. When he was hungry, I'd just discreetly pop him on and use a receiving blanket to cover him. I think people thought he was sleeping. There's newer receiving blankets that are super thin and breathable that worked perfect for him. That's my plan for our next Disney trip in May!!!
I always feed my son in his Ergo carrier. I never gave it a thought that I might have a problem feeding him at disney. He is 10 months and no one has ever said one nasty thing to me for doing it. Is Disney a breastfeeding friendly place, do they support it?
I am happy to see all the toddler nursing posts, because I have been a bit concerned based on comments that I get from people I KNOW. Yes, my baby will be two when we go next month, and no, she's not ready to quit nursing and is quite demanding about when she wants to do it :drive: She starts panting like a dog and throws herself in position, and that generally means SHIRT UP NOW. No time to find privacy! I hope we can keep it discreet, though I am 100% pro public BF. My personal preference is some privacy.
Question about breastfeeding in an ERGO a normal position the baby is up "too high" in order to nurse...How do you get the baby low enough to be able to latch? And then do they just nurse in the sitting up position?
Oh my goodness, this thread made me tear up! My youngest self-weaned at 2 1/2 and now at 3 1/2 she still loves being skin to skin. Lately she's been pulling my shirt down a little so that her head can be on my chest when she wants to cuddle. The special bond of breastfeeding must be so much more, well, magical at Disney! :love:
Question about breastfeeding in an ERGO a normal position the baby is up "too high" in order to nurse...How do you get the baby low enough to be able to latch? And then do they just nurse in the sitting up position?

I have a Beco Gemini. I loosen the straps so baby drops lower, and yes he nurses sitting up.
Oh my goodness, this thread made me tear up! My youngest self-weaned at 2 1/2 and now at 3 1/2 she still loves being skin to skin. Lately she's been pulling my shirt down a little so that her head can be on my chest when she wants to cuddle. The special bond of breastfeeding must be so much more, well, magical at Disney! :love:

It must be bittersweet to be done breastfeeding. My little guy is going to be 33 months next week and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go with him to college to nurse him to sleep, haha. I loved nursing all over Disney World on 4 trips with him starting at 9 months old. On our last trip in December we didn't nurse much in the parks but on dark rides and during the Frozen show he asked me to nurse which cracks me up.
What an awesome thread to find. I am also impressed with how many extended BFers are here!

One of my fave memories was nursing my 10 month old in the castle hub before fireworks. I knew we were never going to make it through the crowd to get to the baby care center, so I sat down, pulled out my nursing cape, and we did our thing. I remember a kind cast member nearby,gently protecting us from getting stepped on:)
For those nursing toddlers, we had no trouble at all last month. We were at wdw for our daughters second birthday, and cast members and other guests were all quite decent about nursing and baby wearing. There was of course the typical obvious averting of eyes by mostly men (even though nothing was showing), but most people were decent or even supportive.
Glad to join! I just had our DD2 earlier this month and we're BF. We've had a rough go (prolonged labor ending in csection and she didn't want to latch) but with the help of my la leche ladies DD2 is now starting to regain back to her birth weight and I'm relieved. I full anticipate bf in the parks.

what carriers are best for nursing in?
For those nursing toddlers, we had no trouble at all last month. We were at wdw for our daughters second birthday, and cast members and other guests were all quite decent about nursing and baby wearing. There was of course the typical obvious averting of eyes by mostly men (even though nothing was showing), but most people were decent or even supportive.

When my youngest was 2.5, he barely ate solids due to sensory issues so he nursed frequently all over Disney and Universal with no issues. The last time I nursed him in public he was 4.5 years old - and that was at Disney. It was a few times that week. That's the only time I noticed people walking by me a bit faster than the norm. It probably doesn't help that I'm petite and his head is enormous so he probably looks a lot older than that in my lap.
No real helpful advice or suggestions. Lol. I just wanted to add my support. The little guy in my profile pic is 12 now, but he was born very prematurely (22 weeks, 1lb 7oz). He nursed until he self-weaned at about 3 1/2. Nursed him at Disney World lots of times....rides, benches, restaurants, curbs. Everywhere except the Baby Care Centers. They seemed nice, but it never worked out that we were anywhere near one when he wanted to nurse. We never had a single negative comment or look. Anyway, wanted to say that I think this is an awesome thread and I work to make sure that my son knows that seeing mamas nursing their babies is a totally natural and healthy thing at Disney World or anywhere else. :)


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