NOVEMBER 2012 Trip Planners Part 2~yes there IS another!

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I've tried to join this thread twice, but I can't seem to get picked up! Anyone? Does my post smell bad? :confused3

Anyway, my family of 4 plus the two IL's will be going Nov. 24-Dec. 1st, staying at WL. Made reservations tonight, plane tickets were done a month ago on Jet Blue. Now to decide where to eat!

:welcome: ! I will add you :thumbsup2 Sorry if I missed your post before :upsidedow

ok, here are my thoughts. Tomorrow is my ADR day, would appreciate any input. :goodvibes

Going to be down for my super quick birthday celebration, trying to fit a lot into a little time. Myself, DH, DS's 11 & 8...

Hoping for free dining, if so--we'd be getting 5 TS & 5 CS credits each,(arriving too late to use them arrival day so we'll be able to double up on some 2 TS meals, and spending one day at IOA helps too) If no free dining, I'll be canceling a bunch of ADR's, lol.

Sat night, flight is late...check in and hit the sack (probably at POR!!)

Sunday-MGM, using 2 Counter Service credits each person today (saving TS credit for tomorrow)...using counter service for lunch and dinner (probably at Backlot & ABC Commisary or Pizza Planet)....plan on being there for rope drop and staying till Fantasmic (getting a CS dinner to eat while waiting)

Monday--MK (easy WDW doesn't recommend MK today, but it's my birthday and I have to be at MK on my birthday!! :thumbsup2)--CRT for lunch (using 2 credits each)--DS's will hate it but hey--it's my day!!, counter service for dinner while we wait on the evening parade

Tuesday--IOA for Harry Potter....plan on getting there at rope drop, leaving around 4 (DS's aren't into thrill rides/coasters AT ALL, we're really just there for Harry Potter, everything else is just gravy;)).....Dinner at Yatchsman around 6:00 (2 TS credits each)

Wednesday--AK--counter service lunch somewhere 1 credit each, dinner at Cape May (1 TS credit each)

Thursday--leave for airport by 9, breakfast using 1 CS credit each at resort

Any opinions/suggestions?? thanks

Looks great!!! :thumbsup2

Is it November yet?;)
Here's my itinerary, what do you think?

Tuesday: Arrive and checked in around 2:30. early dinner at Kona, watch Main Street Electrical Parade (7:00) and Wishes (8:00)

Wednesday: Hollywood Studios, Mama Melrose (Fantasmic Dinner Package), hopefully see Osborne Family Lights, and Fantasmic

Thursday: Epcot, dinner at Chefs de France, watch IllumiNations or eat early and attend Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

Friday: Magic Kingdom (early entry), dinner at 'Ohana

Saturday: Animal Kingdom, dinner at Boma

Sunday: Departure day, we have time to visit to the park of our choice to hit anything we missed, and depending on what we have left for meal credits, either a counter service or table service meal for late breakfast or lunch. I think I'll reserve either late Crystal Palace Breakfast or Via Napoli lunch.

All of these restaurants would be new to me except for Crystal Palace, Boma, and Chefs, very exciting!
ETA: This assumes free dining... if that doesn't come through, we'll probably wing it!
PPS: My dates are 11/13 - 18
I've tried to join this thread twice, but I can't seem to get picked up! Anyone? Does my post smell bad? :confused3

Anyway, my family of 4 plus the two IL's will be going Nov. 24-Dec. 1st, staying at WL. Made reservations tonight, plane tickets were done a month ago on Jet Blue. Now to decide where to eat!

My family will be there the same time, but staying off site (for the first time)! I'm looking forward to our first trip that will include Christmas decorations :)
Hi all! I have been a long time lurker and this is my very first post! We are heading to the AKV - Kidani on Nov. 9 thru the 17. So excited. And thanks to all of you for the wealth of information.

Do you think since our 180 ADR date is Mother's Day my hubby should get up and make the reservations? Ha, ha. I'll do it and then sleep later! Have a great day!
I booked my ADR's this morning:cool1:

This is what I got:

Sat. 11/3 Arrival Day
I am going to book Mickey's Backyard BBQ but haven't done it yet.

Sun. 11/4: Crystal Palace 8:20am
I wanted 8:05am but didn't have any luck:mad:

Mon. 11/5: Teppan Edo
I made a lunch and dinner reservations here (1:00 and 6:00). I have to talk to DH and decide which one to use :confused3 and cancel the other right away.

Tues. 11/6: no reservations DHS then F&W at Epcot

Wed. 11/7: O'hana Dinner 5:20pm (this is our resort day)

Thurs. 11/8: Via Napoli early dinner at 4:30pm

Fri. 11/9: Cinderella's Royal Table Dinner at 5:50pm
(not sure if this is worth the $236 it's costing the four of us:eek:)

Sat. 11/10: Tusker House Breakfast at 8:15am

Sun. 11/11: O'hana Breakfast at 9:20am (say good-bye to Mickey:sad:)

Keep trying back on the Crystal Palace time. You may just get it. :goodvibes

I keep going back and forth about diner at The Royal Table. Our Anniversary is Nov. 27th. I already have the MVMCP tickets in my hands for that date.:yay: I keep thinking that a early supper in the Palace would be a wonderful way to start the evening. :goodvibes

Somebody has been playing witht the smilies again. :rotfl:
Hi all! I have been a long time lurker and this is my very first post! We are heading to the AKV - Kidani on Nov. 9 thru the 17. So excited. And thanks to all of you for the wealth of information.

Do you think since our 180 ADR date is Mother's Day my hubby should get up and make the reservations? Ha, ha. I'll do it and then sleep later! Have a great day!

:welcome:To the thread as well as the Dis!! And happy planning. :goodvibes
Read this on the November DIS'ers FB page.....

Hi, I just wanted to come back to this "inside info" on Free dining for late fall announcement on May 20 or 21...

I've joined the facebook group, and just thought it would be good to point out that the person who stated this appears to be a TA with a Disney exclusive company. Not just a random kind of person. When you click on the person's name it takes you to their page where it talks about booking a trip with her.

To me, this takes it from mere speculation to FULL FLEDGED RUMOR. :dance3:

I guess I know what I'll be doing on those dates...:surfweb:

And if it comes true...:dance3:

And if it doesn't... :sad:

Thanks for letting us know about the Group!
Boo, I just realized that my 180 days falls on Saturday the 19th, and I'll be travelling out of the country then! Hopefully I'll still be able to call or access the website en route. This is the first time I've tried to make my reservations so far out, and I wouldn't even be worried about it if I weren't hoping for free dining, plus it's a birthday trip and I want it to be very special. Can the experts please advise?
Is there an advantage to calling vs. website, or the other way around?
I've read about people getting up at 6AM Eastern to call, so I assume that's when they start taking the ressies by phone - does the website start accepting them at the same time?
Thanks so much!
Hi, I just wanted to come back to this "inside info" on Free dining for late fall announcement on May 20 or 21...

I've joined the facebook group, and just thought it would be good to point out that the person who stated this appears to be a TA with a Disney exclusive company. Not just a random kind of person. When you click on the person's name it takes you to their page where it talks about booking a trip with her.

To me, this takes it from mere speculation to FULL FLEDGED RUMOR. :dance3:

I guess I know what I'll be doing on those dates...:surfweb:

And if it comes true...:dance3:

And if it doesn't... :sad:

Thanks for letting us know about the Group!

That's what I'm hoping for!! If not, I've got a lot of ADR's to cancel :rolleyes1
Well, got my sets of tickets for the MVMCPs in the mail this morning. Funny thing, as I had to do 2 separate transactions, but they only did 1 shipping charge; they still mailed them as separate items, LOL
Boo, I just realized that my 180 days falls on Saturday the 19th, and I'll be travelling out of the country then! Hopefully I'll still be able to call or access the website en route. This is the first time I've tried to make my reservations so far out, and I wouldn't even be worried about it if I weren't hoping for free dining, plus it's a birthday trip and I want it to be very special. Can the experts please advise?
Is there an advantage to calling vs. website, or the other way around?
I've read about people getting up at 6AM Eastern to call, so I assume that's when they start taking the ressies by phone - does the website start accepting them at the same time?
Thanks so much!

The website opens up for ressies at 6:00am and the phone lines at 7:00am (EST). Good luck with your planning and have a great trip abroad;)
This is what I have so far for the 11..yes, 11 of us..8 adults, 3 grandsons.....

11/9 Arriving adrs

11/10 DHS day....8:30 H & V Character breakfast..

11/11 MK day..early Crystal Palace dinner

11/12 AK day..8:05 Tusker breakfast..5:00 Boma dinner

11/13 Back to MK day.. 5:00 Chef Mickey dinner

11/14 EPCOT day...5:00 Coral Reef dinner

11/15 MK departure day..hopefully a Be Our Guest lunch before departing..

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am thinking about cancelling our trip this year. I've spent a year already trying to plan things, and I have our itinerary worked out. I can make ADRs in 1 week. I had planned on purchasing our MVMCP tickets yesterday, but something kept telling me not to.

Here's the deal... The trip is going to end up costing us around $4,000 (that includes everything from resort, tickets, meals, tips, souvenirs, gas, hotel stay, etc.). We are planning to buy or build a new house next spring, and if we don't take this trip, I can pay all that money to my credit cards and vehicle. By next spring, we could be debt free except for our current house. Going won't stop us from buying a new house, but I'm just not sure it's the responsible thing to do. :sad2:

The kids don't know about the trip so they won't be disappointed. They know we are saving for the trip, but aren't expecting to go this year. What makes me really want to go is DD is growing up fast. She is quickly outgrowing princesses, and if we don't go this year, I don't she'll "believe" in all the magic by the time we do go. On the other hand, if we wait, DS will be definitely be tall enough to ride every ride by the time we go back. Also, if we wait, I can't go the week before Thanksgiving in 2013 because my boss is going then so I'd have to pick another week. But Fantasyland will be complete!!

Ughh... the decision is driving me crazy. :sad2: I know the responsible thing to do, but the mommy/Disney side of me wants to go. :sad2:/:)

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am thinking about cancelling our trip this year. I've spent a year already trying to plan things, and I have our itinerary worked out. I can make ADRs in 1 week. I had planned on purchasing our MVMCP tickets yesterday, but something kept telling me not to.

Here's the deal... The trip is going to end up costing us around $4,000 (that includes everything from resort, tickets, meals, tips, souvenirs, gas, hotel stay, etc.). We are planning to buy or build a new house next spring, and if we don't take this trip, I can pay all that money to my credit cards and vehicle. By next spring, we could be debt free except for our current house. Going won't stop us from buying a new house, but I'm just not sure it's the responsible thing to do. :sad2:

The kids don't know about the trip so they won't be disappointed. They know we are saving for the trip, but aren't expecting to go this year. What makes me really want to go is DD is growing up fast. She is quickly outgrowing princesses, and if we don't go this year, I don't she'll "believe" in all the magic by the time we do go. On the other hand, if we wait, DS will be definitely be tall enough to ride every ride by the time we go back. Also, if we wait, I can't go the week before Thanksgiving in 2013 because my boss is going then so I'd have to pick another week. But Fantasyland will be complete!!

Ughh... the decision is driving me crazy. :sad2: I know the responsible thing to do, but the mommy/Disney side of me wants to go. :sad2:/:)


OK..let me preface this by saying I am far from the voice of reason here..

I have scrimped, saved, worked 2nd jobs and did some real creative financing in order to take my girls to WDW in the past..and still the money could have been used for much more responsible things. 2 things that I think it's fair to say about all of us here..We love WDW and we all have bills. Finding the happy medium is always tricky and we could look back on every trip and say.."Man..I could have used that 4K for (such and such) instead of blowing it on Disney." Then a week later what do we do? Start planning our next trip.

It's a very tough call to make. We did blow alot..I mean ALOT of money on our last 12 trips, but I remember every single one..and the smiles and laughter that came with them..they last forever..unlike my '94 Scar Tshirt that I absolutely loved. :thumbsup2

Now we take our girls..their husbands and our grandsons..and the smiles travel through generations..this is our "Circle of Life"

Not much help deciding, I know..just wanted you to know you're not alone and whatever you choose to do will be the best choice for you and yours...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am thinking about cancelling our trip this year. I've spent a year already trying to plan things, and I have our itinerary worked out. I can make ADRs in 1 week. I had planned on purchasing our MVMCP tickets yesterday, but something kept telling me not to.

Here's the deal... The trip is going to end up costing us around $4,000 (that includes everything from resort, tickets, meals, tips, souvenirs, gas, hotel stay, etc.). We are planning to buy or build a new house next spring, and if we don't take this trip, I can pay all that money to my credit cards and vehicle. By next spring, we could be debt free except for our current house. Going won't stop us from buying a new house, but I'm just not sure it's the responsible thing to do. :sad2:

The kids don't know about the trip so they won't be disappointed. They know we are saving for the trip, but aren't expecting to go this year. What makes me really want to go is DD is growing up fast. She is quickly outgrowing princesses, and if we don't go this year, I don't she'll "believe" in all the magic by the time we do go. On the other hand, if we wait, DS will be definitely be tall enough to ride every ride by the time we go back. Also, if we wait, I can't go the week before Thanksgiving in 2013 because my boss is going then so I'd have to pick another week. But Fantasyland will be complete!!

Ughh... the decision is driving me crazy. :sad2: I know the responsible thing to do, but the mommy/Disney side of me wants to go. :sad2:/:)


If it were me I would pay off credit card first........I'm definitely one for being debt free first where credit cards are involved
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am thinking about cancelling our trip this year. I've spent a year already trying to plan things, and I have our itinerary worked out. I can make ADRs in 1 week. I had planned on purchasing our MVMCP tickets yesterday, but something kept telling me not to.

Here's the deal... The trip is going to end up costing us around $4,000 (that includes everything from resort, tickets, meals, tips, souvenirs, gas, hotel stay, etc.). We are planning to buy or build a new house next spring, and if we don't take this trip, I can pay all that money to my credit cards and vehicle. By next spring, we could be debt free except for our current house. Going won't stop us from buying a new house, but I'm just not sure it's the responsible thing to do. :sad2:

The kids don't know about the trip so they won't be disappointed. They know we are saving for the trip, but aren't expecting to go this year. What makes me really want to go is DD is growing up fast. She is quickly outgrowing princesses, and if we don't go this year, I don't she'll "believe" in all the magic by the time we do go. On the other hand, if we wait, DS will be definitely be tall enough to ride every ride by the time we go back. Also, if we wait, I can't go the week before Thanksgiving in 2013 because my boss is going then so I'd have to pick another week. But Fantasyland will be complete!!

Ughh... the decision is driving me crazy. :sad2: I know the responsible thing to do, but the mommy/Disney side of me wants to go. :sad2:/:)


Unfortunately it is a very personal decision. we are all in very different circumstances here, I for example do not have children and we both have well paying jobs. We are also trying to pay off our debt and purchase our first home though, and should NOT be going to Disney this year either. Our intent was to get our C2C medal and we have already done the race in DL to do so... even though I regret it now we kind of feel like we can't stop now, so are going ahead with the trip even though there are a dozen more important things to put it towards. But, I can tell you from the other side I am carrying a lot of guilt about the trip, and don't know to what degree it will affect my enjoyment there. It would be much better to put it off until I have no guilt!

If you are double thinking it, and it will create a bit of a hardship I would wait, but again I am not you! :goodvibes
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am thinking about cancelling our trip this year. I've spent a year already trying to plan things, and I have our itinerary worked out. I can make ADRs in 1 week. I had planned on purchasing our MVMCP tickets yesterday, but something kept telling me not to.

Here's the deal... The trip is going to end up costing us around $4,000 (that includes everything from resort, tickets, meals, tips, souvenirs, gas, hotel stay, etc.). We are planning to buy or build a new house next spring, and if we don't take this trip, I can pay all that money to my credit cards and vehicle. By next spring, we could be debt free except for our current house. Going won't stop us from buying a new house, but I'm just not sure it's the responsible thing to do. :sad2:

The kids don't know about the trip so they won't be disappointed. They know we are saving for the trip, but aren't expecting to go this year. What makes me really want to go is DD is growing up fast. She is quickly outgrowing princesses, and if we don't go this year, I don't she'll "believe" in all the magic by the time we do go. On the other hand, if we wait, DS will be definitely be tall enough to ride every ride by the time we go back. Also, if we wait, I can't go the week before Thanksgiving in 2013 because my boss is going then so I'd have to pick another week. But Fantasyland will be complete!!

Ughh... the decision is driving me crazy. :sad2: I know the responsible thing to do, but the mommy/Disney side of me wants to go. :sad2:/:)


That is such a hard decision, but me personally I would wait. I spent the past year working the Dave Ramsey plan. I became debt free December last year (except the house). We are working on our 3-6 month emergency fund which should be done middle of June. I have been saving every month since we have been debt free to save for Vacation. By the time we go I should have $4K in the bank....but am having a hard time committing to the it is so far to see what is in the future. If you are second guessing your self will you enjoy the trip?
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