Most Expensive / Moist Exhausting Continued - Final thoughts and wrap-up

I'm not sure if I should be proud or offended that when you think of Morroco you think of me and urinals.;):rotfl2:
I can't realy complain because when I think of shrimp with poop sacks..I think of you.
I guess I've left my own legacy at Disney World.:rotfl:

WINKERS !!!! :banana::banana:

DLR :cool1::cool1::cool1: Will we have a TR?
Glad you liked it! See why it took me a little longer to work on this one?

I'm glad you qualified that statement Molly, so I know what I need to work on.

Aw thanks! Oh, and thanks for qualifying that last statement too. :laughing:

How come Marlene looks fresh as a daisy, I wonder?

Right now, no one in the family is reading it -- which is a good thing, I think!! They're in for a treat when they find it some time in the future.

I really do love this update! Well of course I qualified my statement, you were relieving yourself in a gorgeous Moroccan fountain!:laughing: How sweet that you made such a fond (probably too vivid) memory for Marlene!:laughing:

Yes, Marlene doesn't even look like she's sweating. You on the other hand, well let's just say you aptly title your TR.

0 Judy's and one very lame attempt to doctor a picture, which is NOT finding Judy somewhere in the confines of a scene captured by the photograph!

Judy posing - yes! Judy somewhere in the crowd - yes! Reflections of Judy in a glass table top - yes! Judy in a video game - yes! Judy parts somewhere in the edge of a picture - yes!

All of these actually occurred because Judy was present when the picture was taken! Edited into a picture that Judy was nowhere near is NOT finding a Judy!

SHAME on YOU!!! :sad2:

Boy, I didn't see this coming...:rolleyes1

Nope, no sour grapes here. I just don't think that fits any of the criteria used to spot a Judy in the pictures for the rest of the contest, which has to be an actual Judy, Judy part or Judy reflection. So I still say there were actually 0 Judy's in your update, as I pointed out! If someone that posted before me (and there were many) had said zero, I would have sided with them (even if that had been Molly's answer).

I was on the DIS boards but slow had nothing to do with it. Matthew called to give me an update on his meeting with the Naval Rear Admiral for selecting job openings (vessel type) and locations when he goes into the Navy after graduation. I wouldn't have been in the fray, regardless.

I still call bogus and Molly is still entitled to the point on a technicality! She was the first to respond to what she saw. That's not her fault...... :rolleyes1

Well, thank you Marv. That means alot, especially coming from you! How nice of you to allow me to keep the points too...

Ah, you left out the Judy's in the computer game, which were computer-generated images of Judy from previously, photographs. Which is essentially what these were. The Rules Committee has spoken!

Oh, let's make it her fault anyway.

That's right Glenn, you tell him!:thumbsup2 But hold on, wait a minute! Back up the sweaty express, you're making it my fault?:eek: Oh Glenn, you've always been so civil and now that conniving Marv has corrupted you!:headache::laughing:

Oh there you go!!!! :rolleyes1 Finding perfectly suitable common ground again!!! ;) :thumbsup2

:headache:NO comment.

:rotfl2: On that we can agree!

What??:eek: But I really did see 1 Judy in your update, even if she was photoshopped in. AND you said the rules committee had ruled in my favor.:sad1: Sniffle, sniffle. It's a good thing your TR is extremely well written and enjoyable to read Glenn or I'd leave in a huff. Well, not in a huff because that'd be hard to convey over the internet. Still, you get my point.:headache: I think this is Marv's fault, yup, it is!:sad2:
Her are Jordan and DJay in what is becoming a Must do Dis Tradition!!!:rotfl2:

I'm not sure if I should be proud or offended that when you think of Morroco you think of me and urinals.;):rotfl2:
I can't realy complain because when I think of shrimp with poop sacks..I think of you.
I guess I've left my own legacy at Disney World.:rotfl:

Cherie !!!!!!!!!!:banana::banana::banana:Did you see I will have a POLE installed at the Group Home very soon:banana::banana:Can you imagine that my very own Pole !!!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I had to add the Morrocco pix from our trip last year !!There are still 2 pix I so wish I had
1) Someone :confused3:rolleyes1falling in the bushes :rotfl2:
2) Someone :confused3:rolleyes1Torpedoing at Fantasmic !!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
Day 7 - Part 6

First, I promised to give you the Epcot pay phone numbers I jotted down. They are:

We looked around the bazaar. So much to see!

We especially liked this smiling guy. He must have been the joker of his platoon, singing “Do Wah Diddy” on forced marches and what-not.

“There she was just a-walkin’ down the street, singin’…”

(Good luck getting that out of your head now!)

We stepped out of the temple and I took a picture of the scenery.


Uh oh, I see at least one poncho. We’d better get moving to the bus stop or it’s going to be a wet walk.

I really enjoyed spending some time with just Marlene on this particular afternoon, even though the circumstances (Lauren feeling sick) were not what I would have wished for. Although unplanned, I was able to spend some one-on-one time with each child at some point during the trip: James at DHS getting Star Wars autographs, Lauren at DHS and our coconut run to the Polynesian, and now with Marlene in the World Showcase. I’m beginning to realize how quickly the time goes as I watch my children grow, and I hope that when they’re older they’ll look fondly back at moments like these.
....I know I will.

Up next: On safari from our balcony and air conditioned locations

Believe me, Glenn, they will. Some of my best memories for my childhood were from our two Disney trips back in the mid to late 80's. It sounds like you and Marlene ended up with a great afternoon, in spite of the other circumstances.

And the Chinese soldiers... :rotfl2: I'll be thinking about that when I'm strollling around World Showcase in less than twenty four hours!!

It was nice to see the shots of Morrocco, as I don't think I've ever ventured too deeply in there. Its hard to tell with some of the countries what there is to see beyond, as you put it, the main road. :confused3 More things to see! :woohoo:
Very refreshing update. I don't think I could ever get Dennis to do that pose in front of the fountain in Morocco. Well maybe if he had had a few. Did Marlene tell Judy what you did when y'all met back up? I'm sure you has some explaining to do.:lmao:

We love VOL, but we only caught part of the show. Next I want to hear the whole show.

I haven't been inside the Temple in China but now I just have to check out those expressions on the soldiers.

Loved the Stripes references! I think that was my first rated R movie. At least the first one I got into legally. And no I wasn't old enough but an adult took me.
:rotfl2: Now I'm thinking it's a wonder that Pat found you. Hopefully she didn't have to ask for directions-o from any Spanish speaking people.


That's fine, just don't ask us to buy that stuff for you! Or hold your purse for you in a store. :sad2:

Never! Welllllllllll.......;)

We're "respectable"?! Hey thanks!

Who said that?!? :goodvibes

So, I've been wondering why you're not posting....:rolleyes1 All caught up now! I love how you got to spend quality time with each of your kids - time well spent for sure. Marlene's beret is really stylin'! Too bad no one would answer the phone. Thanks for those numbers, they could be alot of fun - I'm thinking a slumber party game for some grown women on a dismeet:rolleyes1

Hmmm, this could be fun!

Doh!!!! of course it was. :headache: :blush:

Amazing isn't it??? I get on a plane it takes me places. I had been in Houston that spring and then connected through Houston again to San Antonio. I guess I had Houston on the brain. :rotfl2:

No problem!! Your still loved. :lovestruc

Ok, so I gotta wonder, how is brushng one's teeth/gagging in the morning any different?? Just sayin'

Thanks for the good wishes! I am back, and although he says it looks healthy, I dont' know how they're going to explain the pain of the US wand touching my belly?? Surgeon on Monday- we'lll see.... I can say, I finally took one of the scrips the doc ordered for pain (hydrocodone??) and had the best night's sleep I've had in MONTHS!!!! WOW!! No back pain, no gall bladder pain, just sweet, long rest. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I'm glad you got some good rest.

I'm not sure if I should be proud or offended that when you think of Morroco you think of me and urinals.;):rotfl2:
I can't realy complain because when I think of shrimp with poop sacks..I think of you.
I guess I've left my own legacy at Disney World.:rotfl:

WINKERS!!!! :woohoo: :banana: :yay: We miss you!!! :love:

don't ya love it when you crack yourself up? I mean it's almost just as funny at how pathetic that is. But I admit, that was funny! I'm not falling over yet, but did get a good old chuckle. :laughing:
It's funny because it shows how sadistic you really are.
yeah, but I call him almost everyday. Can I use "pathetic" twice in one repsonse??

Far from pathetic, it's called being a mom. :hug:

It could get scary. In a good way. We could secretly post someone there and have a virtual DISMeet, and then make a big long post about it and pretend it was someone really random. :lmao:

I do too!!! Now I'm worried that the insurance might not pay if it becomes elective. :confused:

If you have pain I doubt they will claim it elective, don't worry until they give you a reason to worry, my dear sweet friend.
Okay, I'm :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: just thinking about it. It would be best if someone actually answered, though:thumbsup2

Don't worry, if you try enough times...every so often....someone will eventually answer.

You two compliment each other pretty well. :lmao:


don't ya love it when you crack yourself up? I mean it's almost just as funny at how pathetic that is. But I admit, that was funny! I'm not falling over yet, but did get a good old chuckle. :laughing:
It's funny because it shows how sadistic you really are.

It's probably a "you had to be there" thing. The movie's really dramatic during that scene.

yeah, but I call him almost everyday. Can I use "pathetic" twice in one repsonse??

For you? Sure, use it as much as you want.

It could get scary. In a good way. We could secretly post someone there and have a virtual DISMeet, and then make a big long post about it and pretend it was someone really random. :lmao:

You won't need to fudge it. Try a few times and you'll get somebody.

Oh, by the way....I assume you directed Winkers to check out my thread -- THANKS!!!

WINKERS !!!! :banana::banana:

DLR :cool1::cool1::cool1: Will we have a TR?

That'd be good!
I really do love this update! Well of course I qualified my statement, you were relieving yourself in a gorgeous Moroccan fountain!:laughing: How sweet that you made such a fond (probably too vivid) memory for Marlene!:laughing:

You know I didn't actually relieve myself, right?

Yes, Marlene doesn't even look like she's sweating. You on the other hand, well let's just say you aptly title your TR.

I wish I could say that she spent more time in A/C than I did, but we were together the whole time.

Boy, I didn't see this coming...:rolleyes1

Yeah, me either.

Well, thank you Marv. That means alot, especially coming from you! How nice of you to allow me to keep the points too...

That's right Glenn, you tell him!:thumbsup2 But hold on, wait a minute! Back up the sweaty express, you're making it my fault?:eek: Oh Glenn, you've always been so civil and now that conniving Marv has corrupted you!:headache::laughing:

:headache:NO comment.

The sweaty express?! :mad: :laughing:

What??:eek: But I really did see 1 Judy in your update, even if she was photoshopped in. AND you said the rules committee had ruled in my favor.:sad1: Sniffle, sniffle. It's a good thing your TR is extremely well written and enjoyable to read Glenn or I'd leave in a huff. Well, not in a huff because that'd be hard to convey over the internet. Still, you get my point.:headache: I think this is Marv's fault, yup, it is!:sad2:

Oh, you still get the points. Don't worry about that. ;)
Her are Jordan and DJay in what is becoming a Must do Dis Tradition!!!:rotfl2:

Thanks for posting that Rosie.

Cherie !!!!!!!!!!:banana::banana::banana:Did you see I will have a POLE installed at the Group Home very soon:banana::banana:Can you imagine that my very own Pole !!!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I had to add the Morrocco pix from our trip last year !!There are still 2 pix I so wish I had
1) Someone :confused3:rolleyes1falling in the bushes :rotfl2:
2) Someone :confused3:rolleyes1Torpedoing at Fantasmic !!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I can't even imagine. :sad2:

Believe me, Glenn, they will. Some of my best memories for my childhood were from our two Disney trips back in the mid to late 80's. It sounds like you and Marlene ended up with a great afternoon, in spite of the other circumstances.

I think we definitely made some good memories! :goodvibes

And the Chinese soldiers... :rotfl2: I'll be thinking about that when I'm strollling around World Showcase in less than twenty four hours!!

:yay: Say "hi" to the smiling soldier for me. (And have a great trip!)

It was nice to see the shots of Morrocco, as I don't think I've ever ventured too deeply in there. Its hard to tell with some of the countries what there is to see beyond, as you put it, the main road. :confused3 More things to see! :woohoo:

I know! I really didn't know there was any more to Morocco than what you could see, and I thought the restaurant was at the front. Wrong.

I recommend that you check it out some.
Very refreshing update. I don't think I could ever get Dennis to do that pose in front of the fountain in Morocco. Well maybe if he had had a few. Did Marlene tell Judy what you did when y'all met back up? I'm sure you has some explaining to do.:lmao:

No, Marlene didn't tell. In fact, since Judy doesn't read my TR....she still doesn't know.

We love VOL, but we only caught part of the show. Next I want to hear the whole show.

It's not very long. Seems like they did about 4 songs or so.

I haven't been inside the Temple in China but now I just have to check out those expressions on the soldiers.

The smiling guy really stood out to us. :laughing:

Loved the Stripes references! I think that was my first rated R movie. At least the first one I got into legally. And no I wasn't old enough but an adult took me.

Hmmm, I don't remember the first legal one, but my first one was "Porky's", ah, slightly less than legally.

Who said that?!? :goodvibes

A very reliable and trusted source. ;)

WINKERS!!!! :woohoo: :banana: :yay: We miss you!!! :love:


If you have pain I doubt they will claim it elective, don't worry until they give you a reason to worry, my dear sweet friend.

That's some good advice, right there. :thumbsup2
Sorry, I completely forgot to reply to this post earlier...

Your drivel is right up there, no doubt. :laughing: Really though, it was amazing how you worked so many movie quotes/references into your posts. I may be good at spotting them, but I couldn't have worked that many in like you did. I mean, in that last post of mine the number of quotes was...Zero Point Zero.

Animal House!

And thanks. For some reason, everyone seems to think the movie quotes are the best-written parts... :rolleyes1 :laughing:

:cheer2: Ding ding ding! You win all of the bonus points for this round!
Hucifer noticed it too and said, "Is that the shirt?" :rotfl2:

I said, "Yeah, but I'm not going to mention it in the post. I want to see who notices."


Bonus points! I'm finally on the board!

Of course, I never would have noticed if everyone hadn't made such a big deal of it in our picture.
Oh, by the way....I assume you directed Winkers to check out my thread -- THANKS!!!

I did, and you're welcome! They oughtta be about half way to Anaheim by now. Lucky ducks!
You know I didn't actually relieve myself, right?

I wish I could say that she spent more time in A/C than I did, but we were together the whole time.

The sweaty express?! :mad: :laughing:

Oh, you still get the points. Don't worry about that. ;)

Well, pictures don't lie Glenn.:eek: And whoever suggested that next time you sit on it with a newspaper is hilarious!:thumbsup2

Yup, Marlene looked quite dry and refreshed. Maybe your sweat glands are more sensitive the older you get?;)

I thought the sweaty express was quite clever. Although I suppose I could have also said the moist express? Probably more fitting. Either way, you looked just a tad damp. Just a tad!:laughing:

Whew, I don't want to loose my points! Especially not due to Marv's whining, I mean, questioning the authenticity of that Judy.:sad2:

Forgot to add earlier that the Morocco pavillion is truly stunning. I love how the shops are cramped and close together like a marketplace. And the tile work is incredible, I was blown away by how beautiful it was.:thumbsup2
I just thought of something about the Moroccian pavillion. Apparently there is a rather phallic mural.

I cannot find where I read and saw a picture of it. If anyone has a picture, please share! :lmao:
I just thought of something about the Moroccian pavillion. Apparently there is a rather phallic mural.

I cannot find where I read and saw a picture of it. If anyone has a picture, please share! :lmao:

Seriously??? :scared1: This has gotta be out there on the net somewhere....!
I'm behind a couple of post. I LOVE your handy dandy post links at the end of each chp to help me catch up quick!

I'm glad you were able to spend some quality time with Marlene in WS. She looks so cute in her beret! Too bad you've been unsuccessful so far in getting someone to answer your booth phone calls.

That's so cool that you had a another DisMeet! My DH would think I was crazy too if I told him I was meeting a guy I communicated with on a internet board. And, Judy is very sweet for understanding too! That restaurant looks really cool that you went to.

BTW, your checked shirt was the FIRST thing that I noticed in your Dismeet picture! :laughing:

If I haven’t already destroyed your opinion of me with that picture, go back and read my title for this chapter about five times fast, and that oughtta do it. ;)

Oh & your picture & this just cracks me up! :lmao:
Spending time with your children one on one is always a great idea and I do it as much as I can. Now that they are getting older it seems that time is slipping by so fast. It was nice that you got to do that on your trip.

I love Morocco and always take my time going through it even when they leave without me. Don't think I will be able to look at the fountain the same way again.:rotfl2: I am just glad that my DH never thought of that because my girls would have been mortified :scared1: that we would get thrown out.:laughing:


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