Let them eat steak (and maybe some cake too) Nov. 9 -14, 2011 COMPLETE


DIS Veteran
Sep 22, 2000
Hello Everyone! :wave: In just three days we will be leaving for a short trip to the World. DS (age 15) will be coming along with DH and me, so he chose many of the restaurants where we will be eating. And since he is a huge steak lover, our dining schedule includes three steak houses! On our last family trip in March 2010 he ate steak at least seven times during our seven day trip (at Narcoosee's, Le Cellier, Chefs de France, Coral Reef, San Angel Inn, Teppan Edo, and Kona Cafe). :lmao: And which of these was his favorite? Surprisingly it was at Coral Reef! :confused3 Since that trip I have tried the steak at many of the Signature restaurants and believe Yachtsman to be the best. However, I have never been to Shula's (which many here believe to be the best), so this trip we will be doing our own little steak challenge. So check back in later this month to find out our results and to find out if eating too much steak can be a mis-steak. :rotfl2:

Here are our dining plans:

NOV. 9

Lunch at San Angel Inn - COMPLETE

Dinner at Yachtsman Steakhouse - COMPLETE

NOV. 10

Breakfast at the Boardwalk Bakery - COMPLETE

Lunch at Flame Tree Barbecue - COMPLETE

Lunch at Food & Wine Festival Booths - COMPLETE

Dinner at Via Napoli -COMPLETE

NOV. 11

Skipped breakfast (only had coffee from the Belle Vue Lounge)

Lunch at 50s Primetime Cafe - COMPLETE

A Quick Visit to the Food & Wine Festival - COMPLETE

Dinner at Shula's - COMPLETE

NOV. 12

Breakfast #1 at Sunshine Seasons - COMPLETE

Breakfast #2 at the Food & Wine Festival Booths - COMPLETE

Late Lunch at Le Cellier - COMPLETE

Dinner at Rose & Crown - COMPLETE

NOV. 13

Breakfast at Kona Cafe - COMPLETE

Lunch at the F & W Fest Booths (Part I)- COMPLETE

Lunch at the F & W Fest Booths (Part II) - COMPLETE

Dinner at California Grill - COMPLETE

NOV. 14

Cupcake from the Boardwalk Bakery for Breakfast - COMPLETE

Lunch at Coral Reef - COMPLETE

Sweet Treats from Karamell Kuche and Boulangerie Patisserie - COMPLETE

Dinner to go from Boardwalk Bakery - COMPLETE

Results of Our Disney Steak Challenge - Part I

Results of Our Disney Steak Challenge - Part II

sounds like your son is my kind of restauarant picker......I love meat too...Hope you have a great time
My DD12 would love your ADRs!! She is a huge steak fan as well. I can't wait to hear your reviews!
We're on the same schedule I swear!!!

We'll be there Nov 9-15!! We may pass you on the 9th! We'll be at F/W while you're at San Angel!!

I can't wait for you to try Shula's!! We're going there on the 13th!

Have fun!!! :yay:
I'm in! My DS15 would pick the same places as yours! Although he would probably rather go with Artist Point over Coral Reef!
Have a wonderful trip, I wish I was going too! Love the BWI and you have to go to Kouzzina for breakfast, its a total must if you are staying so close and please have the bakalava french toast...OMG it was incredible!
sounds like your son is my kind of restauarant picker......I love meat too...Hope you have a great time

Yep, DS is all about the meat. :laughing: Thanks!

My DD12 would love your ADRs!! She is a huge steak fan as well. I can't wait to hear your reviews!

Welcome! It won't be long now...this time tomorrow DS will be eating his first steak of many at YSH. :woohoo:

We're on the same schedule I swear!!!

We'll be there Nov 9-15!! We may pass you on the 9th! We'll be at F/W while you're at San Angel!!

I can't wait for you to try Shula's!! We're going there on the 13th!

Have fun!!! :yay:

Hi Deena! Congrats and Best Wishes on your Disney Wedding. I hope it is perfectly magical. :love:

Tomorrow can't come soon enough, are you all packed yet? I've barely started so I really need to tear myself away from my laptop and get my butt in gear. :lmao:

I'm in! My DS15 would pick the same places as yours! Although he would probably rather go with Artist Point over Coral Reef!

Welcome and I totally agree with your son. ;)

Have a wonderful trip, I wish I was going too! Love the BWI and you have to go to Kouzzina for breakfast, its a total must if you are staying so close and please have the bakalava french toast...OMG it was incredible!

Thanks Nicki! After reading your Kouzzina review, I am determined to get my DH and DS out of bed early and down there to breakfast at least one morning of our trip. :thumbsup2

Signing on, have a great trip!!!!:goodvibes

Can't wait to hear all the reviews, enjoy your trip!!

Welcome and thank you to you both! :)
I'm in! I loved your last review, so I can't wait to read this one!
We are back to the real world. :sad1: Had a great trip...just wish it could have been longer. We stuck to my original dining plans with only a few changes, which I updated in my first post. Sadly we didn't get to Beaches & Cream or breakfast at Kouzzina. :sad2: Oh well, maybe next time??? DS got his new IPhone 4S the day before we left for our trip and was anxious to try out the camera on it, so didn't put up too much of a stink about taking pictures of our food. :laughing: He is really busy right now trying to catch up at school, but I'm hoping this weekend he will have time to download the pictures off his phone so that I can begin our reviews. Oh, and speaking of our reviews, I have a few surprises in store for you regarding the results of our steak challenge. ;)
DAY 1 - ARRIVAL DAY :woohoo:

BACKGROUND: San Angel Inn has long been a family favorite. It was the restaurant where DH and I had our very first Disney meal on our first trip to Disney World in 1984. When we began taking family trips to Disney World in 2000, our three kids fell in love with SAI and almost every trip at least one of them would request that we eat here. I would have to say though that we were drawn more to the lovely atmosphere of SAI than to its food. Don’t get me wrong…the food was fine, but by no means was it anything special. Just the usual tacos, nachos, combo platters, and frozen margaritas that you can get at your hometown Mexican restaurant. However we noticed a change (for the better) in the menu and the food during our family trip in March 2010. All seven of us were quite happy with our food and the service we received was very good as well. We all agreed that it was one of the top three table service meals (of at least a dozen) that we had on that trip…outranking much more popular restaurants like Le Cellier, Chefs de France, Tutto Italia, etc., etc. Then came the experience which DH and I had here during our 25th anniversary trip in Nov. 2010. Although the food was still good, the service we received was terrible. So bad that I decided to skip it on my next trip to the World, in May 2011. Which brings us to this trip, where most of our dining choices were dictated by the limited likes and abundant dislikes of our 15 year old son. Since his last experience (in March 2010) at SAI was great, he of course placed it near the top of his Dining Wish List for this trip. Initially I tried to talk him out of it, but I soon gave in and scheduled lunch at San Angel Inn for our first meal of the trip. So, was it a great way to start off our trip??? :confused3 Read my review to find out. ;)

Our (DS and I only, DH joined us the next day) plane landed at the Orlando Airport at about 11:40 a.m. We quickly made our way through the airport to catch the Magical Express bus to our resort, the Boardwalk Inn. We checked in and were happy to discover that our room was ready. After changing and doing some unpacking, we headed to Epcot…arriving at San Angel Inn at 1:40, one hour early for our 2:40 reservation for...



Highlights – Chicken Tostadas, Avocado Margarita

Disappointments – Salsa served with chips

Would we Return? – Yes


I asked at the podium if we could be seated early and our request was granted with only about a 5 minute wait. The restaurant was less than half full at 1:45 and they were taking walk-ups, so I was nervous that that might be a bad sign. While we waited to be seated, I asked DS to take a picture of the Lunch Menu posted just outside the entrance to the restaurant.


The picture came out kind of blurry so in case you can not read it, here is a link to the San Angel Inn website. The menus listed on it seem to be up-to-date.


We were seated at a table for two in the center of the restaurant. Although we weren’t right up next to the water, we still had a pretty good view. I quickly noticed that they had not only changed the arrangement of the tables, but they had also added things to make the restaurant look a little more elegant…like new chairs, white tablecloths, as well as new china place settings and dark blue glassware. Here is a picture DS took while seated at our table.


New Look

And here is an old picture showing how the restaurant used to look:


Old Look

Our server soon came to our table to take our drink orders. For DS this was a Sprite but as for me, I wanted to start my trip with this...


Avocado Margarita
El Mayor premium silver Tequila, melon liqueur, fresh avocado, agave nectar and fresh lime juice, served frozen with a hibiscus Himalayan salt rim

This was as sweet and delicious as it was when I had it for the first time at La Cava de Tequila on my last trip. My favorite margarita at Disney World! :thumbsup2

Next came the complimentary basket of nacho chips and salsa.


Now I’m pretty sure they have again changed their salsa and this time it was not a change for the better. Neither DS nor I liked it, although that didn’t stop DS from eating a lot of it. :laughing: To me it tasted like a very smoky flavored barbecue sauce…BLECH! So I stuck to sipping my margarita until our appetizer arrived, which was…


Tostadas de Tinga
Pulled chicken seasoned with roasted tomato and chipotle, served on tostadas with black refried beans, green tomatillo sauce, queso fresco and sour cream

I didn’t get to have these on my last trip since they had been dropped from the La Cava menu just before our visit there and we did not dine at San Angel Inn. These were just as good as I’d remembered, maybe even better. ;)

Next came our entrees, which for me was the same as I had had and enjoyed on my last two visits to SAI. Unlike the tostadas though, this dish was not quite as good as I had remembered it.


Pollo a las Rajas
Grilled chicken breast served with red peppers & onion cream sauce, poblano rice, and queso fresco

I think DS probably made the better choice when he ordered…


Enchiladas Verdes de Pollo
Corn tortillas filled with pulled chicken, covered with green tomatillo sauce, topped with sour cream, queso fresco and onions, served with rice and black refried beans

According to him, these were very good. I can’t confirm this though because he was starving and ate all three of the enchiladas before I had a chance to sneak a bite.

We passed on dessert, as I had hopes of getting something sweet from the caramel shop in Germany, the bakery in France, or perhaps one of the Food & Wine Festival booths. But DS had other plans for us following our lunch. Yep, we were off to Future World to ride the rides. My sweet tooth would have to wait for another day. ;)

So all in all, this meal was a pretty good start to our trip. Good food and service, delicious margarita, and a beautiful setting. I guess San Angel Inn is back in my good graces once again. :thumbsup2

OUR TRIP TOTALS - STEAKS 0, CAKES 0(or any other desserts, for that matter :rolleyes:)

NEXT UP: Yachtsman Steakhouse
Great review. I've always wanted to try San Angel Inn but it's just never made on to the list. The salsa does not look appetizing at all. It looks like ketchup :laughing: I'm glad you had a good meal here and I can't wait to read more.
Thanks so much for taking a moment to post a link to your SAI review on my thread! I so appreciate your review -- and format!
Great review. I've always wanted to try San Angel Inn but it's just never made on to the list. The salsa does not look appetizing at all. It looks like ketchup :laughing: I'm glad you had a good meal here and I can't wait to read more.

Thank you! Another review will be coming your way very, very soon. :)

I'm in. Love your reviews. :thumbsup2

Thanks Pinkgirl and WELCOME! :wave:

Thanks so much for taking a moment to post a link to your SAI review on my thread! I so appreciate your review -- and format!

Glad to be of help! :thumbsup2
BACKGROUND: During our 25th anniversary trip in November 2010, DH and I had dinner at Yachtsman Steakhouse for the first time. This first experience was quite good and it ended up being our second favorite (of 6) Signature dinner of that trip, behind only California Grill. Consequently, it was near the top of my dining wish list when DD and I took a trip to the World to celebrate my 50th birthday last May. The food was again very good and the service we received here was even better than the first time around, resulting in YSH taking the top spot as my favorite Signature meal (of 7 this time) of that trip. Although the food wasn’t quite as good as Flying Fish or Citricos, the service we received at YSH was much better. So I would have to say that Yachtsman was my favorite Signature restaurant going into this trip. Would it remain at the top of my list after this third experience? Read my review to find out. ;)



Since we were staying right across the lake at the Boardwalk Inn, we didn’t have far to travel for tonight’s dinner. However, having just missed the boat, we decided to walk around the lake (past the Swan & Dolphin) to the Yacht Club and still ended up being 20 minutes early for our 8:20 reservation for…




Highlights – Pull-apart onion rolls, Filet Mignon and mashed potatoes

Disappointments – DS’s steak not cooked as ordered

Would we Return? – Yes


We were given a buzzer and told it would be about a 30 minute wait (as I said before, we were 20 minutes early), so we took a seat facing the glass-walled butchering room. We watched as they expertly cut and weighed each steak.


Also while we waited, I had DS take pictures of the menu posted outside of the restaurant entrance.



At exactly 8:20 (our reservation time) the buzzer went off and we were led to a table next to the window in the alcove section (my favorite area of the restaurant), with a great view of the Yacht & Beach Club pool (actually it’s more like a small water park), Stormalong Bay. This area is located in the upper right-hand corner of the picture below.


Our server soon stopped by to take our drink orders, which was again a Sprite for DS and for me was iced tea. I love that they serve this with a small pitcher of sweet syrup that you can add to your tea to make it sweet tea.


Iced Tea

Next came another of my YSH favorites, the pull-apart onion rolls. DS was so hungry that he refused to take a picture of the rolls first before he began devouring them. So this picture is from my last trip to YSH.


Pull-apart Onion Rolls

The onion rolls were again delicious, but DS is not a big fan of onion/onion flavor so he actually preferred the other rolls in the basket, which I think were sourdough. You can't really see them in the picture above, as they are hidden underneath the onion rolls. Anyway, DS ended up eating all of our rolls :eek:, with the exception of the one onion roll I managed to grab. ;)

For our shared appetizer, I chose the cheese plate.


Assortment of Artisanal Cheeses served with Toasted Sourdough Baguette and Seasonal Accoutrements

Below is a picture of the menu for the Cheese Platter. The cheeses appear in the above picture in the same order as listed, starting at the bottom (Lamb Chopper) to the top (Australian Blue). DS’s favorite was the mild-tasting cheddar one, but I preferred the stronger-flavored Australian blue cheese. It was paired with pine nut brittle (which was tasty), but I actually liked it even better with the raisins which were paired with another cheese.


For my entrée, I had my usual. :thumbsup2


Filet Mignon and Mashed Potatoes

This was an 8-oz. center cut filet with a cabernet wine sauce and served with delicious mashed potatoes (mashed with their skins still on). As requested, the steak was cooked to a perfect medium well (with a lightly pink center). I was again quite happy with this entrée. :)

DS usually prefers the New York Strip cut over a filet, so he ordered this…


New York Strip and Sweet Potato Beignets

This was a 12-oz. Prime New York Strip steak with a peppercorn-brandy sauce. Normally it is served with Carmody Potato Gratin, but instead he substituted this with the Sweet Potato Beignets that are served with the Rib Eye steak. He also ordered his steak medium well, but it came out more on the medium side (much more pink than he normally likes it). I suggested that he send it back but despite all the rolls and cheese that he had already eaten, he was still really hungry so refused to give it up. And even though it was not cooked as he had ordered and he wasn’t crazy about the peppercorn-brandy sauce, he still ate every bite of his steak. As for the Sweet Potato Beignets, he loves most everything sweet potato and really liked the beignets we had for the first time on our trip to New Orleans last spring, so we thought he would enjoy these. He said they were okay and again didn’t leave any uneaten, but they weren’t as good as he thought they would be. I got to have a little taste of one and thought they needed a little more sweet potato filling and less dough. They weren’t bad, but I much preferred my mashed potatoes.

As for dessert, DS was finally full and refused to eat even a bite of the crème brulee which I really, really wanted to have for dessert. I had gotten up at 4:00 a.m. that morning to catch our 6:30 flight, so I was too tired to argue and try to convince him. I accepted defeat and we called it a night…my sweet tooth was denied once again. :sad1:

So for me, Yachtsman was again a hit and is now three for three. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 As for DS, his first visit to YSH was not quite as successful as I’d thought it would be. Although he enjoyed his food and certainly didn’t leave hungry, he is not quite as impressed with YSH as I am.

OUR TRIP TOTALS - STEAKS 2, CAKES 0 (or any other desserts, for that matter :rolleyes:)

NEXT UP: Breakfast at the Boardwalk Bakery
I'm in!! ;)

We went to San Angel Inn on our July 2010 trip for lunch, and we loved it! I actually had the Tostadas de Tinga for my entree, and it was delicious! That avocado margarita looks great...I had a regular frozen one last time, and it was excellent. I am going to try the avocado margarita on our next trip (this coming July). We also loved their guacamole last time! And the kids enjoyed watching the boat ride, and they also loved their food (kids' quesadillas, then churros for dessert). :thumbsup2

We are taking the boys to 2 signature restaurants on our next trip, for the first time! One of them is Yachtsman because DS6 loves steak...it's his favorite food! I loved your review about Yachtsman! I could see DH and I sharing the porterhouse there, and adding another side dish or 2. The boys will be happy because they have steak on the kids' menu.

Our boys will be 5 and 7 when we go back in the summer...we are also taking them to California Grill!

Looking forward to reading more of your reviews, especially the next one (BW Bakery breakfast). We stay at BWV and we love the bakery, but we haven't eaten breakfast there. We usually either eat in the villa, or go to a couple of character breakfasts throughout our trip.


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