Jodi Arias Trial Part 7 GUILTY 1ST DEGREE!!!

How long will the jury deliberate in the GUILT phase? VOTES ARE PUBLIC.

  • Up to 4 hours

  • 4 - 8 hours

  • 8 - 12 hours

  • 12 - 16 hours

  • 16 - 20 hours

  • 20 - 24 hours

  • 24 - 36 hours

  • 36 - 40 hours

  • Over 40 hours

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Ok I am all caught up.

I was a bit behind everyone.

What a day.

What a JUANDERFUL day.

Juan did one amazing job.

I loved that he had visuals up there too.

What a great day for the State and more for the Alexanders!
I've been thinking about this a lot today in regards to the death penalty. I am a supporter of the death penalty. BUT if I was on a jury and having to decide that fate for someone I don't know if I could sentence someone to death.

I know that I could seperate the sentencing part of the trial from the deciding a verdict part..but if it came down to it, could I do it?

How do you all feel about that? It doesn't mean I have sympathy for the person who committed the crime..but how would you feel about deciding if someone should die? I'd like to think that if I had no doubt that they were guilty that I could put that aside and do it..but sitting here in my living room I can only imagine how hard it would be to do so.

I only hope these jurors can put the 2 parts aside and that they can decide the case without thinking about the sentencing after the verdict. I'm pretty sure that is what happened with CA...they were convinced that if they found her guilty it would mean death and none of them wanted to see her get the death penalty..they didn't get it is 2 distinct parts to the end of a trial.

I was thinking about this just yesterday. I'm a firm believer in consequences and in being accountable for your actions, but I can see how hard it would be to make a decision that would result in the death penalty for another individual - no matter how much they deserve it (and she does deserve it).

While it would be a difficult decision to make, in this situation, I would be able to sentence arias to death.

I believe that I would be able to do it too. It would be a situation of having been put in the position where I had to do the "right" thing because she did something so heinous. I wouldn't like it, but I would have to do it.
"If she believes the gun is unloaded what is she going to do with it? Throw it at him?"

Absolutely LOVED it when JM said this!!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Please remember to those that have not voted, there is a poll at the top of the thread/page!!!
Very few women have gotten the DP though because I think people have a hard time of the idea of putting a woman to death. If she was a man I think she would get the DP no question but being a woman I have a feeling it will be LWOP.
Please remember to those that have not voted, there is a poll at the top of the thread/page!!!

I have to hear all the closing arguments before I can vote so our poll is just another reason why this trial has to stay on schedule. ;)

I'm leaning towards 8-12 hours, maybe 16.
I'm holding out on voting until I hear the rest of the closing arguments.

Relative to Jodi's "crying", I don't know about ya'll but when I cry, my whole face turns all red and puffy. I look a hot mess. Jodi's just squenching her eyes a bit and pinching her nose to make it red. She's not fooling anybody.
I actually think/hope JM will really bring together the "full of life" side of Travis in his final close tomorrow and they can think about the contrast of his personality and the gruesome way he died because of her over the weekend!
Definitely. With today being what it was, the rebuttal closing argument should be heartwrenching where it needs to be. I think JM's got it. :thumbsup2
I've been thinking about this a lot today in regards to the death penalty. I am a supporter of the death penalty. BUT if I was on a jury and having to decide that fate for someone I don't know if I could sentence someone to death.

I know that I could seperate the sentencing part of the trial from the deciding a verdict part..but if it came down to it, could I do it?

How do you all feel about that? It doesn't mean I have sympathy for the person who committed the crime..but how would you feel about deciding if someone should die? I'd like to think that if I had no doubt that they were guilty that I could put that aside and do it..but sitting here in my living room I can only imagine how hard it would be to do so.

I only hope these jurors can put the 2 parts aside and that they can decide the case without thinking about the sentencing after the verdict. I'm pretty sure that is what happened with CA...they were convinced that if they found her guilty it would mean death and none of them wanted to see her get the death penalty..they didn't get it is 2 distinct parts to the end of a trial.
I'm 100% with you. I would not find it easy, and I would struggle. I think in the end, looking at this case and what I know about it, that I could do it. The premeditation...and honestly, the amount of time she premeditated it DOES matter to me, because that was so much more time she had to rethink it and NOT continue...the brutality, the indignity, Travis knowing that the woman he had slept with hours before was now taking his life, and he knew he was going to die, his struggle to save himself. I do think that ultimately I'd make the choice for death, and feel confident it was the correct choice.

I just can't shake JM's description of what Travis went through that day, at the hands of that murderer.
Nurmi comes off as the guy who hangs out at the 25 cent peep shows. He gives me the creeps.
Smelling his fingers. *insert vomit smiley here*
Ruh Roh ... JVM just said that she heard that Nurmi was saying the he was feeling under the weather today (he has a cold or something) :sick: :rolleyes: ... Is the DT planning on pulling another sick day tomorrow? :faint: ... Will the Judge honestly actually fall for that excuse again? :scared: ... I guess we'll find out tomorrow :sad2: ...
Ugh. I BET HE'S FEELING SICK! I bet they ALL are.
Please remember to those that have not voted, there is a poll at the top of the thread/page!!!
I created the poll and I haven't voted yet. :teeth: I won't forget tho.
I'm leaning towards 8-12 hours, maybe 16.
Me too.
Relative to Jodi's "crying", I don't know about ya'll but when I cry, my whole face turns all red and puffy. I look a hot mess. Jodi's just squenching her eyes a bit and pinching her nose to make it red. She's not fooling anybody.
I'm an ugly crier. And I can't hide it for a long time afterwards.
I only work half day tomorrow, so if reel isn't around, you'll be doing them a lot more.

Sorry guys, not sure how much I will be around tomorrow either. I have to work and then I have to do something at the kids school until 3:30 EST. i should be back for the afternoon session. Of all weeks to be busy.
I'm holding out on voting until I hear the rest of the closing arguments.

Relative to Jodi's "crying", I don't know about ya'll but when I cry, my whole face turns all red and puffy. I look a hot mess. Jodi's just squenching her eyes a bit and pinching her nose to make it red. She's not fooling anybody.

My eyes had more tears and were redder from seasonal allergies today than JA's eyes were from "crying" :rolleyes: ... She is such a manipulative, lying phony :eek: ...
BTW- Y'all have been busy today. 49 pages in less than 12 hours.
My eyes had more tears and were redder from seasonal allergies today than JA's eyes were from "crying" :rolleyes: ... She is such a manipulative, lying phony :eek: ...

I can certainly understand the allergy eyes. Everything started sprouting out and blooming about a month ago and we've been suffering every since.

I am watching Nancy Grace right now and I had a good laugh when she said "Uh oh, there she goes. She's trying to cry."
I've been thinking about this a lot today in regards to the death penalty. I am a supporter of the death penalty. BUT if I was on a jury and having to decide that fate for someone I don't know if I could sentence someone to death.

I know that I could seperate the sentencing part of the trial from the deciding a verdict part..but if it came down to it, could I do it?

How do you all feel about that? It doesn't mean I have sympathy for the person who committed the crime..but how would you feel about deciding if someone should die? I'd like to think that if I had no doubt that they were guilty that I could put that aside and do it..but sitting here in my living room I can only imagine how hard it would be to do so.

I only hope these jurors can put the 2 parts aside and that they can decide the case without thinking about the sentencing after the verdict. I'm pretty sure that is what happened with CA...they were convinced that if they found her guilty it would mean death and none of them wanted to see her get the death penalty..they didn't get it is 2 distinct parts to the end of a trial.
In this case, the Punishment should be death. I would have NO problem giving it to her.

Oh yeah, I think he wrapped it up damn tight. I'm glad he dropped the sarcasm, it really doesn't suit the seriousness of the case.

Even if they find her guilty, they still have the option of sentencing her to life and the judge will decide if that's LWOP or 25 years to Life.
It had better be at LEAST LWOP

Masterful closing by JM. He painted a clear picture for the jury.

I agree. I cried today during that portion of the closing. The brutality of this murder is beyond my coprehension. She is beyond vile, and I cannot put into words how I feel about Arias. To commit such a horrific and violent act against another human being, I just cannot fathom. And to think he was standing in front of a mirror as this was happening to him. The horror in the last moments of his life.

Nurmi comes off as the guy who hangs out at the 25 cent peep shows. He gives me the creeps.

While it would be a difficult decision to make, in this situation, I would be able to sentence arias to death.
Brutal. Brutal. She deserves death.

I am in favor of the death penalty. I can tell you anyone who votes for it does not have a thing to worry about. Neither does the person who is doing the execution. They are totally covered. If I was on a jury and knew with out a doubt it was the right decision to make I would not feel any guilt for it. I would say that there may be a 1 percent chance in life you have put away the wrong person. This case has so much stacked up against Jodi. She is an adult and she knows right from wrong. There is no fog, no crime of heat of passion. There was a rage and anger because a man refused her and dumped her for once. That is not how she did things. She always dumped them and moved on for someone else. There is enough evidence of that in of it's self. Jodi has had problems all her life. And Jodi does not know how to take any responsibility for herself. She wants to blame everyone else. I think that Jodi's parents always stepped lightly around her and never really gave out full punishments. So Jodi basically ran the house. Right now I also know Jodi's mom is realizing that this is out of her hands and she can't do anything for Jodi.

I have peace that the jury is going to do the right thing. It is out of my hands and I can't do anything about it.

I hope and pray the jury does the right thing (as far as I am concerned).
I can certainly understand the allergy eyes. Everything started sprouting out and blooming about a month ago and we've been suffering every since.

I am watching Nancy Grace right now and I had a good laugh when she said "Uh oh, there she goes. She's trying to cry."

Here too ... But my allergies really kicked in big-time about two weeks ago ... First it was just tree pollen, which was bad enough ... But now it's both tree and grass pollen, and it is wearing me out :faint: ... This year seems to be so much worse than last year ... I hope we both get some relief soon ... :)
Sorry guys, not sure how much I will be around tomorrow either. I have to work and then I have to do something at the kids school until 3:30 EST. i should be back for the afternoon session. Of all weeks to be busy.
Sometimes I just can't get over the bad timing of things. :rolleyes: I do my usual Friday with DGD, and then I have an extra day to babysit next week...MONDAY of all days. :faint:
I am watching Nancy Grace right now and I had a good laugh when she said "Uh oh, there she goes. She's trying to cry."
I have a love/hate relationship with Nancy Grace, but she's got some awesome lines. Catching up with JVM now, and then I must try to get some sleep!
I just can't shake JM's description of what Travis went through that day, at the hands of that murderer.

That was so hard listening to it. I really hope it had even more impact in person.

I work all day tomorrow, 10 hour day, so will just be reading here, although a person who sits a desk away from me does say she can get the HLN's feed on the computer to see the live updates..just can't get any of the live streams.
Sorry guys, not sure how much I will be around tomorrow either. I have to work and then I have to do something at the kids school until 3:30 EST. i should be back for the afternoon session. Of all weeks to be busy.

It's ok I got it. Even UR helps out....
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