In Search of My Body vol.9 - I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Endurance Athletes
I need your help
E, you said that you think right before dinner is the best time to work out. For me I do it when I can (with the girls and DH's schedule its hard) So most of the time is first thing in the AM like 5:30!:scared1:
When I do that I am STARVING all day. WTH!

Also, I am sitting at my desk today doing reports and falling asleep, I decide to go into the warehouse and run up and down the stairs. I did this for 4 mins and I was SOOOOOOOOO Winded? Why, I am really that out of shape?:eek:
Yup, that's not too far from where I live. I have met a friend there to walk once or twice.

I have not been to raleigh in 6 years, but I remember it being so very peacefull. For me doing a run there first thing in the AM was so wonderful.
Oh, how I miss it!
Endurance Athletes
I need your help
E, you said that you think right before dinner is the best time to work out. For me I do it when I can (with the girls and DH's schedule its hard) So most of the time is first thing in the AM like 5:30!:scared1:
When I do that I am STARVING all day. WTH!

Also, I am sitting at my desk today doing reports and falling asleep, I decide to go into the warehouse and run up and down the stairs. I did this for 4 mins and I was SOOOOOOOOO Winded? Why, I am really that out of shape?:eek:

I actually have the same problem with hunger on the days I have been getting up early to do the training program, and so far we are only up to 4 miles.

If there is a way to get rid of that hunger, I want to know too! I have heard refuel immediately after the workout, but I tried that last week to no avail. By 4PM, even with a reasonable sized lunch, I was ready to gnaw my arm off.

I usually work out right before lunch and I am good to go for the rest of the day.
I actually have the same problem with hunger on the days I have been getting up early to do the training program, and so far we are only up to 4 miles.

If there is a way to get rid of that hunger, I want to know too! I have heard refuel immediately after the workout, but I tried that last week to no avail. By 4PM, even with a reasonable sized lunch, I was ready to gnaw my arm off.

I usually work out right before lunch and I am good to go for the rest of the day.

Kat, from time to time I work out right after work, but now with summer and the girls its hard.
Endurance Athletes
I need your help
E, you said that you think right before dinner is the best time to work out. For me I do it when I can (with the girls and DH's schedule its hard) So most of the time is first thing in the AM like 5:30!:scared1:
When I do that I am STARVING all day. WTH!

Also, I am sitting at my desk today doing reports and falling asleep, I decide to go into the warehouse and run up and down the stairs. I did this for 4 mins and I was SOOOOOOOOO Winded? Why, I am really that out of shape?:eek:

There are LOTS of good times to work out; I don't know that there is a single "best" time, but certainly you want to do it BEFORE a meal time.

I understand about having to work out around the kids, but you can get creative. My kids are a bit older now, but I always just incorporated them into my workouts in a variety of ways. And even now, if I have to get a run in and Jeff is traveling I just have them get on their bikes and they ride while I run. This worked even better when they were still on training wheels, so it is definitely a good way to go with little ones. And I used the double jogger forever until they were big enough for bikes with training wheels.

Another thing I often do is the stairs at home. I do that a couple of times a month, at least. If I can't get out of the house or can't get any other type of workout in, by God, at least I can do the stairs! :rotfl2: And if you are that winded after 4 minutes, it just shows that this is a good place for you to be. Sure, running is great. But it doesn't work all of your muscles, right? That is what cross-training is for.

I have a dozen more ideas for getting a workout in around the kids, but the bottom line is to be creative and think outside the box.

As for getting so hungry, the main thing is that after you workout, you want to eat HIGH protein with some carbs. Also, first thing in the morning, regardless of whether or not you workout in the morning--the best way to NOT want to eat your arm off by 4pm is to have a high protein breakfast.

But of course, everyone is different. You have to play around a bit and see what works for you.
Thank You E.
Alexa does ride her bike with me when I run, but Alaina can not ride that far. I have even done sprints in front of the house (what a sight to see!)

I don't have a double jogger so I could only walk if I have both girls, but if I am going to be HONEST, I do have a treadmill and an elliptical at home. So there is nothing stopping me to do that. :rolleyes1

As for eating, this AM I had the Jimmy Dean D-Lit Turkey/cheese muffin 6 points. I was starving until I had lunch, Turkey sub and now I am good!
Moring is the worst time for me.
For those of you with significant do you meet your weight loss goals together?

VERY good question! And for everyone, the answer is going to be different!

Stephen also works out alot, so for the two of us it's just a habit. Because he works from home, he gets up in the morning, works for an hour-ish, and once the kids are off to school we get our acts together and workout. Today we biked. Some days we go on trail runs. But most often we go to the gym. BUT. We don't DRIVE to the gym together. Typically we go at the same time, but I'm usually there longer than he is.

Cathie--Jeff and I both work out A LOT. And basically, we each just make it a priority. Let's say it is a Saturday and I promised to ______ (fill in the blank with any particular chore around the house). Jeff knows that I won't do it until AFTER I run.

:eek: Oh, I never promise to do any particular "chore" :rotfl: :rotfl:

Endurance Athletes
I need your help
E, you said that you think right before dinner is the best time to work out. For me I do it when I can (with the girls and DH's schedule its hard) So most of the time is first thing in the AM like 5:30!:scared1:
When I do that I am STARVING all day. WTH!

I'm a morning exerciser as well. Not quite as early as you, but 8:00ish Trial and error led me to discover that I needed to eat more in the morning and less in the evening. By the time I've finished with my lunch, I need to have eaten a full half of my days allotment of WW points (or calories, or however you count your food). I can't skimp on fats and proteins in the morning or I crash around 2:00-3:00. And lots and lots of fruit and veggies all day.

But of course, everyone is different. You have to play around a bit and see what works for you.

yep. Like I said. Trial and error. Oh - and the other thing that works well for me (when I'm truly "on", which I haven't been lately but I'm getting there again) is I eat by the clock, 6 smaller meals a day. Sadly, it's something that you may have to fiddle with before you find a system that suits you well. But don't give up - the answer is there, you just haven't found it yet!
I just want to echo what Nancy said...

Jo, you said that you eat 6 points for breakfast and yet you are starving by lunch. What are you eating in between? Every three hours is a good rule to go by--for a variety of reasons. First, you don't get to the point where you are so hungry that you eat everything in sight and then go hunting for more.

Secondly--eating more frequently means you are working your metabolism. Which means you are speeding up your metabolism...which means you will burn more calories when "at rest." This is MAJOR. It is also the biggest issue that obese folks have. They often skip breakfast--and sometimes even lunch--not eating all day until evening. Then they binge like crazy. And even if during that binging they eat less calories than they would if they had eaten throughout the day, they have screwed their metabolisms up so badly by eating that way for such a long time, that their metabolisms are snail-like.

Make your body work for you!

6 small meals a day is ideal. However, like Nancy said, figure out when your larger meals need to be. Me? I have to plan a decent size snack (3-4 points) at 4pm. That is my danger zone. And yes, we eat dinner at 6. But this way, I don't get overly hungry, I eat a much smaller dinner, and my points last throughout the day instead of being all used up by dinner. Again, for some folks, it is ok to use the last of your daily points at dinner. But I am up till 1am most nights. I know that there is no way in hell I can make it from 6pm to 1am with no food. I have to leave some points for late night.

But the first thing is to stay within your points range. This, too, might take figuring out. For me, I stay within my daily points because I know I am going to go over on the week-ends and I need to save my bonus for points then. Nancy divides her weekly bonus points up and adds a few extra to each day of the week since she has a hard time staying within her daily points. So again, you have to try different things and see how they go.

Last piece of advice--sorry if I am throwing so much information at you! But try to stay with "real" food as opposed to pre-packaged and processed. Sure, it's healthier, we all know that. But in addition, it is going to stick with you--you will feel fuller longer.
Hi everyone!

Everyone is posting great goals! So here are mine:

- drink 48 oz of water everyday (not including what I drink when working out)
- eat JC food for five days out if the week
- follow portion control when eating non JC food
- write it down; yes dummy you need to track and journal!

Can you tell my goals are all food related? I am living proof that you can't out train a bad diet!
Jo - here is what has been working (and I use that phrase lightly) for me lately.

Up at 6:00 and out the door for work by 7:00. Eat a piece of fruit on the way in. Around 8:30 or 9:00 I eat breakfast which is usually cereal w/ skim milk and berries. I also have a cup of tea. This is contractor coffee break time so I am trained to eat here.

Lunch is around noon and is usually a JC lunch which is around 250 calories. It could be a turkeyburger, beef stew, etc. I also have a serving of veggies. Could be a salad or cut up veggies with a dip made from fat free Greek yogurt.

Around 3:30 or 4:00 I have a vitamin bar that JC makes and is snout 110 calories and a piece of fruit. If I am starving, I will add some Greek yogurt to this for the protein.

Dinner is around 6:30 on the nights I am not working out and are about 300 calories. I add veggies to this to fill me up. If I find myself going to the gym from work, I may grab a Luna bar to carry me over but not always. Dinner is then after my workout and I tend to look for a high protein option as opposed to a pasta based entree.

I work out almost exclusively at night due to my work schedule. Even if I was willing to be at the gym for five I still would be pushing it to get to work on time. Throw in the fact that I am just nit a morning person and you see why I work out at night.
Sounds like just about everyone has posted goals, so I will get to work on posting our chart. Anyone who still wants to join, just post! This is not a closed challenge, by any means!
E. Nancy, Paula

Thanks so very much for the advice.
Morning is my worst time, so I need to work on eating a little more in the AM. I am going to try to do the 3 hour thing, I think that may help.

Today is going to be a Longgg day. Up at 4AM and can't go back to sleep.UGG
huh. We're beginning to sound like a weight loss thread ;)

But the first thing is to stay within your points range. This, too, might take figuring out. For me, I stay within my daily points because I know I am going to go over on the week-ends and I need to save my bonus for points then. Nancy divides her weekly bonus points up and adds a few extra to each day of the week since she has a hard time staying within her daily points. So again, you have to try different things and see how they go.

Erika is absolutely right. I do divide up my weekly bonus points and add some to each day. I also eat my activity points. For example, according to my little slide rule thingy yesterday's bike ride rewarded me with 9 activity points. NINE! I was extremely hungry in the afternoon so I did end up eating most of those 9 points.

I also try to determine why it is I feel hungry. Is it emotional? a snacky habit or craving? Do I need to hydrate more? Or am I honestly hungry. So many pieces to fit together. But, I'll keep on keepin' on. :laughing:

Lisa? Where are you? :confused3 hope all is going well my friend!
Nancy I eat my activity points also. I think that is why I have not gained I have stayed the same.

And I do know most of my snack eating is at work and it is emtional.

Have you ever seen the movie the Devil Wears Prada. Well that is the type of person I work for.

I am trying hard to know that this is just a job. And I am happy that I am not her!
So funny, Nancy! I was going to say the same IS starting to sound like a weight loss thread around here! :rotfl2:

Off to get a short run in. Kids have a half day today, so I am pressed for time.
Morning ladies.

Okay so I'm in a crabby mood I am determind... DETERMINED to go home and work out and hopefully it'll help relieve some stress. We have a really nice park across the street with a lake, maybe I'll drag Carlos to go walk around it a few times with me.

Today so far-lunch from home, CHECK!!!!
Cathie, Great job on brining your lunch!!! :thumbsup2

E, forgive me if this has already been said, but do your kids go to school year round?

Kat, Meg, Tonights the night!!!!
:cheer2: BLACKHAWKS :cheer2:
Kat- Just wanted to say I tried mucinex in addition to taking zyrtec for my allergies because you said it helped. And I think I'm finally turning the corner and getting better. So I've been waiting all day for a chance to say thank you!

Jo- Go Blackhawks! Although I might be cursed this year so maybe I shouldn't say that. I went to a Bruins playoff game and they lost. I went to a Celtics playoff game last night and they lost. I used to be good luck!

So this week is teacher appreciation week at school. The parents in each class room make us lunch for a week and at the end of the week we get binders with notes and pictures from the families at the center. There has been a ton of food! I want to participate especially because there are lots of foods I wouldn't normally have so I'm just trying to eat a tiny portion of the things. Its been hard though and I definitely am starting to feel gross even though I don't think I've been eating too much. It's just not what I'm used to. Not the way I wanted to kick off the challenge.

I'd also like to vent about other things at work right now but I'm just too fearful that someone might see it.


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