If you were trapped in MAGIC KINGDOM, were would you Sleep?

In MK WDW, definitely the castle suite, but given the same question in Disneyland...Walt's apartment on Main Street above the firehouse.
In the bakery, closest to the fudge and caramel apples?:goodvibes

No, no, definitely the Cinderella Suite... I'd just bring an apple with me. :rotfl:

I have a picture somewhere of a kid asleep in the bakery. It was 1am and she was tired out. :rotfl:

On a bench somewhere or maybe the swiss family treehouse.
Castle Suite for me too......although the porch outside Crystal Palace has some nice benches.........
my DH LOVES the people mover!!!! He could sleep there but i would head right for the castle :D:love:
Ok if the castle suite is taken, I'll camp out on one of the sofas downstairs in the picture taking area.
I would say HM or in the castle suite, I do love the idea of the tree house but only in mother and fathers room.
Pirates of course to see whats behind all those scenes, then Big thunder act like I am camping out in the arizona desert, Splash Mountain go behind the scenes. No sleeping that night too curious for sure.If they made me sleep I guess i would go on the boat and let the water rock me to sleep..
Ive always thought if the Castle Suite was not an option the Tree House but maybe a Jungle Cruise boat.
if it was cold I would pick out a house in Pirates, if it was nice out I would most likely spend the night in Splash Mountain. What would be awesome is if I could be shrunk down to size to fit in one of those amazing tiny houses, they are in an outside area of Splash right before you get a good castle view.

I also liked a PP's idea of the children's beds in Peter Pan. I would enjoy looking out their window over the city of London.
Carousel of Progress - though I might feel a little like I
just entered the twilight zone!
I would get a sleeping bag and a pillow and sleep under the stars in the hub...oh how amazing that would be


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