How Much Do You Ladies Charge to Haunt the Castle? -- Departure Day up (See index

I loved re-living all the updates! Sadly I am no longer that tan :rotfl: and I really miss it!

Trust me...I'm no longer than tan either. I thought you were going to say you missed me. :lmao::lmao:

Kathy, Loved the updates this morning and the pictures are great!! Unfortunately your son is right it was our plan to move down there also after we totally retired but now with the wonderful grandkids we are talking about only renting for a couple of months in the winter. It would be too hard not to see them all the time!! Have a wonderful trip this week I hope Mark is totally surprised. Happy early birthday to him!! Elaine:)

Thank you, Elaine. I'm afraid of that with the grandkids...but Mark says we are moving...and we'll fly them out whenever they want to come. :-)'s almost here.

I KNEW that there would be tears from someone when you said your goodbyes. I can't say that I blame you though. It's so hard to say bye to good friends who live so far away. At least you knew that you'd see them soon. Well, you, Nicki and Tood did.

I was doing really well...under control with my emotions, and then all he** broke loose. :rotfl2::rotfl2: Thankfully, I get to see them three times this year and at least twice next year (unless we make this December thing an annual trip).

Okay, finally caught up again. So, did we establish that it was Mark who got all weepy at the goodbyes? :sad: ;)

Yes, it was definitely Mark who got all weepy. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Always sorry to see the great times come to an end.

Yes it is...and we get to do it all over again in two days.

The beach looks just perfect, between the weather and the gleaming white sand.

It truly was.

Mark should never have to grow up. Life has too many humorless grown-ups as it is.

It sure does, Mark, it sure does.

Love your dinner choices. All of the meals look really good. I'm especially a sucker for good bbq.

Me to seafood, bbq is my favorite.

Sorry you had to say goodbye...but looking forward to the big reveal!

Hoping to post the video on Wednesday night.

I hate reading about goodbyes, but since I can't see pics right now, I'll come back and read it all over again. sniff sniff

And make yourself sniff sniff again?

Awwww Kathy, :hug: sad to say vacation, little sis...and that amazing beach....but you'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccck....

THIS WEEK :cheer2:

It gets harder each time we leave Nicki and Todd.

I can't believe in less than 64 hours we will be there. :yay:

Looks like you guys have a great time with Nicki and Todd. Your view is amazing! Were you the only ones on the beach??? It always looks empty!

I can't believe our trips are in just 3 days!!! SOOO excited. I am going to keep my eye out for you guys. We are going to MVMCP Sunday!

We had an amazing time with them. The beach was never crowded..which makes my getting the best seashells better. :)

Please do look for us Sunday and be sure to say hello if you find us.
your last two days look so relaxing! love the sunrise photo :goodvibes
cool you got to see so many dolphins, manatees and birds!

only 3 more days until you are back at your happy place and getting to see Nicki & Todd....can't wait to see the surprise revele to Mark!

We've seen dolphins or manatees every year...never both...and this year we saw lots of both.

Approximately 45 hours until the big reveal.

First link in my signature. Oh the places we go the people we see.

I've subscribed to both and will try to catch up on them tomorrow.

GREAT updates! Marco Island looks so beautiful and it.

Those are some really wonderful pictures of all of you at the all look so happy and relaxed :)

It really is beautiful and so peaceful.

We were happy....well until the tears at least.

I have a feeling Judy is gonna want to add Marco Island to her desired places to visit after I show her the dolphin pix !! How far is it from WDW!!I am thinking of a possible side trip one of these visits to WDW !!!
All your pix are gorgeous Kathy and the food is yummy!!!

Rosie, it is about 3-1/2 to 4 hours from Disney if I'm not mistaken (Nicki could confirm that better; I usually sleep through part of the ride).

Thank you...glad you liked the pictures.
those are some cute Minnie Red toes :)

thanks for stopping by my PTR!
The beach pictures are so lovely! I can't get over how white the sand looks.

And that lunch at Porky's looks delicious! mouth is watering! :rotfl2:

Glad y'all got in the traditional last meal. That last group shot from the dinner is really nice! :thumbsup2

Sounds like it was as good as a last night can be. :goodvibes
Loved the last updates - it's always so hard to leave... Man - I was almost crying watching YOU leave. LOL

Also love your red toes... I am contimplating getting mine done for the holidays.

The beach pictures are so lovely! I can't get over how white the sand looks.

I have never seen such white sand; Daytona is certainly not like that.

And that lunch at Porky's looks delicious! mouth is watering! :rotfl2:

My mouth was watering when they brought it was so good.

Glad y'all got in the traditional last meal. That last group shot from the dinner is really nice! :thumbsup2

Thank you.

Sounds like it was as good as a last night can be. :goodvibes

It was a wondeful last night. :)

Loved the last updates - it's always so hard to leave... Man - I was almost crying watching YOU leave. LOL

Awww...thanks; it really does get harder and harder to leave our friends, but in two days I'll be hugging and kissing them again. :yay:

Also love your red toes... I am contimplating getting mine done for the holidays.


Mark informed me last night he loved my "Christmas red" toes. :rotfl::rotfl: Little does he know, they are Minnie toes.
Great finish!! Waiting to see the souveniers. How are you managing to pull off this suprise?! Can't wait to hear about the big reveal.

It is so awesome to see all the wildlife just hanging around the condo. And your sunrise photos are amazing. Who wouldn't love waking up to that every day?!:love:
It's now Saturday, September 29 and that dreaded day...we have to go home. :sad2:

Bags were put in the car last night except for our carry-ons and one suitcase that had the toiletries in it. After being sure they were not overweight, we headed to the airport.

I admitted to hubby that I made a mistake this trip. Although we returned the car in record time, we really pushed it very close to our departure time. :scared1: Next time, we will give it at least an additional 30 minutes. Part of the problem, is after going through the body scanners, Mark had to be patted down. I swear it happens every time in Ft. Myers and even though we were flying First Class and had a separate line, it was still crowded. We had enough time to make a run to the restroom and boarding began. PHEW!!!!

I took absolutely NO pictures on the plane coming home. I was absolutely wiped out and slept the whole trip home. We landed on time and went to luggage claim, retrieved our bags and called Andy who was in the cell phone lot to tell him we had arrived. He was there within 5 minutes.

He started laughing when he got out of the car to help us load the luggage. I asked him what was so darn funny. He said "oh nothing...but you two really are just two big kids, aren't you?"

This is why he said it:


We were home, after stopping at Starbucks for a coffee for me, in 45 minutes (love that O'Hare is closer than Midway).

We were welcomed home by lots of doggie kisses from our Cookie (guess she forgave us for leaving her with Andy for two weeks), lots of mail to go through and tons of laundry to do. Welcome home. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Overall, with the exception of losing Mark's mom the day before we left and the minor hiccups at Old Key West, a couple of really bad meals, it was another great vacation to Florida and we can't wait to be there again in two days. Well, I can't wait...Mark has no clue that he's going...yet! :rotfl::rotfl:

I took a few pictures of some souvenirs that we picked up while we were there:

This is on Mark's car:


New luggage tags:


Mickey ponchos for $5 (they didn't have Minnie, so we both got Mickey)


New potholders for me:



For our son, Andy


Got this in Japan for Mark


Got this for Alisha at the Seashell Factory




Got this for Des


There was more...but I won't bore you with it all.

I thank you all very much for reliving our trip with us and for all your support during Mark's mom's illness and subsequent passing. My DIS friends are truly the best!

Finally, THE END! ;)
Hey...what's wrong with being grown up kids? I happen to like the fact that you are. ;) Looks like some great souvies! I always say that I'm going to buy "this or that" and then end up leaving them on the shelves. :confused:
Awesome!!! SO CLOSE :love:

Thanks; yes it is...I wish it would hurry up though. :rotfl::rotfl:

Great finish!! Waiting to see the souveniers. How are you managing to pull off this suprise?! Can't wait to hear about the big reveal.

It is so awesome to see all the wildlife just hanging around the condo. And your sunrise photos are amazing. Who wouldn't love waking up to that every day?!:love:

The souvenirs just got posted. The big surprise will be revealed tomorrow night (the details are posted in my PTR).

The wildlife is wonderful to see and it is just such a wonderfully relaxing time after the hustle of Disney.
Love the shirts!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Glad your flight was uneventful. Those are the best ones. :thumbsup2

I can't wait to see the big reveal!!! 2 more days!!!! :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy yourselves and relax on vacation with the passing of Mark's mom. :grouphug:
lots of fun goodies you brought home!

you are almost you are bursting at the seams to share the surprise!
Truly loved your TR! You are both so much fun - I would love to meet you some day at WDW for a Dismeet! Can't wait to read all about your next trip popcorn::
Love the souvenirs. Great TR. I'm so glad you were able to take this trip. While Disney doesn't change circumstances back home, it does help tremendously in the healing process.
I laughed when I saw the shirts too! You can't beat a couple that still enjoys each other and has that much fun together.

Now on to the next adventure!
Great wrap up Kathy. I loved the trip. And you are so lucky to be going back again so soon. I am on pins and needles. I hope you post about the reveal right away.
We had an amazing time with them. The beach was never crowded..which makes my getting the best seashells better. :)

Please do look for us Sunday and be sure to say hello if you find us.

Glad you had such a great time!

I will definitely keep my eye out! We are doing Epcot Friday for the first half of the day, then to Hollywood Studios later for the lights! By the way..My name is Sara...hope to see you down there!


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