Have you ever seen a spider?

Had to join in here...Hate spiders, but never really had any in our room there (probably will this time now!)
But...we did see an ENORMOUS bee of some type while in line for Peter Pan. :eek: I have an irrational fear of bees (well I have been attacked by a swarm not once, but twice in my life for upsetting yellow jackets in the ground). This appeared to be a type of wasp and was about 2 inches long and probably 1/2 inch wide. I was terrified because we had to walk by it twice. Hope we never see another one of those.
And we also saw a snake at our resort and they had to remove it as it turned out to be some kind of poisonous snake.

Other than that, just lots of ducks and bunnies, but love those ducks and bunnies!
we once saw an armadillo and a whole "army" of tiny green frogs eating the bugs that were flying around the light outside our room - husband had to "sweep" them all away before we could enter the room.

We too saw an armadillo. It was awesome! Saw a cottonmouth snake at the GF too.
In 2010, we stayed at Coronado and found a spider in our bed when we pulled back the covers. My girls and I screamed and I called housekeeping and made them change out the bedding. Bugs of any kind in bed freak me out!
I found a good sized spider in my son's rental stroller at AK this morning! Eek!
Its not the spiders you should be worried about its the snakes. Yes we had one slithering on our balcony.
Sorry a little off topic but on topic....I just finished rehab for my knee a few weeks ago all because of a supposed spider. This was in Michigan and DD16 wanted to go kayaking but was afraid there was a spider. So we washed the kayak out with water (never saw a spider) and the had to empty it. Well my left foot must have been on a slippery rock when we went to lift and snap! Several weeks of PT and a surgery later and the more PT, plus God forbid the money!

Lesson....suck it up...it's a spider! That's what I should have told DD16! And per my ortho this will be a problem for me for the rest of my life (didn't tell my DD16 because I don't want her to feel this was her fault - it was the fictitious spider's fault!!!!!)

Back to the thread....
Last year we stayed at GF and we were on the first floor looking out to the lagoon, when my daughter opened up the daybed there was a dead lizard in the sheet. Ewwwwww. Housekeeping had to come and replace the bedding but my daughter wouldn't sleep in the bed, she slept with her two brothers the whole week. No one would sleep on the daybed. DH kept telling the kids if they misbehaved they had to sleep on the daybed. They were so good all week!

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I'm not trying to freak anyone out. Just wanted to let the other arachnophobics out there know, we came across a banana spider on Tom Saywer island a couple of years ago. It was my last visit to the island. If you don't know what a banana spider is, they are huge!

We see those banana spiders all the time at the resorts. They are usually hanging on giant webs in the shrubbery. They are HUGE! When they spread themselves out in the middle of the web, they are easily (from the tip of the legs to the other tips of the legs) 6" in diameter!

Riverside was the worst. We had the giant spider in the shrubs next to our building and a lizard that met us every evening when we came back from the parks outside our door (and one morning right INSIDE our door! I just picked him up by the tail and put him back out.) We really didn't mind either one...you don't bother them, they won't bother you.
Yeah, it was being eaten by a snake that was being watched by a gator.
Yeah, it was being eaten by a snake that was being watched by a gator.

Well, we didn't see any snakes or gators (this trip) but our stay at POR was quite interesting with the spider and the lizard. Here's our little friend waiting by our door. (And I'm going to let your sarcastic implication that I was making this up slide.) My point was to concur that there indeed ARE these little critters at WDW and that they will not bother you.

we saw banana spiders last year in May at ASM hanging out between two trees , just as we saw it someone's kid ran right through the web and who knows where the spider went but that kid was freaking out as would I , one of the cm's by the pool came over and told the parent to take her son in the bathroom and shake his clothes out very well because those things can and will bite, lets put it this way by time the two of them got to the bldng where the laundry and a bathroom was the kid was down to his under clothes, all he heard was spider and bite and he was throwing those clothes! And I have to say if it was me you would have seen the same thing from me! I hate hate hate spiders! I would rather see a snake and the lizards dont bother me I think there cute , we had one in our room once in the bathroom, not sure if he ever got out of the room he would appear and then disappear and then we never saw it again.
I have seen it commented before, and noticed when I was there in January, that there are a LOT of spiders on the ferry boat to/from MK and the parking lot. Nobody else seemed to notice but when we looked up, there were tons of them up there. I'm pretty allergic to spiders so I strategically placed myself in a spot that was not under any. The boat ride sure seemed to take forever!
Seen them many times on the balcony's.

But this thread made me think of the first time staying at the poly.
Early morning I got up and went for a walk. No one was out yet.
I stopped about 3 inches from walking thru a spider web that stretched across the whole walkway. complete with a nice huge multi colored spider. If I took one more step the web would have covered my whole body. Sun glare did see it until right on top of it. Spiders don't bother me but that freaked me out. I was eye level staring at a huge spider right in my face. And it was looking at me.
You may want to consider skipping *It's Tough to Be A Bug*. ;)

I would also avoid one of the windows at Conservation Station in AK. I've seen a few spiders in the tanks (on display) there.

As others have mentioned, there are spiders at WDW. I've seen webs with spiders in them in the bushes and between the trees on the walkway to the International Gateway.
I hate spiders and snakes!! I have never seen one in Disney but think about it every time I go. We are staying at AKV for the first time and I hope I don't see any there:scared1:

I'm really surprised. You are in the south and spiders and snakes (along with other critters) just come with the territory. I live in Texas, but we are constantly spraying and putting out poison and some will still get in the house. We have a professional service that comes once a month to spray our lawn for weeds. A couple of times a year, they also spray for fire ants, spiders, and bugs that get on our shrubs and flowers. During the late spring and summer, our city is constantly telling everyone to keep their birdbaths empty and are spraying several nights a week for mosquitoes. Due to there being a huge empty lot across the road from me that the city mows periodically, we also have a problem with mice sometimes, so keep poison all around the outside of the house and in the attic to keep them out. Even so when the city mows that lot, we and all our neighbors know to keep the mouse bait out around the houses. Despite all our precautions, we still sometimes see the occasional mouse, bug, spider, or snake. It's the south and almost impossible to keep all the little critters out. I work at psyhciatric hospital (inside the city limits) that has a fence all the way around it, yet armadillos, foxes, skunks, oppossums, and snakes still make their way inside the fence. I see them at night, when I'm getting out of my truck.

As far as WDW, I've seen lots of spiders, snakes, gators, armadillos, squirrels, rabbits, ducks, deer, a fox, lizards, giant water bugs, etc. CSR has a bobcat (named Bob by the CMs) that lives over across the road from the Ranchos section. They also have a gator that lives in the lake that the CMs named Glenn. If you go to the tables right outside the food court in the mornings and look over the railing, he's usually there waiting for tourists to throw him something to eat. We've seen him lots of times. It's the south folks, critters come with the great weather.
It's a spider. It's an insect. It doesn't want to eat you. You are an adult. You can deal with this. Leave it alone--it will leave you alone and eat other insects that you probably find equally repulsive.

P.S. With this attitude, please do not ever relocate to rural America.
It's a spider. It's an insect. It doesn't want to eat you. You are an adult. You can deal with this. Leave it alone--it will leave you alone and eat other insects that you probably find equally repulsive.

P.S. With this attitude, please do not ever relocate to rural America.

Well of course a spider can't EAT you but it can BITE you and some are poisonous. Not to mention that they look creepy. Wouldn't want to have one on me or my family. I've been bitten by a recluse and it's not fun. On a child it could be very dangerous.


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