Find Your Own "Directive" - the February Weight Loss / Life Style Change Challenge

On the treadmill for a minute... Thoughts on this? - is it better to do walk for 15 minutes 3 times a day (for example) or better to walk for 45 minutes once a day? Which is more beneficial? I'm not sure my attention span can handle 45 in one fell swoop.

Edit: I guess my question is, do you think it's any LESS beneficial to break it up into several 15 minute segments vs. one lengthy segment, especially when the alternative is basically not walking at all?

There are studies that show both are equally beneficial, and ones that show breaking it up has all day metabolic benefits, and others that show all at once has cardiac and other benefits. In other words. It's all good - whichever way you do it, your getting benefits.

The best way to approach it may be to think of what will you stick with? If you know for your schedule and attention span 3 x 15 minutes is most doable, then go with it. Maybe 1 or 2 days per week when you have time and flexibility, work towards longer sessions by challenging yourself to go longer little by little. So make it 20, 15, 10. When that fits into your schedule and you're used to it try 25 and 20. Then 30 and 15, then one 45 minute session.

I find the treadmill boring so I get it. There's a reason many refer to it as the dreadmill One tip, if you can, watch a tv or prop up an iPad, most 30 minute tv shows are 22.5 minutes +\- on Netflix or similar services. So two episodes is right about 45 minutes:)
What are you celebrating today?
(It can be anything - the sky is the limit!)

Even though I have been eating anything and everything in sight today, I'm still tracking everything I remember.
(Although you know it's not good when you forget what you ate between when you eat it and when you get to the computer).

Bonus: For those who have Disney vacations coming up, how many more days until you're "home"?

Unfortunately, no trip planned. It's kinda super sad. I'm still hoping I can make it out to California for my 30th birthday (although I'd probably end up going after my birthday because my birthday is during the summer crowds), but it's not likely.


I just wanted to stop by and say thanks to everyone for all the love and support. Still not feeling up to talking (it hasn't been my best week), but it really helps to know that there are people out there who care, who have been through something similar, and who really want to help. You guys are awesome!
That's what we're looking at! I really wanna Dopey but I don't think I could possibly be prepared to do it in less than a year. Especially since my first half marathon won't be til November. So I'm thinking Princess weekend is a good contender. Maybe the Star Wars half weekend....Are you doing Princess next year?

Dopey 2018 is still a long term goal for me my first marathon is going to be in the fall as well and I'd like 1/2 under my belt before committing to that amazingness. So far I'm fully committed to the GSC next year at princess. I don't know about any other rundisney races but I want that so bad.

Right now I walk 45 min before work, and then walk/jog 45 min after work. I'm thinking of just going with the after work workout. Now that I've hit my first critical goal, I think I can dial it back a little with the length of the workout and work more on the intensity of the workout.

In my phone, I have my goal weight for each Monday listed which works out to losing 2 1/2 each week. Even though I do weigh myself each day, my main goal is always to hit my Monday goal weight. So far I'm ahead, so gaining 1/2 lb from yesterday is not that big a deal in the long run, but it does stink when the scale goes the wrong way.

All this talk about Disney Land has me thinking... I might be better off trying to sell a trip to DL to my wife than DW. Our family has never been, and we could combine it with a trip to San Diego where one of her college roommates lives. We have enough points for three of the four flights... hmmmmmmm.

Just making sure you werent living by the scale haha it has a funny way of taking over. And I love this new Disneyland plan!

We're hitting Flower and Garden the last weekend (May)! You'll have to let me know how it is :)

Super excited for Disneyland and it being your first time. You'll have to let me know your exact days in town so we can hang out and I can show you around Disneyland :)

(Which reminds me -- I'll have to make our breakfast reservation for sure!)

I'll be there the 4th-9th for Disneyland. I'll be pushing it in the parks before the half but I do not care at all. I'm just so excited to go and bug you! Breakfast and cakepop 100% needed!! And we can plot avenge the strip things!!
Super excited for Disneyland and it being your first time. You'll have to let me know your exact days in town so we can hang out and I can show you around Disneyland :)

(Which reminds me -- I'll have to make our breakfast reservation for sure!)

If you guys don't mind a third tagging along, i'd love to go to breakfast with you at DL! I just got a socal AP :D
If you guys don't mind a third tagging along, i'd love to go to breakfast with you at DL! I just got a socal AP :D

Come hang out with us!!!!!!!!

Also random question for @DVCFan1994 have you flown out of Worcester? If not I would 100% look into it for next time. It's like your own personal airport. This next set of trips will be the first time I haven't.
I don't have any thing to report today. It has been pretty quiet. I taught a class and then came home, sewed, knitted and took the dog for a walk. I have been working on my diet and it has been a little struggle but okay. I have been within my calories every day since Feb 1st except for Super Bowl Sunday and even that I didn't go over that much. We shall see on Friday when I weigh in again.

Have a happy and healthy day
Woohoos for today:

1 - Had to take our dog to the vet. Long story short, these welts randomly appeared on his back this morning and though he was acting fine, mama was definitely freaking out. Got DH to come home from work early and take the dog to the vet with me, where he got a steroid shot because he was most likely having an allergic reaction to an insect sting that he probably got outside this morning. Oh my goodness. I had all these fears of terminal puppy illness so I'm SO happy he's ok.

2 - We get to go to the show tonight for free! A friend of ours has season tickets she couldn't use and gave us the tickets. I was waffling all morning about whether or not to spend the $40 for student tickets so it's definitely a happy blessing.
Question of the Day - February 10

We've made it to the middle of the week. Now is the time to celebrate.
What will you share that has you dancing like Wall-e and Eve?

What are you celebrating today?
(It can be anything - the sky is the limit!)

Bonus: For those who have Disney vacations coming up, how many more days until you're "home"?

OOOHHHH>>>> I've got a good one!!!! I'll try to make the story short though.....

I discovered a few weeks ago that I have been under paid by WW for the entire 3 years I've been working for them. Only by about an hour a week or so, but still. Anyhooo.... I contemplated just ignoring the fact and making sure I was paid properly from here on out, but thought the better of it and submitted for that one hour/week for the entire calendar year of 2015 (plus some other hours I was owed for the end of the year). I wasn't sure if they would pay without a big hassle (like my TM having to sign off or a big explanation email) but lo and behold, the check (and the multi page breakdown) arrived yesterday for over $700!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been holding off giving the official "thumbs-up" to Disneyland in September (in conjunction with a conference I'm taking DD to), but WOOHOOO>>> GUESS WHO'S GOING TO DISNEYLAND!?!?!? THIS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Countdown to follow soon!!

Speaking of WW, I've got some work to get done tonight! Dinner is cooking so I'm going to sit here and enjoy it and then get to work. TTYL...................P
although I'd probably end up going after my birthday because my birthday is during the summer crowds

What month is your birthday and when are you thinking of going? I'm fairly familiar with crowds.

I'll be there the 4th-9th for Disneyland.

I think I may take that Friday off from work for a Personal Day - I can be your ride buddy. Maybe we can carb up at Carnation Cafe on Main St and then meander through Disneyland for the day... take off when I'm too pooped to party.

If you guys don't mind a third tagging along, i'd love to go to breakfast with you at DL! I just got a socal AP :D

I may take that Friday off from work - so you could come join us whenever you're ready. I won't stay the whole day because it's a 315am wake up for the 10K.
GUESS WHO'S GOING TO DISNEYLAND!?!?!? THIS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Countdown to follow soon!!

:banana:YES! :banana:

That's amazing. Let me know if I can help with any trip planning. The Halloween Stuff goes live after the 12th or the 13th, so you may want to skip the Labor Day weekend and hit it up a little bit later. SUPER EXCITED FOR YOU!
What month is your birthday and when are you thinking of going? I'm fairly familiar with crowds.

My birthday is mid-August ... it's basically the last hurrah before the kiddos go back to school.
If I do go, it'll be either Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend (which will be bigger crowds, but gives me an opportunity to run the race) or mid-September, which is a month after my birthday and should hopefully be better crowds.
Mid-September, which is a month after my birthday and should hopefully be better crowds.

Halloween time starts around the 13th of the month and is NOT crowded at all. You'll want to see Haunted Mansion Holiday - so plan around the 17th or 24th to go. :)
Halloween time starts around the 13th of the month and is NOT crowded at all. You'll want to see Haunted Mansion Holiday - so plan around the 17th or 24th to go. :)

Thanks for the tip! I was thinking of doing the 18th-22nd (it's really easiest for me to come in on Sunday and take the redeye home Thursday night), so it sounds like that's a great time to be there!
Now I just have to see if I can actually make the trip happen...
On the treadmill for a minute... Thoughts on this? - is it better to do walk for 15 minutes 3 times a day (for example) or better to walk for 45 minutes once a day? Which is more beneficial? I'm not sure my attention span can handle 45 in one fell swoop.

Edit: I guess my question is, do you think it's any LESS beneficial to break it up into several 15 minute segments vs. one lengthy segment, especially when the alternative is basically not walking at all?

I know you've already gotten lots of advice but I'd say whatever gets you moving is the best course of action! If the alternative is nothing then something is always better. Plus it seems like as long as you're getting in the time it doesn't matter. I've heard of marathon runners splitting mileage throughout the day because it's not always feasible to get 15 miles straight in. Just have to log the time!

Dopey 2018 is still a long term goal for me my first marathon is going to be in the fall as well and I'd like 1/2 under my belt before committing to that amazingness. So far I'm fully committed to the GSC next year at princess. I don't know about any other rundisney races but I want that so bad.

That's exactly what I'm thinking! 2018 for dopey and do my first marathon in 2017 plus a few more halves. I just don't want my first marathon to be at the end of a week like dopey!


Here's a "wah" for this Wednesday. I got to the gym and my Garmin watch was dead! I ran the same speed and the same duration as all my other 3 mile runs and the mill only clocked me at 2.82 miles! I know without a doubt that the watch would have said at least 3. For Garmin/Fitbit users out there...which do you trust more? The mill or the device? It's based on accelerometer when I'm at the gym
I do have a wahoo for the day. I just came from a costume session. My coworker came from chemo treatment so she was hungry. She brought dinner for herself and a big container of oatmeal raisin cookies. I made the 2 hours without eating one.

Congratulations Pamela on the big check.

I am listening to the discussion on DL. We are planning a trip in 2018 and haven't decided when we are going.
Woohoos for today:

1 - Had to take our dog to the vet. Long story short, these welts randomly appeared on his back this morning and though he was acting fine, mama was definitely freaking out. Got DH to come home from work early and take the dog to the vet with me, where he got a steroid shot because he was most likely having an allergic reaction to an insect sting that he probably got outside this morning. Oh my goodness. I had all these fears of terminal puppy illness so I'm SO happy he's ok.

2 - We get to go to the show tonight for free! A friend of ours has season tickets she couldn't use and gave us the tickets. I was waffling all morning about whether or not to spend the $40 for student tickets so it's definitely a happy blessing.

I'm so glad the puppy is okay. I saw that on instagram and was going to bug you about it if you didn't mention it.

OOOHHHH>>>> I've got a good one!!!! I'll try to make the story short though.....

I discovered a few weeks ago that I have been under paid by WW for the entire 3 years I've been working for them. Only by about an hour a week or so, but still. Anyhooo.... I contemplated just ignoring the fact and making sure I was paid properly from here on out, but thought the better of it and submitted for that one hour/week for the entire calendar year of 2015 (plus some other hours I was owed for the end of the year). I wasn't sure if they would pay without a big hassle (like my TM having to sign off or a big explanation email) but lo and behold, the check (and the multi page breakdown) arrived yesterday for over $700!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been holding off giving the official "thumbs-up" to Disneyland in September (in conjunction with a conference I'm taking DD to), but WOOHOOO>>> GUESS WHO'S GOING TO DISNEYLAND!?!?!? THIS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Countdown to follow soon!!

Speaking of WW, I've got some work to get done tonight! Dinner is cooking so I'm going to sit here and enjoy it and then get to work. TTYL...................P

YESSSSS DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!
Okay @JacknSally - I have some news that may sweeten the deal for you re: running the Rock n Roll Nashville 5K. What if I told you that... I'm running the 5K and the Half Marathon in the same time span and could join you in the corral line up and at the starting line? :)

Long story short: Rock n Roll has this crazy challenge that HM and Marathon participants can run the 5K too as long as we make it to the start line before the 8:15 cut off. If you register, put 30 mins down as your time and we can start together.

Apparently I'm doing a 16.2 in one day over the span of 5 hours. :rotfl:
My WooHoo.....I've been really consistent with exercise and logging my meals on MFP! I have a 27 day streak going! :)

Bonus....We will be in WDW in 1 year, 2 months and 4 weeks according to my countdown ticker! It feels like it is forever away but the good news is that I have all this time to lose weight and get active so that I can truly enjoy our trip!! :)


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