Feeling Grand - How to Plan a Disney Trip In 18 Days Or Less

I understand the space issues! Our trailer drives me crazy because we have no storage at all to speak of. You're just nesting..I loved that part of being preg, I felt more productive than I ever had either before or since! It does sound like a beautiful apartment, and I don't blame you for wanting to hold onto it, and not wanting to put out that much extra a month, esp with a baby on the way! I don't know what you already pay for rent, but if I added $355 onto what I pay for lot rent, I could buy a house!! Anyway..I hope you enjoy your nap, and start feeling better soon! :hug:

I've never done a sinus rinse. I'm going to have to google it. :lmao:

Anything that will help is welcome advice. My problem with tacking that on is, yes, we probably could afford a mortgage payment, but I know with certainty that we cannot afford to maintain a home. If anything went wrong with the house it would drain us financially. When I look at it that way, spending an extra money on rent when we're happy where we are just doesn't make sense.

I do like the nesting thing, because you're right, I am more productive now than I ever am at any other time in my life. It is this driving force that this home must be prepared for the new child! LOL

I hope you kick your ickiness soon! Being sick is never fun, and being sick on top of being pregnant is even less fun!

Thank you! Being sick is no...picnic. Oh, I must be feeling better if I'm making rhyming jokes.

I'm off to take a nap, but I wanted to share something with you all.

I have the Best. Mom. Ever.

I told her about my funk and asked her if she could send me a happy e-mail with something fun she thought we would do on our trip.

She sent me ten.

She sent me e-mails and pictures of some of the places we'd eat and shop and put her comments with them.

I love her so much. :goodvibes
Congrats on your Grand Flo trip that is only 12 short days away. How wonderful that you got a 45% off rate. There really were so killer AP rates for Jan and Feb. Unfortunately, I could not take advantage of any of them.

I hope that you are solidly over your nausea and your sinus infection so you can really enjoy this special trip. Cause once you have the second baby, watch out. (I'm sorry - probably everyone has told you that!). I can only joke about it because my days of two toddlers are solidly behind me.

Really looking forward to seeing all your wonderful photos when you return home!
Tk, I wouldn't want to pay that much more for only 6 feet more either. I am really sorry you are sick. I have been really sick since Wed. and actually had to call into work all week because of the type of job I have. I have never been that sick before. Aren't moms the best. :goodvibes
IE..The sinus rinse, don't let the googling scare you! They did a study some months ago that people who did everyday sinus rinse ended up with more frequent sinus problems. Piper has been doing rinses for 3 yrs, I was initially freaked, then talked to her Dr..she said that more than likely people weren't cleaning the tips of their bottles/pots, then putting the germs right back into their noses..hence my comment about keeping the tip clean. Anyway..the best brand is Neil-Med, I think it's pretty easy to find in local stores, Dr Oz did a big thing about the benefits on Oprah a while back, and stores started seeing demand for it, lol.
Congrats on your Grand Flo trip that is only 12 short days away. How wonderful that you got a 45% off rate. There really were so killer AP rates for Jan and Feb. Unfortunately, I could not take advantage of any of them.

I hope that you are solidly over your nausea and your sinus infection so you can really enjoy this special trip. Cause once you have the second baby, watch out. (I'm sorry - probably everyone has told you that!). I can only joke about it because my days of two toddlers are solidly behind me.

Really looking forward to seeing all your wonderful photos when you return home!

Oh, I know what you mean, and don't worry you're not scaring me. I know that this will be a totally life altering experience, and I've heard the, "it's not double the work, it's quadruple," and all that good stuff.

But life is what it is and this is what we all go through if we want to have children. I think, in some ways, having your second child is a much braver act than having your first.

With my son, and my first pregnancy, I was clueless. Before you have children, you really have no idea what you're getting into. This time, I know, and that's almost more scary.

I just can't wait to find out what we're having so I can start planning more. :goodvibes

Tk, I wouldn't want to pay that much more for only 6 feet more either. I am really sorry you are sick. I have been really sick since Wed. and actually had to call into work all week because of the type of job I have. I have never been that sick before. Aren't moms the best. :goodvibes

Thanks for reaffirming my decision. I was talking to my mom today, and I told her about the dimensions of the rooms, and although we love the garage, we both agreed it's just not worth that much more money per month. With a little baby to consider, and all the cost associated with that, diapers, wipes, etc, spending more money right now is not the best idea.

I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you feel better soon!

I know it's tough as a mom to have the time, but I have to tell you, I got to take a nap today and I feel soooooo much better. When I get a nap in, it's like I'm getting caught up on all that sleep I'm missing at night, because I can sleep for a couple of hours straight.

IE..The sinus rinse, don't let the googling scare you! They did a study some months ago that people who did everyday sinus rinse ended up with more frequent sinus problems. Piper has been doing rinses for 3 yrs, I was initially freaked, then talked to her Dr..she said that more than likely people weren't cleaning the tips of their bottles/pots, then putting the germs right back into their noses..hence my comment about keeping the tip clean. Anyway..the best brand is Neil-Med, I think it's pretty easy to find in local stores, Dr Oz did a big thing about the benefits on Oprah a while back, and stores started seeing demand for it, lol.

Thanks for the heads up!

Ew on the not cleaning everything. Gross. I'm glad that it's helped your daughter, and I'm pretty sure there's a woman on a community thread I belong to who swears by them, so I'll definitely check it out.
No, TK, $355 more a month is not worth it. YOu can pay $355 once at say Walmart.com for the storage bins and have that much more "space". Yeah, though, the garage is a bonus. YOu could always move the kids out there. HA! J/K!

We've been sick here too- all weekend. Nasty cold, nose, throat junk. Here's to hoping we all get better very soon!!

11 days left now.
Do we get to know what those ten places/things to do/restaurants were??? Please! :flower3:

Ha! Sure. I'll work it into today's update. :goodvibes

No, TK, $355 more a month is not worth it. YOu can pay $355 once at say Walmart.com for the storage bins and have that much more "space". Yeah, though, the garage is a bonus. YOu could always move the kids out there. HA! J/K!

That's right.

What do you get kids? Why, you get this fabulous gray garage. Don't worry, we'll give you a space heater. :lmao:

I've actually purchased some things that will help us organize better, and I'll just throw it all in my update today.

We've been sick here too- all weekend. Nasty cold, nose, throat junk. Here's to hoping we all get better very soon!!

11 days left now.

I know, even though you're in Blankastan, there is something going around, isn't there?

I feel a lot better today, I think my sleep was more solid and yesterday's nap definitely helped.
Hi TK,
Sorry you're sick. Even a regular cold is ten times worse when you are pregnant.:sad2: When I was pregnant with my son, I got the worst sinus headaches, something that I never had before. I told my OB and he suggested the simplest thing - Ocean saline spray. He said that something about being pregnant dries out your sinuses and gives you bad headaches. It worked AWESOME, and in minutes! Try it, you never know. Any drugstore will have it, and it was super inexpensive.
As far as moving goes, if you are happy where you are - stay. More space just means more junk to take up that space. I truly believe when you are ready to move, you'll know it. You won't be abe to stand your apartment any more, and it will be so clear when its worth the money/time/effort. You'll just know.
So nice of your mom to know jsut what you needed to feel better.:goodvibes
Hi TK,
Sorry you're sick. Even a regular cold is ten times worse when you are pregnant.:sad2: When I was pregnant with my son, I got the worst sinus headaches, something that I never had before. I told my OB and he suggested the simplest thing - Ocean saline spray. He said that something about being pregnant dries out your sinuses and gives you bad headaches. It worked AWESOME, and in minutes! Try it, you never know. Any drugstore will have it, and it was super inexpensive.
As far as moving goes, if you are happy where you are - stay. More space just means more junk to take up that space. I truly believe when you are ready to move, you'll know it. You won't be abe to stand your apartment any more, and it will be so clear when its worth the money/time/effort. You'll just know.
So nice of your mom to know jsut what you needed to feel better.:goodvibes

A saline spray would probably be a good idea to have around, even though I'm feeling better. I just find it so funny, because with my son, I was never sick. I got one 24 hour stomach bug with him, and that was it. No allergies, no colds, nothing. And he was born in February!

It really goes to show you that every pregnancy is different. I can say though, that lately, I have had an increase in appetite, which I take as a good sign. That means nausea is really receeding and I'll be able to enjoy all that wonderful Disney food!

I agree on the apartment. The simple fact is that I am not unhappy here. And believe me, I am the first person to know when I'm not happy with something, and I can be very vocal about it. But I'm not unhappy in this apartment, and quite frankly, now that I know how cost effective it is to stay here, I'm quite disinclined to leave. I'm really thinking (and DH and I discussed this) that if we ever want to buy a house we need to have a goal of having at least 20% to put down on it. It will eliminate the PMI from the mortgage, and that would be a big help on the overall total payment. Just a thought I had, but I'm really in no hurry to buy.

I love my apartment, and I love my lifestyle, and I love my Disney vacations.

And if that makes me selfish, I don't care. We are happy. I need to focus on that. :thumbsup2
Alright, you all are in luck. Today, you're getting two updates. As requested, this is what my wonderful mother sent to me yesterday through various e-mails to bring me out of my house cleaning funk and rekindle my excitement for our Disney trip.

First, I received this little guy, with the following words:

- Yum, yum, yum... Here we come!!!!! Happy, Happy Dance!!!

Well, if that doesn't make a pregnant woman happy (thinking about Disney food) I don't know what will.

Now, I asked mom for one e-mail to boost my spirits.

I got several! :cloud9:

- "Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa is a Victorian-style Disney Deluxe Resort distinguished as the flagship hotel of Walt Disney World Resort and offering world-class dining, entertainment and luxurious accommodations in its 6 stately red-gabled buildings. This magnificent hotel sits along the white-sand shores of Seven Seas Lagoon, and enjoys proximity to Magic Kingdom theme park."

- Mmmmm.

- Fun, fun, fun. (We always shop in China, so this brought a smile to my face.)



We're really hoping that I can stay up late enough to watch Illuminations. :goodvibes

I told Mom I was hoping to shop here, and so she sent me this photo to cheer me up. I just loved this store in September, so many cute things, and a lot of subtle Hidden Mickeys. My goal is to buy myself something here and feel no guilt about it whatsoever. :thumbsup2

So there you have it.

My mother's noble and rather effective efforts to get my excited for this trip again.

Now the very last e-mail she sent me...

was about the weather....

Next Chapter
You do have a great mom! You are lucky to have someone in your RL that gets the Disney thing. I don't which is why I :love: the DIS - you guys all get it.
Oh, I love your mom's efforts to get you excited! My trip is six months away, and she has me all excited and happy dancing! :goodvibes
You do have a great mom! You are lucky to have someone in your RL that gets the Disney thing. I don't which is why I :love: the DIS - you guys all get it.

This exactly what I thought when I read your last update TK. I think my mom would secretly be like this but she has only been to Disney the one trip we went on as a family. My next goal after I take my family is to take my mom.
You do have a great mom! You are lucky to have someone in your RL that gets the Disney thing. I don't which is why I :love: the DIS - you guys all get it.

I do have a great mom, I am very lucky.

That's one of the reasons I love the DIS too. My co-workers are polite about it, but they just don't get why I keep going back.

Oh, I love your mom's efforts to get you excited! My trip is six months away, and she has me all excited and happy dancing! :goodvibes

I'll tell her! :goodvibes

This exactly what I thought when I read your last update TK. I think my mom would secretly be like this but she has only been to Disney the one trip we went on as a family. My next goal after I take my family is to take my mom.

That would be awesome if you could take a trip with your mom. :thumbsup2
Oh, my word.

Have any of you checked the weather for my trip? :lmao: Mom and I have been keeping an eye on accuweather.com and so far, if you check the 15 day outlook (which I know is pretty far out, so take it with a grain of salt) you can see the weather for the first three days of our trip.

And may I say it's looking MIGHTY good.

Saturday, Jan 30 Cloudy with thunderstorms Low: 52 °F High: 76 °F
Sunday, Jan 31 A couple of thunderstorms Low: 58 °F High: 79 °F
Monday, Feb 1 Mostly sunny and warm Low: 53 °F High: 82 °F

Check out those high temperatures, folks! They're in the upper 70s to low 80s! Holy Mouse Ears! I may have to rethink my whole vacation wardrobe strategy.

Is it even possible, too much to hope for that I may...dare we say it...wear flip flops? In January, and February! Oh,that is just too much for this New Englander. I have to say, even if those temps dropped, as long as they stay in the 70s for a high, I am going to be on VERY happy camper.

Never mind that we're at eleven days! We are so close to the single digit dance I can almost taste it.

Mom and I got a whole bunch of cleaning out done today, and I have some more ideas in the works for how to streamline this home of mine. Hopefully I can get my DH to agree.

If there's any time to pull the pregnancy card, now would be it. :lmao:

Although, since what I'm thinking of involves the purchase of a flat screen, I think he'll be pretty amenable. :thumbsup2

We have an absolute beast of an entertainment unit that I would love to get rid of. The bookcase that I put DS' puzzles and games on worked so well, I went out today and bought two more. One for our living room for the items from the entertainment unit and one for DS' bedroom to put all his books on. His books end up migrating from the living room to his bedroom anyway, so this will be great for him. And hopefully, if there's room we can fit some more toys from his walk in closet on that shelving as well.

Then in the living room, I want to get rid of the beast, as I like to call it, get a flat screen, a smaller console for the DVD player and Wii, etc, and call it a day.

I'm hoping he'll be amenable.

He was real open to my going away to Disney for five days, so fingers crossed! :woohoo:

Next Chapter
The weather sounds spectacular!!! I hope the forecast stays like that for you!

I desperately need to reorganize my house! Perhaps you will inspire me!
Me, too!

Flip flops! In January! :lmao:

If you'll all indulge me, I'm seriously thinking about posting pictures. I'm not quite done yet, though. :thumbsup2

I would love to be able to wear flip flops in January -- I am already over having to wear socks all the time! :laughing:

Post away when you are done! :goodvibes
I would love to be able to wear flip flops in January -- I am already over having to wear socks all the time! :laughing:

Post away when you are done! :goodvibes

Here I am thinking I'm going to have to pack my walking socks (long story if you've never heard of them, they're for hikers/diabetics, promote good circulation, extra cushion padding in the right places, awesome for working on concrete floors with threadbare carpet, ie, the bank LOL) and my wool lined clogs. :lmao:


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