Dec 5, 2009 -- now traveling to Tortola

I went magnet making happy a couple years ago and will be bringing a bunch along. The boys really enjoy decorating the door for sail away, pirate night and castaway cay. I have some Christmas ones too. I have used a lot of clip art from the Creative DISign thread and had some nice Disers do some personalized ones for our family too. I made some for DH's step brother's kids to use on their doors too. I bought magnet paper in bulk from decalpaper dot com. It's much, much cheaper than spending $15 on 4 pieces from Staples. I laminated the front sides with clear contact paper and put a sticker on the back with our names on it just in case they happen to wander.
Hadley--do you still have the clip art saved on your computer from the peronalized magnets that were stolen? If so, let me know and I can make copies.
Hadley--do you still have the clip art saved on your computer from the peronalized magnets that were stolen? If so, let me know and I can make copies.

Thanks. They were left on our door as a surprise gift from my friend who was sailing with us--so it was never in my computer. He made magnets in the shape of each of our names filled with images of our favourite characters. I really liekd them. Maybe I will ask him if he hung onto the artwork. I doubt he did. You and Rosemary are so sweet though:love:
Thanks. They were left on our door as a surprise gift from my friend who was sailing with us--so it was never in my computer. He made magnets in the shape of each of our names filled with images of our favourite characters. I really liekd them. Maybe I will ask him if he hung onto the artwork. I doubt he did. You and Rosemary are so sweet though:love:

Do you know if he did them or had someone do them for you? There are people on the Creative DISign thread that do exactly that with the names/characters. If he used one of them, they might still be saved in their name banks.
For those of you who rented cars for the drive from MCO to the Port, which rental agency did you use? Is the rental agency right there by the port? I just canceled our transfers because the buses are not equipped with seatbelts, so no way to secure our kiddo's in their carseats, or us for that matter.
Do you know if he did them or had someone do them for you? There are people on the Creative DISign thread that do exactly that with the names/characters. If he used one of them, they might still be saved in their name banks.
I think he did it himself, but I will ask. Thanks:goodvibes
For those of you who rented cars for the drive from MCO to the Port, which rental agency did you use? Is the rental agency right there by the port? I just canceled our transfers because the buses are not equipped with seatbelts, so no way to secure our kiddo's in their carseats, or us for that matter.
We are using Budget as they are closest to the port and onsight (no shuttle required, so I am told) at MCO. The BEST resource to research this that I have found is Go to her DCL section, then to the part about getting to and from the ship and then onto the rental car section. She talks about all the rental car options near the port, tells you the name or code for the counter you'll need, lists possible discount codes, etc. Our one way Budget car is an intermediate and is costing us $69 for the day with all taxes and fees.
:cheer2: My travel agent is willing to see some of us seated together for early seating. :grouphug:

Tables will be for 4, 6, or 8.

They need all the cruise reservation numbers of those who want to sit together so they can crossreference them.

If you want to be put with other Disers (not sure of the spelling here) please send me your cruise res #, ASAP. Also the number of adults and children in your group, and what size table you prefer.

Hugs princess: Christine

OK. I'm trying this one more time. :wave2: Several posters mentioned they would like to sit with others in this group. I'm new and I know I would like to get to know others from this forum on this cruise. I had a bit of a scare a couple weeks back and people I've never met before were warm and supportive. :disrocks: From reading some of this thread it looks as though many friendships have been foraged here. So If you want to be at the same table or at least in the same general seating area, please contact me.

I can only do early seating because that's my seating.


Thanks Hadley!

Does anyone have any experience with Town Cars of Orlando? I've seen Tiffany mentioned here, but Town Cars is more competitive price-wise, and offers child seats at no add'l charge. Looking for reviews! Thanks!
OK. I'm trying this one more time. :wave2: Several posters mentioned they would like to sit with others in this group. I'm new and I know I would like to get to know others from this forum on this cruise. I had a bit of a scare a couple weeks back and people I've never met before were warm and supportive. :disrocks: From reading some of this thread it looks as though many friendships have been foraged here. So If you want to be at the same table or at least in the same general seating area, please contact me.

I can only do early seating because that's my seating.



I would love to sit together/close to but we are late dining. I'm sure some others will jump in though.

At first, I really didn't know what to think of the whole sharing of table with people we didn't know thing. I'm really shy at first, but once you get me talking, I sometimes don't stop! Anyway, after reading about it, I think it will be fun to get to know other people. I just hope it's with people that understand that sometimes, 3 YOs don't show their best manners!
just in case of them wanders ....:rotfl:

Now we need someone who is forward to take the last message board.

I will bring them to the 3 pm meet.

IF you can't be there, please pm me with your cabin # and I can put it on your door.

We are midship Deck 2 and can put a board on our door. I have a small one (8x10) that I picked up a Staples awhile back. Let me know and I'll toss it in the luggage.

Thanks! Rosemary
Saw your post the first time and would love to sit together/close to but we are late dining. I'm sure some others will jump in though.

At first, I really didn't know what to think of the whole sharing of table with people we didn't know thing. I'm really shy at first, but once you get me talking, I sometimes don't stop! Anyway, after reading about it, I think it will be fun to get to know other people. I just hope it's with people that understand that sometimes, 3 YOs don't show their best manners!

On our last cruise another DIS'er and I agreed to sit together instead of taking a chance to sit with 'strangers':rotfl: , in the end her husband decided that it would be best not to sit together, well they were seated in the same section as us but at the large table with strangers... I felt so bad when after the first night she was the only one there because her entire family and table mates all had severe sea sickness.

We all get car sick no matter how far we travel but for some reason the ship did not bother us one bit.... we had a very hard time walking straight but never got sick.
We'll be at a table for 14 with DH's family but I hope to see some of us at dinner anyways.

We've sat with extended family members or friends on most of our cruises but did have a table once with "strangers." We were seated at dinner with a very nice elderly Japanese couple and their daughter 2 years ago and it was a great experience for our family. Their grandaughter/daughter was in late dining and were were early dining. The daughter/grandaughter had just gotten married at the Grand Floridian before the cruise and they wanted alone time! The older couple didn't speak a word of English, but their daughter could speak some and had a cool pocket translater she used to communicate with us. We still keep in touch through email. She made my sons origami swans and neat little paper boxes that fit inside each other. Brennan just took them in to show his class last week after they read a story about a Japanese girl learning how to make origami swans (a sign of peace) from her grandmother.
We just got our cruise documents, too. We have 2nd dining even though we have a 1 year old but I think she'll be fine. Also, y'all say a quick prayer for our family. My father-in-law is having quadruple bypass surgery this evening. Kind of unexpected. We are waiting to see if we will still be able to go on the cruise.:sad2:


:hug:Hope everything went well.
Kinda OT from the cruise but WDW related. At what age did you let you children ride Tower of Terror? DD was either 5 or 6 and HATED it then but loves it now. DS3 has seen it on the Samantha Brown Special and his heart set on riding it. He'll say "I want to ride Tower of Terror" or "I'm going to ride that ride where you waaaaaaaay and then you go ahhhhhhhhh on the way down!" He also build his version of the TOT with his legos. He's tall enough but I'm just afraid it will really freak him out.
Sorry Princess--we are late dining:goodvibes We figured we should jsut take our chances this trip. Some times we have been seated just us (which is okay) and sometimes with anotehr family (also okay) but often we have gone in linked with our extended family or friends. It has been a loooong time since we let DCL choose our tablemates (or lack thereof) for us.
Kinda OT from the cruise but WDW related. At what age did you let you children ride Tower of Terror? DD was either 5 or 6 and HATED it then but loves it now. DS3 has seen it on the Samantha Brown Special and his heart set on riding it. He'll say "I want to ride Tower of Terror" or "I'm going to ride that ride where you waaaaaaaay and then you go ahhhhhhhhh on the way down!" He also build his version of the TOT with his legos. He's tall enough but I'm just afraid it will really freak him out.

Well, niether of mine will ride Tower of Terror (have never tried it!) but we always let them ride anything they wanted to when they wanted to (assuming they were tall enough). Marika had one year, when she just made the heighth requirenments) when she rode all the mountains and RnR. She loved them. Oddly, the next trip she want on one and hated it and has not been a coaster girl since:confused3 However, she ahs been riding the "real" version of Mission Space since she could just barely qualify (mostly alone because it does both Dave and I in--though she finally got Rio to try it and he loves it too), so you just never know what a kid will like.
To princess369:

Sorry if I sounded rude in my reply when I said I had seen your original post. What I meant was I wasn't ignoring you by not responding to your original request since we have late dining. I went back and edited my post to take that part out. So, if I came across as rude, I'm sorry :hug:.
Well, niether of mine will ride Tower of Terror (have never tried it!) but we always let them ride anything they wanted to when they wanted to (assuming they were tall enough). Marika had one year, when she just made the heighth requirenments) when she rode all the mountains and RnR. She loved them. Oddly, the next trip she want on one and hated it and has not been a coaster girl since:confused3 However, she ahs been riding the "real" version of Mission Space since she could just barely qualify (mostly alone because it does both Dave and I in--though she finally got Rio to try it and he loves it too), so you just never know what a kid will like.

Mission Space does me in too! I rode it once and it was enough for me. Perhaps I'll try the mild version sometime. That is the only ride at WDW I won't ride. TOT, once a trip is enough for me. But other than those 2, I will ride everything over and over. DD is the same way, except she is wanting to try the real version of Mission Space again this year. Her and her daddy can ride and the little guy and I will just take a break! We're just really excited because he is tall enough to ride everything BUT Everest, RnR, Mission Space and Space Mountain. This will be his first trip for all the 40"+ rides and we hope he enjoys them as much as we do :thumbsup2
Kinda OT from the cruise but WDW related. At what age did you let you children ride Tower of Terror? DD was either 5 or 6 and HATED it then but loves it now. DS3 has seen it on the Samantha Brown Special and his heart set on riding it. He'll say "I want to ride Tower of Terror" or "I'm going to ride that ride where you waaaaaaaay and then you go ahhhhhhhhh on the way down!" He also build his version of the TOT with his legos. He's tall enough but I'm just afraid it will really freak him out.
My guys started riding it just as soon as they were tall enough, but I went on it right before they did to check out what would scare them. They hate to be in dark places but love to feel the butterflies in their stomach
ETA: I mixed ToT with
Mission Space does me in too! I rode it once and it was enough for me. Perhaps I'll try the mild version sometime. That is the only ride at WDW I won't ride. TOT, once a trip is enough for me. But other than those 2, I will ride everything over and over. DD is the same way, except she is wanting to try the real version of Mission Space again this year. Her and her daddy can ride and the little guy and I will just take a break! We're just really excited because he is tall enough to ride everything BUT Everest, RnR, Mission Space and Space Mountain. This will be his first trip for all the 40"+ rides and we hope he enjoys them as much as we do :thumbsup2

Don't forget you can do the baby swap passes so you can both ride with your DD. Samantha Brown was at DHS last week filming again when we were there.

My boys will ride TOT but it's the only one they really don't care for. Brennan has loved the Haunted Mansion since he was about 3 but for some reason the ghosts on TOT freak him out a bit. He also didn't like Sci Fi Dine In's movies when he was about 5 (the first and last time we ate there). He ate hunched down in his seat and we left as soon as we finished eating. Brennan's a dare devil and couldn't wait to ride RRC and other thrill rides as soon as he met the height requirement which was a bit longer than it took Keegan to make to his dismay. Brennan's always been on the shorter side and Keegan was about 4-6 inches taller at each age than Brennan. My DH doesn't really care for Mission Space (either form). I like it but it's the only ride that's made me feel a tad claustrophobic. As long as I keep the shoulder harness a little bit off my shoulders, I feel fine.
just in case of them wanders ....:rotfl:

Now we need someone who is forward to take the last message board.

I will bring them to the 3 pm meet.

IF you can't be there, please pm me with your cabin # and I can put it on your door.

We are forward on Deck 6 if you are still looking for a forward cabin.


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