CINDERELLA!!!! The Vandy girls are BACK!!!**UPDATE 8-8-09! THE END-FINALLY! Page 83**

update time!!!! :woohoo:

after hoop dee doo i went by the ladies room to change my shirt again because i had gotten BBQ sauce on my green polo (i'm sure the sangrias didn't play any part in that :rolleyes1), then we headed back towards the bus stop. we saw these pretty horses on the way. their eyes looked sad to me but i'm sure they are very well taken care of - they're disney horses!


matt wanted a picture with the horses. i'm sure they appreciate that. :rotfl:


when we got back to the car i realized i had left my green polo hanging on the purse hanger in the bathroom stall! :headache: there was no way i was going back - it takes forever to ride the bus back to the main area. i was peeved though because i had only wore that shirt once before disney!

we headed back for the poly because we were on a mission....A LAPU LAPU MISSION!!!!!!!

it didn't take long for us to find what we were looking for at the tambu lounge. heaven in a pineapple!!!


we decided to share one since we were gonna go to MK for EMH that night and wanted to be actually able to walk after this, what with the sangrias AND a lapu lapu!

ray and matt enjoyed our drink, as well.


here are the bartenders that night. i don't remember their names but i do know the guy on the left is the one that wouldn't put on the vandy game for us a few nights before. so we were very happy when he told us he was a jaguars fan because the titans had beaten them that day!!!!! :thumbsup2 i know the other guy was telling us who his team was but i don't remember. do you, erica? the guy on the right was really nice.


after our drink we headed for the monorail and erica thought to ask if we could ride up front, a first for me! :yay: we actually ended up going around 1-and-a-half times!



the boys enjoying their ride.....


me in front of one of my mountain!


after we got off the monorail the driver gave us a co-pilot card!


on the way in we stopped for some photopass pics. we had put these titans tattoos on in the bathroom at the poly before our lapu lapu. i think that's what had struck up the football conversation with the bartenders. i love the fall colors on the train station!



we arrived just as wishes was starting. so we grabbed some pictures at the far end of main street.


i love these that erica took - if you scroll down really fast it's like a video!





continued in next post:
she caught the frowny face when the snow queen says, "let me see thy face!" i always miss it!



these always overwhelm me with how HUGE they are.




we walked through the emporium to avoid the masses exiting the park. i saw this purse that i LOVED. of course i didn't buy it. i wish now that i would have!


we headed towards adventureland and towards.....


erica - i do believe this is when we COULD HAVE gotten a dole whip float. however, with the amount of sangria and that added lapu lapu i'm guessing it just slipped our minds. :rolleyes1

heading up the tree!!!!


the reason we wanted to come here on this night was so that we could see the amazing view from the top at night. this is probably my favorite view of pretty!


one happy girl in her favorite place in the world!


heading back down....


looks like dinner's ready!


erica - something funny happened here with some kids or something, didn't it? for some reason i'm remembering us laughing at some boys. but i could be mixing that up with some time that ray and i were there. or i might just be going crazy.

next we headed for a nighttime jungle cruise! here's our boat.


and here's our captain. he was as cheesy as ever.


he let this little girl drive the boat.


i took a few pictures and the ONLY one that turned out was this elephant's back side! :rotfl2:


next up......nap time in fantasyland!
I've been tempted to get that same purse a few times.

It looks like you girls had a very fun evening all around, except for the loss of a good shirt.

Any day that ends in Magic Kingdom watching Wishes is a pretty good one, I'd say!
good idea to go up the tree for the night shots, might steal that from you and the hoop de doo revue is sounding fun we did it when real little staying at FW might have to try it again this coming year.
I love the Titans tattoos! I have never done the Treehouse at night but I love that view during the day so I will have to make a point of seeing it at night this trip.
The view from the treehouse at night is gorgeous!!!!!! I will have to remember to do that!
Any day that ends in Magic Kingdom watching Wishes is a pretty good one, I'd say!

It was a wonderful end to a wonderful day and a WONDERFUL trip!! :goodvibes

What a great night! That lapu lapu looks delicious and the fireworks are super pretty!!! :goodvibes

The Lapu Lapu was really good...I might have to have another for my birthday :thumbsup2

I :love: Wishes....I can't wait to see it as many times as I am able to in December!!! :woohoo:

good idea to go up the tree for the night shots, might steal that from you and the hoop de doo revue is sounding fun we did it when real little staying at FW might have to try it again this coming year.

You should do the Hoop Dee, it was great. It had been several years since I had been before but I enjoyed it just as much the 2nd time around!

Loved the fireworks and the elephant's butt!!!! :)

Isn't he cute :laughing:

I love the Titans tattoos! I have never done the Treehouse at night but I love that view during the day so I will have to make a point of seeing it at night this trip.

Those titans tattoos were SO big. I prob got them shortly after the Titans came to Nashville. They won so we were proud to wear them :rotfl:

The view from the treehouse at night is gorgeous!!!!!! I will have to remember to do that!

I know, I was very glad Dawn showed me that!!....I hope I remember to go back up there when we are back in December!!
I loved your update - Lapu Lapu!:thumbsup2 Your pics at MK entry are really cute -your tatoos are cute and it looks like your really enjoying yourselves!:rolleyes1

I didn't know you could go up the SFR tree at night - I think Tarzan's tree is closed after dark at DL.

i took a few pictures and the ONLY one that turned out was this elephant's back side! :rotfl2:


This is totally a photo I would take. The jungle cruise looks like it's fun at night. I hope I get to do that on my next trip -- one week from now -- woo hoo!
I want that purse too! Great update. Love the pictures of the fireworks, very cool.
I am definately getting a Lapu Lapu this time.
In Like 27 days!!! OMG didn't realize it was so close. hopefully my sister and i will do a trip report. Hope its as good as yours! :thumbsup2
Yea! an update! nicely done. :thumbsup2 :cool1:

I must admit, that elephant photo is one that I would DELIBERATELY take! LOL

Ok those backpacks that you girls have. do you recommend them? are they light and comfy? were they made of that horrible backpack vinyl/plastic ?

Wow! That sounds like such a fun night!! Sorry about your green polo shirt. :headache: So the lapu lapu... I hear so much about it. Heaven in a pineapple, you say? Worth a special trip?

I've never noticed the frowny face in Wishes -- too cool!

Wow the view from the Treehouse is amazing at night. That is definitely going on my to-do list!!! :thumbsup2
Wow! That sounds like such a fun night!! Sorry about your green polo shirt. :headache: So the lapu lapu... I hear so much about it. Heaven in a pineapple, you say? Worth a special trip?

I've never noticed the frowny face in Wishes -- too cool!

Wow the view from the Treehouse is amazing at night. That is definitely going on my to-do list!!! :thumbsup2

I will chime in here if you don't mind...

Yes Christine...the LapuLapu is worth a special trip!!! No french waiters but delicious regardless
Yay I am all caught up. My desk top crashed and I did not have acomputer for about a month. My brother however saved the day and gave me his laptop which was only a little over a year old but he said it was to slow for him. Well it works fine for me so I am slowly catching up on all my threads I was subscribed to. Hoop DeDo looks like so much fun. I want to go but I don't think that my dd who will have just turned 4 about a month before we go will sit through it. Now I am off to catch up on Dawn's other tr.


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