Breastfeeding: Pro or Con? **Update Post #1**

Breastfeeding: Pro or Con?

  • Pro! Worked for me!

  • Con! No thanks! Tried it don't like it

  • Pro, good for others just not for me

  • Con, I will never even try!

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not from what I've seen. I didn't breastfeed and I lost the weight quickly, and I know many people that breastfed and they all had problems losing the weight. I still think that's something pro breast feeders tell you to push you to their side. ;)

Well, I said this was what I experienced!

I was 135 when I started - that's my normal weight.

I was 180 when I gave birth.

After a year of nursing, I was 125.

It makes sense to me... My body is working hard to produce all that milk. Calories in, extra calories out!
I'm very pro breastfeeding for myself, but for others I limit my opinions to simply correcting blatant misinformation if I hear/see it. I hate to see women give up because of a lack of understanding; I think they should have the facts and make an informed choice. But I would never judge another mother for choosing not to nurse for whatever reason.

To be honest, half the reason it was so attractive to me is that I'm a rather lazy housekeeper by nature and doing dishes is my least favorite chore - the idea of washing all those formula bottles alone was enough for me to try very hard to make nursing work!
Always warmed just right
No bottles to wash
Holds menstruation off in many cases
Perfect Nutrition

These were the main reasons I did it with all four of mine. I won't say my kids are any better than non breast fed kids, certainly not healthier-lots of asthma and allergies in our family. They ARE incredibly bright though.:rolleyes:
Is there any chance this won't end up in a nasty debate?

To each their own, but I nursed both of my and was lucky to have good experiences. And I lost weight very quickly.

Downside: My kids would not take a paci or bottle so they were attached to me until they were weaned. That meant no nights out. Not to go to bars or anything, but just a nice date night with DH would have been nice.

It's a very personal choice for a mother to make, and I respect that completely.
Not from what I've seen. I didn't breastfeed and I lost the weight quickly, and I know many people that breastfed and they all had problems losing the weight. I still think that's something pro breast feeders tell you to push you to their side. ;)

I don't think I'd go quite that far, but I do think it is looking only at a selective set of facts - breastfeeding burns calories, so in theory it should help new moms lose weight. But it also requires a LOT of rocking chair/couch time for longer, slower feedings, so I think for a lot of women the calories burned by breastfeeding don't equal or exceed the calories not burned because of the increase in sedentary time. I know with my oldest, who had formula supplements and weaned early, I spent a lot less time feeding him and was thus a lot more my normal, fairly active self than I was with the two babies who nursed exclusively. With them, there were days where it felt like I barely left our nursing chair!
I gave it a go for 2 weeks. DS had latching issues so I pumped and supplemented with formula. I'm all for BFing if you can get it going and stick with it. If not, I figure the mom is doing what she feels best. I eas a formula baby and I hrew up fine. I rarely get sick and I like to think I'm fairly smart ;). DH was BFd and it' the same story. DS never gets sick and he had both. I couldn't with DD due to post c-section complications but (knock on wood) she's as healthy and as smart as the rest of us.
Personally never had any desire to try it. My girls were healthy, we bonded just fine and I don't regret my decision for a minute.

This was me and there was tremendous pressure on me to BF. It was the only part about being pregnant I disliked except for strangers thinking my pregnant belly needed touching all the time. :rolleyes:

I hear this a lot and I'm curious about this. This has not been my personal experience at all so I wonder if this is across the board.

I think it is a myth these days. Maybe at one time it made a difference because formula wasn't made as well or something but nowadays, it is obviously pretty darn good. BF is probably still best but I'm not sure what the arguement would be. ;)

Hunter's never had an ear infection in her life (16) and is rarely ever sick. I guess she's been on an antibiotic 3 times in her whole life.

If I was guessing who gets the sickest, it would be kids who are in day care (ie. exposed to more germs) but maybe they are healthier later on because of the exposure (?). I don't know but I do not think it matters a whole lot.
If I was guessing who gets the sickest, it would be kids who are in day care (ie. exposed to more germs) but maybe they are healthier later on because of the exposure (?). I don't know but I do not think it matters a whole lot.

I work in the infant room of a daycare and I do believe you are right. They get sick a lot at first, but I think they do have better immune systems later.
I voted pro, as it's been a big plus in our family. I breastfed all four of our children, thankfully w/o any problems, our 3 DD's and DIL nursed all our grands. We believe it has many health benefits for Mom and baby incl. strengthened their immune system. :goodvibes

I think it's a very personal decision and definitely not for everyone. I agree, your friend may be need to meet with a lactation consultant or if she has a local Lachee League they're very helpful also.

An unhappy fussy baby from not nursing successfully will only stress Mommy and perhaps deplete her supply of milk, not to mention could stress baby also. Good luck to your friend, she's giving it her best shot and if it ends up not being successful she should not take it personally. :hug:
I bottlefed both my kids. I had no desire to breastfeed at all. I worked as an RN on a high risk pregnancy floor for years and some of those lactation consultants were just plain mean. We called them the lactation nazi's. If a woman couldn't get her baby to latch or if the woman had difficulty pumping , some of these "consultants" would just badger these woman to no end. It was horrible.

Not sure if that played a part but I wanted nothing to do with it. At 12 yo and 7 yo , my kids are never sick. Maybe had 1-2 ear infections in their whole life. They also have no allergies. DS is in accelerated classes in 6th grade and DD just started 1st grade, so we don't know about her yet. But getting good grades so far. (added that since people will argue formula dumbs kids down) .

I lost my pregnancy weight in 6 months , faster with the 1st.

A mother has to do whats right for her. There is no right or wrong just whats best for baby and mom.
Didn't vote in the poll either becuase no answer seemed right. I am not really pro or con. I did not breastfeed my daughter because, for many reasons and probably some that were selfish, I just did not want to. Many of my friends however did and i totally support everyone's right to make their own choice.

Re weight, I gained 50 lbs. during pregnancy and lost 45 pretty easily. I don't blame the extra 5 on not breastfeeding at all.

Re health of baby, I do not know if there is enough accurate information yet. My daughter is healthy. She did have some ear infections between birth and kindergarten but then she was in daycare too. Overall, she was rarely sick and at her well visits, the doctor always forgot she was in daycare because of this. However, who knows how her body will handle illness in the future, and if not breastfeeding will somehow contribute?

Re studies that show your baby will grow up fatter and less intelligient, i think this is pure propaganda! So far, my child has no issues with these traits.

I guess I believe that her overall health & intelligence is primarily shaped by genetics and then her environment & how she lives her life & with intelligence, what opportunities and support she has. I don't feel BF is a huge factor. Same with the bonding issue, which is just ridiculous!

I have heard that even a little bit of BF passes on some immunities to the baby so perhaps it would help your friend to know this, if it is accurate. I think you should support your friend and tell her not to feel guilty or that she is any less of a mother if she decides to discontinue BF and to support and encourage her if she wants to keep trying, which I am sure you are already doing, good luck!!!
I'm very pro BF. I just can't see how formula made in a factory can even compare. Sure the formula today is better than what babies got 40 years ago, but what don't they know that they may know 40 years from now? Not to mention the recall about beetles in it? Ick. I don't think there's anyway that they can prove it's perfectly sterile.

I think mother's should at least give it a shot.
I'm so sorry your doctors went that route with the jaundice. What a bummer. Simple ways to find out how much baby is getting...

Definite pro. Personalized antibodies JUST for mom and baby pair. What mom is exposed to, she makes antibodies to, and passes them along. Changes sugar/protein/fat content as baby needs it. Increases in fat as baby gets older, as they nurse less (my son did not get that memo, but many do) and need longer-burning milk. Perfect food for them. Always a good temperature. etc etc.

I nursed until I was 4, I have environmental allergies (which I put down to being fed some sort of junk from a spoon at 2 months old), I have had all sorts of problems...most of which started as I turned 4 and was forcibly weaned b/c my mom had to go to work. All I have to say is...thank goodness I got those 4 years, who knows what my health would have been like (in the dumpster, I bet) without it. When one first knows me, it's not that obvious what the benefits were for me, but thinking about if I had NOT gotten all the specialized antibodies etc's scary to think about.

And of course the formula industry says it right there...breast is best. They are just continuing to work to imitate something they'll never get right (especially since mama's milk changes every nursing session, even during a nursing session, and a can of stuff can't do that).

If for some reason baby mama pair can't get it, then pump. Woman I know from had problems galore, with an ultimate diagnosis of "bubble palate" for baby...couldnl't nurse. So she pumped for EVERY SINGLE nursing session baby needed until baby was 2. I'm not even sure I would have that strength without knowing it could be done (I hated pumping and had to do all sorts of mental tricks to get milk, which I was trying to do "just in case" and also for a friend's triplets after she asked me to pump for her), but since she did it, I know I'd strive to do it if necessary!

Oatmeal, granola bars, oatmeal cookies, Guinness (or in my case a microbrew "blonde" beer even caused serious overflow), water until you can't drink more water... There are herbal tinctures for more milk...

And lastly, if you don't have stuff to give baby a bottle, you're going to work much much much harder, and work on NOT getting frustrated, than you would if you had the stuff there.

Hope your friend can find some wise women with *experience* in successfully nursing her baby to gather round her and impart their wisdom! If you don't actually *remember* nursing (as I and my half sister, who went until she was 5, do), it's absolutely invaluable!
Uber-pro: I would have done anything to make it possible to BF. I was lucky that BF'ing was no problem for my DS. However, my goal was a year - but once I went back to work I had a hard time keeping my supply up. So much so that at the 8 month mark DS gave up. He refused to nurse. I tried for weeks, I can't even begin to describe how upset I was. I wasn't ready for him to be done...but he was. And the switch to formula was fine - and DS is a perfectly healthy 22 month old.

However, I feel horrible for women who want to BF and can't. My SIL couldn't because of her DD's GERD issues...and she was really upset. Yet, when her DS was born she tired again and it didnt' work again. She felt like a failure...but she did everything she could. I hate when women who want to - can't.

Same note - those who don't BF because they dont' want to...that irks me to no end. But it's their decision...I just ignore the topic.

RE: Weight....I gained 53lbs when pregnant. Lost 25 right away...and the rest took until the 20 month mark to I really don't think BF'ing had anythng to do with it.
I tried to breastfeed with both of my children. With my daughter, I gave up very early (still in the hospital) because I was a nervous first-time mom and thought she was going to starve.

My son didn't eat much the first two days either, but the lactation consultant explained that this is very typical and not to worry. Late on the second day, he showed some interest for the first time and it went beautifully. I was shocked at how easy it was and felt bad that I hadn't tried harder with DD.

But, even with my son, I still couldn't keep it up for the long haul. I went back to work after two weeks and worked over 12 hour days (he was with me-in the baby room at a day care). It worked out fine during the day, but at night I was just exhausted and would fall asleep feeding him. I couldn't stay awake to keep him awake to finish, so he was getting up every hour wanting to be fed. It was just a never-ending cycle of exhaustion. I stopped BF at 8 weeks, went to a bottle and DH did the nighttime feeding. I never looked back and I do not feel guilty about it. It just wasn't going to work for me under those circumstances.
I bf my dd for 6 weeks- at that point I just wanted my body back. I'm big chested anyway but these things were unbelievable! I'd change my clothes and squirt milk everywhere- I was miserable.

With my son I tried again, at 2 weeks I got mastitis and had a fever of 105 and I made the decision to switch to bottles and formula. I wanted it to work, but I was too sick and exhausted.

I'm pro breast feeding, but if it doesn't work out for Mom, there's nothing wrong with formula! :thumbsup2
Re weight, I gained 50 lbs. during pregnancy and lost 45 pretty easily. I don't blame the extra 5 on not breastfeeding at all.

I ended my pregnancy weighing less than I did before I got pregnant! Lost each month up until the 7th and 8th month and as soon as I gave birth I was 15 pounds under what I started at!

Re health of baby, I do not know if there is enough accurate information yet. My daughter is healthy. She did have some ear infections between birth and kindergarten but then she was in daycare too.

My sister breastfed her baby- I did not---hers has more allergies than mine, asthma and other issues....

Re studies that show your baby will grow up fatter and less intelligient, i think this is pure propaganda! So far, my child has no issues with these traits.

hmmm....guess my kid that is already in AP classes and in the bottom 5th percentile for weight should be told she should not be smart and should be fatter!

I don't care if people breastfeed or don't breast feed- I gave it a shot and it was a no go....didn't much matter to me. I didn't find formula all that difficult to use- I bought the single serving nursettes and disposible nipples, kept them right on my headboard of my bed- she cried (in a co-sleeper next to my bed) I just reached up grabbed one and fed her- it was already room temp so no need to have to heat it up!
I am a big believer in breastfeeding. It is good for both mom and baby. That said, I had difficulty with both my boys and only able to feed them for a month or so and only with suppliments. I was very disappointed in this but it is what it is. I switched to formula and let my milk dry up. It never even became painful that is how little I was producing.

If she has tried and it isn't working out tell her she had done her best. If she needs more assistance she should speak with a lactation consultant or her doctor. Best of luck to her.
I chose not to breastfeed my two kids. I have absolutely no regrets. It just wasn't for me and I knew that, so I didn't attempt it. I loved bottle-feeding my babies and my husband did too!
Other! (No option to pick so I did not vote.)

I did both. I did not BF my older dd and I did BF my younger dd.

Looking back I should have tried it with my older dd, since honestly the formula they gave her almost killed her literally. She was in the NICU for a month after her birth with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

I would have needed to pump and store since I was not able to actually do the BFing. It was not a good time back then and very stressful. She was also diagnosed with a serious heart defect and was very sick until she got her surgery at 4months old.

My youngest was a premie but she took to BFing right away. Although she fed only small amounts and I was a prisoner to her.;) Looking back it was probably worth it since we have so many allergies.


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