BL Summer Challenge 2009

QOTD -- What are your plans for the summer? How will your plans help or hinder your goals for this challenge?

My summer plans are:

Two of my BIL's are getting married -one next weekend and one the week of the 4th of July- I'm a little nervous because we will be spending some time a few hours away from home for a few days and I won't have control of food while I'm there.

For our Anniversary weekend (22 years) we are taking our DD17 to take a look at the University of Missouri. Hopefully I can do good while we are there.

Then in August we are doing 18 nights at Disney. I KNOW I won't do well there, but the key will be coming home and jumping back on track and quickly before I head to Vegas.

Then for Labor Day weekend I'm going to Vegas to visit my Mom. Luckily I think I can do fairly good by just watching what I eat - At least I know quite a few places that offer decent food.
I also just found out (this week) that the bunion on my left foot is the least of my worries. My arch is extremely flat, there is a third bone spur and then the ankle has arthritis. I am reading everything I can about arthritis do see if there is a better diet to help it. It does hinder me in walking but I know I have to do something because what I have read so far all talks about keeping active and losing weight. Might be hard to do if I do get the bunion removed in June.

Foot problems are the pits! My physical therapist told me that my heel spurs are more like heel spoons. I hope that they find a treatment that works for you soon.

Thank you, too, Donac, for doing the COW for us. I am looking forward to it. :goodvibes

Nothing healthy to eat this morning! I am so not organized starting this yet, but plan to get it together today! I am one of those people that have a hard time eating right for some reason if I don't have it all planned out. I know it sounds crazy, but if my house is messy it makes it harder for me to eat healthy and exercise. For some reason I just want to be lazier when the house is a wreck.:confused3 Crazy huh?

Oh, I've been to that party before. I think it is the nasty perfectionist getting in the way. Good job getting your plan together for the week. That really helps me, too. :thumbsup2

Well, I just returned from a trip, and other than a beat the heat weekend mid-summer to Prescott, I have nothing till Labor Day. So I'll be focused on eating healthy and swimming all summer long!

Staying cool in the Arizona summer is a challenge in itself and swimming is so much fun! :beach:

And in July I have 5 wedding cakes to bake so that will be tricky too. It's not too bad, but I do have to taste the frosting & end product to make sure it is up to my standards and goofy as this is, I hate wasting calories on it. I wish I could just trust my family as my tasters, but I can't. If I haven't tasted it myself, I worry.

Anyway, we also have a pool in our backyard & we spend a lot of time there & grill out a lot. So I should be able to stay right on track with that.

When its your job you do have make sure it is just right. Sounds like you have a good plan to stay on track this summer even with the cake -- plus wedding cakes are so happy!

I will have a major obstacle in the Orlando trip. We're staying club and it's going to be hard for me to get out of the "get my money's worth" mentality so I don't overeat. Plus, my favorite restaurant is Margaritaville, I can't say no to volcano nachos -- and you know it's 5 o'clock somewhere :rolleyes1

Sounds like you have a good plan to have fun and keep on track. The nice thing about club level (I've stayed at AKL and GC) is that they have fruits and small portions so you can take tastes of things and not be too bad off.

Trying hard to find the motivation. Just maintaining has been a struggle though the last month. Doing nothing really this summer, just saving for the next trip to Disneyland, next June.

I've seen your trip pics and know how your hard work paid off. I know that you will find your motivation again and will stay on track this summer. You can do it! :thumbsup2

Happy weekend!! It's great to see everyone here so motivated. We are all going to succeed at this. It sounds so simple, I just need to think before I eat, yet it can be so hard sometimes.

You're so motivated and happy, Kathy, I know that you will succeed this challenge! :cheer2: That thinking before you eat is a lot harder than it sounds. I have been more aware when I am eating because I am bored or tired -- I try a glass of water with lemon and that usually takes care of it.

Soooo with all the stress Ive been under I gained 15 lbs! yikes! time to get it back off - i'll feel better about myself.
Joined gym about a 45min walk away from where Im living. This past week attended 10 gym classes, walked 30min/every day and 4x (2hrs total) on the weight machines.

:grouphug: Sorry to hear about the tough times. Sounds like you have a plan and are moving in the right direction again.

It's great to hear everyone's goals and plans!
my summer plans? hopefully to get to as many EpCot concerts as possible - lots of groups playing in the America gardens. Get more settled, license back, weight loss, reduced stress and hopefully find a job.

Concerts at EPCOT sound like a lot of fun!

The biggest challenge for me I think will be eating out, but we will be camping so mostly eating at the campsite.

I am sure that you can find some camping food that will taste good and be good for you. Plus everything tastes better when you are eating under the stars!

We are left coasters and I think we live in paradise. I'm an office manager for an auto dealership. I've worked there for 24 years.
I have struggled with my weight all my life. I am currently doing WW and have done it in the past as well. My current loss since my most recent WW return is 32 lbs.

Venetia, I am glad that the fires stayed away from you. I hoe that things are going okay at your dealership. My Dad worked for Chrysler for 30 years -- it is a tough time in the car business. Your cabin vacation sounds like fun!

DH got the Wii working for me, and I'm down 0.4lbs. :cool1:

Nice job!

I'll catch up with you all again after our vacation and HOPEFULLY I won't have gained a bunch while on vacation!

Have a safe trip and a wonderful time. Say hello to WDW for us!

I would love to join this challange if its not too late--lmk---I am a little bummed about being put on a second blood pressure med on FRiday---and really want to loose weight and eat well-- and I'm tired of feeling like I'm 90.

Welcome! Please be sure and PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo. My blood pressure meds have to be adjusted periodically, too, I think that your body adapts. Good luck in our challenge!
Wow! I was so happy to see everyone checking in.

Running a bit late on a lazy Sunday morning so am a bit late with the QOTD.

QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

I love the song "He Lives in You" The Lion King on Broadway. I also love any of the Pirates songs, especially good old "Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate's life for me!"

Have a great Sunday all!
I am one of those people that have a hard time eating right for some reason if I don't have it all planned out. I know it sounds crazy, but if my house is messy it makes it harder for me to eat healthy and exercise. For some reason I just want to be lazier when the house is a wreck.:confused3 Crazy huh?

You know, I think there's a book called "Does All This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?" and they link clutter to all kinds of emotional/health problems.
QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

Wow, I love so many of them, but I think I have to say my favorite is "Once Upon A Dream" from Sleeping Beauty. I've always said that is the song I would dance to at my wedding...still waiting for that...haven't run into my prince with "that gleam" in his eye!
QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

Disney has so many great songs, but my favourite is "The Bare Necessities"!

Its a lazy Sunday morning for me. I got to slip in a bit after staying up way too late playing Dr Mario with DH. Its a stat holiday tomorrow, and it feels so good to take some time to just relax.
My favorite Disney song is "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. I'm so glad I checked in here today. I was about to blow off my workout because it's late in the day and I haven't done anything, but it's just a walk today so there's no reason not to take it.

I had an accident with a clam plate and twizzlers last night. I did contain it to one meal, so I'm considering that progress. But, I consciously chose to eat it, so I have to live with the consequences. On the bright side, we have a good menu plan for this week, so it shouldn't be too hard to stick to it.

It is great to read everyone's summer plans. I am already looking forward to the long weekend for Memorial Day, that's when summer really kicks off for us.

Maria :upsidedow
My favorite Disney song.... I hope this doesnt make me sound depressing. But my favorite is "I will go flying no more" from Toy Story. It's just such a profound moment where ignorance is no longer bliss. And it make you finally see Buzz as a real person & start to love him. OK, ok, I may love Disney movies waaaaaayyyyyy too much.

My favorite motivational Disney song, however, is I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan. I have it on my MP3 player & when I really want to stop running & just walk I play it and it makes me keep running imagining Mulan trying to get to the top of that pole with just those ropes with the weights on the ends. Ya know what I mean? I identify with Mulan a lot anyway so maybe that's why.

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

Oh, and I love what all the people training say too:

I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

I can totally identify with I'm never gonna catch my breath and Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym when I'm trying to run!
Today's QOTD is a two part question. Tell us a little about yourself and your goals for this challenge.

Hi, I'm Jessica. I've tried to do a few of these challenges before but, they didn't last. Hopefully the QOTD will keep me motivated to come check-in. I really want to lose 5-10 pounds before my June trip to the World. I want to try to look more toned.

QOTD -- What are your plans for the summer? How will your plans help or hinder your goals for this challenge?

My summer starts with an amazing 7 day trip to Disney World. The rest of my summer looks to be pretty much staying local. I will defiently be eating on vacation, but I'll be doing a lot of moving too. I hope it will kind of equal out.

QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

I love "We Go On" from Illuminations and the music from "Wishes" they both make me teary-eyed. On a less sappy note I like the Tiki Room Song.:goodvibes
QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

I want to be Like You - from the Jungle Book!

Things are going good! I feel like I'm going good and strong for a nice loss this week. I feel on top of my game right now - Here is to a great week for all of us :)
QOTD -- What are your plans for the summer? How will your plans help or hinder your goals for this challenge?

Leaving for WDW June 20, and my hindrance is that we are on the DDP. How can I turn down those desserts? After our 7 days at WDW we aren't coming home, we're heading to Ohio for the next week to visit family. IT will be a little easier to get on track with the diet there, but eating out and traveling are always a challenge for me.

Next QOTD - fav Disney song: Hakuna Matata! It means no worries, for the rest of your days...

Here are the lyrics:

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Why, when he was a young warthog...
When I was a young wart hoooog!
Very nice.
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savannah after every meal
I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
And oh, the shame
(He was ashamed!)
Thoughta changin' my name
(Oh, what's in a name?)
And I got downhearted
(How did you feel?)
Ev'rytime that I...
Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!
Oh... sorry.

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Yeah, sing it, kid!
It's our problem-free
Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna matata

It means no worries
For the rest of your days.
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata
I third I wanna be like you :goodvibes It's nice to be amongst those who 'get' you...
At the scottish festival a ladies choir sang for awhile and I whispered to a friendly older lady that they reminded me of the flowers in Alice in Wonderland. She asked me if I meant the animated one and said she'd never seen that. I just felt horrified. What rock had she been under??? Anyways my second pick would 'probly be Scales and Arpeggios from Aristocats. I used to play that song over and over on our turn table. The sad part is I was in my teens at the time. The glimmerings of early crazy cat lady I guess.
Starting weights are mostly in. There's just 5 people still missing!
Eeyores Butterfly
uptown girl44​

Love seeing what songs everybody likes!
You're so motivated and happy, Kathy, I know that you will succeed this challenge! :cheer2: That thinking before you eat is a lot harder than it sounds. I have been more aware when I am eating because I am bored or tired -- I try a glass of water with lemon and that usually takes care of it.

Thanks Lisa. I've been trying to drink a big glass of water first when I feel the need to eat and that does stop the craving sometimes.

Wow! I was so happy to see everyone checking in.

Running a bit late on a lazy Sunday morning so am a bit late with the QOTD.

QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

I love Kiss the girl from the little mermaid.

QOTD -- What is your favorite Disney song? It can be from a park, movie, play, etc.

Wow, I love so many of them, but I think I have to say my favorite is "Once Upon A Dream" from Sleeping Beauty. I've always said that is the song I would dance to at my wedding...still waiting for that...haven't run into my prince with "that gleam" in his eye!
Where are those princes???!!! I haven't met mine yet either, but haven't really been looking too hard lately.
I had an accident with a clam plate and twizzlers last night. I did contain it to one meal, so I'm considering that progress. But, I consciously chose to eat it, so I have to live with the consequences. On the bright side, we have a good menu plan for this week, so it shouldn't be too hard to stick to it.
we all have those days, and like you're planning, get right back on track and you'll be fine. It's letting it snowball that gets me in trouble.

QOTD -- What are your plans for the summer? How will your plans help or hinder your goals for this challenge?

Leaving for WDW June 20, and my hindrance is that we are on the DDP. How can I turn down those desserts? After our 7 days at WDW we aren't coming home, we're heading to Ohio for the next week to visit family. IT will be a little easier to get on track with the diet there, but eating out and traveling are always a challenge for me.

Next QOTD - fav Disney song: Hakuna Matata! It means no worries, for the rest of your days...
You can't turn down the desserts, but you can make other smart choices. We did the dining plan for the first time in January, and I ate my desserts, but I didn't eat any fried foods, and I tried to get my water in, and with all the walking, I ended up maintaining, which was great. It's getting right back to program after vacation that messes me up. They were talking about this at ww on saturday, and my leader said there are 2 wrong ways to do vacation. 1. stick totally to the plan, and not indulge at all, and 2. go totally crazy and eat and drink everything in site. The middle ground is best- eat what you really want, drink what you want, but don't go crazy, and you will be fine. No worries!! Love hakuna matata.

Things are going good! I feel like I'm going good and strong for a nice loss this week. I feel on top of my game right now - Here is to a great week for all of us :)
:thumbsup2 that's awesome!!

I'd been doing good, and bought myself a box of the hundred calorie pack hostess cupcakes as a reward, thinking I'm on track, and I'll have one a night. Well, I ate the whole box yesterday.:confused: I guess that's one thing I can't have in the house. Today's a new day. Back on track.
I've got some catching up to do... I spent all weekend in bed sick and I'm just starting to feel like myself again.

Tell us about yourself and your goals.
I'm Vanessa. I'm 21 years old and my life goal is to work in guest relations. My goal for this clallange is to lose the 25 lbs I've been struggling with. I never had problems with my weight until I moved home from Florida in Jan. of 08. I gained about 30 lbs. I want to lose most of it before I go back in Aug.

My plans for the summer are to just survive. I am moving back down to Florida in the middle of Aug. (I check in the 19th to be exact.) And I want to lose some weight before I go back. I'm hoping this challange will be the motivation I need!:yay:

My favorite Disney song is either the soundtrack to Wishes (I know it's more than one song...) or "Your heart will lead you home" from the home on the range.
Today is a new day, ready to get more focused on my exercising, drinking water and better portion control. I too need to focus on eating more fresh fruits, veggies are never the problem but the fruits I just don't seem to get in.

Sounds like a great plan to stay on track, Tammy! :thumbsup2

Its a stat holiday tomorrow, and it feels so good to take some time to just relax.

Enjoy your day off. Hope the weather cooperates! :goodvibes

I was about to blow off my workout because it's late in the day and I haven't done anything, but it's just a walk today so there's no reason not to take it.

Nice job getting back on track, Maria!

I can totally identify with I'm never gonna catch my breath and Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym when I'm trying to run!

Another fool who cut gym here . . . we didn't even have to take PE after we were freshmen in high school. So sad! :sad2:

Hi, I'm Jessica. I've tried to do a few of these challenges before but, they didn't last. Hopefully the QOTD will keep me motivated to come check-in.

Welcome, Jessica! Be sure and PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo.

Things are going good! I feel like I'm going good and strong for a nice loss this week. I feel on top of my game right now - Here is to a great week for all of us :)

Go, Melanie, go! :cheer2: I knew you would hit your stride!

Next QOTD - fav Disney song: Hakuna Matata! It means no worries, for the rest of your days...

I love that song too. :goodvibes

Anyways my second pick would 'probly be Scales and Arpeggios from Aristocats. I used to play that song over and over on our turn table. The sad part is I was in my teens at the time. The glimmerings of early crazy cat lady I guess.

Susan, it doesn't surprise me at all that you would love a song from the Aristocrats!


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